The Pyna crazy fagot. He thinks, kids toy spinner this is a threat for his power from the opposition and the USA with Europe.
The Pyna crazy fagot. He thinks, kids toy spinner this is a threat for his power from the opposition and the USA with Europe.
Other urls found in this thread:
Go back >>> 2ch
>stupid claims + childish photoshoped pictures.
wow, intelligent political discussion. Also liberals should fuck off from Sup Forums.
Pyna says that he is a liberal
>implying I know Russian
Nobody here doesn't know who is pyna.
Also get a fucking job.
Written on the site translate through translate google.
Youtube video include English subtitles.
Pyna is Putin's nickname
Oh wow neat I didn't know if you clicked the right magic spot you could get auto-generated subtitles in other languages.
God I hate flash so much. Our next act of US/Russia collaboration should be to outlaw flash and shockwave as part of our shared anti-cyberterrorism priority.
this user gets it
Wtf does it mean and how do you pronounce it?
He is a liberal by Russian historical standards.
No, it's butthurt Ukranian's forced meme. Just because they cannot post on Sup Forums as almost all of their IP's banned here they do that through russian proxy.
What is your opinion on religion?
>Ukrainians!!! Ukrainians did everything bad!!!
Jesus Christ, dumb Russians never change. Most of people from Pynyathreads had Russian flags, just saying
Woah, that was quick, glad that you turned off russian proxy and finally find out how to post here from your real IP
Im not the OP, you sick faggid, i just saw a thread at 2ch and was shocked by another runglish
>Nobody here doesn't know
Here translation 4 u non-slav bro.
This is a Russian bot which protects Russian government on the Internet. They write the same posts with similar pictures.
So does that mean "little penis?"
Only if you want.
But in fact No.
He is right. Any encroaching cultural phenomenon from the rest is a threat. It has been used to topple nations before.
Some kremlin backed idiots tried to ressurect unter meme that passed away several years ago, but as every thing that R*ssian government ever made it was very lowtest and so much annoying that Russian Sup Forums reforced it.
>how do you pronounce it?
You have to pronounce Ы as ea, but with wild mongol accent
I copied with timecode. Not sure if it's works. If not, then 44:27
Also, Pinya pack
lol punya!
2ch hk po/res/23696662.html
no idea if i can get banned for this, havent really been to 4ch for like 3-4 years since Russians started to spam with their anti-Ukrainian threads at /int
Meeting Piyniya and Obama.
But you're same person who started thread there, isn't it?
>But then the club blog block cotton
>Iranian rubles
>ie, fire and sward, taking care of children here
>also quite a crocodile cannibal
>laws that are not post office
>I do not stop it
>River teleport if we resist
>Foreign Ministry symbols regarded as square
kek this is better than the most literal animu subs I've ever seen
nope, i didnt even post there. No idea how can i proove it, though. I always though that theres no sense to post pynya at Sup Forums, since people wont understand and threads will be overrun with shills like you
Stop whining my cockhole friend :^) thanks for the link
prove*, lol
Go back 2 2ch, faggot. Your terrible googletranslate and your terrible memes are nothing but cringe here.
>hating the fact that dumb Russians turned a somewhat nice board into shit with their propaganda
It's not the same my friend. Btw, why dont you put on a flag instead of deus vult?
Fuck you Piyniya's bot.
nice meme, hohol!
Don't know about Sup Forums but Sup Forums is ruined by new friends from reddit and summerfags.
Some fags from 2ch also ruin this board with their low-quality content. I don't get it why they ruin my safespace when they have their own liberal board on 2ch.
>why they ruin my safespace
Because you're the cuck white bitch, bitch
This is raid from 2ch, report this, raids are against rules.
Link to the thread where they coordinate
>why dont you put on a flag instead of deus vult
I guess you undestand where I'm from without country flags.
>liberal board
yup, as i though, you are russian. Threres nothing liberal in 2ch, except for a huge desire of legalization of marijuana. Only a nobrainer will call a russian opposition "liberals"
your ignorance kinda reminded me why i never liked /pol, ive no idea why am i still here desu
It's a really exquisite dialect of autism we are dealing with here.
Basically it doesn't mean anything at all, but it sounds offensive and diminutive in russian.
It all started as a (likely) govs-backed poorly animated 3d cartoon about "typical" russian liberal, portraited as consummate loser.
It, as expected of russian internet propaganda, didn't have many, if at all, success and most people didn't even know about it until recently.
It had been unearthed and attempted to be made into a forced meme, starring Navalny.
Naturally, it backfired, with the updated face turning out similar to Puting and thus mene had to stuck to him.
Our local ctr-equivalents still try to pretend they won the Pynic Wars, but they're ignored.
In all honesty, the mene is retarded, but very much represents the poor state of russian politics today.
You are free to leave
And that's actually are our local putinbots, who are still very unhappy with the turn of events and trying to cut the spread.
That's actually not a raid either, it's a culture sharing. However ugly.
That's kind of what I got to thinking after reading more of the thread. Good stuff.
Fuck you. Let the faggot mods enforce their own rules. We don't need cuck armchair mods making this place even more restricted.
Nice knowing you Pyotr.
Is this still supposed to be a comedy show?
>the real russians bots
eh not hard to spot you faggots
Funny thing is, they also started producing partriotic spinners in Russian flag colours.
There's also this madness.
That's the same company making gilded iPhones with Putin's face and whatnot.
Also, another comedy gold is that a schoolboy won that particular iPhone winning a contest for a best question to bresidente.
Now they're attempting to take his prize away for some retarded fuckery.
In Russia, common sense is having you. If you know what I mean...
checked and keked
I can't argue with the meme game catching on
Anyway, here's a pack of Pynia-related images.
Now, so long, gitz.
The Pyniya president of the world. Suck liberals.
Hellow fags!
H are u?
Normally I like Russian memes for their rustic flavor, but this one just feels like those shitty attempts at memes that the democrats pushed to try and meme against Trump. Even in Russia leftists just can't meme.
It looks like a strained attempt by the liberals to justify themselves, kekeke.
But they are not Russians.
They are. Both iterations of Pynia are Russian.
My sides! Look at that. Told you putinbots are everywhere.
That level of stupidity is their trademark.
>forcing Russian memes on vietnamese English-speaking anime autistic friend simulator
You are a smart boy.
But when they leak out only so much here, you can start to guess at the symbology. Very different from when you go into to the acid trip of a russian chan.
If shit Russian forced menes can't survive here, why worry?
I keep forgetting there's a whole Russian internet out there with their own brand of memes and liberal vs. conservative divisions. But what is strange is, our liberals hate Russia, their liberals love America. Our conservatives love Russia, their conservatives hate America. It's like topsy turvy world in Russia
I'd hardly call MacCain a liberal.
Nobody gives a fuck. Your forced meme is so autistic that it literally looks like that it was invented by retarded faggot with mental illness, even Vatnik was good one compared to this shit.
Oh, why, you and a few putinbots around do care.
>Your forced meme is so autistic that it literally looks like that it was invented by retarded faggot with mental illness
Well, that might be because it was made by putinbot. Not even kidding. It's still out the in the Youtube.
Funny thing that american there is right. It look a lot like shitty Drumpf menes made by libtards.