What is Sup Forumss opinion on Lauren Southern?


Character assassination is when you try to make a person irrelevant because you destroyed the perception of their personality. You try to make it so nobody likes them anymore, so nobody listens to them anymore. You do it when you see that person as a threat.

You can spot it when there's clear spam about a certain person, and asking who benefits from that spam. e.g. Sup Forums doesn't benefit from abandoning Lauren Southern. She is starting thousands of normies down the redpill path.

Shareblue/antifa does benefit. This is a shareblue character assassination attempt, using stuff they think will get Sup Forums to hate her. Lying about her being jewish is one way. Calling her a slut/racemixer is another. Calling her a coward or weakling is another. etc. etc.

It's to shareblue's benefit if every alt-light and alt-right personality gets entirely discredited so Sup Forums no longer has any big voices on their side, and normies stop getting redpilled, which is why they do it.

You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.

All that means is that nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit.

Gas yourself.

Basically living her dangerous bad boy fetish instead of fucking it like most women do, in that I guess she's cool but eventually something horrible is going to happen to her and then I'll be the only one who cares.

I would buy one of her bras for $500



Decided to post before the shills came

sage all e-celeb threads

>every idiot with a youtube channel that calls people cucks is good enough to be my leader
sorry but I have standards

Sorry.. can we discuss real politik in another thread maybe? I have some strategies for ending the crisis

Great post Nord.


jewtube high-maintenance attention whore

man I was just thinking of how will everyone react if she suddenly got a brick thrown in her face by some German antifa.

I like her.

Faggots who don't are either communists posting on here or thirsty-ass Nazis who fetishize her getting blacked.

She's a traitor bitch scum cunt

I feel like she's another e-celeb but has a huge number of beta orbiters making threads here everyday.


No more e celebs. Is boring. Is trap. Is Jewy.

If an american nigger killed her... that might be the closest we've been to a race war in a long time.

It seems like the strat is make lauren southern threads, then flood thread with other shills claiming shes a jew and a coalburner. It's all about creating division on the board and focusing on trivial shit.

Da goyim know.

Yeah that's totally what a decent not sociopathic person would wish upon someone just doing their job.


For a board that doesn't want to allow posting of e-celebs, you idiots post about her a LOT

>thirsty-ass Nazis who fetishize her getting blacked.
No, it's all shills you dumb cunt

>I'm a filthy d&c shill here to prove that shitskins are inferior to whites due to our low iq

>Thinking Lauren Southern is that well known or liked


What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?

Is he redpilled?

more than 99% outside of site like this have never heard of her

yea we post to tell people like you to stop making threads about them

Newfag detected. It's a fact that all the interracial cuck threads are posted by Nazis.


I used to hate her at the very beginning but I'm warming up to her. Initially she had no fucking idea about what any of this was so her early tweets and content mirrored her own ignorance. The content that she is putting out now and the fact that she left rebel media signals to me that she has taken the entire redpill prescription in one dose.

I made one thread about her, and that was asking Sup Forums why they hate her.

>Shareblue/antifa does benefit.
You mean she benefits from the constant publicity here. Shekels shekels

Cuck porn is actually posted by hapas.


I like her, she's hot

Vapid rootless international Jewess. But this is nu/pol/ and the thirst can't be quenched

>whiteknighting on Sup Forums

Not wishing it, just thinking about the what if scenario. I would be pretty sad desu.







anyone have his holocaust spergout pic?

I want her to have my children.

Lol newfag

If you're referring to that "dare" passed around antifa during the American university riots, then you simply can't blame anyone here for that, if Lauren isn't lurking hard enough to get the information and prepare for it, then our big girl might need to do some big girl learning.

Oh wait, she did and wore a helmet. Sup Forums wins again and Lauren knows we care.

>pointing out character assassination is now whiteknighting
hang yourself darkie

I don't watch her shit and think she's boring, but I don't see her overall presence as a bad thing. She's pulling kids to the right.

She needs to do BLACKED.com already. It's what everyone on this board secretly wants. Search your feelings...

this is so weird, this exact post used to get shitposted on molyneux threads a couple of years ago... are you the same poster or is it just an obscure/rare meme? psyop? I'm actually a little spook'd

I wouldn't mind entering her no-go zone, if you know what I mean.


Who cares what she says.

Are the dishes don? Is there a fresh made sandwich on my plate?

>g-go back

not an argument

What's Lauren's next move?

Will it be ham and cheese or roast beef with cheddar and lettuce?

When will the laundry be done?

Is plug her butt, but her constant babble about tradition values means nothing to me because she isn't married and doesn't have kids. If she were and did then I'd listen. Maybe.

reported for breaking the rules

Why do people constantly make thread about Lauren Southern? Seriously, who gives a shit? She is a right-wing something, and that all that matters. Why do we need to have this debate over and over every single day? Just let her do whatever it is she is doing.

When you get job to support her and the kids you'll have together, silly.


This. Any thread trying to shit on the so called e-celebs is a shill thread. It's a divide and conquer strategy.

Never punch right, you retarded faggots.

This is what I've been saying along. Malicious forces are creating BOTH pro and anti [insert e celeb] threads to pit users against each other

they did the same shit with milo. lauren southern is controlled opposition and needs to be completely ignored
>inb4 "but she does a lot for the movement!"

I don't see any sandwiches being made on her youtube.

Why the fuck would I marry that loser?

The moment she starts dating a white guy I will start trusting her. Right now she complains what white genocide and yadda yadda but she has yet to even date anyone, let alone start having kids. She needs to take her own advice and more people will trust her. It's like having a pastor at your church who has been divorced, and speaks with a fag lisp, something is clearly wrong.