There's a reason there's so much black on black violence

There's a reason there's so much black on black violence...

Psst. Hey, kid. Yeah, you. Wanna buy some melanin livers?

Gross who would pay for nigger organs ?

Here was me thinking it was because they lacked impulse control

>black people are made of 100% melanin


nice thread leaf


>Black people are solid blocks of menalin

This reminds me of


There better be a huge discount on negro organs

Maybe 15 cents on the dollar

True story

Once a dealer offered me Melanin


>blacks' internal organs are melanized



cant tell if shop or real life
>watermelon outfit
>3rd grade
>over 200lbs

Black men are a highly valuable resource apparently.

atlanta is full of illuminati significance to atlantis.

>Black men are a highly valuable resource apparently.
this was known to Americans over a hundred years ago

scientists and researchers agree that there's only one sure method to get melonin in your system and into your DNA. it is a well kept secret that dates back millennia. let's hope whitey doesn't steal that, too.

I wish. If niggers were to turn to just solid blocks of melanin the world would be a better place, yet they continue to live and sadly not be 100% melanin.

The cost is in the fact that it's a cunt to purify. The melanin is worth close to fuck all in nigger form

>stop being raciss

Dear Black People,

I'm so sorry.

I owe you all reparations because every freedom that I have taken granted for my entire life has been made possible by wealth that my ancestors stole. I have benefited from this wealth that was stolen from you as have all of my ancestors, the ones that owned slaves and the ones that did not. All white people owe reparations because as a white person I sit on the pedestal of colonialism and slavery that built the wealth of not only this country but the whole European world.

Every opportunity and amnesty I have has been at the expense of all of my black and brown brothers and sisters around the world. Everything in this country is soaked and saturated with the blood of slavery and genocide. Even the times I have had to scrape for dollars in my life, I still bared the face of the slave masters. I know full well that even the homeless white man on the street corner is going to get more head nods and ham sandwiches than the black man across the street. So to every white person, no matter how little you got or you think you got, you owe money, I owe money. You owe them reparations right now and you will pay them right now, or we will take them from you.

I'm so sorry.

wtf is up with poland in that first map?
is it the result of being fucked by their neighbours for a few centuries?

This copy pasta is getting gay

Organ harvesting from the most HIV positive segment of society. Smart.

>white people paying 20 million to get AIDS
>blacks born with it
Black privilege

livers for those about to become die'rs

>black magick and sheit


99% of copy pasta's are gay.

for greater physical abilites, of course

Even if I look past the fact that they think they're made of 100% melanin, I'm amazed that they think that billions of 200 pound bricks of melanin are walking around yet it's still worth 323/ per oz. Niggers btfo by basic science AND supply and demand apparently