Were you ever taught in school why hitler hated the jews? What were you told?

Were you ever taught in school why hitler hated the jews? What were you told?

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I actually never got taught the real reason in school...

i'm desperately scouring my brain, and honestly i can't remember. this is pretty bad, considering my long term memory is second to none compared with my friends.

I was told because of art school and then nobody knows. You would think this would be an important thing to discuss as the holocaust is taught in almost every subject in school.

we were taught that hitler hated everyone who wasnt a blonde blue eyed master race, now as an impressionable blonde haired blue eyed youth i felt pretty ok with it

Hitler, aka Schikelgruber, was a self hating Jew.

unironically because they told him his art was bad.

this is 100% what I was taught.

because he was evil

They said he spent alot of time in a very antisemetic part of Germany after the war, thats what caused him to hate jews

No. Teachers never elaborated on the reason why.

We were told that the Jews were just an easy scapegoat. Nothing beyond that.

They told us hitler used them as scapegoats to blame for what was wrong in Germany at the time, and that they dindu nuffin.

>Were you ever taught in school why hitler hated the jews? What were you told?
I was told that they blamed Jews for all their nation's problems. What I was not told was that the Jews were in fact the cause of all those problems.

All the time we get shills who say, "You guys blame Jews for everything." No, we blame Jews for the problems that Jews have caused. That just happens to be a great many problems.

Because they had brown eyes.

this is the Jewish Council on Foreign Relations approved doctrine in germany too.

I was told he hated everyone who wasn't a blue eye'd blonde haired aryan.

Scouring back now and they literally never gave us a reason.

This. It also confirms my belief that he, in the end, did nothing wrong.

Where did this blonde haired blue eyed shit come from? Is it actually true?

They glossed over it by saying something like "muh common scapegoat!" or something.

I was told he wanted to get rid of everyone who wasnt of arian race...

they told me he only used them for a scapegoat of all germany problems.

No I was not taught in school, but I after reading Mein Kampf, I was surprised to learn that Adolf Hitler did not seem to have a great personal dislike for jews, but rather a dislike for the behavior of jews and the impact of that behavior on the national condition of Germany. The ursury, promotion of communism, and labor union agitation was causing real problems for Germans after WW1, social, economic, and political problems caused by a single religion that had no connection to most German people. Mein Kampf has more than 25 chapters and only three briefly mention jews at all.

Honestly we never made it to ww2 in any history class in school. We were maybe halfway through the book by the end of the year.

In school they said it was because they ran the art school that denied him.

How did noone noticed the blantant Jew features of Hitler ?
>Hitler having a temper fit with the generals
>"B-but, Führer, I'm afraid to tell you're not exactly the...ahh...Most aryan archetype..."

was this elaborated on? head of admissions was a jewish man?

this page will moreorless reflect what is taught age 11-14 in britain.


muh dik

>did not seem to have a great personal dislike for jews

What the fuck did you read? He even rants about their hygiene in Mein Kampf.

During entire public education system they would make no argument apart from explaining that "he hated jews".

When kids are not taught about the evils of communism and jewish Bolshevism then it's easy to make people believe he is just an evil mad man. But evil mad men do not command the respect and loyalty of millions of people. Still too many are too stupid and naive to continue believing the extremely simplistic and childish narrative they have been thought through high school.

I was taught they were scapegoats, and that scapegoating them worked really well because many of them were in fact bankers and in positions of power and moral sway so it was easy to believe _how_ they could have been the cause of everything, so people went with it because it was a convenient excuse.

Much like how SJWs today view white people.

Hello Rabbi

that he wanted a master aryan race of blue eyed blondes. literally.


Hitler had brown eyes until the Mandela effect hit.
Now they are blue.

mu.. mu... mum. mummy

I was told he was an irrational hate monger. But I can see why he hated them after what they did to his country.
And after seeing what they are doing to America I am inclined to not like them either. Added to the fact that one of my aunts married into a Jewish family and a few of my neighbors are Jews. Then add the fact that each one has tried to screw me over. You can safely assume that I hold no love for them.
I wish we would have stayed true to our founder's wishes and kept the third world out. It is truly impossible to have a 1st world nation with a third world population, no matter how smart a few of the non-whites are (actually the smart ones are either killed or become the warlords)

Yeah well is he wrong? The Jews have to be one of the most disgusting looking if all the races.

This for me as well.

Brown eyes, you die.

No, I cannot recall being given a reason at all, but this does jog another memory I have of talking with an American WWII vet about a year ago about the war. He also said he hated the jews and that they were a nasty, scheming, violent group of people. That was a pretty redpilled moment for me.

We were told Hitler was poor in Vienna after the war, pretty much living on the street, and he was bitter/jealous seeing the Jews live like kings in big mansions. It was brushed over really

t. oldfag. Did history in late 80s


I was taught in school that Hitler had brown hair and eyes and hated Jews even though he was half Jewish. I think they said he used Jews as a scapegoat for all of Germany's problems but they didn't elaborate. I think this narrative was started to try and discredit Hitler by saying that he was mentally ill and hated everything that he was (brown hair, brown eyes, and a Jew) then he killed himself which they said proved he was crazy



exactly this

My jr high teacher told me its because they killed jesus and were responsible for a lot of other things i had to research myslef so here i am

The jews during weirmar were getting richer whereas the germans were getting poorer. They also owned all of the brothels and furthered the degeneracy of the weirmar further everyday. I heard a story that they actually used children prostitutes to make money.

No, and i was already red pilled back in my school days and it made me angry as hell that they just kept on blaming him for anything. But i couldnt say anything about it because i was so young they probably would have punished me for being a racist or something. I secretly red pilled my friend every history class and it worked.

Wtf? Were you in the special ed class?

I was told he hated them for being having a lot money and refusing to help the government fund wwi, and that he believed that they conspired for germany to lose.

something about his mother being killed by a jewish doctor

i was told that they stopped the economy by gaining a lot of money and not spending them. They also said that they might have just been the scoapgoat

Never taught why.
Also, never shown subtitled or translated hitler speeches.
Easy to call someone a madman when you don't understand what he says.

I have never met an ashkenazi with brown eyes, semmelweis uni is full of jews

Honestly, it isn't even a great MANY of problems.
Rather, they instigated pretty much every single one of the top 5 or so WORST problems we have.
>vibrant immigration
>sexual degeneracy
>international banking
It's a pretty manageable list and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things.
But it's all 100% Jewish intellectual movements.

i was told his mother died because of a jewish doctor

same here. basically they need an enemy to focus on, to forget about their domestic problems.

They told us anyone who wasn't "Ayrian" was bad in his eyes and it was the Jews fault for Germany becoming like that.
Then they took all the children who had blonde hair and blue eyes and made us walk around apologizing to all the minorities because we were "inherently better".
I remember some girl got detention because she started to get really upset and cry because: "I didn't do anything wrong? Why do I need to say sorry for something I didn't do?"
I think a lot of us were acting the same way, but she was more vocal and had to be made an example of.

I was never given a specific motive on why, just a general "he was a bad person". Of course my school district convinetly left out communist atrocities in our history lessons.

I was taught that he hated jews because he blamed them for Germany losing the first world war and the humiliation caused by the treaty of versailes

I did a double take because I thought I posted that

Our history teacher told us that it was because his mother was diagnosed with cancer by a jewish doctor.

When I said that was bullshit and told him that hitler hated jews because they controlled 90% of the german banks, he told me that I need to stop being racist and to leave the room

All white men in history were the ultimate evil by the time I went to school so Hitler was just another evil whitey. No less or more evil than the rest.
The reason given that they are evil us because they are white.

You see, I never thought this until I read "The Sword and The Shield". It's not about Jews, but it is about soviet espionage. It just so happens, a lot of spies were jews. One guy who recruited a few in the Cambridge Five was a predominant figure in sex lib and birth control movements in britain.

Just jews doing jew things.

>We were told Hitler was poor in Vienna after the war, pretty much living on the street
>After the war

I really hope you don't learn this

I was taught the truth. He was an evil, evil person who used Jews a scapegoat to enact his agenda of pure evil.

I was taught that Hitler utilized long-standing prejudices extant throughout Europe to install himself as a fascist dictator. He used the hatred of the Jews and the concept of a "master race" as an enticing club that every white person in the country was invited into. This made them loyal soldiers.

The Jews were scattered throughout Europe during the Medieval times and beyond, when loyalty to the Pope was incredibly important and Christians were not allowed to give interest loans. The Jews would be utilized to lend money, which created close, small Jewish families who specialized in a family trade of banking at a time where they held a monopoly on the practice due to Papal influences. Because a "court Jew" frequently dominated the finances of the court, they could sometimes become more powerful than the Royalty, which caused a lot of problems frequently blamed on their religion. They were seen as conniving.

There was also a general sense that the average German person had no idea mass extermination was going on. They were told it was mass deportation and that the rounding up of Jews was so that they could be moved to Israel. Hitler's personal prejudices can't be measured but it was a combination of actual contempt, long-standing prejudice, and a desire to embolden the spirit of his own people through designing an Aryan ubermensch.

WW2 history classes, for me anyway, consisted mainly of D-Day admiration, watching saving Private Ryan, as well as Holocaust pictures followed by watching Schlinder's List. It was more of an after thought as well that yeah we fought Japan also. They were all completely evil especially Hitler who was the super duper mega devil because reasons. Also heard the whole blonde hair blue eyes thing and everyone even then thought it was weird because he had brown hair.

I call bullshit
Thats too fuckin' gay to be real

Damn what school did you go to, fuck I'd have killed for that sort of education

Brother is friends with a kike and this is what he says for why anyone ever hates Jews. Infuriating to say the least

B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BECAUSE R-R-R-R-RACISM!!!!! if they taught the true reasons then they would create nazis

WW1 Scapegoats and fear of them taking over through control of the banks due to the strains caused by printing too much money and fucking the economy over to pay debts.

Although they never taught us about the kind of person he was before he rose to power, living homeless and volunteering to fight. When your leaders refuse to admit incompetence and blame someone else it's easy to see why a patriot like him believed it also considering he too was an incompetent leader.

>INB4 Naziboo damage control

I took an AP History class in a 99% white school in Florida.

After World War One, you plebtard

and when did you realize that he did nothing wrong?

Hitler wasn't in Vienna after WWI you idiot. He was homeless in Vienna before WWI. He served in the German Army and was in Berlin after the war; where he at first still worked in the German military

I really fucking wish it was bullshit.
But I'm from the west coast, haven of white guilt and a 'liberal' breeding ground.
Too gay is a compliment here.


In the last year. The Germans were robbed of overseas possessions, Poland pinched Germany in twain, and then they murdered her people in Danzig. Hitler made efforts to make peace with the unusual Anglo-Franco Union while dealing with Poland's aggression, making an out of character pact with the USSR in order to divide up its lands accordingly and keep its contentions to the west only. Hitler was remarkably passionate about the UK and France and a lot of those stories about rigging the Eiffel Tower to explode on retreat just don't check out and could easy be made up after the fact.

Hitler's mistakes were trusting Mussolini and Hirohito to not be colossal fucking retards and ruin everything. I also don't have a good explanation why he broke the Molotov-Ribbonov Pact except that he thought all of Poland and Russia would eventually belong to Germany and he thought he could just take the USSR instantly.


Because they were rich capitalists. Owners of the means of production.

I went to a German school in Brazil(now I feel old) and all they told me was pretty much nothing and that we should never be like him.

They did something like that to us in middle school. Private Catholic school and the teacher pointed out every blonde kid in the room, there was like two of us, and said we'd be the only ones alive while then pointing out everyone else and saying they'd be killed. What's the point of that? Even though it's bogus; it's still so obviously inappropriate to do

I was told he was denied from a Jewish owned art school?

We were told his mother died at the hands of Jewish doctors. No idea if there is any truth in that or not, but I've always doubted it.

I was told he was a jew, i looked it up and i found out that is a lie


yep, noseberg always the one behind the scenes.

that furthers the point that his motives were the good of the state and not his personal feelings

was he an illegitimate son of the (((Rothschild))) cabal? Didn't his mother work at one of the (((Rothschild))) estates in Austria?

Because of banking, usury and jealous. In other words petty antisemitism. Literally "They needed a scapegoat".

I was told it was because he thought a Jewish doctor was to blame for his mother's death because he failed to save her illness.

When Ribbentrop and Molotov fucked to seal the deal

Yep, goes way back to when I was in school in the 70's.

Then write his name correctly.

We were taught that he blamed them for the decline of Germany. I vaguely recall something about being told that he blamed them for losing the first world war? I don't really remember that well.

In secondary school I was told that Hitler hated the Jews because he felt they profited from and prolonged Germany's economic collapse after World War 1

On the flip side, I remember my English teacher claiming that the only 3 blonde haired blue eyed kids in my class would even be alive if Hitler had won

It's my ship name, don't judge

Huh? I did