The way I see it, fascism in the traditional sense won't fit American culture. Just as falangism was developed specifically for Catholic nations and national socialism developed for Germany, we too should work on developing a strain of fascism that could practically work and thrive in America. The (bare bones) concepts of national capitalism could be used as a starting point. Come on Sup Forums, let's see if we can't hammer out an ideology to save America.
Is National Capitalism a meme or can it be worked with?
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Is it just rebranded fascism? (That would be a good thing)
It's basically (in my mind atleast) just a fascist system that is more favorable to capitalism and some individual rights. It's not really a real ideology right now though, which is why I think we should try to develop/evolve it into something real and practical.
bumping for interest
Something like this would make a lot of sense. Capitalism is a great system that rewards innovation, efficiency, and hard work. Unbridled capitalism leads us to the same global economic mess where American workers get shafted and companies outsource all possible labor to pajeet-land in order to cut costs.
How would an ideology like this really go forward to replacing neoconservativism? The concerning part would be pulling votes away from the GOP which could pull a Nader-type scenario in 2020, paving the way for Dems to win.
Sounds too Godless.
If your ideology doesn't involve Jesus it'll just attract reddit
Why should natcaps advocate for a state-sponsored religion? You're throwing away a huge group of people who are a lot like me; not religious but very right wing who want a return to traditional values, protectionism, and patriotism in the country.
Even America back in the 40s and 50s never had a state religion. It isn't in our country's history or culture you retarded potatonigger.
It's a meme. Capital naturally tends to the breaking up of borders, you can't contain it.
Does it necessarily have to be it's own party? Despite the hype and excitement about the third party "breakout" last election, it turned into nothing. We can see that Trump is already transforming the GOP into a much more nationalistic and populist party (views that in many ways would complement ours). I see the GOP as a vessel to be commandeered and rebranded in our image.
If you replace Christianity with some Enlightenment fag ideology, the whole thing will just get co-opted by Marxists again.
That'd be the best option. So what happens now? Meme natcap into existence? I have no idea
>not religious but very right wing who want a return to traditional values, protectionism, and patriotism in the country.
You deserve the rope to be honest
Never said it couldn't include Jesus. . I think what he means is that, due to dire circumstances and widespread degeneracy and secularism (not necessarily synonymous, of course) the state could play a role in promoting Christianity and getting it back on its feet. I see nothing inherently wrong with that.
America should become a Corporate Republic. As in every citizen is a shareholder.
Allied nations of America shall become client states that pay a tribute which is then funneled to all the shareholders, this is in exchange for military protection.
All imports are subject to a tariff which is then redistributed to the shareholders.
All government services are to operate for a profit. Taxation to pay for those services becomes optional. However, if one pays for government services it is considered an investment and 80% of the profit is redistributed to those who decided to contribute taxes to it.
I'm not really sure. It still isn't really an ideology, which is why Sup Forums should try to hammer out the finer details and maybe at some point it can be turned into an actual platform of some kind. I mostly just find it to be an interesting concept and as such want to discuss it in depth with some others.
National capitalism is the under class of Sup Forums reminding us they're still stuck in the 19th century. Its mercantilism, go Google it.
Seems like we should just rebrand fascism since the left starts screeching about muh nazis and muh 6 million every time the word fascist gets thrown around. The word is too tainted but the ideology makes sense.
I'm not sure how I feel about the hyper inflated importance of money... It sounds like some Jewy people could easily manipulate it one way or another, just as they do to corporations in real life. Then again, maybe I just don't really understand it. Interesting concept
But what do you actually want out of fascism?
I agree cosmopolitan capitalism is just a way to halt social mobility in the west and brain drain the east, but going full mercantilism just puts us at odds against each other.
Also, that you're still calling it "national capitalism" instead of mercantilism makes me believe OP is being deliberately ignorant
Also, how do people feel about imperialism? A renewed sense of manifest destiny and a strive for Empire could give our people the nationalistic fervor and drive we need.
We can call it something else. National capitalism is just a modern term used to describe an ideology that we could base and evolve from.
>But what do you actually want out of fascism?
Convict traitors/seditionists/marxists and give them the rope.
Punish American companies for exporting jobs to third-world hellholes.
Revoke 1965 Immigration Act to stop importing third-worlders.
Pull out of (((global banks))) and end fiat currency.
>people who dont believe in my imaginary friend deserve the rope
stop with the divide and conquer bull-shit its counter productive
Mercantalist globalism is better.
Then it's just a misleading name, names need to be useful and studying mercantilism is a better idea than studying "national capitalism." This way you can learn from how it was tried in the past and solve the problems it caused, namely that screwing your trade partners means less trade from them.
>Convict traitors/seditionists/marxists and give them the rope.
Yes. Our legal system broke when the media outright lies about the average political position of the normie.
>Punish American companies for exporting jobs to third-world hellholes.
Well.. uh, free market? This is actually ideologically motivated in many cases because people know the goods and services aren't as good, but they keep outsourcing to "develop" developing nations.
>Revoke 1965 Immigration Act to stop importing third-worlders.
Yeah this was a bad idea, promote immigration to keep western wages down and unemployment up to make western nations less enticing and solve third world brain drain
It's a bad idea because they think high unemployment in prosperous nations means welfare. Now it's out of control and they keep pretending its under wraps.
>Pull out of (((global banks))) and end fiat currency.
No comment, (((they're))) just too concerned here.
Capitalism works from the bottom up and will eventually lead to democracy. Look at how Pinochet's rule ended. Fascism is only good for quickly mobilizing people in a time of great crisis. There is absolutely no reason for us to adopt it. The best choice for America is to continue decentralizing our government.
Capital is inherently globalist. National capitalism is a contradiction in terms. It might be able to exist for a short while, but capital will always seek to break down borders.