Do you believe in the idea that a black man and a nigger are not necessarily the same thing by default?

Do you believe in the idea that a black man and a nigger are not necessarily the same thing by default?

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All blacks must hang.

That doesn't answer the question though.

Of course. Black man is a person of substantially white genetics who's been cursed by the useless dominant gene for black skin.

Nigger is a person of nigger genetics.

>A black man: Thomas Sowell
A nigger: Every rapper ever

i believe op and faggot are the the same thing


I believe it depends on what he holds closest, and the way in which he leads his life.

you would hope then you talk to a black man and realize that he's a nigger


always since I was a young lad had this taught to me

Yes but that doesn't mean that you can ever tell the difference yourself, in fact in my opinion the only person who truly can tell is god. Let god sort them out.

I know a good black man. He came here from west africa and has been a hard worker all his life. He saved up, got an education in nursing and came here to where I work. Actually a top bloke and has a lot of cool stories from his home country.

Niggers however are filth and easily identifiable. Usually of mixed breed with another race.

All blacks are niggers, no exceptions.

Only a Civic nationalist redditor would think otherwise.

>inb4 muh based nigger in a MAGA hat


Not necessarily the same, sure. But still.

why not?

Underrated answer senpai

I try to, but almost everyone I meet acts like a typical nigger.

I've met many decent black people. If you think you hate niggers, imagine being a regular decent person cursed with dark skin. That would fucking suck. Too bad 90% of black people are niggers.

Oh, certainly. It still changes nothing.

You can be an ethnonationalist without being a fucking retard, man.


It's sort of like Django, that 1 in ten thousand nigger. Yeah black people that aren't niggers exist and maybe 1 in ten thousand of those aren't mixed race to begin with. Honestly, I've met two in my life that I would consider speaking up for on the day of the rope, but ones lazy so maybe one black in my whole life worth maybe saving

no, i'd say only about a quarter of black folk are actual "niggers" in that they commit crimes. most are ok, they just have a culture that most people don't necessarily agree with. blacks in general are very materialistic and tribe orientated and that's why a lot of whites don't like that.

you don't see white politicians saying they will support "the white community", we support everyone. but black politicians will say they are doing stuff for "the black community", which is wrong and racist. those guys are niggers.


america is an idea, not a tribe. unless you are talking about the native tribes, sure i support them having their reservations.

this senpai

The bushmen are legitimately good people. As are many of the african Tribes.

The niggers are from the Bantu tribe of west africa.

A nigger: a black man that acts degenerately or barbarically.
Bantu: a barbaric african war-tribe that based its entire culture on fucking over their neighbors
Black man: a man who happens to be black
Bushman: an industrious tribe of south africa skilled in survival, trade, and deplomacy. Very clever when they need to be.

P.S: I'm a South African Boer and certified anthropologist*

There is a less common type of black that polite, respectable, not dangerous, and reasonably intelligent. I would not mind sharing my country with them. The more common, less intelligent, dangerous ones however...

all niggers are black
the worthless negro race needs to die out

My personal definition of a nigger is a good-for-nothing. I've known women who've dated plenty of niggers but no black men.

The question if all blacks are good for nothing is harder to answer. I don't have one.

No, I don't
I have a better sense of resolve than that

disregard the bantu one.
I used the wrong link.

>blacks in general are very materialistic
Westernized Blacks just are incapable of abstract thought. They refuse to see things from another perspective (empathy) or see themselves in anything but a flattering light (self aggrandizement), which is why any reflection of accountability is meant with vociferous objections. This ghetto (zero self esteem or self worth) is what contributes to the material /consumerism and proclivity towards crime. These a pathological thinking isn't some big mystery.

In short, it isn't a quarter, as you say, but 90% of American blacks that think this way, which makes them niggers. The quarter you reference are just the ones who have been prosecuted

yes, black children are inherently innocent, a nigger is produced through the social engineering regime of american common core education and the jew ran music and entertainment industry

the enemy are people who tell you that you don't have a soul, or the people who tell you that doing things that hurt are actually good for the soul is good for you.

if blacks were taught that they have a god given soul and they're obligated to not act subhuman because they are created there would be a massive drop in niggers. the problem is materialistic and hedonist propaganda

this is pretty spot on.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Niggers are black
You know that's true

holy shit.
that pic applied to SJW's too!

its a good pic, its basically establishes what is a human being, and what is a subhman, and teaches the subhuman to become human.

guess I should tell you that I saved that pic.

They're both ugly, but yes there are good blacks and bad blacks, its just that the Elite have promoted Ghetto "Nigger" culture and made like 9/10 black ppl degenerate.

i think you are overstating it, most blacks are fine, its only a quarter of them into criminal activities and that's usually in the 18-34 range.

i'd argue a lot of what you say is "nigger" culture is just american pop culture in general, just a different expression then what you would see from some white guy from minnesota

That list describes white SJWs