you deserve it.let me repeat myself:you deserve it.all of it.you fucking cuckolds let everyone walk all over like the beta faggots you are.where the fuck are the riots?where are the death squads?what about actually doing something instead of larping "he-he im a big powerful aryan nazi".YOU DESERVE TO BE OVERRUN.YOUR WOMEN DESERVE TO BE RAPED.THESE FUCKING MIGRANTS ARE DOING THESE THINGS IN YOUR CITIES AND YOU DONT DO ANYTHING.ANYTHING!
>b-but muslims walk in groups
yeah,its time to assemble the fucking nazi squad and beat up those sandniggers and take germany back for yourselves.if you dont even at least try to fight then im not going to feel pity for you.KEKS.
Other urls found in this thread:
is the muslim cock feels good in your asses?did the feminist brainwashers cut off your balls too?come on ohh big powerful "lets save the white race" nazis come out from your little hiding holes.oh now i get it.your big words about the white race and about how big e-dicks you have only work on the internet.but when it comes to actually doing something in real life you hide like the cuckolds you are.
I don't really care m8
refugees don't affect me personally and everyone else can get fucked.
>hiding your flag
typical Cucknadian/Australian
this is a fucking dumb attitude my dude and every fucking german thinks the same way.oh the neighbors just got beheaded?i dont care it doesnt affects me.if you and the other nailheaded fags dont do anything its only a question of time until it becomes your problem but then it will be too late.
heres my flag amerifat.
Same here, except I do care (Swede). I'm really grateful I was born on this great ship that gave me free education, countless of opportunities and the top 0.01% country one could be born in as a poor person, but why would I stay on a burning ship when I can literally just move? Nobody's holding my feet to the fire and forcing me to endure this. It's already sinking, the iceberg has been hit and there's no turning back (inb4 gas them or something silly like that, we all know that is never going to happen in a million years)
Thankfully I live in Stockholm which has a housing shortage and hasn't been as affected, with countless of areas still untouched (hasn't really been noticeable here at all). I'm going to keep going to uni for free and then gtfo, probably to the Netherlands, Québec or Switzerland.
I just move somewhere else, don't care if my retarded neighbours get beheaded, they're annoying anway.
Your people are the only ones in the world that you can count on.
(yes Germany has been fucked since '45 but it can change, just like anywhere else)
how long until there will be nowhere left to run?
also >running away
you really are in fact cuckolds.your ancestors are turning in their graves.
I actually agree. I think Germans need to be removed for the good of Europe
how about you remove yourself first roach
>literally sided with Arabs in 1500s
ok now we know why you hate germans go help suleiman siege vienna you scumbag
These retarded migrants are nothing compared to the Turkish threat that literally almost washed over all of Europe and destroyed it. And your people helped them.
>you really are in fact cuckolds.
So by the mere chance of having happened to have been born on a piece of land I/he should die for the decisions taken by others on the same piece of land? What?
>your ancestors are turning in their graves.
I'm turning in my bed. My ancestors are dead and it's no longer their problem, I'm alive and it is mine and I can actually do something tangible to change my situation, i.e. stepping away from the problem I didn't even cause (nor even contribute to causing) to begin with. I'm sorry my countrymen are retarded but that's not my problem, I'm not responsible for the actions of others.
How about I work my entire life to do as much damage to future Germans so that Europe will be great and your grandchildren will live in an utopic Europe without Krauts?
lets not forget the hungarian who gave cannons to the ottomans and helped them take the capital of the romans ending thier BC-AD history and allowing the ottomans to become a super power for 400 years.
Hungarians are idiots who need to be lead by Germans or else they betray Europe completely.
not sure if you're shitposting or just delusional
As long as you do it to the protestant Germans.
Neither. I have taken the redpill on my own people.
Well they are included in all germans of course.
Nice fake quote by Putin you got there
Anti-white shill
Bavarians deserve to survive.
If they leave Germany throw away everything of German culture and adopt a new language they are fine with me.
no they're annoying. germans in general are annoying, unfriendly backstabbing people who shit on each other.
everyone is a passive aggressive asshole for some reason.
been to the netherlands once and people were so fucking friendly, unbelievable, then i'm back in germany and the first guy I accidentally run in wants to fight me.
money always buys you a good place somewhere.
my dick > micrococked statue
yea some stupid american knows better about my country than I do who lived for 30years here.
You are not German, you are a Jew
>germans in general are annoying, unfriendly backstabbing people who shit on each other.
maybe they wouldn't be if they weren't self-hating like this fag
Anything is an improvement over German
then why don't you go back to turkey
>no they're annoying. germans in general are annoying, unfriendly backstabbing people who shit on each other.
Really? In welches Land wohnst du denn?
I know this will be hard to understand but I also hate us for our self-hate. I will never run out of self-hate and Sup Forums is my filling station.
I am not turkish. I am german. I wish I wasn't believe me. I wish I could go back ANYWHERE ELSE.
Also we are already turkey 2.0.
wrong, I'm as german as it gets.
I still have my foreskin.
how to solve this problem?
don't know if its me or if i'm just running into assholes all the time.
good people seem to be a rarity these days, especially here.
>I am German
No, you are a Jew
Nope, you too are a Jew
I bet you have brown eyes and dark hair too.
If only.
But you are, stop LARPing faggot
You'll be the first to hang
Solider Trollspiel 10/10
Zieh doch her und finde es selbst raus.
wrong, I have green eyes and light brown hair.
but yea if not for the foreskin thing I would like to be a jew.
at least they have their own country and something connects them.
I take not being called german as a compliment.
You really need to work on your german. All your genders are wrong on your adjectives.
Or throw it away because German is a disgusting language and will soon be dead anyway.
Yeah well hope all countries with self-respect close its borders to traitorous freeriders like you.
Either Leaf, Straya or Poo
Sage goes in all fields.
isn't it already dead? every year more and more english words replace german words.
sounds disgusting how kids talk today.
>learned helplessness meme
I hate jews.
You wrote:
>wrong, I'm as german as it gets.
Then you would have proper blond hair and blye eyes. You are a Jew, if not ethnically, spiriually.
If I met you IRL, and I could get away with it, I would kill you I think. Defeatist shills are one of the biggest enemies we have.
>I take not being called german as a compliment.
And why do you think I care about your opinion, Jew?
what meme?
>do as much damage
what exactly are you going to do eh?
>german culture
you are a by-product of that culture, your self-hatred was thaught to you by people who hate Germany, start ignoring that crap
>how to solve this problem?
what do you get thaught in history lessons?
Personally I am celebrating the death of it. German is such a crude language. It always sounded evil to me.
Germans are the biggest enemy Europe has.
>celebrating his own death and his people's
that is happening in every language, means very little
>what exactly are you going to do eh?
I just wanna work and donate as much money as I can to refugees. Maybe get some refugees out of the rest of Europe into Germany
Its important that Germans don't have children.
>your self-hatred was thaught to you by people who hate Germany,
Actually I only really started to hate myself after coming to Sup Forums. But if so many countries who usually don't agree on anything agree that Germans are the worst and cancer they can't be wrong.
So now you stopped pretending to be German. Improvement, Jew.
You'll hang
>his own people
He's a fucking Jew. He isn't German.
Ich habe schon für 5-6 Monaten in Düsseldorf gewohnt. Hmmm also eigentlich wenn ich darüber nachdenke waren die Leute schon ein bisschen Kalter und Härter als hier in Schweden, insbesondere diejenigen, die über ~25-30 Jahre alt wären..... hmmmmmmmmm, hast du vielleicht recht? Ein typ gab mir sogar den Finger nur weil ich an der falschen Seite Radfuhr. Aber nee, die Meisten waren schon ziemlich nett zu mir, aber ich stimme dir trotzdem zu, dass es so "freundlichere" Länder gibt. In Osteuropa sind die alle scheiße, am besten Skandinavien und die Niederlände meiner Meinung nach. Syd- und Nordamerika auch, wenn die nicht sonst so scheiß wäre.
I did not. But I can pretend while you call me anything but German. Its nice to not be German even if it just through your eyes and for a few seconds.
>You are a Jew, if not ethnically, spiriually.
whatever that means bro
>If I met you IRL, and I could get away with it, I would kill you I think.
sure you would you internet tough guy
>what do you get thaught in history lessons?
holohoax bullshit and other boring shit nobody gives a shit about
It sounds alright but its a shame how it gets butchered and how its too complicated.
english is clearly the superior language.
simple, easy to learn.
> Germans are the worst and cancer
why is it exactly my jewish friend?
Christ, reading through this thread. The german identity is dead, the legendary german stoicism, the camaraderie, the deustches volk is truly gone. You are nothing but spineless cowards, and we are all cowards compared to those who came before us. Pick up and move? Go find your nuts fritz, you seem to have lost them.
Our language sounds horrible. Our food is disgusting. Our history is shameful. And our culture is a joke
Literally every single part of us is cancer. We just destroy Europe over and over again. Imagine how great Hungary or Europe in general would be if you could abort Germans from history
Imagine how great it will be in the future if we manage to replace us
If you are German, German wouldn't sound evil. No German ever said that. That's something foreigners watching old Nazi movies would say. You are not German, you'll never be German.
>Our language sounds horrible.
what are you talking about germans literally have the best sounding names.
>If you are German, German wouldn't sound evil. No German ever said that.
Why do you think modern Germans sound so camp and gay? Why do you think we all talk so soft? We are trying to scale that shit down. Because the first time someone in Europe hears you talk real German they recoil because it is an inherently evil and aggressive language. After you notice that as a German we all try to make it easier for you.
I can sympathize with you not wanting me to be German. But as much as I don't want to be I am.
>Christ, reading through this thread. The german identity is dead, the legendary german stoicism, the camaraderie, the deustches volk is truly gone. You are nothing but spineless cowards
Burger coming through and delivering the truth.
>whatever that means bro
It means that you are a Jew
>sure you would you internet tough guy
I'm not trying to be edgy. If I could get away with it, to kill you, would be the morally right thing to do. To let you live on, would be wrong.
Even if you were German, which you are not, cancer is of the body too.
That was all propaganda my friend, in reality it was Prussian assrape. Well, until they let an Austrian run their country, then they exchanged the P for a R.
They won't. It's adorable how people on Sup Forums always like to pretend that there's going to be some type of uprising or change that will suddenly enforce their personal ideas of how the world should look or be run. Like the danebro in this thread who said something like "you should be the first to hang", yeah, not going to happen. Nobody's going to hang, nobody is going to run the books on who's taken more taxes than they've paid or any other shit you have in mind. Hey, maybe I'll come to the US with my extra free degrees and out-compete some locals. The US isn't that bad of a country for people with money after all.
Ahmed and özgur doesn't sound that nice tho.
>But as much as I don't want to be I am.
You are a German citizen. This doesn't make you German faggot.
If you are German, show me a picture of yourself with timestamp. Afterwards, live stream your own death.
Don't expect me to care when it effects you, then.
You have no idea how pathetic you sound.
>is the muslim cock feel good in your asses
What kind of autist are you? I get what you're trying to say, but I can't help but think you're really just some retarded nigger.
What would I gain from that? I hate being German and I am ashamed of my genes. I actually prefer you thinking I am a jew or a muslim.
German and pathetic and cuck have become synonymous to me.
the difference is sandnigger will get 1 year for rapin 12 y.o. in comfy block, while your nazi death squad will get l10 year before you even kill a single sandnigger
You would make me believe that you are German ethnically. Your spirit is truly Jewish though.
everyones history is shameful in one way or the other. europe as been a battleground since ever and this is everyones fault not just germans, germany as the disadvantage of always being in the middle of all this shit, that's why it had to be strong or not be at all, this would have happened no matter what group of people is in that situation
The problem is that 99% are okay with this arrangement.
ich hab die meiste zeit im osten von deutschland gelebt und wirklich, jeder hier ist ein arschloch auf seine ganz eigene art.
wirklich jeder ist unfreundlich, jeder versucht dich zu hintergehen und wirft dir knüppel zwischen die Beine, viele blicken von oben auf dich herab obwohl sie eigentlich auch nicht wirklich besser weg kommen. einfach eine giftige gesellschaft hier.
ich habs mittlerweile satt.
what a cringe post, can't you go larp somewhere else you edgelord?
the grownups are talking here.
>don't join EU or goodbye self determination
>don't give up self-defense
>always focus on 'grouping' when not traveling in a group
>Your spirit is truly Jewish though.
Thank you I guess.
But Germans don't have souls and I have no "spirit"
Other countries have contributed. We literally just destroy.
And since we don't have a time machine we can't change it anyway. We should focus on the future and make sure Germans get weaker and weaker and don't exist at some point.
But it's true? Why would it be right to let someone spreading defeatist propaganda live, someone that contributes to the decline of a great people? You are a dangerous criminal.
It's not being edgy. You are a negative to the world. Parasite. A Jew.
>my house is on fire but the flames haven't quite gotten to where im sitting so it should be juuuuust fine
>You are a negative to the world.
All germans are. The only way to become a positive as a German is to destroy more Germans than you produce.
Germany died when Chancellor Adolf Hitler died.
T. 12 year old edgelords. Although I hope the second is the Bavarian independence poster from yesterday. That was a good thread.
I mean I am for bavarian independence. Because it weakens Germany as a whole.
You have a Jewish spirit.
Could there exist a more Jewish post?
Goddamn i feel bad for you. Either you whimper through life, appeasing and prostrating for faggots and dickwipes like the pc antifa leftist progressives who are running your country into the ground, or by some miracle of human spirit you realize the bonds in which you have been placed, involuntarily, by years of social conditioning and bullshit media and self-effacing legislation. And i believe you will be capable of this; the german you describe, the cuck, the pussywhipped sycophants who kneel at the idol of feminism and communism and merkel, this is not german. To make the distinction is the first step, these people are not you, they are not germans, they seek only self destruction at the state level. Get a grip, join a group, fuck the critics. The nazi comparison will never go away, do not let a trite insult strip you of your aggression, your self-defense, your very soul.
What is so edgy about my statement? Is it not true?
Are you bavarian? Also why so obsessed with Germany?
Ach so, es liegt ehrlich gesagt wahrscheinlich daran, dass du im Osten lebst. Die Kultur der Osten (Sovjet in allgemein) war ziemlich scheiße, man konnte nicht frei reden, jeder konnte ein Spion sein usw. und diese Dinge, die bleiben im Kopf der Leute. Die Leute in z.B. Köln sind wahrscheinlich auch netter, wenigstens viel näher zu die der Niederlände.
Aber echt, das klingt so ziemlich scheiße und ich hoffe wirklich, dass das nur Halbwahrheite sind und wenn nicht, dann ja verlass die Scheiße einfach, geh nach westen. Ich hoffe, dass du was Besseres findest.
No it's not, you can't just redefine the meaning of the word jew because you think it's edgy.
>Why would it be right to let someone spreading defeatist propaganda
what propaganda?
I'm just telling you what I witnessed in 30 years living here as a German in germany going through the german way of life, having to do with other germans 24/7. and its shit.
> someone that contributes to the decline of a great people?
what great people m8?
are you living in 1933?
Its already dead and will never come back
I guess man, I really don't want to have anything to do with this.
not with retarded germans, not with refugees, not with german politics, I actually hope I can somehow move away from here.
germans contributed lots,
but what you are suggesting is more destruction, a weak germany is a weaker europe and a shitskin riddle germany is a fucked europe, besides after all the shit you've been through don't you think germany won't survive this shitstorm, history tells us they're good at it
Why should i care to save a broken country?
Germany's social, ethical and working enviroments are utter filth and garbage.
Why would i save a country where my only choices are to get fucked or get fucked even more?
I can't make reason of it.
It's edgy calling Jewish people for Jews? What
>Goddamn i feel bad for you.
Because you are real human. You have empathy. I think that is beautiful but it is wasted on Germans.
> appeasing and prostrating for faggots and dickwipes like the pc antifa leftist progressives
I actually don't really get along with Liberals. They want to help refugees out of a sense of smugness and they want to feel superior. Germans thinking we are superior disgusts me to my very core. But I see liberals as helpful idiots in my goal of German genocide.
>by years of social conditioning and bullshit media and self-effacing legislation
Actually after going through school and all of our media I never hated being German. In fact I was happy to be German. Only after coming to Sup Forums I have truly realized we are cancer. It wasn't a happy day believe me. But I am redpilled on us.
>these people are not you, they are not germans, they seek only self destruction at the state level
You are actually correct here. That is where we differ. I seek destruction of the German people as a whole. The country can exist and the turks can have it for all I care. I want a Genocide of the PEOPLE. The germans are the problem. Not the ground.
>your very soul.
Please don't ignore it when I say that I believe Germans don't have Souls. That is something a lot of evidence points towards. Whatever the concept of a soul is is missing in us.
>what propaganda?
"What great people m8?"
"Its already dead and will never come back"
>I'm just telling you what I witnessed in 30 years living here as a German in germany
As a German citizen* fuck off, you are not German and nobody believe you are until you prove it. Keep repeating it.
Actually, the way it is now is France and the Anglos having to balance out the 80 mil behemoth. A strong Europe is a balanced one in which multiple countries hold each other in check. See the post napoleonic era for example.
The poor Syrians. Get them in! Never forget the 6 million Europe.
See that kinda proves Germans don't have souls doesn't it? I am German and you who is an expert thinks I have a Jewish soul.
>Are you bavarian?
>Also why so obsessed with Germany?
I think we need to be stopped so Europe can survive.
>but what you are suggesting is more destruction
Chemo generally also attacks the body. I realize the price to get rid of Germans isn't low. But I believe it is worth it.
Also I hope you are wrong on us surviving. But you are right. We are like cockroaches.
Fuck you. It makes me mad that you're not mad. Show some fucking emotion about this shit.
>Germans thinking we are superior disgusts me to my very core
You got some yid blood in you m8?