Turns his metal band into some pop shit

>turns his metal band into some pop shit
>fans get upset
>"fuck you lol"
Chester words:
>“If you’re saying we’re doing what we’re doing for a commercial or monetary reason, trying to make success out of some formula … then stab yourself in the face … Why are we still talking about Hybrid Theory? It’s f–king years ago. It’s a great record, we love it. Like, move the fuck on. You know what I mean?”

Corey taylor:
>“I understand where he’s at. God, I would’ve never say it the way he did, but you get frustrated and you want people to embrace the evolution,” Corey said. “At the same time, you should probably be very, very fortunate that people this far along the line still love that music you made.”

Fuck this guy. I always liked LP (the old albums) but come on, they fucking ruined it!

Slipknot is a much better band, at least Corey understands that we like the band the way it is and they managed to keep their style for all this years.

Just listen to this song from Slipknot's latest album from 2014, it sounds just like something from "Iowa" from 2001:


Slipknot is the best metal band ever.

Other urls found in this thread:


Musicians are artists and usually get tired of doing the same shit all the time. Even eminem doesn't like slim shady.

>he tried so hard

>I always liked LP
>Slipknot is the best metal band ever.
You're going in the oven, you pathetic, edgy rat.

90s-2000s Artist do. I feel that 60s-80s artist never got tired of their stuff.

Lost you at Slipknot.
Fucking Juggalos

That's because 90-2000s can eat shit through a penile catheter

I love slipknot but raubtier is patrician taste

> slipknot is the greatest band ever
fuck off.

jewry freemasonry fuks goyim via lodge cops clergy courts

COrey Taylor is an establishment cock sucker.

Slipknot is supposed to be edgy, there is nothing dangerous and "alternative" about supporting Hillary Clinton

>Linkin Park

One thing that I like about Slipknot is its percussion and bass. How many bands use timpani?

But they fail to realize most of their fans don't love them, just their work. So when they start doing something new and different people aren't going to flock to it unless it's actually good.

in the end, it didn't even matter

Considering how often they fail, they just got very lucky to find a niche therefore some success in the first place.

This happens with novelists, too, the harry potter lady tried more adult genres but it didn't work out, now she's back to harry potter.


>listening to slipknot or linkin park


>Nazi has shit taste

What a surprise

>"they fail to realize most of the people don't like them but their work"
Well said. Think you hit the nail on the head.

i don't even know their names, but i know In The End goes with every anime music video ever

They ALL get sick of it. Even Iron Maiden's current tour is basically a set of modern B-sides, and it sucks because of it.
It's just that the 90s/2000s bands haven't gotten old and wise enough to accept the fact that fans only want to hear the old shit, and fans are paying their rent.


They were so try hard in the Nardwuar interview

>thinks Slipknot is real metal
fuck off you beta faggot listen to cannibal corpse

Saying Slipknot is the best metal band ever is pretty much like saying McDonald's has the best hamburger.

Why did the genre suddenly die out around 2009.
Did Obama kill post grunge?
Did every band fall for the meme, lets do something different(faggoty shit) and our fans will follow?
A couple bands changed their tunes to hackjob feminine pop rock that sounds like U2 and Coldplay.
Everyone I know who listened to 00's rock music went over to country myself included.


Never ever understood why musicians wanted to play this kind of music.



bait worthy of sage