Why do Chinks hate blacks as well?
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They make up close to 20% of the prison population in China?
Because unlike the jungle savages, Chinese history legit goes back thousands of years and is all well documented.
They also don't like the idea of competition in the area of drugs.
Nope, at least the asianmasculinity losers from USA, Canada, Australia and New Zeland try to take advantage
In reality the asianmasculinity say that black women are ugly, blacks are shit, don't want to live around blacks and latinos, i already read this in similar asianmasculinity blogs, websites, but they also pretend to be white, black, have a bunch of beta organized loser asian men on internet, i at least want to think that asian men on asia aren't losers like the insane loser asian boys from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland that i learned to see loser asian men on internet trying hard and obsessed in try to create justifications to feel better in their ego while trying to manipulate against white dudes
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Everyone hates blacks, even blacks. Just look how many blacks are murdered by other blacks.
Fear of the BBC God genes!!
you can add "tired of this imaginary superior mentality" as another reason why we hate them
Oh you mad because im stylin' on you!! You madd..
Go spend time with blacks, you'll find some reasons. Just make sure not to relax.
Because they don't pay their rent on time and almost every time you have to evict them through the court. No matter how smart or well off they are, they will never pay their rent on time.
Literally how? Isn't the Asian part of the world one of the most closed areas to foreigners? Considering there are BILLIONS of rice chimps, they must be literal Nigger bait to have that many around!
chinks want to eat niggers to increase their penis size
its ancient oriental medicine knowledge
not that irrational,
it happens, and its true.
funny story. earlier this week i stopped by a gas station to get gas at 9:30 am. Inside were 2 blacks. One young, one in his 50s? Anyway he had a 24oz STACK high gravity beer. They are 9.9% alcohol. I was floored. He jumped in a work van with the young guy and drove off.
This is the kind of i don't care shit you see on Cops or Live PD. Dude literally didn't care of any consequence to drinking beer and driving on the job.
Because it is true you filthy nigger lover
Blacks are dumb, violent, impulsive, ugly, smelly, and literally subhuman since they don't have the Neanderthal genes that every actual human being has. That's why they just aren't compatible with civilization.
because chinks also have a much higher IQ
reminder..... even ghandi hated niggers and considered them only slightly above apes
All the things Blacks have created:
let's start with that computer you're typing on
- the software that drives it
- the internet & nearly all web applications
- recorded music
- motion pictures
- tv
- radio
- camera
- telephone
- light bulb
- the automobile
- rocketry
- satellites
- spacecraft
- airplanes
- skyscrapers
- telescope
- printing press
- eyeglasses
- contact lenses
- microwave oven
- metallurgy (most discoveries)
- materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
- 95% of medical advancements
- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
- modern food preservatives
- most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
- the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
- astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
- sea navigation (most advancements)
- discovery of DNA
- microscope
- laser technology and it's myriad of uses
- harnessing electricity
- nuclear energy
- wireless technology
- air conditioning devices
- refrigeration
- modern agricultural techniques
- modern democracy
- modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it's faults)
Blacks are the supreme race! Post this in every thread! Spread the Word!
>chinks hate blacks
Well they willingly vote together in a unified voting block
Because they are all so tiresome
this nigger actually believes this shit bwajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
and obama was mixed race not black faggot
Chinks don't like dindus because they never were in contact with them prior to globalization, and every Asian country was isolated from the rest of the world.
And that hatred is alive and well, take a look at what China is doing in Africa, and how they treat the niggers there
They are born based
>He is the first African American to have served as president.
BTFO lmao
Because they're smart
chinese fear them because they know they would live for 300 years under the BBC-Dynasty
even if they outnumbered the BBC Gods 1000:1 they would still fear and they would still crumble and submit
mixed race.... jsut because you claim him doesnt mean he is black
obama... first black pres... actually mixed
lewis hamilton, first black formula one champ... actually mixed
tiger woods, first black golf champ.... actually mixed
you fuckin niggers need to decide if you like mixed race or if everyone that comes out not white is "black"
brainless fucking mongrels
The first Chinese people were Black so they're trying to hide from history
Have you ever seen a chink dick? They fear the BBC, obviously.
Obama identifies as African American deal with it whitey
Because it happens like clockwork.
those condoms look big. I feel inadequate
Crab in the bucket mentality. They rather fight over resources within the community then just leave to another community with better resources
Think I read somewhere that there was an increase of visas allowed from Africa to China due to the various governments allowing China to work in Africa. Going to see if I can find that article.
thats just grade A projection from the Chinsects considering how they are ricing Africa
Look at that African nose the chinese were originally black
what he identifies as doesnt change what he is.... thats pretty simple logic.... so is that white bitch that was running that nigger foundation black too because she identifies as black then??? this is what 80 iq brings to the table
Slants would be wise to not allow a nigger horde into their lands.
Yeah, closest thing I can find is this article that mentions various summits between Africa and China due to business, education and such: usnews.com
biracial people can choose what race they identify as
BTFO again
kids can identity as gender floods and it won't change the fact that most of them are female
gender not the same as race nice try though
(((nytimes))) logic lel
gender is fluid...
mixed race can pick
blacks arent racist
lel..... sad thing is you actually believe in all this retarded shit.... jewyorktimes bwahahahahahaha
Better question is who doesn't hate niggers. Even niggers hate themselve so much that they try to mate with other races and only as a last resort their own.
why you mad though?
mad that black man can become president and he was better than all the white ones
Everyone hates everyone.
they're both forms of personal identity in this instance. I have a biracial nephew who I explain to this very often that he is neither black nor white, but both. a mixed person will never be 100% welcome in white nor black communities
The whole world looks toward Africans with suspicion. This "suspicion" is founded in evolutionary biology. In the collective mind of the rest of the world, Africans are an evolutionary throwback. We have difficulty putting into words exactly why we're "suspicious" but it's because we know that they're retrogrades.
>That feels like some deep personal shit man.
>Did some japa fucked that chick you were orbiting or something?
Whats the matter my macaquito?
Because they are evil racists who have an irrational hatred and fear of the color black obviously.
Oh wait, its because niggers commit fuck tons of crime there and are virtually incapable of doing anything productive besides rapping, playing sports or starting up getting a job in some Jew run anti racism organisation. Just like everywhere else they live.
Ye no shit.
everyone hates niggers, even niggers, that's why they frantically try to get into countries/communicates with no niggers, eventually turning that into a shit hole too.
What did he mean by this?
Chinese (and most other east asians) hate blacks on a genetical level. It's true, they even detest their smell.
>why do _____ hate blacks?
“irrational“ .....
Everyone hates niggers.
Post something neeeeew! Waaaaah!
If reality were an transsexual geode it would fucking hate niggers!
everyone that isn't brainwashed by kikes does
so basically anyone that isn't white
He meant that YOU götveren are fucking cancer, but the fact that you hate them aswell says alot about those niggers.
Does that make any sense to you, Müslüm?
>using fake quotes
nahh just pointing out that true nigger blood never accomplishes anything and that you have to claim mixed race people for your firsts.... pathetic.... every other time you call them uncle toms.... #becausenigger
He must be pretty stupid then. Nevermind.
Sounds like everyone I know who works construction.. obviously he's a functional alcoholic.. I've worked with a few of them
>Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you
I don't even care if this quote is bullshit, this right here is very fucking true.
> you have to claim mixed race people for your firsts
lol obama himself claimed he was black
stop being mad it's not healthy
Chinks and white people are jealous of our unique creativity, larger penises, and physical prowess.
What man doesn't want to be an alpha? We're naturally more alpha.
What do you mean? He seems pretty rational to me.
fuck off, nigger
>better than all the white ones
once again... just like the little fruit cakes in NY can claim they are a woman and not a man doesnt change what they are..... he is mixed no matter what he claims.... what is so hard to understand about that. im not mad... you are just mentally deficient.
obama can claim to be whatever he wants.... doesnt change the fact his mother was white.... mixed race.... nothing you can do about it... no amount of claiming or identifying will change that.... have fun with you autism
Nothing irrational about being scared that your women will leave you for BBC when you have a micropenis.
He makes too many assumtions.
More assumptions means more chance of being wrong. Thats the opposite of being rational.
>Why do Chinks hate blacks as well?
Hating niggers is a human constant. A fact of life.
The question is
>Why do judaized whites like them?
The BBC meme is arguable in the West, but in China its as certain as gravity
How can 3" dicklets compete
welp society doesn't care for your opinion he will be remembered by the majority as the first black president. a black man saved america from bush deal with it
Pic related.
Shit like this. You think blacks are unbearable in white countries. Imagine what they would be like in a country where everybody is polite and diminutive.
The only oppressed people that you have to build walls to keep out.
what a fucking strange time it is from just 3 years ago where china and russia were our enemies, now theyre more like beacons of civility in this gay earth
If you'd ever had sex you'd know that it doesn't matter. I'd gladly donate 2 inches of my 8 inch cock to have three zeroes added to my bank account.
Still too cryptic or me. Speak up whats your point?
Like I said. Never mind.
They cant identify as white. No one would buy it.
Stupid nigger.
Because they aren't restricted by "DATS RACIST" when considering the facts of how much prison time is spent punishing black people, in China and other countries.
And colonizing Africa, of course.
Probably because of the crime and rape and general niggatry.
But this is what happens when an African rapes someone in China. Sweden please take notes.
You will never understand the alpha instinct to keep your mouth shut and plan slow, methodical revenge. This is why you niggers have always been and always will be animals.
Oh yea I forgot white people are so genetically weak that every other race can fuck their genes
Thanks for reminding me cumskin