I told everyone of you he's a shill.
Poles should stop embracing him, this shit is incredible. This is ADL-level of whining, oh the irony
I told everyone of you he's a shill.
Poles should stop embracing him, this shit is incredible. This is ADL-level of whining, oh the irony
Other urls found in this thread:
Thought the (((Alt Light))) is just a meme to "divide" ?
Think again
>"trust me goy, i'm polish and want to preserve european culture but oy vey! don't you forget the whalacaawst"
>I want people to stop paying attention to X
>better make a thread about X on Sup Forums
wait a minute, guys. what does laura joomer have to say about this? has anyone reached out to mike cernokike for comment? we need to circle the jews here, goys. the rebel media/alt-lite/infowhore news jews
>implying i want people to stop paying attention to him
I want people to START paying attention to him, (((Rebel Media))), (((Laura Loomer))) and the likes since months because way too many americans fall for these shills
>pic related: typical alt-lite "meme" comparing everything to "duh nazis" just like lefties and Antifa does
Fun fact:
>Laura Loomer
is a made up name, i checked records
The "based maga doctor" she is promoting since weeks
>Doctor Pober
is also a made up name, i wonder why?
And? I don't get it. You need a base of non extremists to hide behind and, as a recruiting pool. No wonder it took this long for a "right-wing populus movement" to form.
I get your point and yes, many of the followers of (((Rebel Media))) and the likes will turn out to realize that they're shills.
The problem is the americans, your countrymen who almost exlusively are the ones who actually stick with them because
>muh israel
I mean, they don't even notice the Fake News Rebel Media spreads and how they constantly compare everything leftwing, marxist and communist to the NSDAP or Fascists.
It's like many americans are not aware of typical undermining tactics and are more comfortable bashing anything german or austrian than anything jewish.
Yes that's worrying my Burgerfreund
It's taking so long because Americans keep falling for the Jews desu.
I doubt Jack will realize this as he literally supports the same kind of tactis and ideology as the ADL, also i'm still pretty sure he is an actual paid shill considering his military service was in the intelligence branch and i myself was in the german intel military branch and know what americans do with their intel officers once they want to leave the military.
>german flag
>gets it
And i thought we bavarians and former bundeswehr/BND/MADII are the only ones who do
>pic related
she's obviously a shill, but i think jack postupid is just legitimately retarded
Prussia reporting in.
How is Bavaria atm? We're still at low numbers of invaders here (relatively).
That Dr. Pober guy btw. "Pober" is not his real family name just like "Loomer" is not Laura Loomers real family name. I studied that BS concerning ashkenazim names and possible changes of names once arriving in the USA and their names are basically inexistant throughout history from ashkenazim migrants to the USA.
The only one who checks out is
>Ezra Levant
Really makes you think...
Same here outside of Munich and 2 towns in Obaybayern. This is the reason why i got so suspicious of (((Rebel Media))) and others telling so many lies about Germany being overrun and when i started digging together with other current and former BND.
Btw, the BND is Sup Forums-friendly for obvious historical reasons.
He has a history in intelligence of the US army. I doubt this is a coincidence goy
He has a history of making shit up, James Allsup made at least one very good video about it: youtube.com
Also obligatory: youtube.com
Give me a few months an i find out who's paying her. I did that stuff for a living, she came out of nowhere, her name is fake and she is basically begging for money which sadly many americans are falling for
Thanks, i wasn't aware of this goy before, watching
I think NRW and Berlin are getting even more pozzed but those areas realistically require Neutron bombs to be livable again. Also BaWü but that's ruled by the Greens so fuck them. Oh yeah and also the Jewish community in Germany is reportedly rising again, must be because Muslims are so dangerous for organized Jewry.
She is currently in a spat with some others on Twitter who are questioning her timing of getting a nose job and lip injections just after receiving donations for a "legal fund". She says she "has her own money" and "is a journalist".
>tfw when Jews staged drama just to get the goyim to shell out shekels for a nosejob
oh shit that's pretty good
Get on it and make a thread when you do kraut
Yeah that makes sense, her whole (((Pober))) advertising was strange especially since his last name is fake
>Give me a few months an i find out who's paying her. I did that stuff for a living
pls teach us some skills, Brudi
Exactly but why the fuck are so many burgers falling for this? They all praise the doctor and that scam-artist-brother-in-crime who got (((beaten))) like they're heroes.
Most of the accounts praising and liking her tweets aren't even bots, that's worrying
Americans legit don't see a difference between (((them))) and Europeans, if they do they really believe in the chosen one meme.
I like that Tariq guy but I'm mostly just angered because she thinks she's white.
Simple things you both you can do yourself is looking through old digitalised books on archive.org and comparing them with jews with a german sounding name you suspect of something.
Here a few links:
These here are books for german language family names in general, you can now search inside them in case you can't understand german i'd search for things such as:
and then see what's around the "hits":
>pic related: some cyrillic (russian/ukrainian) propaganda i collected
More in-depth is something i can only do because i worked for the BND and you don't have access too.
fake alt lite, faggot + disgrace everyone on this board
Some do, but most don't because of the
>I'm ethnically AMERICAN meme
while disregarding their forefathers, this is also why so many americans i met, whether white, black, asian or whatever never refered to their root ethnicities or in some cases didn't even know about them.
>fake alt-lite
what did he mean by this?
Jewry is rising? I heard the opposite. got a link to that?
Thanks for the screenshots senpai, got more?
>pic related: whiny jews whining about Reagan paying respects to german WW2 soldier graves
anything else besides this "jewhunter" stuff? thanks so far though
Well, many on Sup Forums know me from using my military education and training to retrieve MIA WW2 soldiers, especially Waffen-SS (as they were illegal to look for until the early 2000s)
>pic related
Or what do you mean?
This kike worse than the nigger
you posted about finding out who is paying "laura loomer" here how and where would you start digging? just scrutinizing old archives won't do the trick in this case, right?
Also, without going into detail, what was your task at the BND?
>poles aren't found of nazis
Stop the fucking press.
How do you pronounce posobiec
>an i find out who's paying her
She works for rebel media, owned by Ezra Levant. Same guy who pays Gavin McAnus, Jack Posobitch, and formerly Lauren Southern. It's not a secret.
>Obsessing over the alt-lite because they're not in your TGSNT cult
>Throwing a shit fit tantrum every time any one of them use Nazis as bad examples
>Dominating the world
>Not white
pick one shitbrain
I saw several reports that more Jews are coming to Germany and that the number of Jews is increasing.
What do you mean by MIA? Find their bodies or were some literally still kept prisoner? Sad in either case.
>people not on the undesirables list calling shill on people on the undesirables list
Makes ya THINK
Now anyone stupid enough to donate to her can see where their money went.
I pick (Jew) and Dominate the world.
it's pronounced " Cock gargler"
OY VEY, watch out for this goy!
What is going on? Are (((they))) turning against each other? Will history books proclaim Sup Forums memes as the cause of the Jewish civil war?