Bill Nye "Sex Junk" episode nominated for Emmy

I tried to find a clip of the original sex junk video but every fucking YouTube result is just some faggot reacting to the original video. This is the best I could do

Other urls found in this thread:

Actually I found a better vid


i have no words this vid is worse than anything ive seen in any cringe thread

Use the archive:

Becoming a celebrity and living in LA for long enough apparently always turns you into something horrible.

Literally everyone hated this, how is it getting an Emmy? Some Jews nephew direct it or something?

>One of the most disliked videos of the last few years has been nominated for an Emmy
and people laugh when they say (((Hollywood))) is out of touch

>billy nye the """""""science""""""" guy
Modern science is being raped

Thanks America

>make your big break into entertainment by hosting a nationally beloved science education show aimed at presenting basic physics, biology, and chemistry concepts to elementary kids
>use your success to launch dozens of science advocacy projects and charities aimed at kids with a budding interest in science
>years later, get the chance to make a similar show for a more adult audience
>pitch meeting off to a great start
>wait, who are these studio executives?
>why are we talking about gender studies and white privilege?
>what are you doing? don't cut all the pro-nuclear power arguments from the global warming episode!
>no, stop, I really liked the speech I wrote about space exploration!
>I won't stand for th-... n-no Mr Goldschein... th-the changes are great... no complaints... I didn't mean to upset you... I really need this job

>tfw you dedicated your entire career to improving the quality of science education in the United States, and now you're going to be remembered for "Sex Junk"

>Executive Producer
>Gil (((Goldschein)))

The part where he "drops the bass" might set a new benchmark in cringe. That, or when he goes up to her and says something like "those are all the right things to say." I almost threw my PC out my window the first time I saw this video.

I wonder, who do we have to thank for this?

>Bill Nye the Weimar Guy

All this proves is just how fucking worthless the emmy is.


This is what blows my mind. When it was on YouTube it had an insane number of dislikes compared to likes. For fuck's sake, REDDIT hated this video.

it's like hitler giving himself a humanitarian award for exterminating the jews

well deserved, by the way

>Emmies are worthless
>Grammys are worthless
>Nobel Peace Prizes are worthless
>that sci-fi writer award is worthless
Are there any genuine awards left that mark actual accomplishments, unmarred by politics and agenda?

This is degenerate as fuck but I had a blast and a laugh watching that shirt. Hilarious beyond beliefs. (((Pity them)))

That video had an unbelievable amount of dislikes and all the top rated comments were harsh criticisms of the nonsense they were peddling. Who in the fuck do these people think they are kidding? The amount of delusion liberals are capable of is fucking staggering.

Yea, Olympic medals. At least those are awarded on an objective basis.


that was so cringy it actually does a terrible job of delivering it's message, like it's written by someone who's only prompt was "over the top wacky sex acts lmao", and as if the cringe cherry on the cake bill nye says that's just the right message even though it's almost like they're mocking all the weirdos they're meant to be defending

Emmys are just brownie point awards.


Tell that to gymnastics, figure skating, and diving.

nice try bub

I have never seen his recent work and I plan to keep it that way. I want to remember him as the whacky dude who did fun stuff on PBS when I was 6 and inspired my love of STEM and ftutre in engineering, not whatever it is he's become.

the video is in the link you posted, nigger

>hollywood jews produce pseudoscience garbage desecrating the childhood inspiration of thousands of STEMfags today
>the same hollywood jews jerk themselves off by nominating it for a bullshit award
>this happens against a backdrop of race rants at the oscars, production of a we wuz kangz movie, and endless, constant posturing by overemotional faggot theatrequeers-turned-celebs
I'm so fucking shocked

>bagels with lox and lots of schmear
what did she mean by this?

lost chance

that episode red pilled my atheist friend so hard.
>you were right all along
>this never would have happened if they had known jesus
>queers need beat up in school
>i am sorry

Rodney McKay: "Watch who you're correcting, Science Guy! My Ph.D. is not honorary!"
Bill Nye: "Hey, look! I'm an engineer! I can do math!"

>redpilled my atheist friend
You do realize that opposing degeneracy isn't an exclusively Christian idea, right? Maybe you just have shitty left-wing friends.

>Nobel Prize in Physics/Chemistry/Medicine
>Fields Medal

so basically hard sciences and sports. Every single branch of the arts and humanities are pozzed as fuck. Look up who the JMW Turner prize is awarded to these days if you want to rage real quick

>You do realize that opposing degeneracy isn't an exclusively Christian idea, right?
Christcucks literally think the one and only way to the supreme being of the universe is through a single human individual existing in an arbitrary blip of spacetime, so no, of course he doesn't

Watcha doing Rabbi