ITT we try and predict when, where, and how the next Hitler will rise. My best guess is Italy, they don't seem as cucked as the rest of Europe.
ITT we try and predict when, where, and how the next Hitler will rise. My best guess is Italy...
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Well if its Italy then we are really fucked
there is no hope then
Well there's too many race traitors in France and Germany, where else? I feel like the slavlands are fine at the moment unless the EU forces refugees
Europeans are too cucked. The next Hitler will come from USA.
If not Austria again, the Czech Republic.
Trump is the next Hitler
>"You want to keep calling me Hitler? Then I'll be him!"
>Suddenly starts gassing mexicunts
Many such cases!
Impossible, our constitution and other laws wouldn't allow for it
no friend the left in a desperate bid for complete power is going to try to take over the government, at that point we will make what amendments we need
White south Africa.
I am 25% Italian does that count?
It'll be Germany again. They're a country of people that have no idea what a middle ground is. Their moronic desire to be the anti Nazis will lead to an utter disaster of good reason. The mounting crimes and general loss of quality of life caused by refugees will hit a flashpoint and it will be open season.
Fucking arrogant moronic uppity krauts.
If Luxembourg "invaded" anyone their soldiers would just be arrested
your lack of faith in the next hitler is disturbing
same flag as Netherlands really?
They will give up,betray you and become the most cucked state
ok then tell me how
So an all out civil war then takeover? Not really Hitler desu
Look no more
Is it you?
Lighter color than ours.
The fuck are you on OP? Hitler can only rise from a ultra-cucked state like Weimer Republic Germany was. I predict Swedish Hitler rising up with the current growing anti-libreal sentiment, or a German Hitler who will rise up using Merkel's weakness as a leader to further his own gain.
not an all out war, at a certain point the left is going to believe its own nonsense about how power is "morally and rightfully" theirs and going to try some shit, its not going to be a civils war its going to be a helicopter party.
result of degenerate dishonest marxist propaganda...keeps talking about next hitler.
There will be no next hitler. The people rising up against invaders is not nazism, their leader is not a hitler.
Worry about the next stalin or the next pol pot. They repeated themselves many times, much more likely...
The next Hitler will actually, a bit unexpectedly, rise in Poland as a leader of a counter-coup against the EU-backed colour-revolution-style coup trying to oust the nationalist leadership in 2023. He will unite most white Europeans under one flag and speak really good english, which all kids from generation Zyklon understand these days.
No one will come. The age of the Promethean Flame is coming to a close, and the peoples of the world are too weak to muster the courage to kindle it. We will all descend into the dark abyss of primitivism, where we had been before.
Won't happen again, Everyone is far to docile to do anything.
Then by some miraculous chance he does come by you faggots will just call him a CIA shill and post 10-20 threads a day shitting on him. Take the black pill user. Feels good
>None on here is worth being saved
degenerate nihilism
He has risen
It will be Poland faggot. How can you not see this?
>Everyone is far to docile to do anything.
>American Flag
>Be American get shot
Nigger do you know where you live?
So I guess the next question... is the next Hitler browsing Sup Forums right now? Can we get a status update?
italy is cucked at war, maybe its a fascist but not a hitler, my guess is for east europe, maybe orbyn or some shit about pride nationality but in 20 years
Please don't give me that bullshit.
Anti-fa rallies spew up randomly and 10s of thousands of people appear and fuck shit up.
What do you do? Shit post on Sup Forums
I wanna say Poland, but i feel like he will not come from a place worthy of him, but a place unworthy - i mean, Germany was a degenerate shithole before they came to power. Surely its likely that the biggest shithole is gonna spawn the next Hitler out of necessity?
>Anti-fa rallies spew up randomly and 10s of thousands of people appear and fuck shit up.
The next Hitler will come from a place that nobody will expect.
I propose Canada. It's pretty fucked up, but it's geographical distance from all the third world countries ensures that it's destruction will occur more slowly than that of Europe. This insures that the new Adolf will grow up watching Europe burn in realtime while he notices his own country doing the same in slow motion. Slow, reversible motion.
Also, the fact that it's getting taken over by chinks is a bonus, too. Even though chinks aren't white, they're not worthless criminals like niggers or mudslimes, so political correctness doesn't demand that we revere them and put them on a pedestal. The new Hitler will be able to start on babbymode by hating the Chinese for taking over his country, and from there will be able to progress to true ubermenschmode by realizing that all nonwhites are the problem
I will rise in England, thank you for asking.
Someone post this kid's art
>constitution and other laws wouldn't allow for it
Neither did weimar
>Hides behind a meme flag
>criticize my flag
>be american get shot, Not understanding 90% of the time its niggers shooting eachother or white people
>implying I care
Let these traitors die, Idgaf
This is the world they wanted. Let them have it
Yea I'm doing pretty god senpai.
.... really bro
M-Mein Fuhrer!?
Screencap this.
Have yet to see any "right wing" rallies like this.
You know the system is rotten to the core. You know communism and complete degeneracy is right around the corner.
>Guess its time to shitpost on Sup Forums that'll show them
He will arise in France.
>they don't seem cucked
So they're not going to give birth to the next Hitler then.
The conditions of the Weimar republic is what really created Hitler. I unironically believe the next Hitler will come out of UK, Germany or Sweden because they are all the closest to Weimar conditions. It's bound to make people snap and try recreating what Hitler did.
Fixt* the img for you btw senpai
>German Flag
God dammit Hans you trigger me every time!
There's no right party in spain
the PP is centrer-"right"
Many nationalist had to vote PP because there's not conservative party
If a new party, strong and very conserative arise, would win easily
fascism is usseles, no one vote for falangists
The next Hitler will be a Stalin and he will rise through the DNC. They have all the right pieces in place. They have a system that can be easily gamed and they control the vast majority of the press, so they softball their candidates. They are screaming for a hardass to shut down the right. And they are absolutely positively convinced they are right. That "god" is on their side.
Sure thing, they are Sweden tier
Because we don't have to sink to property damage and violent flailing while hiding behind masks.
When the right takes up arms to do violence, it won't be useless degeneracy like Antifa. It will be a bloodbath.
I only hope this outcome is still avoidable.
Exactly, we are the verge of getting another stalin but these mooks don't understand that.
Herr Hitler incarnate will arise from Polska.
Digits confirm, and he's already here on the planet.
Well depends as to what you classify Kaczynski as.My guess would be Turkey
>When the right takes up arms to do violence
Please anti-fa burned hamburg to the ground and none did shit, They defended it.
>Then from the dark, They came, and found the volkgeist within the flame
>Farage, the First of the Exiteers.
>The Witch of France and her Daughters of Nationalism
>Trump, the Lord of MAGA, and his faithful deplorables.
And the Furtive Assange, so easily forgotten.
and his name is Jaroslaw Kaczynski
Huh, what a coincidence
Yeah its clearly JDIF or Shareblue, Clearly.
You fucking dunce. Head back to Ironmarch.
A strong man will stand up, and take over during WW3!
Save my comment as a screenshot, or meme it!
You can post my comment screenshot in 4 years on /pol, and ask yourself why did this Ski Nigger know that back in July 2017?
The reich will take over, and bring peace to all of the whites, especially in Eurasia and Africa!
Mark my words!
> You faggots don't even worship Wotan
At the point where normal people chimp out its not chimping out but cleansing.Thats why you see anti rally in numbers,but no opposition.
Because the opposition cleanses with fire, and killing is not something you do lightly.
Antifa is a bunch of spoiled rich kids rebelling,led by paid people.
>He doesn't know the Nazis were ridiculously advanced in science and technology
>He doesn't know that Nazis mastered cloning
>He doesn't know that the whole gang are back and raring to go and are being held in New Swabia
>He doesn't know that Antarctica is going to be the new home of the white man with it's vast array of untapped resources
>He doesn't know how high the fire is rising
You're going to be in for such a treat.
top fucking kek calm down nigger I was genuinely just surprised at the coincidence I wasn't implying anything
How do you feel about that? Triggered or happy? not bashing just asking for your stance?
100% sure its goin to be brazil, we got some crazy guys around here
not to mention all the geniuses...
The right in Germany is still silent, even though they're frustrated if they spoke out they'd be fined or jailed.
That culture is still too shamed and shackled.
The right is on the rise in other places. You'd have to be blind not to see it.
sorry wont happen, Given all the shit thats going on and all the knowledge and info we have available now that proves the system is rigged against us.
>people are still heading to mcdonalds and the shopping malls just fine.
>you can always pray on the public to be willfully ignorant
There will not be another Hitler.
Right is on the rise but mass migration is the show stopper. Thats why its happening. Demographics are the real winner at the end of the day.
Have we started the fire?
Ironically, Poland
I get an intuitive jolt from this.
Greece, or maybe France. Like the US, France has this tradition of civil liberties, and EU oppression is probably more offensive to them than the conformist German psyche. Plus, things are more violent there, and likely to stay that way, and I hear more rumblings of serious but still mostly hidden unrest from Frenchies than anyone/anywhere else. Something about that climate--like the extreme hardships Greece is going through--seems like it would foster the rise of a Hitler type leader/saviour of his people.
Tell me again how a piece of paper can do anything if THE PEOPLE is pissed off?
America is FOR White people, Europe too
>Be Christcuck
>Obsess over 'Christendom's [artificial] capital'
>Obsession manifests in assuming 'the church' of degenerates & pedos along with Wig Italians will fix their shit and all of Europes...
Even docile animals react with savage fury upon being backed into a corner with nowhere to turn. Humanity is no different.
Wait until the white population begins to truly lose hope. Then we will see who is right.
Please do, I'd personally really dig that.
This guy and that's actually good.
"Next Hitler"
The rope is not tight enough around their neck,yet.You can see the steam building up,if you look carefully.There is a silent majority,that everyone hopes will never speak.But they will.They always did,through history.They were always silent,as long as they could.The power is with the water,not the boat sailing on the water.
>Implying the 6 trillion gorillion were ever killed.
>Implying Trump isn't a zionist. $$$
belgium 100% future confirmed
>all of the world collapses to diversity, race quotas, and refugee allocation to small, traditional towns
>all countries but one
it will be me :)
all but two
>he doesn't know the nazi came to an agreement with the allies in 1939
>he doesn't know the nazis gave the world over to world jewry in return for new swabia
>he doesn't know the promised aryan land already exits behind a wall of ice and war machines
>he doesn't know he ain't part of it
There needs to be another war for such an event. Another financial crash. A collapse of existing structures.
The EU will continue to grow, becoming more and more powerful until it is destroyed entirely. The Schengen countries will take the brunt of the damage and someone from there will drag them back toward nationalism.
My money would be on Austria or Italy.