They seem to be really passionate
What does Sup Forums think of European converts to Islam?
Traitors. Jesus Christ is our king, not a goat-fucking sandnigger.
Traitors, and useful idiots. Nobody likes a turncoat, and make no mistake, Muslims understand tribalism. They understand family, and loyalty. They will never accept, never trust a traitor.Oh they will use them for their agenda, to further weaken the West, but those people are dead the moment their usefulness expires. Muslims need little reason to kill other Muslims, they do it for the flimsiest of reasons. There is no way those pasty wannabes will find a place in the coming Caliphate.
always shoot traitors first
i'm more interested in hearing what middle eastern (immigrants or not) think of white westerners converting to islam
do they see them as "real" muslims?
i can't imagine they do
>Jesus Christ
>not a goat fucking sandnigger
Pick one
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
i come in peace
i am a convert to islam inshallah
islam is the greatest wallah
thats all my brothers
Weaklings, that showed their true colors as soon as the tide turned.
Christianity is Europe's true Religion, all these fedoras wearing faggots need to understand that.
Without Christian values everything is lost, just look at the percentage of atheists in the west and compare it to the levels of degeneracy in that specific country, it's all linked.
all of them need to be killed
There's a special place in hell for heretics
they're like the cuckold guys who end up getting fucked by the bull.
sand wiggers.
Worse than muslim-born muslims. Takes a special kind of idiot to go from not believing in stupid bullshit for which there's no evidence to doing so.
Indoctrination is sort of understandable, kids are gullible af and it's cemented early.
I'm not a Christian but this is a fallacious argument.
Europeans took Christianity and made it their own. They incorporated all of their pagan holidays and many of their practices and turned it into something that was a truly European concept. The Christianity that exists outside of Europe is markedly different although it does share some of the same properties.
The difference with Islam is that the Islam being pushed into Europe is not being adopted by the native peoples and metamorphized into a European cultural phenomenon. It is being exacted wholesale unto the Europeans and seeks to dissolve any previous European practices or cultures.
This is why Varg's retarded comments about there being no difference between the two religions because they are both "foreign" doesn't hold any weight. Varg even admits that European Christianity is largely pagan in practice due to the very nature of the fact that Europeans transformed Christianity into something of their own.
Their grand dads would flip in their graves
But these people are mentally ill people. You have to be mentally ill to be a convert like this.
Kill traitors before the enemy.
>jesus, a literal sandnigger
They should be shot and their loved ones should be shot for not shooting them.
Why regular Muslims in Europe should be given the choice between immediate self-deportation and bring gassed no such magnanimity should be offered to these vermin. They should be publicly whipped, drawn and quartered, and then have what remains if their corpses fed to pigs so they cannot be afforded a burial. Such is the just reward for treason.
Living embodiments of cuckery
He's a former devote catholic, so that's probably the education he builds on. Needs to be taken into account.
I bet most will accept him as a muslim since it's some kind of magical thinking... after all they seem to believe they're guided by and connected through some kind of hivemind built through belief in the Koran and their prophet, race or nationality seems of little matter to. You have to know that current day Arabs largely became Arabs through islamic imperialism, so judged by the historical muslim dynamic islam as an entity will seek to integrate him, and since muslims create this entity and also enforce its wishes they probably will accept him, they have to afaik.
Arabs of his phenotype though rare exist, that might be his future.
I like their values, but their beliefs are just fucking retarded.
I should add I'm a Turk Tengrist though just as he stands on a catholic foundation, mine is influenced by the muslim cultural circle, and as you can tell I have my problems, but I don't think a muslim will have those because they think magically.
>I like their values
Herreallah, lämna Sverige snälla
I think Varg is a deeply immature being, for pagan channels Survive the Jive is far superior and more grounded.
There are some fascinating stories of how the early christians in northern europeans merged the pagan beliefs
and the christian. One being ancestor worships, where most kings and high statused men claimed they were actually
descendants from the gods, and talked about them as if they had actually lived for real. The meme of violent
christian conquest is only partially true, there was some, but it wasn't like everyone just deleted everything
they previously had believed.
Burning churces is also a truly despicable act, and ironically it is very unpagan, since you are actively disrespecting
your ancestors, which for many northern pagan cultures was a big no-no.
Oh I just remember, Arabs usually see themselves as some kind of authority, in my eyes and I emphasize that because it's not my job to impose self identity on others and since I'm not a muslim, they are right in claiming it's Arab. It's their language, their history, their book, their culture...
Then again, what Turks take into their hands, they can do whatever they want with it, that's my view.
So Arabs might have the most tribalistic and unconscious biases.
Additionally not exclusive to Arabs the kind of school he follows might be rejected and along with that his whole muslim identity but that's kind of deep and your average muslim, especially those on a mission, won't care. Apparently they did their best to welcome him and even push him.
To me he's a larping catholic former boxer from Cologne who took a couple too many hits and might have drunken too much and had two or three conversations too many playing videogames with his Arab friends.
That's how it's done, the church embraced paganism in order to stay connected. They had to, people usually like to keep on doing what they did before. So the church decorated paganism with their own symbols.
>Burning churces is also a truly despicable act, and ironically it is very unpagan, since you are actively disrespecting your ancestors, which for many northern pagan cultures was a big no-no.
I think this is what disturbs me the most about this modern trend of MUH FUCK KIKESTIANITY.
Most of these edgy morons talk all this hype about "honoring the gods of their forefathers" and "going back to the roots" but are perfectly fine with dismissing their ancestors of at least the last 1000 years an in many cases even more. Even the Third Reich, for all of its attempt to the return of the glory of the old order, recognized that in order to move past Christianity they had to embrace it. You cannot deny the fact that Christianity played an enormously important role in the development of the different European peoples and to do so would be to do exactly what the rewriters of history so voraciously wish for; the dissolution of people's roots.
I am perfectly comfortable with being able to admit that my most recent ancestors got it wrong and that Christianity has been subverted against us, is teetering on the edge of catastrophe and being utterly useless to us anymore. But that doesn't mean that I have to erase the past and flush my heritage down the toilet.
Either retards or cowards for the most part I'm guessing. Also edgelords.
It's one thing to be Muslim because your'e simply born into it, it's another thing to voluntarily seek that retarded shit out when you should know better.
My point is that it's very ignorant and clueless to be "Fug christianity, burn da church".
We live in a world with millennia of knowledge and experience, we don't have to be afraid anymore for who has
the right beliefs and we should recognize that the muslim threat isn't of spirit but of race.
Think the future caliphate would be nice to us if we just converted? Don't think they're arab supremacists?
European pagan beliefs and christians need to coexist, unironically, because they are both our heritage.
But muslims don't think it's retarded, being humans and lets strip them down, they probably will be opportunity seeking... I believe the largest majority will see him as an gate opener to integrate themselves into western culture, however twisted that might seem and I guess they will be grateful. You have to understand they're just as anyone else dads and moms who just want a normal life. People are normies.
I don't think they want to integrate into Western culture, user, otherwise it would be the opposite: they would be converting to Christianity or leaving Islam.
Islam is supposed to be a personal religion primarily but people only focus on the social aspect way too much.
It is about being a better person so that God may grant you heaven. It is about your relationship with your Maker. Unfortunately people are just too concerned with what others are doing. It's very common to be taught here that you should fix yourself before you try to fix others, yet no one seems to learn that.
I don't know man... I'm comming from a very different direction, Turks embraced all kinds of religions and were largely influential in them... so I personally don't limit myself... but I can see the benefits of not blindly destroying working tools... for example I like ancient Latin and the church does its part to provide resources.
>Don't think they're arab supremacists?
>Think the future caliphate would be nice to us if we just converted?
Properly converted you will become an Arab sooner or later. And no, I don't think so, since it's a real programming for your brain and I don't see any benefits in dogmatically holding onto scripture dependent beliefs. Scripture is formulated for a limited geographical space and especially time.
If you have only one bullet use it rather against traitor than enemy.
If Western culture is pitted against Islam, the West will surely go down. No need to fight either. You can't say the Western values are about individual freedoms, and then hypocritically curtail the freedom of choosing Islam as the religion. You can't have your cake and eat it too
The fact that Sup Forums of all places has not seen the trolling potential in this is beyond stupid.
You can't just dispense with 1000 years of history so easily as Varg wants too.
Were christians mean sometimes? Yes, but they also did wonderfully good things sometimes
Personally I view the history of Europe as the development and maturation of an actual
person, Europe is an actual body, both physically in the sense that it has mass but also spiritually
since it has traditions, beliefs, cultures and mysteries of its own.
Paganism never went away, because christianity is very much a european thing and it has been completely
shaped by the culture and beliefs of the indo-european people that inhabited this land. To be resentful
and vengeful towards christian europe is a very immature, historically ignorant, thing to do. It's way more
complex than what Varg wants you to believe.
Humurously, many great Western artists and philosophers liked Persian Islamic poetry like Hafiz and Khayyam, especially. Goethe and Nietzsche notably. I am it Muslim but just making the point there are aspects of its mystical side that's not Allahu Akbar'ing.
>You can't say the Western values are about individual freedoms, and then hypocritically curtail the freedom of choosing Islam as the religion. You can't have your cake and eat it too
Oh you absolutelyfuckingcan. Western values are about individual freedom for Westerners, doesn't necessarily mean foreigners need to be allowed to pollute our society.
There's a lot of things about Islam and Islamic culture and history that are cool and worthy of admiration, doesn't mean you need to convert to Islam or support Islamic invasion.
I'm not saying it's a deliberate or conscious act, so it won't be a closed system or holistically logical.
I imagine myself as a muslim dad, putting his son to school, and then lets say there's that local who is a teacher and embraced islam...
I'd think that guy can teach my son biology, even if it is western, I don't see that...
You get what I'm trying to say?
People aren't as rigid as most in here, who might have payed with isolation in order to keep it real. Most people don't do that. Most people don't even have the mental capacities to understand what good consistency might even do. People are retarded- Don't expect them to have a coherent world view. They have no time for that shift. Bills to pay, working late night shifts, broke their leg I don't know people get into all kind of retarded shit preventing them from thinking, they watch soap operas.
>They seem to be really passionate
So are pedophiles.
Are you implying that Islam cannot be accepted by anyone who is Western? Please do restrain your retardation.
>It's way more complex than what Varg wants you to believe.
Agreed. I don't think Varg ever grew out of his Black Metal phase. His time in prison at a young age probably severely stunted his ability to adequately pass into adulthood and thereby become mature and complex with his thinking.
It's almost as if he has the emotional capacity of an insecure teenager, only thinking about life and the outlook on it from the vantage point of what will make his parents the most outraged.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy...
converts to islam must be the modern equivalent of the ancient Romans who opened the gates of Rome to Theodoric
>I imagine myself as a muslim dad, putting his son to school, and then lets say there's that local who is a teacher and embraced islam...
If you need your kids teachers to share your (foreign) religion in order to trust them you're beyond even average Muslims in terms of your fanaticism and inability to integrate.
>Don't expect them to have a coherent world view. They have no time for that shift. Bills to pay, working late night shifts, broke their leg I don't know people get into all kind of retarded shit preventing them from thinking, they watch soap operas.
Somehow I don't think that's the problem. Quite the opposite, it seems like Muslims have way too much spare time to do stupid shit, come up with dumb ideas, get ""radicalized"", pray 6 times a day, etc.
It seems like they have too much time on their hands, actually.
I agree with that - as a whole Islam is dumb, but I feel the same way about Christianity. I love Meister Eckhart but dislike mainstream Christianity.
>Are you implying that Islam cannot be accepted by anyone who is Western?
It can be but in my opinion it's ultimately incompatible with Western culture and values.
And the vast majority of converts to Islam do so while explicitly rejecting Western culture and values and their upbringing.
Kill them along with those who taught them.
People can accept and live with being paraplegics, doesn't mean it's desirable. Westerners already have their completely own cultures, histories, mythologies and religions.
They are the scumiest people. I prefer a fucking mudslim sandniggers over a white european convert. It's absolutely disgusting. And tell me why 80% of them are redheads
Leld, thanks for a laugh.
they're like bandwagoning football fans. they think they have to prove their worth by showing how dedicated they are and by doing so they go OTT
To be fair, Christianity can also largely be incompatible with Enlightenment Era values, especially with evolution denialists.
Western culture and values such as? Try to be explicit because if you're talking about faggotry, transfaggotry and putting underage children on puberty blockers, then yes, Islam is incompatible with the West. Otherwise I don't see what the problem is.
Why would you assume anyone would even want to move to Sweden, Tyrone?
Because my government gives away all the gibs imaginable
Also is it so boring in Canada right now?
because a lot of redheads are billy no mates and it's probably the first time in their life they've found a group where they feel accepted
I think you have a hard time stepping out of your shoes, trying to see the world through another persons eyes.
They don't have to be as logical as you.
But I'm sure if I were to talk to a muslim dad, and aksed him how he felt about the Frenchman biology teacher having converted to islam, he might be like it. Also remember how this topic started, with a guy asking how muslims feel about converts, so that's my view how they might and I think I'm close since I don't see any muslims or white people but reptiles.
There sits the same monkey under the veil.
I don't know what you group identify with but imagine you went somewhere and you wanted to make sure your kids have a future, would you like that teacher to embrace part of your views?
Hell yes you would. Even I would. I mean, that's probably the most sure thing that people like when you adapt their views.
because redheads have no soul and can be manipulated to do Satan's bidding.
Yeah they are fairly backward but not really a threat to Western civilization in the way that Islam is.
>Western culture and values such as?
Any freedoms that you take for granted such as freedom of religion, expression, association, etc. None of these are really protected in Islamic societies.
kek, didn't some prophet had reddish glowing hair when stepping from sinai
gives them a biblical quality
What you don't seem to realize is that Islam is a religion. You can have zero Asian people and still a country full of Muslims. At the end of the day, religion can only spread if people believe in it. It isn't something you just take up like that.
If you believe in Islam then obviously you're going to be a Muslim, and if you don't then you can't be forced to become one. It's better to be a non Muslim in that case. So the question arises, are you threatened by the religion or the Arab/African immigrants that follow (and some that don't) the religion?
>If you believe in Islam then obviously you're going to be a Muslim, and if you don't then you can't be forced to become one.
stop. my sides can only take so much.
>Freedom of religion
Muslim countries are full of Hindu and Sikh temples and churches. You literally have to pay less taxes in Muslim countries if you aren't Muslim, and some lie that they aren't to avoid them.
You can't say heil Hitler in European countries so there you go, and you're trying to actively stop people's freedom of expression by removal of Islam
Oh, maybe he's projecting, because white christians often won't accept blacks.
Well, islam is different, it's closer to the original scripture (often heard racism and nationalism of course other than the arab is prohibitted) while christianity was for the most time equivalent with the church and that's more like an agency.
The religion have rites, phrases etc that are completely foreign to me, they are not embedded in european or swedish culture as christianity has become.
It's utterly pointless for us to replace 1000 - 800 years of christianity with Islam.
How many Sup Forumsacks REALLY disagree with the following?
>In 2014, an expatriate in XXXX was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 80 lashes after alcohol consumption and raping a toddler.
(Meanwhile in Finland they slap your wrist)
>Drunk-driving is strictly illegal and punishable by 80 lashes; many expatriates have been sentenced to 80 lashes for drunk-driving.
>In XXXXX, people have been sentenced to 80 lashes for kissing in public. Under XXX law, premarital sex is punishable by 100 lashes.
(meanwhile in Cali fat cows jump around naked screeching)
>Abortion is illegal and punishable by a maximum penalty of 100 lashes and up to five years in prison.
(Hello planned parenthood)
>The punishment for committing adultery is 100 lashes for unmarried people and stoning to death for married people.
(Meanwhile in the west it's almost encouraged to cheat)
>In several cases, the courts of the UAE have jailed women who have reported rape. For example, a British woman, after she reported being gang raped by three men, was charged with the crime of "alcohol consumption".
(Meanwhile in the west just the allegation is enough to ruin you)
>Homosexuality is illegal and is a capital offense in the XXX.
They are a tiny level above male feminists. Same pathological reasoning
Why are you assuming that Islam will cuck your country? The only way Islam is going to spread is if people believe in it. If your people don't, then the members only increase by birth or immigration, which leads me to the original question: is Islam the problem or the Asian folk?
Go live in a muslim country then you stupid snownigger
Traitors and apostates, and they must be destroyed.
Freedoms can occur in Muslim countries but they are not really guaranteed or fundamental, and the inverse is also true, whereas freedom is a fundamental aspect of Western culture, it's not absolute.
Point is that Islamic culture and Western culture are not interchangeable, they are simply different in various ways.
I unironically disagree with the death penalty. But I'll always maintain there should be an exception for treason.
>fighting for a dead kike on a stick from some fairy tale book rather than your fellow whites
shut up sadiq
Both, religion is a majort part identity and culture.
>Jesus Christ is our king
So many Christicucks on this board. Your religion is just (((judaism)))-lite. It's a slave religion that was designed by (((them))) to pacify the goyim. Wotan will set you free mein bruder. Return to your ethnic heritage.
Recent converts or long ago?
Old Turkics such as those in Ukraine and Poland are not a threat. Nor are Iberians or Maltans.
New converts howerver are a threat.
High treason.
Drawn and quartered after "Reconquestia 2: Kebab Removal Boogaloo"
It doesn't work though.
Current day tools are way more sophisticated, people spend their whole lifes just on studying a fucking door knob, and all of a sudden everyone's an expert on everything. Of course things retardiate a bit.
Again there are more sophisticated, sensible and better working tools than 80 lashes, what does that teach you other than submitting to however retarded shit it might be?
Unironically fucking this
I'm convinced it's IRA dudes memeing it up to collapse England
I am ready to slaughter muslims.
They get to go to the coldest place in hell.
So if people in your country start believing in Islam, what are you going to do about it?
I only agree with it when it comes to extremely heinous crimes of a monstrous nature, treason that resulted in severe defeats or losses belongs to that category.
It's only Wahhabism/Salafism and it's jnfluences that seem to directly be a threat. Other Muslims don't really care.
Pierre Vogel is the biggest cunt
>Here is a picture of his great friend sven Lau
> he is on trial because he supported isis with money and helped at least two Islamist to join isis in mossul
>They also created a Sharia Police in cologne
99 out of 100 of them were bullied at school.
They are kind of like weeaboos but more violent, they think joining a new group of people will solve all their autism issues and they will become popular and functional somehow...
>What does Sup Forums think of European converts to Islam?
White is an ethno-cultural distinction. Muslims cannot be White no matter what their genetics are.
>get beat up growing up
>never have girlfriend
>autistic as fuck
>suddenly, the droning sound of sharia over the speakers in downtown london
>a place where women are segregated and must please their men
>suddenly oliver feels at home
also some red tint to his hair
>They also created a Sharia Police in cologne
lmfao, do you know cologne people's mentality? they laugh that shit off, they'll ridicule them with all kinds of stuff
If they were ethnically Swedes I would counteract it hard in any way I can.
No muslims, besides temporarily visiting dignitaries or businessmen, belongs here.
It isn't just a religion, it's a complete ethnic baggage.
They don't have shariah police in most Muslim countries.
>They seem to be really passionate
Think about the conversion stories. Pretty much all of them are former addicts and/or criminals thinking they'll better their lives if they try to make amends while keeping that little psychotic fire inside of them burning. Islam is the perfect excuse for that.
And on the other hand you have the ones that fail at being european and know they'll get pussy if they convert (true story, muslims trying to convert europeans pretty much always offer a "wife").
They want pussy and/or absolution.
he was a devote catholic and relatively successful boxer, it's probably not because of bullying
he might even be a jesuit even though i don't like making false allegations, but cologne is severely catholic clay