War is inhumane.
War is inhumane
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OP is a fag.
war is human
tell that to him
Stop doing war
Don't tread on snek.
Nigs arn't human
War is for pussies.
Real men fight in the street, for themselves.
That's why we couldn't win in Vietnam or Iraq.
A follower can never be a warrior.
Soldiers always beat warriors though. An army will always beat a mob.
but necessary.
shut up
why? For what purpose?
war is evil
Sometimes...but not since the invention of guns.
The gun makes any brave man a serious threat to an army.
100 determined faggots with guns can create havoc on a very wide scale nowadays.
this is somethign different.
I am talking about unnecessary brother wars like WW1 and WW2
if invaders come to kill/rape/oppress you and your family and your country, then you better suit up for war. Then war is love, and pacifism/capitulation is complicit in evil.
It is not war that is evil, it is starting war for immoral reasons is evil.
I'll be sure to remind the terrorists that when they attack again.
>It is not war that is evil, it is starting war for immoral reasons is evil.
yes I am talking about this kind of war.
To die in battle is the highest honor one can achieve
Whatever the battle is
when u nut but she still suckin'
Sure if its defending your motherland.
But since WW2, the western world is not ours anymore.
So why is it a honor?
Why aren't you killing brown people with your waifu Sup Forums?
i've got nothing. except national sovereignty. I would not be against Poland and Hungary destroying Merkel and her EU armies.
You're just comparing tactics bud. Armies can also use asymetric tactics and they'll do a better job than a bunch of randos. In every case having a command and control structure combined with regimented small unit training is superior.
all these men sent to die in the cold winter for what? nothing.
WW1 and WW2 were the biggest scams and criminal events to happen to us.
except you had a jew backed socialist taking over Europe...
True, on paper.
But short of killing every man or imposing an inhumanly rigid system of control you'll never stop the random faggots completely.
That's because a self motivated man is much more dangerous than a man trained to care about his fight.
That's my interpretation of it anyway.
"Hey bud war is hell but it's an integral part of human civilization and keeps us sane in a strange way. Keep it up your doing gods work"
War is literally the most natural part of humanity.
Most humans don't act like what people think a human is suppose to act like. Humane and inhumane have horrible definition, and going by our history it should be reversed.
of course. that's why we just fill our soldiers up with mefloquine to retard them so they don't understand the impact of what they've done
War is bad, but neccesary. The blood of innocents, soldiers, and insurgents is what lubricates the gears in the American machine. Just look at WWII, without it we would still be in a worldwide dpression
Yeah but the goal of having an army isn't to stop every random faggot. Plus most western armies have highly motivated individuals at the tip of the spear. At minimum your entry level faggot is a 1 time volunteer, airborne volunteers twice, Rangers 3 times etc. The one SF guy I worked with did multiple 25 mile movements in full kit despite having both his knees replaced. The retired ODA guy I met marched 5 miles through the mountains with a completely severed achilles to get to a safe extraction point.
Armies can have absolute zealots in a fashion that makes Islam look like a bunch of turds.
DELET this
>all these people joking about war
>dont realize we'll all be fighting when the anti-christ comes to power
Women are the real victims
Humans will purges themselves.
Sleep well user.
To establish dominance of one tribe over the other.
War creates tribes which evolve into kingdoms which eventually become nations.
History is written in blood and nothing which stands up to the test of time is achieved without violence.
War is about as human as it gets.
War is competition between man. There are no rules and rights/morals don't exist.
>i will never have a qt SUOMI gf
It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.
Nah bud war is fantastically fun. The most powerful I ever felt was having some guy we'd captured beg me to shoot him the head because he knew the ANA were going to torture/rape him to death when we turned him over. The look on his fucking face when the terp told him I'd love to but it was against the rules was priceless.
He looks pretty happy to me
>we'll fight when the anti-christ arrives.
Bring it.
That would be the best war to fight in. Not a bankers war. A war between good and evil
Thats more or less the point, it becomes intoxicating. The only rule of survival is that of the fittest and the rules of engagement only exist if there are survivors.
I did RO for a year and while not on the front lines I know why people find it fascinating. Once you get that taste of being the arbiter of life and death, there no going back to society with out it changing you.
war is the truest expression of masculinity and the height of human existence
Because it's righteous. Instead of succumbing to disease or age and allowing death to do with you as it pleases, you get to choose your own demise. You get the dignity of knowing that at least your death, among many, will actually mean something, as opposed to just being the end of your life. If you win, then your death was a necessary sacrifice to further the ideals you hold on to so strongly. And if you lose, then at least you were willing to stand like a man and sacrifice your life fighting for the ideals you believed in, instead of just sitting idly by while they get crushed beneath the boot of your enemy. The honor comes from making the choice to die at the sides of your brothers, fighting for a cause you think is worth more than your own life. But if you need that spelled out for you like a fucking kindergartener, then you won't truly understand any of it in the first place.
My Grandfather and Father both served. Grandfather in WW2, 30th Infantry Division. My father with the 3rd Marines. War is necessary due to the fact that it takes a boy and creates a man, It makes a country prosper economically in a time of depression, it pushes humanity foward and shows what a once relatively big ideology can be now seen as nothing but pure evil. He who does not know history is only doomed to repeat it. War and conflict create strong men, those strong men create prosperous lives for their children, those children living in such good times turn weak, in return making society weak. Society is now crippled and damaged, which creates strong men. The cycle continues endlessly and will always do so. War brings in the bonding and sacrifice remembered for generations to come, that sacrifice once made by the boys at Gettysburg (Not advocating for anyside), The Somme, D-Day, Chosin Reservoir, Hamburger Hill, Grenada, Kuwait, Baghdad, and in the hills of Afghanistan must be continued in Life. For their one day will be another wave of sacrifices needed to be made to save not only yourself, but your countrymen in upcoming wars. If you or your fellow countrymen refuse to do it, you will be left to no longer exist.
Can we war naked?
dont bash him bro. sometimes it does need to spelt out. putting someone on the right path is worth it. a year ago I would have thought everything you have written is horseshit, but that path I've taken and what I've read has led me here, and I agree with everything you have said.
of the weakest.
You're right, it wasn't called for
Sorry for being a dick, user
Which is why Humans are going to be replaced by Machines. All part of the Globalist/Trans-Humanist Endgame.
Warfare should also become another Sport. Plenty of Sponsors/Manufactures/Humans & empty parts of Land around the World to pull it off.
[Pic Related] is the Shill Operation being done against the KB Threads/Comments(archive.4plebs.org
The Shill Op. was started on 6/2 & then on 6/3, the London Bridge Terror Attack happened. The Shills involved had prior knowledge of when the Terror Attack was going to happen & pulled a CNN by doxing the wrong person in hopes of attacking someone/something else. The Shills also put "Deep Drive" CP(It stays in the computer even if the images are deleted & requires special/advanced hardware/tech/security systems to spot/find) into those "Frank Memes/Images/Pics" they tend to post.
war is for the heroics
humanity is carbage and not worth saving kys
>that pic
You go be a ball turret gunner when it's 95 degrees and humid.
I imagined that was the answer, but it still looks mighty weird. Pretty cool (lel), but weird.
>the last thing you see from your airplane before you die is a gunner shooting at you with his dick dangling out
War is so destructive it has become obsolete. That paradigm has ended.
says the armchair warrior who wouldnt last 2 minutes on a battlefield.
is he a hippo?
War is necessary. The only problem is that War is no longer fought for survival or for resources, it's fought to preserve a phony status quo propped up by banks, corporations and corrupt politicians.
There is nothing more primal for humans than war
like ants wage war man
we had to like learn it from somewhere
I'm sure, He's canadian
Yeah but sometimes it's necesary due to no other viable option.
>It makes a country prosper economically in a time of depression
Unless you lose, then things are going to get a whole lot worse
>The only problem is that War is no longer fought for survival or for resources
Because the last time we did that, 3% of the entire earth's population died. And that was with weapons less devastating than the ones we have now. We realized by the 50s that if we ever had something on WW2's scale again, there aren't going to be many of us left by the end of it.