What is the difference between NatSoc and Fascism?
Which one would work in the U.S?
What is the difference between NatSoc and Fascism?
Which one would work in the U.S?
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Fascism would work better in the US. It is good for a quick leap out of the degeneracy that is screwing us currently. Prove me wrong.
Why is the symbol of fascism an actual faggot?
Fascism can be capitalist. NatSoc is more narrowly defined.
It worked so well for Pinochet again Marxists that academics go out of their way to avoid labeling it as fascism. They don't want us to know.
So how do you tell people that fascism and NatSoc are different? They always start the "muh holocaust"
NatSoc is more race focused while Fascism is more about culture and traditionalism. Race still plays a part, just not as big of a part as NatSoc. They can differ economically as well. I prefer Fascism over NatSoc tbqh.
Free market haters
Short term good, long term suicide
One believes in cultural superiority and one believes in racial and cultural superiority, accordkng to Khan Academy.
How ironic is it that Sup Forums sucks at politics. I wonder if any actual political science majors or PHD's actually lurk here. Just reading some of the backwards definitions of stuff makes me wonder what this board is really about.
To my understanding facism is more civic- and natsoc more ethno-nationalism.
I don't think that pinochet's economic policies were exactly good. I recall there being two recessions and generally poor developement.
These. Fascism is authoritarian Civic Nationalism and based on culture. NatSoc is authoritarian Ethno Nationalism and based on race.
Guys, National Socialism IS Fascism. I assume OP is trolling, but for those of you who aren't braindead, NS is a subcategory of the larger category of political ideology that is Fascism. It's a specific type of fascism which emphasizes ethnic nationalism over civic nationalism. If you compare the writings of Hitler and Mussolini, and see what Mussolini and Julius Evola have said to each other on the subject of civic vs ethnic nationalism, this distinction becomes pretty clear.
In regards to which would work better in the US, the answer is that neither can possibly work in the US as long as the US remains a country. The US is founded on principals that are fundamentally hostile to those of Fascism of any kind, even one that bears the American flag. The US would have to die and then the former residents of the US would have to opt for Fascism. That said, WHEN the US dies and balkanizes it will inevitably do so primarily on ethnic grounds with the exception of the millions of people who will not have learned from their mistakes and continue to wish to live in a multicultural society (which will mostly be by white liberals). So National Socialism is what will work in the former US territories because people invariably separate themselves on ethnic lines even in a multicultural/multiracial society at the first sign of trouble.
A faggot is a bundle of sticks. A fasces is a bundle of rods contain an axe with the blade projecting. Guess which you are faggot.
I remember reading that eventually mussolini rejected the concept of race.
I find it hard to believe that ethno-states would form, as many/most areas in the US are multi-ethnic.
When free to do so, most people do separate themselves by race. They do it in schools, churches, and neighborhoods naturally. When the mental framework and social institutions that support multiculturalism collapse, the cognitive dissonance combined with the struggle for survival and order will be such that people will revert to their natural behaviors and tendencies, and then probably go even further than that to ensure the security of their interests. I bet there'd by few multicultural areas left, and I bet the rest of the world would quickly follow suit.
But how could lets say new york segregate? Awfully many people would have to move around.
Best answer, good job.
Well, many people in large urban areas would die if the infrastructure shut down even for a week because of the chaos and paranoia that would rightly ensue. I think you're viewing this from a position where you'd expect peaceful balkanization, but historically that's not how these things work. There would be massive chaos and those who stayed in the city past the first 24 hours of, let's say, a president being deposed by a military coup, would mostly be killed by each other as they frantically ransacked any food or supply stores they could get to. Many more would die in the ensuing months as farmers lose the means to transport their harvests across the country (especially to urban centers), and those who survive would be those who find groups. Those groups would, at first, most likely be mostly multiracial, until racial tensions cause the groups to spit up and an ultranationalism like we've never seen before would be the result.
Whichever one rids us of the largest number of degenerates is best.
you want national socialism for that
Hitler was a liberal you stupid pleb there are so many actual facists stop going back to that syphalitic druggy dumbass
Pinochet differs from classical fascists in that he pretty much dispensed with the idea of trying to appeal to the left.
I don't really care if you're a fascist, a Libertarian, or a NatSoc, Anyone that doesn't support gun rights and self-preservation is a fucking traitor and shoot be shot.
pic related.
I think Fascism would work, but with strong support for white nationalism and ultra-traditionalist white americana culture.
Explain this new meme to me pls.
guys , theres no /nsg/ natsoc gerneal up right now./
If i had the pastebin I would make it myself.
I need a nsg, its the only comfy thread for me
create one im too lazy
Libertarian Fascism? (Or Hoppean Libertarianism) It's pretty much:
Remove ((leftists)) and Democracy to cure to degeneracy, and then implement a "Libertarian Social Order".
It's using right-authoritarianism to cure left-authoritarianism, then implementing a peaceful, non-degenerate society..
It's a way to Unite The Right.
It's primarily just a meme though.
>Which one would work in the U.S?
None because both put the state ahead of private enterprise. Given that the US has the most accomplished companies in the world along with the fact that its the most cosmopolitan society (there goes a racial identity...), any pretendent would be crushed before having a shot at the government.
You'd be surprised. Come visit the U.S. sometime.
>It's using right-authoritarianism to cure left-authoritarianism, then implementing a peaceful, non-degenerate society. It's a way to Unite the Right.
Neither would work in their traditional forms. An authoritarian National Capitalist (Pinochet-esque) system would fit like a glove on the American culture and worldview. Just like national socialism is basically Fascism specifically designed for Germany, and falangism is specifically designed for Catholic countries, America too would have a very unique brand of fascism- most likely one that would be more friendly towards privacy rights and capitalism.
Fascism does not have the racial BS.
Fascism is about a strong state with a strong military, and strong leadership, people could identify with.
Atleast that is a more classical definition.
Nazism, capitalist/corporate fascism and Islamic fascism are more different.
I guess I am thinking more in terms of the Roman Empire.
Fascism is a broad term and every nation can have their own versions of it. See Italian vs German fascism. Logically, different types of peoples would gravitate to different types of flavors of a system. It only makes sense, since each race is a bit different.
NatSoc is the specific brand of fascism practiced by the Nazi party. In other words, all NatSoc is fascist, but not all fascism is NatSoc.
>NS is a subcategory of the larger category of political ideology that is Fascism. It's a specific type of fascism which emphasizes ethnic nationalism over civic nationalism.
I would disagree. That is only specificiral, for Italian Fascism had also a degree of racism, it just did not go so far as German.
The main difference between two (fascist) ideologies is, that
Italian Fascism, If you read "Mussolini - THE DOCTRINE OF FASCISM" in it, it explains that it tries to resolve antagonisms in society by introducing nationalism as virtue and state as someone who will be arbiter between capitalist class and working class, and by doing so eliminating class conflict. It wants to maintain class / social hierarchy as it thinks it is beneficent for nation.
National socialism on other hand, in its roots, as ideology and movement in the beginning was socialist movement, national socialist workers thats it, later it evolved into something else. The turning point in NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party known as NAZI) was a coup (night of long knifes), in which socialist workers element was eliminated, and party was left with just in name socialist workers.
In Croatia, you had, we could say thrid type of Fascist, Ustashe.
They were clero-fascist: "Clerical fascism (also clero-fascism or clerico-fascism) is an ideology that combines the political and economic doctrines of fascism with clericalism, i.e. a specific religious tradition." - copy paste wiki
>fascism doesn't have the racial element of NatSac
It does but not so strongly mainly because of german romanticism, folklore and the post-WW1 new right. I will let Evola talk.
"It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aimed at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has for the moment saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history." - Mises
Aren't you guys afraid of a Fascist goverment in the technology era? They could easily spy you and destroy your life without anyone knowing.
Dude what happened to your glory?
was this your last generation of epic portuguese warriors?
close to those of the reconquer times and the discoveries?
Why would it do that unless you are a communist or trying to harm the nation in a way? Also I would feel a lot more safe knowing my goverment puts more value in our nation and people than private companies.
fascism for america. you are too split up with your melting pot so natsoc would not work
Hitler and Mussolini liked each other, said what happened to Benito at the end :(
I derive my understanding from Mussolini's general apathy for racial divisions (as stated by his close compatriot Julius Evola) and Hitler's decidedly opposite regard as expressed in his speeches and Mein Kampf.
>Fascism would work better in the US
>A country where everyone has access to a gun and the ability to resist fascism
They will resent you and resist. Slowly your power will fade as large areas of the country begin to fight for independence.
I'd say you have a better chance of executing fascism in a state where you control who is allowed to own guns. But in America, you'd have a revolution the very next day.
Because if you had any problem against the goverment they would just say that you are a communist and kill you, even if you were going to expose a corruption case or something.
The poeple is the state you dolt. If your people is weak and inferior the state is as well.
>unironically using "islamic fascism"
dont forget to kill yourself on your way back to breitbart
Could it be that both words are related?
Fascism comes from fascis, a latin word, and English language has quite a bit of latin admixture
America invented "national socialism", so saying that it didn't work in the US is delusional. They called it Progressivism back then. The idiot Germans just added romantic ultranationalism and extreme anti-Semitism to give us National Socialism, which was a disaster for white people.
Quick rundown:
>The minimum wage was invented by Progressive economists in the 1910s. The reasoning was that Slavs, Southern Europeans, Jews, or Chinese were less productive workers than native Anglo/Teutonic-descended Americans, but would accept a lower standard of living, driving down wages. In response, the native Anglo-Teuton would simply have fewer children. Does this sound familiar? Thus a minimum wage had to be implemented to keep the country from being flooded with racial inferiors.
>A welfare state was beneficial for giving the poor a decent standard of living, but without eugenic policies like the forced sterilization of criminals and idiots, genetic inferiors would breed more than genetic superiors.
>Workplace safety regulations and maximum-hour laws were created to prevent women from working too long and not having time to have children, and they were, at any rate, less productive than men.
>Abortion and birth control were pushed to prevent the underclass from breeding too much. At the time, it was feared that the more conscientious, intelligent people would be the only ones to use it, and the underclass would be too stupid to, so it was necessary to push it among the underclass through things like Planned Parenthood.
>Even black intellectuals of the time understood the necessity of preventing the black underclass from breeding too much, as did William Shockley in the 1970s, who feared that black dysgenics would undermine the gains from civil rights and reinforce racism.
Fact but that's entirely speculative plus the same thing can happen for you in modern libera democracies. Remove the prison and add financial punishment.
Americans are easily manipulated all the time, some years ago most of you hate niggers with all the hear, and now live in a nigger culture society.
Even the conservatives support the army invading Third World countries that have nothing to do with America.
They would might have a problem to install Fascism in America if it was a sudden thing, but nothing that a economic crisis to increase the popularity of the state.
>nigger cultural society
>nothing like a economic crisis to increase
This was common practice in all countries. "Racism" as an insult is literally a communist virus.
>America invented "national socialism"
Literally impossible. You can't have NatSoc without german romanticism, the idea of blood blut und boden and folklore glorification.
I like how you just point out a couple cultural changes that have happened to the West and suddenly jump to the conclusion that fascism will work in America.
>What is the difference between NatSoc and Fascism?
NatSoc is NOT Fascism. Fascism cares only about the state, not about the unity of a people. In Facism your personal achievements are irrelevant because your utility is only to serve the state. In NatSoc, you have individual merit. Everyone pulls their weight, but the best will rise to the top. The worst will sink.
As a 3/4 German 1/4 Italian I agree.
NatSoc is superior to Fascism but can only be applied when certain conditions are given as a homogeneous people.
Would work in America just like it would work anywhere in the world, depending on how much the people behind are "motivated".
Southerns always had alot of guns, but that didn't made them not accept illegal immigration, same sex marriage in their states, minorities in their schools/universities and so on.
Fascism is mainly a spear thats used to break an existing government, You can keep it in place as an authoritarian right wing style of government but you general transition to something else after.
I'm seriously doubting it will work if it isn't implemented in the next 10 years and not because of your imaginary ressistance but because of the lack of group identity and coherent ethnical identity.
Fascism has little to do with national socialism. But if you don't understand this already, you don't know much about your own ideology. The only real issues they agree on are
>strong nationalism
>anti-democratic thought
>pro-political violence
>strong anti-communism
And a few minor things.
>But because they supported each other means they're the same thing
I won't because you are right friendo
When will Americans realize that Lolbertarianism leads to the same results as Gommunism?
Obama uses Fascism in the economic sense, by ordering private businesses around and denouncing them if they failed his expectations, all the while taking none of the blame for businesses that underperformed while under his command. This is just one example.
>I dont understand what fascism it yet I run my sloppy mouth about it
When they turn 18
I wish
>What is the difference between NatSoc and Fascism?
The Difference Between Fascism and National Socialism
Note on the Difference Between Fascists and National Socialists
William Pierce on the Difference Between National Socialism and Fascism
>Which one would work in the U.S?
Either once the Jews are purged.
I just love how subhuman monkeys think they know more about my country than I do.
Never thought anything could make Commander Rockwell look like such a massive faggot... Who the hell's idea was it to add that fucking skull mask?
>Top down control of business isn't fascism
Just like every american do to literally every country?
National Socialism is a type of Fascism. Fascism is pretty loose in the execution of it's concepts. As long as you focus on the strength of the nation through the strength of it's people, it's pretty loosely defined how you actually go about implementing it.
>semi-authoritarianism is fascism
Fascism is basically a hierarchy similar to the old mafia. Power was consolidated to actually combat the mafia but it ended up doing the same thing. National socialism is a democraticically elected consolidated government that was voted by the people. the German people knew they could come together as a whole people and be better for it
The rods or sticks each represent a different nation or state which is bound together by a single ruler (or ruling body, if you prefer) and the union is maintained by violence (hence the axe). The US is already technically a fascist state in this regard, but then again so is every government on Earth that rules its various people through the threat of violence. Also America FUCK YEAH!!! Nothing wrong with Nat Soc as far as I know. Prove me wrong.
What are you talking about man? Its an ancient symbol which predates the roman kingdom and it represents magisterial power and authority.
What is that some sort of Mussolini description of it?
>Which one would work in the U.S?
btw do you know what is the context of that painting?
Fascism translates to bundle of rods. Nazi translates to National Socialist German Workers Party. One is vague term that has unlimited interpretation, the other is a political party. Stop using fake terms that from public opinion, based on rhetoric, accomplish nothing.
>National socialism is a democraticically elected
>muh small gov't even tho it controls every facet of my life anyway
do you realize we have socialist programs already, right? medicaid being one, which is hugely popular? you can't have pure capitalism without small bits of socialism, and you can't have pure socialism without capitalism. it just doesn't work. if the gov't didn't intervene, ever, it'd be total anarchy, and if they did too much it'd be a fascist state. the fact you and others like to play "team x, and we're against team y!" is so fucking petty and juvenile. but this is Sup Forums so i'm not even sure why I'm here desu.
>allied propaganda is proof of anything
Yes, bit not sure tho.
It represents uprising of Bulgarians against ere (eastern roman empire)
It is new age, 21 cent with old romsntic nationalist style. There are a lot more of them, try search for Goranov.
>Von Papen doesn't real!!
I know :)
What is this picture supposed to prove?
What was your original reply to the video supposed to disprove?
>Hindenburg would not give power to a single party that is intolerant, lacking discipline and frequently violent
What is your video if not allied propaganda? Hitler was democratically elected and if he wasn't does that change anything? What has democracy given us?
>He could not bring himself to give government power to a single party which did not represent the majority of the electorate
How convenient of you to leave that part out.
>Hitler was democratically elected
Wrong. Would you prefer a literal step by step video of how you're wrong?
> if he wasn't does that change anything? What has democracy given us?
Arguing the pros or cons of democracy is not the point my contention.