>Be Trump supporters
>Support capitalism
>All businesses that matter are leftist
>Basically removing Trump supporters
lol can anyone tell me how trump supporters even function with such low brain power
>Be Trump supporters
>Support capitalism
>All businesses that matter are leftist
>Basically removing Trump supporters
lol can anyone tell me how trump supporters even function with such low brain power
>Thinking that capitalism means just big time faggot companies.
Capitalism will mean that there will be someone out there willing to support her need to have money sent to her through their service.
Capitalism is the most moral system on this planet because people will have to realize they will loose money in a situation they fucked up in.
name one idiot. trump is done. you wont even be able to send money anymore. she's quit and go work at starbucks which will fire her for being a nazi.
Face it. the writing is on the wall.
>having to go anonymous because you can't even use the capitalist system you trump supporters want
hahah holy shit. this is the best day ever. #youhavenoplanforanything
for the most part, that's because of government regulations that give advantages to the people who already have the most money. that's not what people advocate for when they advocate for capitalism. that's just another problem with government and another REASON why government cannot be trusted with your wellbeing.
by and large you wouldn't run into these problems if the free market were actually free
>hashtagging on Sup Forums
There many cash transfer services in. If this is becoming an issue, someone will simply create one and get to bank off of that money as well. Capitalism always finds a way.
>by and large you wouldn't run into these problems if the free market were actually free
oh yeah what a well thought out and reasoned response......NOT
>there are many
The more time I spend here the more time I realize you guys are just vague talkers. It's actually kind of disappointing to watch how browbeaten and boring you lot are. There's zero actual fight in you lazy fucks. 2020 is going to be cake
Because its not fucking hard to do a simple google search your nomie cuck. Now get the fuck out.
honestly like what is it with lefties using these "dismiss" tactics without providing any content or substance in their rebuttal, very telling that their ideas don't stand to their own merits
If bailouts didn't happen we'd have gotten rid of plenty of these bloodsuckers.
>munching on David Brock's cock
Alright shill, I have no time for your bullshit, get the fuck out of my board
They seem to want to fill their own with disgust.
exactly, this is not rocket science. i already explained this in sort of more broad terms, and the only response OP could muster was "HAHAHA", which is typical because they can never defend their positions from criticism. it's the equivalent to just shouting "racist!" or "misogyny!" or "russia!" when they hear something they don't like. they believe what they believe because they WANT to believe it, not because it makes sense or is intellectually real.
also don't be afraid to sage this shit
I wanted to see more anons join in on calling him out on his shit.
keep winning internet arguments. It's all you guys have ever done.
Meanwhile we keep pushing you guys down. Only 8 months and you guys are worse than you were before in terms of free speech, money and representation
god another 8 months you will be basically gone
most aren't stupid enough to take the bait like we are for a slide thread like this :(
still saged tho
I wouldn't really call it a slide thread. The faggot is still responding but no one else is here.
Shill much?
truthfully the more excuses i hear the less i fear you guys all talk. no bite. you're basically convo cucks. Always waiitng for someone else to actually do the work.
wait so you're basically admitting that you are wrong, cannot defend your positions, never were emotionally or intellectually invested in them to begin with? and that the entire thing is a giant manipulation to further your angry, hateful leftist cause? thanks OP. you made my fucking internet day today
still saged for this shitty slide thread
>You guys are all convo
Like you except we actually know how reality works and we don't make an ass of ourselves?
read this response from OP. it was a slide thread from the beginning that was his whole point
but it's true that it's not a very successful one
The best part of all this? is that THAT is the best argument you all have. LMAO you haven't made a single offensive move since the election
How does it feel to soooo irrelevant?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. still thinking corruption is YOUR argument to use. LMAOOOOOO
>your board
your board is based on the number of people who come here who agree. You guys can't even handle "shills" how are you going to handle a reelection.
I'm getting so happy knowing you are the top of the barrell of the "meme war" it's going to be cake next time around
so salty. all you can do is preach to the converted because capitalism is shutting you down from the mainstream. You're literally a cult at this point!!!!!
I'm loving this wayyyy too much
you're spouting off multithread, obviously triggered responses to me here and you're trying to call me salty?
mostly i don't even know what you're trying to say, it's too incoherent. you sound like you do too many drugs. when you have an argument or remark of substance to contribute then i'll happily address it and embarrass you / trigger you once more
also trump has done more for america in 6 months of presidency than obama ever did. praise god emperor. he's the best president ever of all time. suck on that and deal with it
still saged
hypothetically. let's say i was actually a shill. Could you do anything? No. We could take over this board and all you could do is scream for us to get out. But could you actually remove us? Nahhh. You only have like 150 people total on this board who support trump. You guys can't fight 1000s that will come next election time
You're like the JV team who beat the varsity team once out of surprise. Well guess what. bullseye on your back. And you're weak as shit against it
yawn. talk about not helping your own cause or argument here :(
keep posting bud, as a right-winger trump loving capitalist i know i'm happy for more people to see people like you exposed for what they really are
Just let the faggot yell into his echo chamber known as his thread.
that's the beautiful thing. You think your mods are still yours.
And all you can do is complain about my manipulation. But could you save anyone from my manipulation. HAHA you're free to try. This board is going to be overrun by the left. Watch. And you can complain. But you can't stop it. You are weak together
People need to start suing these companies. Stop taking it like bitches, get big settlements and make them change.
Congratulations. Very logical response. And also guess what? I can completely ignore it and get whatever i want from others because you have no voice.
I'm the content creator of this thread. Meaning I hold power over the thread. You're just a commenter i can ignore at any tiem and still get more replies from others. I love how you're too stupid to realize you're trapped in a thread you can't control. As I said before. Next reelection will be cake
I really do love this thread because i can already seeing you giving up. Trying to find a way out of the argument. I literally just threatened to overrun your board and you cowered and basically said "weeeeew open borders are great"
yet you hate downtrodden refugees for their skin color because you're a racist. You're too logical to be a threat to power.
Dude the Supreme Court has reaffirmed there is no such thing as hate speech, immigration has been reduced to pre 1965 levels, the non white birth is collapsing and more and more non whites are being born to white fathers, and yes our mods are still ours your the wing of the establishment anyway your base is white millennials born between 1980-1990, old white women, and non whites/Jews. Your never going to win again,
>Another Lauren Southern thread
You can do this for the rest of your life and she's still not gonna fuck you
Also why does it matter what happens to alt lite e-celebs?
lol it never once occurred to you why Sup Forums forces you to fact check shit? not one single time ever?
goddamn you're dumb. I bet your own mother wishes she drowned you at birth.
1. I'm not a "dude"
2. Nothing you said can be spun as a good thing to enough people.
Do you think a single person outside this board is going to hear your fact? No. because you probably have 3 followers on all social media combined. And the mainstream media won't report it. Reddit won't let you donald posters out of your cage.
You're basically the tree in the woods
if a trump supporter gets upset and no one is around to hear it. Is he still a racist?
This is AMERICA FUCK YEAH! The only thing you're not allowed to do as a business is refusing business to the LGBTHIV+ goymunity.
I love how you think fact checking makes a difference to anything anymore. It's about winning. We will win because no matter what you think we have the money, companies, media, and the willpower. You have a board. a weak board with only a couple hundred people at best. You sure you want to stay on the losing side? I guarantee the left has much better perks than being cooped up in a basement thinking you have a voice that matters
I don't have any social media accounts dude. And as non whites age(which they are doing faster than the general pop)they will become even more parasitic and hated. White libs are a dying brand. The white birth rate is above replacement rate in 35 states, in 15 the white death rate exceeds its birth rate. 70% of those 15 states are states were whites are overwhelmingly liberal. I'm no trump supporter either friend.
Yea keep telling yourself that dude.
Awesome sorry for thinking that then. Trump supporters are mostly borderline retarded it's hard to figure out what they are saying.
I agree white population is dwindling. And as more people in power are PoC the better this country will be.
I just like messing with these guys. They can't really comprehend how the sharks are coming for them. They are just idiots who have zero comprehension skills. We can easily take over this board. And I think we should start taking over it regularly to drive trump supporters to other sites. Then we can control the narrative
are you on d/td? we should talk there
>I'm the content creator of this thread. Meaning I hold power over the thread.
>t. newfag
2nd time. Not a dude. Also seeing how your stamina is this weak makes me so happy.
Lol no way you keep this up for 4 years.
Don't lump me in with you either and actually read my comment. I'm telling people of shit aren't advancing any more, I'm telling you your are finished and that your base is considered parasitic and hated.
Dude I'm calling you dude chill out. Also I don't have to do anything anymore.
Demographics is destiny friend and maybe just as recently as 4-5 years ago things were actually very in your favor but no more.
Everytime you bump my thread my first post is the one all the browsers see. I'd say 75% of people won't click on the thread. Meaning every person who sees this thread will see my post. Meaning my message is getting out to everyone browsing. the only people who see you are the ones who actually came and read through 45 replies. Which is very few. My message is more popular on this board now thanks to all the bumping you guys always give us
Sure, but it doesn't matter. Demographics do.
You are gloating over a post on Sup Forums
How insecure are you to actually be fucking proud of a fucking post you posted anonymously on a messageboard site?
Grow up.
3rd time. Not a dude. Don't be mad sweety. Also don't shake in your chair. Just breathe and maybe you can get through this without giving up and joining that robot board.
Too proud all he is doing is causing my autism to act up. But it's fun, he needs to know his influence is in decline.
Whatever you alt right troll. See you when we win. Kamala Harris is going to crush fuckboi rapist trump. We'll see how good you do when you're the one under investigation during an election. And the other person is squeaky clean
Dude when will you realize that your influence is draining. As I said rich white liberals/ashkenazis Jews are a dying breed and are being outbreed by their more conservative white counterparts. Non whites don't have high turnout,and are also seeing a sharp decline in birth rates, vote left in self interest no other reason.
No. controlling the message is what matters. We will paint you as enemies of the country and more people will believe it. Your idiot in chief sure isn't doing the job you thought he would in crafting a coherent message. I hope twitter decides to let him have his twitter account then BAM. the year of the election Twitter just deletes his account for no reason.
He'd go to twitter about twitter deleting his account then his slow ass will remember he can't tweet. LMAO i hope they do that. I'm going to bring it up to some people I know.
THANKS FOR THAT. You guys are actually pretty good for inspiration on how to fuck over trump and all his supporters
Yea I bet fuck wypipo kill white babies again will not only appeal to everyone but even white voters.
Not a single bit of actual information that can't be just ignored. haha you dont even have a real argument. so far it's like me 4 you guys 0. Not a single punch has been thrown by you this whole thread lol. But I'm doing good punching Nazi's in the face :)
Ok. Hurt yourself even more, Sup Forums controls this part of the web dude.
Yeah, there are no other ways to financially support people you like. It's impossible to write and mail a check or hand someone cash.
Hehe actually i dont want to argue. The more you think that the more complacent you are. You only got motivated for trump because you were outraged. Now you're just midly annoyed. Keep being bothered. Nothing you will do
Man you guys are arrogant. You just need a shot to the noggin. You guys have been getting beat up a lot lately. It's a shame you can't get Europe antifa tier turnout to anything you do.
Tits or GTFO
Kamala"kamala give me your guns, Israel is our greatest ally, Islam is a religion peace fuck wypipo" will queen slay indeed dude
can't even stop me and I have zero backup. Keep believing your own echo chamber you drumpfflakes
lol dude I already I'm no trump supporter not radical enough, not enough austerity.
You want to speak in strictly economic terms then, ideologue? Because the fact is right now, more Americans have their savings in checking than in actual savings. More people are putting their money into stable stocks with high dividend yields than into saving. Crypto is booming. If you really think fucking paypal and patreon are that big of a deal you are delusional.
OK, Trumpderanged virgin, now that your economic concern troll has been put to bed how about you give a strictly economic justification for the policies of UBI, Socialized Health Care and open borders. Take as long as you need.
Lol i love how your whole campaign strategy is hope the other side fucks up more than us. Good strategy stick with that. I fully endorse that strategy. Much easier then actually being successful during your term
hahahahaha YES DO THAT.
LMAOOOOOOOOO. Jesus how old are you people? No wonder trump won. It's just old cranky people.
oh but user-kun violence is wrong i thought. Isn't antifa bad? Why would you threaten me baka
You already just as popular as trump. There will be no major third party 3rd to siphon from him. As a matter of fact I enjoy this do nothing president never in history has a president made the government weaker. You really don't know your enemy do you?
No I've come to realize who my enemy is. I've read their writings and white papers.
Is this really all you guys do? Sit around saying things you just hope are true? Without doing a single thing to make your argument come true in the future?
You're a talker. listening to talkers. makes me thirsty
That won't be Mrs.Harris' campaign strategy? Wow really branching out.
crypto will always be underground. if they want to come mainstream we will push them until they vow to ban racist acconts. and they will cause they want our money
i dont think YOU know your enemy. and make no mistake i dont use the enemy lightly. but that's what we are to you
Contradicting ones self in the same post is a sign of irrationality. Are you mad? Or even maybe...triggered?
logical fallacy in your argument in an attempt to discredit mine. Yet i never contradicted.
ok we are done here. we should of had a battle of wits but you lot are all unarmed
"Crypto will always be underground." "If crypto does come up we will force them to ban racist accounts."
You are not in twitter.
>All businesses that matter are leftist
Oil, banks, defense left as fuck.
In the US 2 out of 3 of those are actually left now. Ukraine's defense ministry and arms industry dumped mad $$$ to killary.
>entire everything is slanted left
>no freedom to be anything BUT a leftist or else you're harassed and terrorized into poverty
>leftists consider this a victory
And yet you don't think you're fascists because only right wingers can be fascists according to google's dictionary.