What do you fags think of Sup Forums being featured in the next south park season?
What do you fags think of Sup Forums being featured in the next south park season?
Won't end well.
>south park
Meh, never watched it.
Neither will anarchy so
fucking BASED dude lmao
Summer and redditfags are bad enough
had not heard it was
show is dead as far as I'm concerned. they showed who was really running their show during the election.
stop watching garbage that makes you a liberal retard.
all press is good press
\Pol\ is way too insignificant to be featured on south park
south park is gay - but the exposure wont really matter, this place is already reddit anyways.
would bring:
buncha newfags
buncha newfags
buncha newfags
no ty
its often said any Publicity is Good Publicity. anyway South Park is Crap now. only the First 7 Seasons were good. (with Season 7 Episode 7, Cancelled, being for me the Series Finale)
Green ID
They will probably get it wrong and not realize that it's literally just actual free speech. This board doesn't have an ideology and we're not a group.
/pol is you
/pol is Reddit + Shareblue + Correct the Record - the voting buttons.
/pol is equality of voice. It is discussion based on our content rather than which side we take or what thing we happen to be.
What /pol isn't, is anything related to Russians, it isn't a party, and we as a whole rarely go over 50% support for anyone, and we certainly have only one ideology.
Where did you hear this?
We are already a cartoon of ourselves.
it will be awesome
don't really care desu, haven't watched them since the game of thrones episodes.
Found the newfag
>implying we are relevant enough
>all press is lugenpresse
That was basically the last season
sauce bitte
It's not confirmed yet, I'd say there's like 30 % chance. Parker is really sick of getting new ideas and he always talks about this place
what, can I get a source on this?
It won't be - they learned their lesson about relying too heavily on the news cycle for their stories. South Park used to set trends, not follow them. Next season will be better.
Wasn't the jew trolling of the last season, based on this place?
I didn't say it was going to happen ffs, I asked how would you like it to happen desu
dont know, I didn't watch the last 3 seasons. I think that PC stuff sucked really hard
I think why people are still even watching the corpse of this show. Trey and Matt themselves are just prisoners of their contract and jewgold for continuing to make the show.
that's not sp faggot
You should.
It should have ended years ago, but that doesn't mean it was never good.
Yuri on Ice, a homo anime about homo figure skaters.
The one heterosexual character remembering his childhood in Canada when he looked like Cartman for some reason.
>I didn't say it was going to happen ffs
>What do you fags think of Sup Forums being featured in the next south park season?
Who said this.
>implying I said it was
He meant for the info retard.
Why would we want ANY publicity?
You're right.
Mostly Americans here though, so why would I be anything else?
Pretty brave of them desu. South Park fan here but in all seriousness we can't let Trey and Matt get the memecular codes.
Never seen that autistic show.
Season 19 was best ever.
Season 20 was worst ever
I wasn't asking for that source.
>south park
I would have cared 10 years ago
I've liked every south park season, even the election one.
so, it's not going to happen.
probably be portrayed as r/the_donald and nu/pol/
He has the purple ID.
He's the leader until the next one happens.
You know the rules.
20 had TONS of potential, and while the season as a whole wasn't great it had some really outstanding individual scenes and episodes.
The problem was they invested everything into assuming the outcome of the election and when that didn't go according to plan the entire, complicated arc they'd set up for the season imploded and they basically had to make the rest up as they went.
They're done with trying to do arcs. Next season will be better.
There called slide threads, Dan.
We have power and influence more than we know in this world.
They are too old for that, I doubt they could. but it can still be tried. And it would be Parker's idea if so. He browses this place from time to time, but never posts anything.
ffs you autistic potato, I didn't say it was not gonna happen either. I know Parker personally, and from time to time he talks about this shit hole and he is running out of ideas. I only connected the dots, and figured there's a small possibility of occurring
>Ripped Trannies
South Park is just bad, people who like it should just hurry up and kill themselves already.
can I get any source on Trey Parker saying he has been to Sup Forums, not Sup Forums, but Sup Forums
He does? You need to give us links, user!
You have to admit that they fluctuate wildly in terms of quality, though. Even Matt and Trey will admit that plenty of the seasons flat out suck. There are some legitimate masterpieces of comedy in the series, but you can really tell when the two main creators were busy with other projects, because the show gets REALLY bad at points. When they were working on The Book of Mormon, the show was Family Guy or Big Bang Theory levels of crap.
>They bloody well better make a show of me I am showing them bloody funny season.
That's up to you to find user. I've seem he talking about it quite often when he is bored. I don't follow him publicly very much
>All these people saying South Park is shit because they think it's leftist garbage.
South Park has been exaggerated but on point the whole fucking time except Donald Trump.
Literally makes fun of (((them))) even for being in comedy central.
you talk as if you know him personally, ffs just give us anything
My uncle works at Nintendo, and they are on Sup Forums all the time, too. That's why Splatoon 2 has so many race war themes.
Because we're reddit now and we need to redpill all the normies!
Til Sup Forums will drown in normie fags
who needs South Park when they can just watch Murdoch Murdoch
I'll stick to my 20's film collection
Post proofs
Stop watching the Zog-Box
>/pol is plebbit
Funny that you don't realize how you give yourself away. You have to go back, faggot.
You're a fucking faggot dude. Nice tits tho
I remember a screencap where one of these two knuckleheads was supposedly posting on Sup Forums
>way too insignificant
Literally the only joke in the whole show is that the fat kid is kind of a douchebag and that's funny for maybe two episodes. I don't get how this can be popular in America.
Great. A judeo-mormon interpretation of 4/pol/.
what tits
i think he was talking to me
This. Murdoch Murdoch is the new south park.
It's probably too smart for you.
nice flag, Sven, suits you and your people well
hmm, you think so?
Good, season 19 was a masterpiece of social commentary against modernity, liberalism, and the social justice fad. It was honestly the first redpill I think I took.
boi i would squirtle on her jiggly puffs
>t. Matt stone