You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't a white supremacist
Aryan Bloodlust 14/881935
I'm not white
because im a white ULTRASUPREMACIST
Because I'm not worried about skin cancer. I already have enough melanin.
OP, you probably have a year or two to explain you are not a neo marxist traitor anti white racist. After that you will be hanged.
I value culture over race. That said, niggers need to go.
I'm not white
since they don't have any culture.
Because the jungle booty gets me.
im not white but i support the white race and nazis. Can I be honorary?
because the correct term is Aryan (if you want to be mystical) or Indo-European (if you want to be accurate) - (((white))) supremacism is pure kikery.
No, because they generally lack intelligence and are prone to impulsive violence. Over the next few hundred years they'll mix with whites and Asians and lower the intelligence of the population if we don't segregate.
This whole problem can probably be fixed by genetic engineering but christcucks and slimes stand in the way.
I'm like 5% Injun
closed borders and segregation. deport all 3rd world migrants, refugees, rapefugees, illegal mexicans, vietcongs...
If whites were so great we wouldn't be in this problem. The fact that we surrendered the world to the Asians is insane. The only supremacists who were right were the Romans. Post 1945 whites are not supreme. Not saying Asians are but holy shit we have fallen.
Asians keep copying what we invent in the west.
Stop outsourcing anything to Asia, and by 2027 they will not compete with their copied 2017 technology.
Liberalism and neo-marxism are the only thing wrong with white people.
I'm dating an Asian girl.
Because white supremacists fuck men.
Not a shabbos-goy for murrisharts and roaches.
I'm not white
>and lower the intelligence of the population
Natural selection fixes this.
Simply preserve a culture that values intelligence and race mix the minorities into oblivion.
Sensible border controls are required of course, but keeping the minorities poor and segregated ensures a future with a growing minority population.
Look at how bad the US has become. If they had mixed with the blacks there would be none left by now. Same goes for your country.