Instead it's leading us down this path
This is the future you allowed, you have no one else to blame....
Instead it's leading us down this path
This is the future you allowed, you have no one else to blame....
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks doc
this is kino
I will forever hate Estonia for changing their flag
There's a building downtown where I live with those colors. I'll try to remember taking a picture next time I'm near
They sell ice cream but it's probably the filthiest ice cream place in the world
I don't give a shit about Mexico
The fuck did I just watch???
Little late to the party
Correction : science + communism would lead us to the stars
Basic economics says otherwise
>that link
We have drifted too far from God. We deserve to be genocided.
...thanks doc?
Fuck the leaf. i'm interested to see it.
I'm also interested in seeing the nastiest ice cream in the world.
Entertain us.
>hates snowflakes
>finger prints already have us down to an individual basis
>science comes along and does science
>can't answer the question
>blames rainbows and trannies
>fag flag
Checks out. Keep shitposting, breh.
Call me when you flag and country are indistinguishable from each other.
>They sell ice cream but it's probably the filthiest ice cream place in the world
im sure everything in mexico is the fithiest in the world.
stop sending your cousins to chicago. you guys are almost worse than niggers at this point. on my way to work today some mexishit picked her nose and ate her booger. i almost threw up. bitch had 3 kids. wtf.
has this become a pavlovian conditioning?
What does that mean?
I'm so sick of these people.
No, its just a meme you fucking newfag.
Its the same as baneposting.
I did not expect my daily dose in this form, doc. Thanks.
>being dumb
captcha: school gain
>This is the future you allowed, you have no one else to blame....
I could've fought harder, I didn't want to end up in prison though, sorry.
The doc likes to try new methods for delivering his dose. His current favorite is a suppository.
>They sell ice cream but it's probably the filthiest ice cream place in the world
I'd expect nothing less.
two genders, x and y chromosome TWO ! FINGERPRINTS!
Explain meme to me? I know of no "thanks doc" meme
Why the fuck was that video made? Was it from a movie or is it some tranny shit they masturbate to or something?
probably either trying to promote tranny shit or show how fucking crazy and worthless it is. Either way, it's crazy, degenerate, and deserves to be gassed.
You must be among the newest of fags.
been on Sup Forums over a year, so yes, technically could be called a newfag, but not as new as some I've seen. Been on Sup Forums on and off for 6 years tho
>came here during the election
Get out
are you fucking retarded? what is the connection between what i wrote and you wrote? i was referring to the fact that the image has just bit of green and purple and the fact the the first thing that passes through our minds IS the meme.
also show the flag you nigger
>dude "SciencePorn" lmao
>liberal transfag follower
w'how... how could they have not seen this coming
Good joke, snow commie.
shut up greaseball.
italians are subhuman
What was the redheaded daughter of Sup Forums called again?
vivian? shes from 8cham
also Sup Forums