What's so bad about race mixing? In biology, diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease, create more diverse traits and allows adaptations to changes in the enivronment to happen faster thus creating a more resilient species. You arent against science are you?
What's so bad about race mixing? In biology...
you're a mongrel, you wouldn't understand.
>inb4 le 56%
Because shitskins are inferior in just about every metric you can measure.
>In biology, diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease
You don't know how hybrid resilience actually works. Try reading something other than wikipedia, hue.
>In biology, diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease
your thread is shit
And some are born sterile, mental health defects, depends on the animal.
There's nothing that bad about it but there's nothing particularly good about it either. Truth is whites don't need to mix since they don't have many genetic diseases or anything like that anyway. Jews on the other hand...
>t. a brazilian
i think it depends where it happens. mixing in europe is bad for it destroys the indigenous people. however i feel the new world should be a free for all. i'm quite surprised america didn't end up like brazil did anyway.
you look at young men here, they like non-white women because they are more conservative. and by conservative i don't mean they vote republican, i mean they just have less overall sex partners and are ready to get married sooner.
How about Israel becomes a melting pot as well.
Fuck your leftist cuck false dichotomy. You think anyone with a brain will accept the two positions you offer as the only two positions? Choose racial suicide or an internet stranger might think less of me?
You have to go back
jesus that's one fucking ugly baby
if you can convince the israelis to do that, more power to you. but israelis are more ethnocentric than white americans are. we've always been a welcoming people as long as you assimilate to the culture.
whereas israelis don't really care if you could speak hebrew and obey they law, they care about your blood. and it makes sense, jews want there to be a land for jews, just as there should be for europeans. america though is the country where people come to partake in the freedoms and free markets of the world. that's why our ancestors came here, not to be "white" or anything like that
Whites are the least likely to mix, Plus slavs exist but some people are retarded so they date nigger and chink filth instead.
Race-mixing is probably the biggest downgrade when it comes to genetics.
damn her eyes are beautiful. Are they shooped?
Did the libtard SJWs hurt your fee-fees?
Get a band-aid kid, you're wounded.
I thought that child was a boy for several days until someone pointed out it was a girl.
What an abomination.
> In biology, diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease, create more diverse traits and allows adaptations to changes in the enivronment
This would be true if cold blooded Darwinism applied to Human beings.
1. Darwinism, natural selection that is, in large part does not apply to humans anymore
(not my opinion but this is a proven fact by sceintists)
2. We do not want natural selection to apply to humans, for it would be a cruel idea to think that the weak SHOULD suffer to death.
Unless you're a lolbretarian of course then it makes complete sense. Most of us however are National Socialists, which has the moral highground in every possible way if you ask me.
You would argue that "but the gene pool of a human populations only gets worse then" - it does. In the future there will be humane solutions to this problem however.
In the end though you might be right, just a little bit, which is why Black-white couples in Nazi Germany where not shot right away.
>two parents from distinct environments
>have offspring
>offspring isn't suited for either parent's environment
wodude really gud genetics ur like a super baby
how does national socialism have the moral highground? it is a totalitarian ideology that has killed far more whites than freedom has
No, but you are OP. No studies cited,,np evidence given, no peer reviews, nothing.
Did they tell you that in (((school)))?
That's if the brown parent doesn't have a higher iq than the white parent correct?
If it's about intelligence than why not mix with chinks?
>What's so bad about race mixing?
Science called, bitch.
British "glamour model" Katie Price with her retard blind autistic son Harvey
>If it's about intelligence than why not mix with chinks?
Then you get other problems. Race-mixing produces genetically inferior offspring. They are far more prone to disease and mental illness. In the animal kingdom, mixing species (when even possible) produces sterile offspring. Nature makes it very clear you should NOT do this.
just eat some more monkey brains ongo
the girl seems to have some sort of PTSD.
lol fucking Harvey
Why can't you burgers actually reply to the OP's statement trying to prove why his statement is wrong instead of shitposting complete garbage about Brazil? Op could of put a meme flag and I bet he would of gotten more actual answers instead of shitpost.
1) The highest rate of ADHD, at 15.2%, is in the mixed race category.
2) The highest rate of 'Learning Disability, at 14.6%, is in the mixed race category.
3) The highest rate of 'Behavioral Difficulty', at 12.8%, is in the mixed race category.
>What's so bad about race mixing?
Look at your country
she would be hellishly cute without that shit on her ears and her nose.
According to that logic, we'd be best off splicing human DNA with amoebas. A little genetic diversity is good, and inbreeding is bad, but that doesn't justify interracial mixing. Those sort of extreme genetic differences often bring abnormalities with them. Read the book Dysgenics.
Imagine if you bred a thoroughbred family pet with a thoroughbred hunting dog.
You would get a dog with a shitty or no version of either trait. If you're unlucky, the thoroughbred violence would attack your children and/or wife. That, plus possible health risks, like a bulldog would have to deal with
46.7% of population in 2000
62.01% of autism cases in 1987
43.47% of autism cases in 2003
32.4% of population in 2000
9.72% of autism cases in 1987
23.09% of autism cases in 2003
6.4% of population in 2000
15.37% of autism cases in 1987
8.98% of autism cases in 2003
Native American:
0.5 of population in 2000
0.36% of autism cases in 1987
0.22% of autism cases in 2003
Asian/Pacific Islander:
11.1 of population in 2000
Autism cases:
1987: 3.71% (Asian) + 0.22% (Polynesian) + 2.38% (Filipino)
2003: 7.74% (Asian) + 0.17% (Polynesian) + 2.85% (Filipino)
2.9% of population in 2000
6.16% of autism cases in 1987
13.50% of autism cases in 2003
mixed race people only account for 2.9% of the population in 2000 but in 2003 make up 13.50 % of all autism cases
Whites actually tend to have highest prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease due to higher chance of having ApoE4 gene.
>muh diversity
>muh hybrid vigor
Niggers in America and Mestizos in Latin America are both heavily mixed. And yet they are both some of the ugliest and unhealthiest people imaginable.
Someone post that polish whore with the mulatto baby
Because he will leave you and your father will be taking care of your mistake.
>1 post by this ID
Well done, that's quite a lot of free (You)s. Jesus Christ Americans are retarded.
Wait the niggers in america are mixed? I heard that they were mixed with 10-20% white, is that true?
Correct. That's mostly from slave owners bleaching some of their farm equipment, not from white coal-burners, mind you. It's the reason why american niggers are on average lighter-skinned than the nogs straight from africa who are pitch-black.
single mothers should be executed
More importantly, coal burners and coal burning single mothers.
It's probably higher than that. Maybe 30-40 white.
>What's so bad about race mixing?
"hello you cunt"
>diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease? are you a scientist?
got any examples of blue birds fucking crows?
crickets mating grasshoppers?
crocodiles with alligators?
red ants and black ants?
parrott fish and tangs?
burmese rat and a seal point hmalyan rats?
You tell me, Joao. How does racemixing always end up?
Sage. Sopa Deez nutz
holy shit why
Most people are mixed and don't even know it.
> In biology, diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease, create more diverse traits and allows adaptations to changes in the enivronment to happen faster thus creating a more resilient species.
Checks out.
I would rather stick to my own race, which has a few thousand years head start on selection for intelligence, agency, cooperation, and self control. You aren't an evolution denier are you?
If a dog breeds with a wolf (an older, more archaic dog sub-species, that was never domesticated and that exhibits only natural wolf behaviour), the pups will exhibit these traits, and would not be suitable for domestication.
Certain low races are archaic humans, that have never achieved civilization, and are more aggressive, less intelligent. If whites breed with them the offspring exhibit these traits etc.
Also, if you believe the out of Africa theory, than whites and Asians have has 65000-100000 years of progressive evolution, away from the original population. Mixing back with them would be counter-evolutionary.
DNA testing would disagree with your retarded blanket statement.
>About being a lone mother
My fucking sides!
I don't give a shit if people mix, doesn't mean I need to be in the same country and have the same government as them. When we whites escape to the ethnostate you can have your crockpot theory fuck up the US. We will rebuild
>smart person and smart person have baby
>not diverse but baby smart
>smart person and dumb person have baby
>diverse, but baby is now probably going to be around the middle
>diverse baby worse than not diverse baby
Diversity is only good OP, if it is a diverse mix of good traits. You don't breed your hound to your chihuahua for the diversity and expect a good hunting dog.
Mud Sharks are the lowest of the low. Two types of white women who sleep with black men: most commonly ugly uneducated and/ or fat slags who settle for a mid range black guy rather than bottom of the barrel white trash or rich elitists daughters, usually platnum blonde and full of molly and HPV. White guys who date black chicks are either betas getting used for their large bank accounts and lack of violence towards women, or fuckboi's. Prove me wrong.
>In biology, diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease,create more diverse traits and allows adaptations to changes in the enivronment to happen faster thus creating a more resilient species.
Exatcly. Its good that we have so much diversity on this planet. We wouldn't want to ruin that now would we. After all we are one race. The human race. We should preserve our collective genetic diversity for the good of the species.
I'm assuming you don't consider Asians "shitskins"?
Because Polish women love black dick. because they buy into western propaganda and reject their roots when coming here.
Seriously, its a noticeable epidemic among Polish immigrants here.
>tfw you make orcposting memes and then a coalburner gives birth to a literal orc
So are you personally though, so...
Japanese are honorary aryans, the restaurant are questionable, doesn't mean we should mix but yeah we respect them for maintaining their civilizations and not having diversity
Lets go ahead and ignore actual real world results. Interracial kids suffer from mass depression, shorter lifespans and are generally ugly as fuck
The country you inhabit is why race mixing is bad
I've heard this sentiment from other britbongs here as well. I feel the need to defend Polska's honor, seeing as I'm one of them myself.
I don't think the epidemic of polish coalburners is britain is intrinsic to being polish. I think it's just because a lot of these poles are poor toilet cleaners at the bottom rungs of society. Being at the bottom of the ladder means you "resort" to shit like this more often than the upper-classes.
There are a ton of polacks where I live and I've never met any that burned coal, even though there are plenty of nogs here as well.
Somebody please post the oblivion montage of this pic. forgot to save it apparently.
All the mulatto friends I have some sort of hyper aggressive blood disease. I don't know if that's just me, though.
No one resorts to fucking ugly black guys. They are victims of media propaganda like every other race mixing whore.
Polish women as immigrants who want to conform and complete in the new society look to the media to see how to act. And this shit happens.
Mud bloods are the most racist people there are, its like they have a perpetual identity crisis. That's sociological although, anybody know if there is any science behind them being healthier or sicker? White people have a shit load of neurological desieses and black people have a shit load of blood desieses, I've heard both the arguement that cross breeding would strenghten immunity to these, and also make one susceptible to the weaknesses of both races
Are all Russian girls this cute? I want my own Dunia.
Mulattos quite often have skin problems.
>r*ddit's first time on Sup Forums
Triggered, sweetie?
>Africa is the most genetically diverse continent on earth
>genetic diversity makes people more resilient
Pick one and the first one is objectively true, so you don't have many options.
>ever had sex
>asian 2.87
fucking kek
Jews are much more susceptible to mental diseases than whites are.
Yeah, that's kinda what I'm saying. They're "outsiders" and doing their best to fit in.
Maybe in le 56% land but not here in Europe.
Back off tyrone shes mine
Top kek
>What's so bad about race mixing? In biology, diversity and mixing of genes allows a species to be more resilient to disease, create more diverse traits and allows adaptations to changes in the enivronment to happen faster thus creating a more resilient species. You arent against science are you?
Outbreeding depression.
I'm white, I promise.
Yeah man, I want my kids to get some of those sickle cell disorders, lower IQ.
If The Japanese were on America's side, Hitler would've called them yellow filth like he did with the Chinese. Honorary doesn't mean the right to mix with, He wanted to protect identities not destroy them.
no where in science does it say that procreating with other species increases genetic fitness. Just look at the donkey, things are lame
All Slavic chicks are miles above western white women. Mostly because they know the degeneracy caused by the USSR and how bad it was.
In Poland, younger people are more conservative then older people. Where as it's the opposite in the west.