Explain this wealthy goys of /pol?
Wealth distribution
Because carrying a bundle of sticks is only a good enterprise when there's an axe stuck inside
you also need a brain to create wealth. I could carry 50x their amount of sticks with a vehicle invented in the 1900's by a genius white man. Wake me up when these 60 IQ niggers invent a truck to carry their water and sticks. Until then their labour is worth like 5 cents an hour.
also simply extracting resources from the environment to sustain you and your 20 kids existence is not creating wealth.
>dig giant hole with a spoon
>expect more money than the guy who did it in a fraction of the time with an excavator
So how did wealthy people create their wealth?
ever hear the phrase "work smart not hard"?
Because retard work doesn't pay well. I earn almost 4x more now with my easy, comfy office job than I did mowing lawns with a crew of illegals.
by creating something that people want to buy?
is the free market hard to understand for a small roach brain?
>le 60 IQ nigger meme
Wealth and hard work have little to do with each other.
How did the jews get rich?
Did they create something people want to buy?This is completely ignoring that historically wealth has always been inherited and rarely crested.
>le racists see black men but I see a doctor, a lawyer, a rocket scientist, an engineer and a philosopher meme
Wealth is the inevitable result of productive work and good enterprise. Carrying sticks on your back isnt productive and it isnt a enterprise.
Bullshit. I've been to Africa. They do their chores just like everyone else in the entire fucking planet then go back to sitting around their porch or in circles on the fucking mud.
Eat shit and die.
>hard work and enterprise
>and enterprise
>That reference
>Those digits
>work smarter, not harder
Thanks for giving me this advice, dad
t. About to start second business
>dig giant hole with a spoon
>expect more money than the guy who did it in a fraction of the time with an excavator
>call it 'Art' and make exponentially more money than the guy with an excavator
This is not correct. 70% of rich families lose their wealth by the second generation. Many of the mega wealthy right now come from average families. And yes the jews are creating goods and services that people want to buy. How are they doing it? by using their massive jewish brain.
By exploiting or scamming people at every opportunity they could or benefiting from exploitation done by others..
The thing there are too many variables in what makes a person rich to exactly pinpoint. Like some idiot can be rich overnight cause of winning the birth lottery or an idiot celeb gets instant rich. The notion of capitalism being the best distribution of wealth is not the end all be all.
actually no, and I dont care about the jew, but the state of amerian economic mobility is at an all-time low
They bought things people wanted for cheap, and then sold them for a higher price. Thats assuming all Jews where truly merchants, which is silly.
They got most of their wealth through usury and banking, in regions where the inhabitants where religiously forbidden to do so.
I wanna go to Africa with a pickup truck and put all the barefoot stick haulers out of bidness.
The statement that "wealth is the result of hard work and enterprise" only applies to humans, not to animals. Or else you'd also expect ants or bees to be millionaires.
You have to work hard and not be stupid
So why should I, a poor person, assume that the guy that is driving a ferrari and never had to work in his entire life is deserving of his wealth and comfort?
What if he is a thief as well?
Dont talk nonsense
hard work doesn't ensure success, it's a requisit for such. niggers should die by drowning, remaining leftists shall fall from helicopters into the newly formed landfill/ Lake O' Naggers
>Buys into the kike Karl Marx's retarded theory on origin of wealth
>Demands we explain ourselves when it doesn't work
I never said that they were deserving. In fact I said they use dishonesty, exploitation or thievery many times to get their wealth, or they benefit from the wealth gained by inheritance from/being paid by some one who used dishonesty/thievery/exploitation to accumulate their wealth.
As is says in the Holy Bible:
>And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
>Matthew 19:24
>King James version
A great number of the wealthy in this world rise to their station through immoral means.
Take out "enterprise" from that sentence.
even a beaver is smart enough to know there are better ways to do things
I am aski g you wjy I should respect the property rights of people richer than me. I have no way of knowing whether they worked for it or deserved it.
I go to the gym a few times a week, and work out really hard, until I am completely exhausted. How much should I be paid for that demanding physical work? Wealth is the inevitable result of hard work, INTELLIGENCE, and enterprise. No one gets wealthy doing unskilled manual labor, nor should they. Creating VALUE will result in wealth. Carrying a bunch of sticks around (a task which a horse would perform far better) does not create any value. If a nigger gathers and carries a bunch of sticks, the appropriate compensation would be the warmth provided by the fire made with that wood.
Wealth and payment has nothing to do with each other.
Don't worry, pal
These polakunts are hopeless, no need to waste you time with such scum
Really? Your post implies that it would be impossible for anyone to have wealth. How could the first wealthy person have become wealthy via inheritance if HE was the first wealthy person? Historically, a very small minority of wealth has been inherited. It is not surprising that a roach can live for several days with its head cut off.
I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't?
I have no sympathy for the rich and am at best suspicious of them and at worse hateful towards them.
Damn user. Nice.
Wealth and payment? What the fuck are you talking about? The ONLY way to get wealth is by receiving payments. Suck ass, you stupid nigger.
The first wealthy person would be the cave dweller who killed off competitors and kept the natural wealth for his tribe - local water, game, and fruits and berries.
I don't get it.
Bundle of sticks with an axe in it is the symbol for fascism.
Some peacecorp fag revealed that Africans generally are shit at planning for the future. When they earn money they blow it away faster than you can say BBC gangrape.
>physical labor is mostly worth very little in today's world
>mental labor isn't easy to evaluate
>moreover, misguided effort is not worth money
>therefore, outcomes should be used
The real problem is democracy. Capitalism's democratic component (where everyone "can" buy a product, and the sum of all "voters" is the total weight you gain) is what allows jews to swindle the inferior goyim, thus ensuring they stay on top with infinite money while the less intelligent people stay super-poor.
What is the threads question even?
Capitalism is really not that hard to understand.
Do anything better then the rest and you will get rich.
If the currency is sticks, then be the best at picking up sticks.
Or do it the jew way, let others do the work under your organization and take a percentage of all sticks to yourself.
Hard work better your countries GDP*
Not just your hut
Hi fellow jew.
You see most wealth in the form of real estate was simply claimed by settlers. This is what happens from time immemorial.
Payment isnt about wealth.
First wealht would be land or water sources.
The only claim that person has is "I was here first"
How is that justified?
Why should I have to do anything better than others while some people was born into wealth?
Your capitalism sucks ass.
>A person who takes stick and puts stick should be paid the same as someone who creates robots
Yes goyim. Meme union wasn't good enough here is the new neveryetevertriedgoymmunism3.0™.
Wealth isn't a result of "hard work" it is a result of labour value. That is why athletes make more than doctors. It is not the importance of what you are doing in terms of someone's survival, some much as if what you are doing generates value. A professional athlete draws in people to an event which generates more value than a doctor saving a life.
Why? Because that event has more importance to people than the life of one person. Odd to think about, but true, if you think about it.
So what you're ultimately saying is that we should get rid of inheritance, so that every new born human starts under the same circumstances.
It's an interesting thought, but too short sighted.
What happens to wealth after someone dies?
The state takes it?
It doesn't make sense. Obviously you should decide for yourself what happens to the gross products of your lifetimes work.
So you gotta live with people having won the birth lottery.
After all, wealth is not equal to happiness, and if your goal is to achieve wealth, capitalism offers you all the opportunities to do so.
Which brings us back to the initial point of the thread, be smarter than the rest and wealth will flow your way.
Epic XD
Their carrying those sticks to rebuild their huts. From the civil war they had last week with their neighbouring tribes.
Since when is carrying large faggots on your back "enterprise"? It's fucking cattle labour, or at least it would be if they had actually domesticated anything for that matter.
>Be smarter
Thats not the problem. You can scam people with your intelligence and get rich. Should the state allow your children to inherit that wealth?
I believe most rich people atent truly deserving of it.
Even in our currect capitalist world some people get rich with government handouts and tax theft.
Or they just bribe the government like in the case of America.
If he hadn't included the word enterprise he would have been right,
Hard work wasted in an inefficient manor as is the case in Africa won't amount to anything. Hard work spent in an enterprising manor will build wealth.
By selling retards like this a wheelbarrow...
You know, an invention so incredibly basic that multiplies a persons effective value of work twofold
Being smart means you have to work less. Being a hard worker means that you don't have to be as smart.
Unfortunately for niggers, they're so dumb they can't work hard enough to close the IQ gap.
Jeeze it's been forever since I've seen that documentary and I forgot just how beaten the African is. Based Asian Scheister really got him.
>Yet he never dreamed to sail
This guy know that early humans have reached Australia before spouting bullshit.Natural resources?What natural resources?
No, it was just empty land which had very little value at the time. The work, of clearing the land, planting crops, building homes, etc....that is the wealth. Obtaining wealth via natural resource extraction is at the bottom of the productive hierarchy. Many nations with virtually NO resources - Japan, Hong Kong, etc..are wealthy despite having almost no natural resources. And many resource rich countries are poor. The most valuable asset for creating wealth is the human brain. Those with poorer brains will be poorer. Don't even try to argue with me, you illiterate and stupid piece of shit. I make more in a week than you make in a year. BEcause I am intelligent, and you are stupid, and lazy. Do you really think that bears and buffalo should be riding in limousines and driving Cadillacs because they lived in an area with lots of resources? No. Because animals are not able to supply the intelligence part of creating wealth.
I love Chinese people.
You said inherit. Now you're saying they did it through lying and stealing. Make up your mind, nigger. When you are already in a hole.....stop digging.
>Niggers in Africa are working harder than anywhere else on Earth because a wheel is still foreign to them, despite all the technology colonization left them with
You literally can't make this shit up.
>No, it was just empty land which had very little value at the time. The work, of clearing the land, planting crops, building homes, etc....that is the wealth.
You dont have to do that.
You can just sell that land to another person and make wealth. Argue against that dipshit.
>Obtaining wealth via natural resource extraction is at the bottom of the productive hierarchy.
There is a hierarchy of needs. The bottom must be provided to reach the higher needs.
>Many nations with virtually NO resources - Japan, Hong Kong, etc..are wealthy despite having almost no natural resources.
There are two hundred and fourty countries. One or two makes NO difference. This compeletly ignores trade routes and tourism which doesnt depend on intelligence at all
>And many resource rich countries are poor.
Yes. Why do you think EXCEPTIONS are the RULE?
>The most valuable asset for creating wealth is the human brain. Those with poorer brains will be poorer.
The richest person in history was an African king named Mansa Musa. Probably low intelligence.
>Don't even try to argue with me, you illiterate and stupid piece of shit. I make more in a week than you make in a year. BEcause I am intelligent, and you are stupid, and lazy. Do you really think that bears and buffalo should be riding in limousines and driving Cadillacs because they lived in an area with lots of resources?
Hmm really made me think
>No. Because animals are not able to supply the intelligence part of creating wealth.
Apparenlty you are able to create wealth...
Europeans quit carry sticks on their back when the cart was invented.
Just because they work harder does not make their work more valuable
>use wood
>build cart
>carry wood in cart
>carry tons more wood to build more carts
>eventually have an enterprise
Do shitskins have literally no comprehension on the concept of meritocracy and demand? I'm serious, do they simply not understand what that is?
Exactly. This picture shows 100 hard work but approximately 0 enterprise.
First post best post
>if all p are q, then all q are p
how about go read a book, roach intellectual
60 is pretty generous for some niggers.
a refined gentleman (you) are
Why would they sell land they just occupied to someone...when that someone could also just get some free land, dipshit? No wonder you shitskins are so poor. Stupid, lazy, and obnoxious. The government sold EVERYONE who wanted land at $1 an acre. You dipshit. Why would someone pay someone else's land at MORE than a dollar an acre, when the government was selling it for a dollar an acre? You have been dead wrong about everything you said, but you persist. However, you are poor, ignorant garbage. I drive a Cadillac, have a nice house in the suburbs, and have a good job, where I make more each week than you do in a year, roach. Sitting at a desk in an air conditioned office, while you carry around sticks, and expect wealth to materialize.
You are paid based on how many people are capable of doing what you do
2 hours of a neurosurgeons labor is worth far more than 18 hours of a stick carrier
Because resources are limited. Noe go learn economics 101
gold and diamonds had little to no value to them
you can't eat or build with these things
they weren't far enough along yet, and even now they gather them to sell to different cultures, instead of making use of these things themselves
Yeh I was thinking more like half of that
60% of millionaires today are first generation. You'll have to come up with another excuse for being a failure.
History isnt just about the last decade user.
Yeah faggot, 10 years does not equal all of human history
Yeah, but when a trend no longer exists, the fact that it existed for 1900 of the last 2000 years doesn't matter.
Your impact on the economy is what determines your wealth. A few niggers carrying sticks is nothing compared to providing products to entire populations.
Sticks aren't exactly valuable...
Neither are niggers, lost their value after slavery
Wrong. Wealth is a product of involvement in as many mutual transactions as possible.