Well what do ya think

Well what do ya think

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been here for 5 minutes and already btfo all the abos

And in all that time their greatest technological achievement was a stick.

Some tribes used to cut a symbolic vagina between the ballsack and anus of young boys and fed them with blood from the wound of an old guy who his wound opened up again.

> They could not invent anĂ­thing more complex than a stick.
> Culture

I don't believe the out of Africa lie.

it would be so neat to see all the cool megafauna they killed off


And aboriginal people lived on the continent making absolutely nothing of themselves for 23h55m

Guys it just dawned on me that we've been using much too broad a definition of homo sapiens.

It is stuff like this that makes me look down on the Niggers and abos even more than I already do. They had thousands of years to advance themselves and they failed spectacularly.

>white people join the server
>instantly btfo all the other shitters
>they try to votekick accusing white people of hacks etc
>top of the leaderboard every game

Same. How the fuck did abos get to Australia in the first place?

>live in one place for 18,000 years
>invent nothing
>build nothing
>accomplish nothing
>write nothing
Abos are proof that certain people are genetically inferior to others.

18,000 years

Invented stick!

>boongs here for 23h 55m
>did nothing but set fire to the country and turn half of it to desert

>whites here for 5 minutes
>turn a desert island into one of the worlds best countries

Idk guys it seems like they had fun anyway

You could literally reproduce the entirety of their culture several times over within a 24 hour period.

Abos have culture?

>Humans arrival in Australia pushed back 18,000 years

okay, cool. so when did the abbos arrive?

Aboriginal "Culture"

so that means it only took them, like, two fucking seconds to complete decimate the natives and have been making it up to them for about thirty seconds

gotta commend em on their speed

They have been there since Pangaea was a thing. Its the only reasonable way if you don't prescribe to the "ancient high civilizations" route.

Between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago


On a real note though....

You forgot the Tasmanian ones. They managed the unparalleled technological feat of literally forgetting how to make fire.

You got to admit though, it's a pretty cool stick.

It all comes down to two things, travel and war.
White people were traveling across a multitude of different environments, you learn to adapt to each environment. War between both environmental cultures causes you to adapt further. Instant evolution of technology.
Blacks rarely moved around, so stagnation of technology was inevitable.
Add in literally being on an island where no other cultures exist, bam Abos.

The problem now is we are too far differing in IQ. Where back then it was a much smaller differential.

China did the same thing pretty much, they jumped really quickly in tech much like Egypt, they stagnated and were beaten by much more adaptable tribes.

Western culture is starting to enter this.

You know I heard that in a TED talk and I tried finding a source but I failed hook me up senpai

10 bucks that the women in the picture is a coalburner.

Were abos the ones that make the boys drink the sperm of all the men in order to become men? Or was that someone else

Why was their greatest achievement throwing a piece of driftwood and calling it a weapon?

No, they invented three sticks.
A curved one, a hallow one and a sharp one



To say their culture is that old is too assume an unbroken lineage of cultural norms and practices which cannot be proven by simple fossil evidence. It's doubtful the aborigines Europeans first encountered spoke the same language as the earliest humans on the continent, much less lived the same life style.

Eh. Not really? You could get to Australia by boat, if you followed the various island chains.

How the fuck have Abos inhabited Australia for 5 time longer than Native Americans inhabited the Americas and accomplished absolutely fucking nothing? This is mindblowing.

And in under 5 minutes they created almost everything that is needed for a functioning and healthy society.


Hey, they made the throwing stick and one you can blow in. Why more do you need in life?

it must suck to be born an abo t b h

>Actually semi qualified to talk about this - Just finished the worlds first offering of Aboriginal Architecture at the University of Queensland...

These people are highly advanced with their culture, thats about all. Mobs (Groups of Aboriginals) wandered Australia with trade routes, and land demarcation. Systems of social hierarchy were established, along with forms of architecture that are seen as primitive with western eyes.

Aboriginal society is almost wholly on stories and legends passed down for thousands of years, too. They told these stories through their architecture in the materials, placement and decoration.

Primitive is not a word for this race.

And they totally took over the world in less than five minutes. Clearly superior.

Boomerang Niggers BTFO


Agreed, they were probably very dissimilar from each other aside from living in hunter-gatherer societies

The whole oceangoing around the Indian Ocean and pacific has always seemed weird to me. These guys have little canoes and they are populating islands hundreds of miles apart?

Looking down at them for not creating a civilization is like looking down at the japanese for not winning the basketball olympics.

Not true, they took a lush rainforest full of monsters and turned the entire continent into a barren desert wasteland with just fire.

Well aren't you fucking lucky that we came along with our 5 minute culture and put up signs to remind you to not sleep in the streets we've built for our automobiles.

Congrats on being sub-nigger.

>someone not shitposting

mah nigger

I have genuine sympathy for all indigenous cultures that suffered due to white people but it doesn't make me hate my own race desu.

I think that the name "aboroginals" is gay


>abo culture
ahahahahahahahahaha holy shit , thanks for the laugh

they sure got a lot done in 18k years

abbo females regularly ate their own babies as well before whites came along

>And in all that time their greatest technological achievement was a stick.
and the goon bag pillow

Do you know how long life expectancy was for aboriginal Australians after infant mortality is factored out?

I know there's a tribe that does that, I just can't remember which

why are black people "aboriginals" but caucasians are "white people"

why am I referred to as "white man"

so disrespectful!

u smart

Abos = apex predators

First post best post. Every post by your nation I've seen today has been good.

That means white people own the moon!

Abos in a place for 24 hours. Group effort results in inventing a stick.

Whites get there and in 5 minutes, have the electricity on, plumbing installed, cable and satellite tv working, fresh paint, windows fixed, fridge delivered and fully stocked, library is complete, the floors have been cleaned of shitpiles in the corners and carpets installed, roof repaired, and the air conditioner is keeping the place at a comfy 68 F.

Same. I'm half black but I think being ashamed of being white is fucking stupid


I'm sorry, am I supposed to respect a culture for being old, regardless of how weak it and it's people was?

White pride worldwide.

who gives a shit, still our country.

>Primitive is not a word for this race.
they never reached the level of primitive.

Pretty sad they literally have NOTHING to show for it other than spoken tradition.

We have to dig around in the fucking dirt to learn about these savages

No, but close. It is the Etoro People. They are a Papuan people, closely related to Abbos genetically. At least more so than the rest of the human family.


Ummm... race and culture are just social constructs, sweety

Haha, yep. ususally im a shitpost king but Aboriginals should no longer be trodden over.

No unfortunatly - Despite this history being close to 60,000 years old we have been studying them for less than 40 years.

Good luck trying to understand 60,000 years of cultural development with a group of natives that will not share their culture with whites.

It only took five minutes for Aussies to bring abbos into the present.
While the abbos have had millennia.
All this does is convince me that whites really are superior.

>Well what do ya think
Abbos get that much more useless, I would not have guessed

literally not human

Don't breed.
We don't need any more of you or your kind.

you don't understand what this new info actually means. not only have they been there 60,000 years. abos arriving in australia means they predate cizilisation by 50,000 years. of course they haven't come up with fucking ANYTHING they're barely modern humans. civilisation spread everywhere, except to here.

Yes, and how does this make them primitive?

You have extremely low standards for social development. If aboriginals weren't primitive then who is?

But couldn't people complain about other stuff the same way? Like say if European culture was only 24 hours old, then refugees have only been on the continent for 12 seconds.

That's the papua guinea tribe

Tens of thousands of years in one place, well adapted to climate, flora, fauna, etc.. Invent Boomerang, and a hollow stick.

Did you just say sweety!?! That's actually a pre-genderly loaded micro-aggression. You just assaulted him/her/zhim/zher/it.

Tasmanian abbos also didn't realize that sex made babies.

before they were wiped out, they must have been the stupidest culture on the planet.

but thats wrong. Europeans were already around when abos got to australia, they simply weren't moving around yet. jews keep denying and holding onto the truth because it damns all their theories

invented a stick


Yes admittantly so. I see primitive as the animal kingdom.

Any humans providing systems of governance, trade, history preservation, and movement are not primitive.

> managed to invent a stick in 40,000 years

Yea but I do you really think we are gonna last that long as a civilization? yeah they didn't invent shit but atleast they didnt fuck the planet up.

Yeah but there's no evidence they had any type of seafaring culture.Pacific Islanders do have a history of fishing, boating from one island to another etc. Abos don't, at least not that I'm aware of.

I guess whitey must have hidden it all from history.

Sambia tribe in Papua New Guinea


There was a very thin landbridge from papua new guniea and malaysia where they touched Austrailia a long time ago. Also they found an abo haplogroup in eastern india indicating that abos are actually caucasian.
Abos are ironically the only pure caucasian group on earth, theyre whiter than Sup Forums

>white people

I thought races were just an arbitrary social construct, or so leftists tell me?

Wouldn't it be better to say "European people"?

Theyre extremely violent but not primitive

>will not share their culture with whites.
I drank with an Abbo in Ingham who worked in the local tourist village. He told me "the white fellas" had taught him how to throw a boomerang for the tourists.
I've never met a more broken people. What little culture they had pre-Cook is utterly gone.
The 1/8 Abbo LARPers you might meet at university are utterly unrepresentative.

>What is Japan
fuck off

The nexus of aboriginal culture is talking about being aboriginal.

Not about achieving anything as an aboriginal.
Not about inventing anything as an aboriginal.
Not as building anything as an aboriginal.
Not about aboriginal engineering.
Not about aboriginal technological advances.
Not about aboriginal medical discoveries.
Not about aboriginal mathematics.
Not about advances in aboriginal physics.

The entire sum of aboriginal history and culture is simply being aboriginal. After 60,000 of aboriginal advancement and development,their greatest achievement is to survive a dead end evolutionary and intellectual gene pool.