I know the British are cucks that can't own guns but why don't the own bow and arrows and spears to fight the Muslims?
Why dont the british go medieval?
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Before the Great War in Britain, a man had to be aged 14 to buy a gun. Other than this, there was absolutely ZERO restriction on guns in Britain.
you have to be part of a renactment group or lisenced practitioner of a martial art to own an edge weapon over the perscribed size
what the fuck happened
When Americans kill all blacks.
I'm waiting Mr 56%.
Do you have any idea how much regulation there is for knives and other similar weapons?
someone went an murdered a bunch of kids and the goverment kneejerked guns out of public existence in the mainland. Northern Ireland is still fine though.
Surely you jest.
I know they probably to speak about it openly but people have to know their country is being invaded and their government is trying to make them hapless victims. Are people arming themselves in secret?
And get shot by the cops while delegitimizing the anti-immigration movement? Fucking tough guy idiots, do you think beating up a few people matters if it leads to a few more million more immigrants?
What this user said was correct
When we were a white country and the only weapons you could buy were single shot muskets and rifles then we were able to.
After the war when we lost so much of our population because america was a pussy country that could only commit once the war was already over our idiot labour government decided to relax immigration policies inviting in the empire, advances in flight and sea transport meant that a tsunami of immigrants came at us.
It is a sign of great forsight that the ability to own weapons greatly reduced otherwise we'd have situations like you do with blacks in your inner cities.
Thank god we don't
Because you can't buy a butterknife at Tesco without a five day waiting period.
You're a dumb cunt, after the Great War they were afraid of a Bolshevik uprising like what happened when in Russia so banned the carrying of pistols in public and required licences for rifles and shotguns
We kill more blacks in America then pretty much any other country not in Africa. It's our national sport.
They had more than single shot muskets in the 19th century and early 20th century...
You're a retard, go back to Reddi t dumb liberal
>It is a sign of great forsight that the ability to own weapons greatly reduced otherwise we'd have situations like you do with blacks in your inner cities.
>Thank god we don't
Don't say that. It's very triggering for the Americans to face the reality of their poor choices.
Also Canada is 2% nigger
The inner cities are mostly white, Toronto is 75% White Scarborough is 20%
Sod off, the parasol has been banned long ago. Bin that parasol!
>ring sword
That's a bicycle wheel, and everything in that picture is outlawed.
The gun restrictions are the same for the Muslims, so they should be on even playing field. Just use whatever methods the Muslims are using (vehicles, rape, bad hygiene).
God damned assault umbrellas! Seen a Nigger kill an entire rap concert with one.
Nope. As a member of the aformentioned and practitioner of the latter we still need to be lisenced by the governing bodies to be allowed to buy the kit.
>Bastard sword
>Blade as wide as the cross guard
>No difference in blade or grip length from regular sword
>"Bastard sword"
What is this anime bullshit
Did they ever stop?
tfw average british "man"
Muh sick is the best weapon.... Because of the herpes.
They can't even hold onto a butterknife without getting arrested for it.
Problem lies in heads, not in weapon-banning laws. If they werent cucked they wouldnt allowed government to take away guns in first place.
What did you say about my brolly?
It's perfectly legal to own a bow or cross bow, you just aren't allowed to hunt with them
I'm British and own a cross bow, swords and an axe. They were bought for decorative purposes of course, but are fully functional if needed in self-defence against invading Ottomons.
>someone went an murdered a bunch of kids
Convenient, wasn't it?
Pretty sure that's just carrying in public.
>ring sword
is there any way to use such a thing?
I wonder why they never removed muslims from public existence after all that happened with children.
How bizzare.
You won the War yet somehow there was no victory.
I trained by copying Soul Calibur III
the british can't even own a spork without being told to give it up.
the picture is bad
it's just a larger longsword that has a grip long enough to be used in two hands, but is small enough to still be wielded one handed by most swordsmen
They can't.
It's still happening every fucking day.
>you see old chap, the most gentlemanly way to do battle in this day and age is with the ring sword, as any mark you leave on your opponent must also appear on your hand
>to fight the Muslims?
Maybe because we're grownups and don't have Red Dawn-style fantasies about fighting Muslims. Jeez, Americans are such fucking children. Did Trump get into office because your AR-15 put him there? Or did he get into office because you finally realised that wanking over /k/'s fantasies isn't nearly as effective as actually participating in the real world and doing things like organising political rallies and going out and voting.
And I say this as someone who actually does own a bow for sport purposes.
Yeah I was right.
That's only if carrying in public or if you want a katana or curved blade over 50cm. Only exemptions for the curved swords are antiques, swords traditionally made and reenactor kit etc
That picture is also missing assault sticks
I'm going to report you for possession of deadly weapons and hate crimes because you misspelled Ottomans you fascist bastard!
If you're not using that bow to pierce nigger and Muslim skulls you'll hang with them on the day of the rope
I think the creator of this pic mistook a bastard sword with a Buster Sword.
It's a bit different. A bastard sword is generally considered to be a sword held with two hands, where one hand goes on the grip and the other on the pommel. The hilt is longer than the one-handed sword, but shorter than the two-handed sword. That's why it's sometimes called a hand-and-a-half sword.
Historically, it meant various things though.
Sounds like you want to be on the wrong side of the herpes.
I get what your saying, but it still doesn't account for the retarded blade...
>why don't the British go medieval
They can't even own butter knives without a license lel
Where the fuck are you getting these numbers? Toronto is 40% white at the very best and the inner cities are overrun with niggers.
Guns are legal in the UK.
We can own bows and arrows, sure. But guns are legal.
>Not owning a billhook
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>americans can get assault rifles from food stores
>only one guy has massacred blacks
Explain this to me. Are american white supremacists cucks?
The invaders are already adapting the locals should too.
Billhooks are just incompetent halberds.
We know on a genetic level that in order to solve the problem, we don't apply a .45 bandaid to the black symptom, we must first organize and apply a comprehensive gas based treatment to the Jewish infestation.
Someone please explain to me where exactly a nigga is supposed to hold the ring sword
Maybe you're supposed to throw it like a frisbee
You use it like a hula hoop.
They cant have butter knifes how the fuck do you think they can have weapons like these ROFLMAO
Perhaps train your local Muslims to attack your local jews?
The inner edge is blunt, obviously. And it's not a sword - it's a throwing weapon that does work more or less like a frisbee.
>based sikhs
very carefully
Wizardry as well ?
Dumb fucking Quebec nigger shut the fuck up you don't know shit
>implying they need training for that.
It's a dirty little secret that the left doesn't like talking about, but their precious Muslims are responsible for almost all hate crimes against Jews in the UK
Archery, bike wheels, wizardry, herpes... Use what you got.
I couldn't be bothered to get a firearms licence and i don't intend to shoot at some gay club so bought a bolt action airsoft gun and modified it so it fires at 1200fps, more than an air rifle, i stashed the conversion under my floorboards and repaired the gun so it functions normally for now, if things go to shit then I'll quickly convert it back. It won't kill anything more than a rabbit but at least it's something.
Does it hurt coming to terms with the fact that if you don't pack your largest cities with like-minded voters, you may as well not even show up to vote? In our country, Hillary "won" the popular vote exclusively in the cities, while America as a whole voted for Trump and barely won due to the electoral college system.
Is it still legal to own a framing hammer? Could always knee cap the guy with the airgun then lobodomize him with the hammer.
Protip, learn how to refine combustible materials. Or just stockpile them if you like a great big question laying about. You can make a blunderbuss from like 4 pieces of pipe, and two of them will be cosmetic. Worked for your ancestors, it'll just be a little uglier with what you can get from costco.
Kinda, but I think all of America and Canada is left wing. I think Trump is a liberal nut job
I want him to make it legal to lynch homos and hang them all on th streets
He should recognise the bible as truth and make mixing with the beast (niggers) illegal
He should pass national stand your ground laws (the bible says it's okay to kill a thief)
Are slam guns dumb? ... asking for a friend
>even getting a spoon much less a knife or a mace without a license
How is getting your shit kicked in by a crowd of filthy niggers any better than having the ability to legally defend yourself, possibly with a deadly force? Newsflash, the criminal elements in your country do own firearms.
While I agree with you entirely, we live in strange times and the window has to shift back before we have a shot at something like that. I'm personally just hoping for the left to overstep their bounds so far that even the most cucked will stand against it. Then things would be bad for a short time, but hopefully we'd get the thousand year Reich we got jewed out of last time.
UK Government truly is pathetic
Day of the Rope when
Because everything is against the law in the UK, even pepper spray is against the law, if an intruder is on your property and you're at the window waving a knife to scare them off, you're breaking the law, fucking everything is against the law in this fucked up country
Technically, yes, but as long as you make it out of regulation piping and regularly inspect it for cracks, it should be fine.
Bad times make strong men, something something.
Why would we? The country is already lost at a spiritual level, and modern Britons know nothing of our history and culture, and care little for what they do know. Add into that that the government for a few generations now has raised the natives with the mindset of a persecuted minority who feels alien in their own homeland, and it's easy to explain the lack of will to fight or even openly dissent from policy.
I mean, what would they be asking for? If they know nothing of what we once was, how can they desire a return to that?
Those are banned too, man. If you have a box knife in your pocket you can be arrested. If you punch your assailant you can be arrested.
>If you punch your assailant you can be arrested.
Surely no one has cucked themselves THAT hard, these can't be our progenitors.
Cause the fight isnt fucking physical you fucking mongoloid. If you let them in behind your fences you have already lost because your society failed to uphold values and cohesion absolutely neccessary for survival as a nation. No amount of larping will change that. You could own as much MUHGUNZ as you want, if youre not having 2.1 children on the average you are going to get replaced. No day of the rope will ever happened, you will just get quietly bred out and your westcuck will be okay with it because you are too well off and too comfortable to seriously consider changing the status quo.
Get fucked, larping shits.
After that girl got arrested for using pepper spray on a rapist, I'll believe anything out of Europe.
Even if whites had a fertility rate of 4, then the government will pay the immigrants to have 5 kids.
No amount of native births can beat the speed at which the government can bring the immigrants in, and the speed at which they can spit the kids out when the natives are footing the bill.
billhooks are great! for their intended purpose at least. As a weapon... Wouldn't know, never tried that. No officer, the thought never even crossed my mind
As I said, we're already the persecuted minority, we just happen to have the largest population.
Just a reminder that white people ruled south Africa with guns even though they were out numbered. And take a look at all the in armed Frenchmen living in Haiti. Fuck yourself, every fight becomes physical in the end you degenerate. And people will rise up as soon as the comfort dissolves. KYS and everyone you know.
you got it burgerbro. if infested with weeds, it's no use snipping of the leaves of said weeds. You need to get to the root of the problem (what-ever this may be)
The comfort wont dissolve. That's what debt is for.
All they have to then to is make the collapse so crushing that you can pay people into compliance with bread and firewood, like they did in the USSR.
How can bowhunting be illegal? Aren't you British?
Even the USSR got redpilled in the end.
The halberd is the greatest medieval melee weapon and I will debate anyone on that