What if there is no conspiracy to replace the white race? What if it's just fucking incompetent leadership? These people don't live anywhere near danger.
What if there is no conspiracy to replace the white race? What if it's just fucking incompetent leadership...
It is not about replacing the white race, its about replacing smart people with subhumans that can easily be controlled, you can see this reflected in WW2 and the formation of soviet russia, kill smart people who object to your doctrine reward those who are obedient to you (typically smarter people). And we all know 99% of people from the third-world are 60 IQ savages.
That's not as fun
If WW3 occurred and nukes werent used it could be a good thing. Cities being bombed to fuck would remove a lot of problems prevalent in The West.
dumb people are paid less too, dont forget that. its crowded at the top
Basically this. Look up Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. They don't care about replacing whites, they just want to replace any reasonably intelligent person with niggers and shit skins that only care about gibs from the government, which in turn will give them even more power then they already have
It could be possible. You could take the half half approach and say they're idiots being manipulated.
Well when you think about it a lot of Intelligent Asians (Japs and Koreans) also have population destroying feminism.
What's the old adage?
Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity.
Do you?
If whites are 'replaced' it is because they became impotent before the forces of history... and if the white man were to vanish, and his existence become a chapter in an anthropological tome it is only the fate he deserves.
Those not chosen by the future were not worthy of it.
>which in turn will give them even more power then they already have
It won't. It'll ensure that they're dirt poor and defenseless. When you turn the population African, you get Africa. THERE IS NO GOOD REASON TO EVER IMPORT SUB-SAHARAN AFRICANS. It is completely negative, for everyone. Like conjuring demons from hell.
Read up on the Kalergi Plan.
Why did Merkel get a Kalergi Award? Join the dots.
I think that's an adage dreamed up by psychopaths manipulating people.
In reality, you should never attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to malice.
In practice there's no actual difference, either. And when the crooks get caught, they always plead with the stupidity defense.
In the case of the ongoing white genocide, you can assume it's stupidity at your own peril. I think that approach just engenders you to letting your guard down and doing nothing to stop them.
Not any more. I grew up in Croydon which is an utter shithole.
What about these Muslims and Refugees?
It's like a Zombie Apocalypse but we are letting the Zombies enter and kill people, and even turn more people into Zombies. Fuck.
OK schlomo
If you mixed races everyone would look like Gadaffi.
NATO and the EU hated Gadaffi.
They know exactly what they're doing. It's absolutely not due to incompetence. That lie is what Jews, like Ezra Levant, are pushing. They love to fuck shit up and blame it all on whites.
That's the whole point. To create a society with no class warfare, (IE everyone is dirt poor,) and to make it so that everyone becomes completely dependable on the government to survive. If you give the sheep below you grass and water, they'll follow you without complaints
Smells like.............get out of your mom's basement and loss some weight chow boy.
>It is not about replacing the white race, its about replacing smart people with subhumans that can easily be controlled
so yes it is about replacing the white race
Fuck off you literal faggot. Given any terrorists 10 million lately?
Not really. It's because kikes are unfathomably evil.
That's bullshit. Why would you believe it? It just provides a cover for the malicious.
And Gadaffi warned what would happen if they offed him. It all came true.
There isn't.
However, people on Sup Forums have troubled lives and don't have qualities to fix them. Now tell me, what would be more soothing - to admit that it is your responsibility, or to imagine yourself a victim of global, organized and powerful enemy?
That's far scarier.
There won't be a government. There won't be electricity or food or clean water. Again, there is no benefit to any of it. Any plan they may have will only ever be soiled by the types they are flooding the West with.
> If you give the sheep below you grass and water, they'll follow you without complaints
Actually, they'll have nothing to lose and will utterly destroy those with power/wealth.
What if kikes didn't exist? What is the sky was orange and the number 33 had no significance? Nice try kike
>What if it's just fucking incompetent leadership?
We should still remove them by whatever force is necessary. Dead is dead. Whether they mean for our numbers to be falling or not, our numbers are in fact falling, and what they are doing is causing it.
Hitler enormously increased the German birth rate by offering a simple government incentive (not even a very big one) to married couples to have more kids. Seems to me like we need better leadership than what we have at present.
yes, but how can they be completely oblivious that this highly civilised societies (that made their ideology possible) depend on IQ and personality structure of the population?
> stupidity really mindboggling here
also as ageneral note, there are lots of IQ redpills on Sup Forums.
The personality structure thing was neglected though
This place has warped your mind.
well if there isnt, it certainly developed into a state where one can reasonably assume it was.
So, how the fuck did this come about vodkafag?
Shut up kike
Because we started allowing rich people rather than strong people become our leaders. The UK hasn't had a strong leader since Thatcher.
Evil abounds, always and everywhere. The Cross is our shield against it and has been since Calvary. We abandoned the Cross and what we have now its wake is a cultural sewer that has left us vulnerable to all manner of perversions and foreign threats.
God's judgement is real and unless we reverse course we stand to suffer the consequences of our sins.
God's judgement could very well come in the form of a Jihadists sword, or a total breakdown of our conception of family and freedom resulting in a form of Totalitarianism the likes of which even Orwell could not have dreamed up. Come what may we are plunging towards a breakdown of the very foundations of those things that gave the West its vigor. Things certainly look grim at the moment.
If that makes you feel better. You need to ask yourself what your frame of mind is if you see Jew everywhere. Maybe the Russian is right
obongo raised national debt by 8 BILLION.
That's more than the three presidents before him COMBINED
They are highly competent. If you think they're just stupid you haven't read nearly enough.
>What if there is no conspiracy to replace the white race?
We already know this to be false unequivocally.
Porn, politics, music, media...it doesn't matter where you look the Jews are actively working to subvert the white race.
If you are to blind and or stupid to see it, at this point in time, you are irrelevant.
these are not rich people, they are corrupted.
Question is, on what level to what degree
> intellectually
> morally/ ideologically
> financially
> through blackmail
How did this come about, is it self replicating or externally engineered and to what degree?
>Porn, politics, music, media...it doesn't matter where you look the Jews are actively working to subvert the white race.
White people don't consume these things at gunpoint.
>but how can they be completely oblivious that this highly civilised societies (that made their ideology possible) depend on IQ and personality structure of the population?
Easy: They drank their own koolaid
They honestly think these immigrants are 100% as intelligent and capable and domesticated and non-violent as whites.
Are you retarded straya?
>White people don't consume these things at gunpoint.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean.
I've had the same thought as OP. Conspiracies are too tricky and complex, especially at this scale, to be in the shadows. It's more likely that our leaders are reactive instead of proactive.
The best thing that Europe and the US can do is to promote family life and start having babies. Lots and lots of babies. Even if we started today it would still be 25 years or so before we started seeing the positive economic results.
>If you are to blind and or stupid to see it, at this point in time, you are irrelevant.
You are the one posting fake images who you possibly never even bothered to double check while calling others blind or stupid.
That account was fake, like most of the twitter accounts you will see in image macros.
WTF are you talking about? White people are being led by their basest lusts. A drug dealer would be nothing without the junkie - the white man has become the words junkie... dumbed down and numbed to all moral principles.
Keep blaming the Jews like a weak loser. Better top project your failings onto others than to look within yourself at your own contributions to the decline and fall of the West.
Keep larping that Deus Ex flag moron.
It means whites love the poison the joooos are selling them. The joo makes money on the white man's vices while the white man destroys his culture...
Tell me who is the fool in this exchange?
You're onto something with this. Rumour has it that the globalists are purposely going to allow Russia to carry out a nuclear first strike against the United States as an excuse to end the Federal Reserve and transition to a one world government once the world's nuclear arsenals are exhausted. The worlds elites are building underground megabunkers with hundreds of black hawk helicopters and military supplies so once it all happens they can emerge from the ruins and form a controlled technocratic society and merge with machines. Mass immigration is the catalyst they need to provoke enough civil unrest to cause an internal collapse, thus giving the elites 'justification' to pull the trigger. This is a controlled demolition of western civilisation. To stand any chance of survival you'll need to either build your own self sufficient hidden bunker. Even then, you probably won't be safe once the elites decide to hunt you down using satellite and killer robots. Unless you stay completely hidden.
The elites don't make mistakes. Of this I can assure you. Read Klaus D Vaque's book 'The Plot Against South Africa' to discover how the UN and other globalist organisations purposely undermined the sovereignty of South Africa. It's a small group of psychopathic bankers who are trying to enslave the world so they can live as omnipotent Pharaohs. They see it as a form of transcendentalism.
>Rumour has it that the globalists are purposely going to allow Russia to carry out a nuclear first strike against the United States as an excuse to end the Federal Reserve and transition to a one world government once the world's nuclear arsenals are exhausted
And you believe these rumors. Russia and the US are untouchable nations. They have each have their fingers on the big fat red button on the doomsday device. If you think Russia is going to preemptively lob a few nukes towards the US you are out of your mind.
>They have each have their fingers on the big fat red button on the doomsday device
The elites know that nuclear war is inevitible. In a closed system, it has to happen by necessity due to the cascade effect. As countries become increasingly unstable due to internal and external tensions caused by ethnic rivalry and competition, they're eventually forced to press the red button if only to protect themselves. It's kamikaze logic. They die, but they take out the enemy at the same time.
Not to mention the elites now have massive underground bunkers where they can hideout to protect themselves and their families.
I agree that over the course of time nuclear war is inevitable, I just don't think it will be planned... if - or when - it comes it will be the consequence of a series of diplomatic/military stuff ups and will likely take the politicians by surprise much as it will the plebs.
Nothing in politics happens by accident. They're going to push the liberal agenda as far as it will go until it finally explodes. The Federal Reserve system was never designed to be sustainable. It eventually reaches a turning point where the sheer number of parasites outweighs the ability of the system to contain itself.
There are a multitude of problems in society.
Why do you find it surprising though? It is extremely difficult to run things well and proper.
You don't need any effort or plan at all for everything going to shit.
Dammit man, have you had a look at the low tier scumbags we elect as leaders? If you think for a second that these nincompoops
(or the people that elect them) are able to plan and execute history defining conspiracies you probably need to lay off the infowars Kool aid you have been drinking.
History is nothing more than a series of fuck ups, guided along by God's good grace.
How about not pushing stupid ideologies to begin with?
Keeping education system sound?
Incentivise population to have offspring?
see. as simple as that. not even that expensive.
That is absolutely right. We live in a time of maximum complexity, more moving parts - more chances that things can go to shit.
For want of a nail the kingdom was lost.
I know its hard to believe, but our politicians are purposely selected by the real string pullers to give precisely that impression. For the same reason they invented modern art and architecture. To make us feel small and pathetic so they can rule over us more easily. Everything is carefully planned out. They have AI systems that can literally predict the future. This isn't some crazy conspiracy theory, its very very real.
Bong. If you dont think that London has intentionally been converted to lil Pakistan to out number you then youre either a paki or a rich globalist cunt
Oh and if you think Trump is real and not just a puppet, ask yourself why have his sons and daughter all married jews? That should tell you everything you need to know about his stance on the 'alt-right'. He's just a pressure valve to assuage white political discontent before they wipe us out once and for all. As shitty as it sounds, it's better you know the truth. If I were you I'd take whatever money you can and build a bunker in rural Utah or Idaho and stock up on supplies. Who knows? You might just survive this thing.
>conjuring demons
Top kek user
It's economics. Birth rates are declining in the western world. You need a steady stream of people to take the place of the dying boomers so you can loan trillions and create money out of thin air
>I advocate this b-but obviously I don't mean I would be in the blast hahaha don't be stupid I would be part of the badass post apocalypse white resistance
My condolences
>What if it's just fucking incompetent leadership? These people don't live anywhere near danger.
Common sense, Gentleman.
Somebody just screencap this rare moment of human intelligence.
That argument has been debunked countless times. No, its just a conscious effort by the jewish oligarchy to phase out the white nuclear family so they no longer pose a threat. Typical divide and rule.
There's also a deeply rooted sentiment of malice towards the goyim in the heart of globalist jews. Especially after the holocaust. The higher ups really do see us as filthy goyim. It also explains the constant racemixing propaganda on television, the satanic music industry, and various pornography sites owned by jews. They use our degeneracy to weaken us because they think it makes them stronger. They are the ultimate parasites. What they call 'Nazi propaganda' during WW2 was a completely accurate portrayal of the jewish mindset. It turns out we're the ones who've been brainwashed all along.
incompenant leaders always do some good
it's take active evil to be this bad
I'll look into it. Thanks.
Thank you Canadian government for telling me that whites should not have children and to make way for everyone else
Aren't we all getting sleepy?
>It is not about replacing the white race, its about replacing smart people with subhumans that can easily be controlled
You're close, but not quite there. It is about birth rates plain and simple. (((They))) don't care about the white race or any race for that matter, they care about their wealth and power. They don't steal from us in the way the left wants us all to believe by taking a share of everything we do, that would be impossible. The way they take their cut is by taxing our progress. They can't take their cut if we don't progress. As whites reach their carrying capacity they are introducing a new species to try and promote growth, but at the end of the day what they are doing is akin to releasing Asian carp because there isn't enough fish. They will have more fish for a while before the ecosystem collapses, then we will be allowed to go full 1488 to restore the system they exploit and the cycle repeats again.
Sarkozy demanded that whites mix with niggers, so that shit won't fly.
>hehehe goy its just a co-hencidence
The price of petrodollars and tens of millions of dollars of donations to politicians is Islamification of the west. There is no what if.