Links are for fags
Brit/pol/ - no links edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>EU won't sign trade deal if the UK moves to deregulation after 2019
>Crime in England and Wales has seen its largest annual rise in a decade
>Vince Cable to become leader 10 years after declaring he was 'too old'
>Chris Evans tops list of over-paid BBC tossers
>Labour admits that the idea of writing off existing student debt was a pipe dream
>PM's court case battle against Gina Miller cost taxpayers £1.2 million in legal fees
>(((Think Tank))) predicts flights grounded, nuclear plants offline and pound nose-diving if no deal with the EU
>Grenfell: New council leader heckled by public at first meeting since her appointment
portillo rocking the kekistan jacket
Let's archive it
>independent co uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-eu-trade-deal-workers-rights-tax-haven-michel-barnier-environmental-legislation-a7851761.html
>mirror co uk/news/politics/flights-grounded-nuclear-plants-offline-10833293
Found a new source of paper images, enjoy the higher resolution.
notice how This Week AND Nigel Farage can't mention Brexit without mentioning Trump
told you Trump caused Brexit
OP confirmed
brexit caused trump
>The twins have autism
Many such cases. Sad!
Oh yeah, just look at that resolution
>Tfw ding dang doo
Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.
They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/.
The Tripcunt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a narcissist, egomaniac, arsehole, attention seeker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell people to filter his tripcode and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.
This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.
Filter them. Do it for Mosley.
fread feme
Fucking hell, if this isn't the print resolution it must be close to it.
that's a big image
How would you end the obesity epidemic if you were PM?
Lauren Southerns patreon shut down
>is God real ?
>Let's find out!
Kek christcucks are so retarded
DNP added to all crisps.
Who cares?
Should be replaced with a germanon patreon desu.
>the last generation of germans
>hypocrisy, the front page
thanks user keep us informed with any updates
i'm not sure i'll be able to sleep after knowing this
great post. I've noticed a rise in these fags as of late
Make DNP available on script again.
Why don't people like Lauren. I think she's sound.
Can we not do fucking Brexit, getting worried now lads. Just finished watching this yank
Anyone have any realistic scenario in which we don't do it?
It's important
Patreon are closing down accounts because they have (((conservative))) views
Even if it isn't someone who you agree with at all
It's still important
Patreon are entitled to be politically biased because they are a private company right?
Do we have any cute traps in our general?
>ban advertising for fad diets if they can't be backed up with peer-reviewed studies
>lessons in basic calorie tracking and nutrition to supplement PE lessons
anyone watch 1066 on bbc2 tonight?
>Anyone have any realistic scenario in which we don't do it?
An islamic coup could take over europe and create a new united caliphate of europe.
fuck off, ralph.
>Anyone have any realistic scenario in which we don't do it?
No, we might cuck out and join the EEA though. Which wouldn't be a bad thing.
Because people still respond to them.
This is the most tripfag infested place on Sup Forums. Even Donald Trump General is not as bad as this. Eire/pol/ was literally laughing at us the other day as to how bad this problem has become.
This place has become a cesspit because a few people just cannot fucking post without a tripcode. They have to attention whore, blog post and name fag.
Sad, really.
Righty So
Is a black actor playing William the Conquerer?
Didn't he get raped once?
Yes, but if they are, then it's good that people know and recognise that
It's actually really getting to me
That every big company is clamping down on free speech for the "extreme" right, but not the left
Just irritating
And nothing is even changing, even though they've shown their hands
You'd still have to wait 50 years for people with that education to be in the majority, and that's if the education is 100% effective.
We need to completely clamp down on shitty corporate conduct like we did with the tobacco companies.
We wuz normans sheeeeit
Britpol blog will include a comments section, like pic related.
next recession is around the corner now, politicians might realise brexit is a pointless distraction when unemployment hits 10%
although this is a better timeline
>replace all PE lessons with lifting.
Nobody ever lost weight playing fucking cricket.
Forgot pic related, sorry.
I'm gonna be following this Martin Sellner shit intensely. If he dies in mysterious circumstances i'll go out of my way to be an annoying cunt in this country.
Cricket is more important than obesity. It's an intrisic part of our colonial past.
Trips are comfy desu
I like the ones we have atm
In the past they were annoying, but most of the worst ones have gone for now
Pube is the worst
Hope he's dead
next recession: car loans? what do you think?
Yeah tripfags need to just fuck off. I have nearly all of them filtered
Why would you lift to specifically lose weight? Thats incredibly inefficient.
kill yourself Sargon
Increased muscle mass increases your BMR
What would that entail? Things like regulating how much advertising can target children, things like that?
The next Prime Minister!
>t. Tripfag who isn't using his tripcode right now
You're fucking pathetic
what do the lib dems actually do?
they fixed the NHS
There is nothing comfy about a Tripfag.
Seeing the same cunts here day in, day out, posting about their monotonous and boring lives and experiences as if ANYONE here fucking cares. The aura of self importance they exude and their general mocking tone and holier-than-thou attitude is nauseating.
They do not belong on Brit/pol/. The days of those early question time threads are long gone. They are making us a laughing stock.
I have them filtered but I can still see the odd person responding to them. The worst currently is Rightly So, with almost 16,000 posts here.
What's his milk policy?
Good luck ignoring them away
Remember "no reply YKTD 2017"
How well did that turn out for you eh ?
and they backed Brexit
cry about brexit. I found it rather funny the lib dems positioned themselves as a remain party and the champagne socialist remain voting anti-brexit youth instead voted for a life-long brexiter in the form of Corbyn. (Not that Corbyn is /ourguy/ or would want a pol-tier/right wing brexit). Also intresting people go on about Corbyns values never wavering yet he did so on the EU ref campaign blatantly. stats would show Lib dems = party of richer than average, better educated than average, older than average, more remain than average, more white than average, more southern than average.
btw pic related is just quotes from random politicans to go as placeholders for an example of a comment section in brit/pol/s new blog.
not sure, i turned it off
Does anyone feel more connected to people with our views? I find myself being more empathetic and relating more with people who think like us.
IDK if there is funny stuff going on in the car loans industry. I just know they are like inevitable, every 8-10 years.
I always feel sad when I hear about Clegg, it's all so tragic
Tax all processed foods. Incentivise cooking from scratch. Might have the added bonus of teaching modern women something useful. Who am I kidding, they all cook like shit.
Every one junk food ad bought on a network would mean the network has to put aside time for two educational PSAs. Posters, billboards, and all those other adverts for food companies should be banned
No more adverts targeted toward children either, like partnerships between food companies and childrens TV shows.
And tax junk foods bigly
ban the internet and tv
my mom cooks good italian food
we made ravioli from scratch in february
good idea though..seriously
Cut income tax, cut VAT, leave the EU, ban artifical Soy.
Does anyone else sometimes feel like the morality that we all look back to that was present in the 50s and wish would make a comeback was inevitably doomed to be crushed by the march of scientific progress? Things like the pill would probably have been developed at some point meaning that there would be no consequences to intercourse. The TV was always going to come along and children were always going to spend massive amounts of time watching it having instant gratification drilled into their minds. The internet was always going to have been invented and made pornography readily available to all, making obscenity laws obsolete anyway. The internet was probably always going to have also served as a platform for the sale of drugs, turning your local postman into an unwitting drug mule, making LSD and crystal meth as readily available as cheap books, both delivered by your postman.
19 year olds driving A5s, I think something is a bit fishy desu. Or people are just being foolish and will never own anything in their life.
How can I vote for a party that supports trade barriers.
I'm pretty easy on most politics, like, I don't necessarily think that whatever my opinion is is clearly the best system.
Sometimes though you get loads of clever people doing loads of studies, and they look at economies and history and the effects of policies.
International trade barriers are really bad. Like, amazingly bad, for any economy. Lab and Con are both pro trade barriers.
I can't vote for anyone who shares my simple, and probably only, political viewpoint I'm willing to defend and take a stand on.
It's fucked.
It was pretty inevitable really.
>get elected on platform based on not raising tuition fees
>raise them
>surprised when most of your voters tell you to fuck off.
He literally dug his own grave TBQH.
also; reintroduce conscription/ or 1 year military service for 18-20 year olds, stop non-white migration, reduce white migration, mass deportations.