On Aug 19th, the 2nd free speech rally will be held in the Boston Common on 139 Tremont St from 12pm-5pm.
In light of the recent attacks on the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Free Speech Movement is gathering in Boston to reassert their right to the most basic necessity of civil society. Libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, Trump supporters or anyone else who enjoys their right to free speech are encouraged to attend.
Come and listen to our speakers (list will be out soon), come to network and befriend others who share your views, come for good food, and come to stand up against ANTIFA terrorism.
8/19/2017 12PM-5PM
DO NOT: Any illegal weapons in the State of MA.
DO NOT: Come planning to instigate violence. Any fights must be strictly defensive.
DO NOT: Behave in a manner that makes you look bad.
DO: Arrive as early as possible.
DO: Bring flags and signs with poles.
DO: Bring water and food to share to make friends.
DO: Livestream, Film, and Photograph everything
DO: Get the message out there!
Items To Bring
-Umbrella+raincoat (just in case)
-Sensible shoes or boots
-Normal clothing.
-Creative signs or banners
-Flags with poles [Bring multiple if you can!]
-Water www.faceberg.com/BostonFreeSpeech/
Discord: FcZQEj
Boston Rally General - Get Your Asses Here
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't wait for Kekistanis to make us look like retards
Please no kekistanis holy shit that made me cringe so hard last time :(
You mean you don't want morbidly obese man children wearing sports pads that they have never worn for actual sports? I mean they will be there drinking milk and giving the OK hand signal. How will the left ever recover?
In other news, Vermin Supreme and several other speakers are coming to speak. Should be fun.
If i see any BostonStrong T shirts I'm going to drop kick you in the nuts for being such a Boston Faggot for having No intelligent matter in your brains believing the Ultra BostonHoax Drill Marathon False Flag!!!!!!!
See you there
I would, but I'm not going to travel from chicago to boston by myself to end up surrounded by r/the_donald redditors with draped in kekistani apparel for five hours
Nah they won't. They are wearing 2016 memes, they have already speciated.
This is true, i think that the autism level will be culled down to a 2 or a 3
god damnit you fucking autists
DO bring cameras and get plenty of video so when one of those ANTIFA people throw piss or hurt someone there will be evidence.
Remember, around ANTIFA never relax!!!
please dont
Facebook page creator here. Pm me discord link so I can help advertise this again. Been mostly inactive from the political memery due to work.
Discord link is in the first post.
If it doesnt work, let me know
this link should work if the other is expired
/ Zf6CH5q
thats more brooklyn dagos than boston
shut up nigger trix
Another promo poster
Ill be there and I'm bringing a kekistan flag. Fuck you shills trying to discredit the movement
please no
No, fuck off with your faggot cringe shit, you're not helping our side
Send me a message on facebook. It's thanadon.
Not again
That last rally looked like a Reddit meet up
oh look its another "free speech rally" that will just end in both teams of retards getting into one big retard fight then running back to the internet to point the blame at the other side for starting the fight all the while claiming they won 'the battle of boston'
Bump 4 justice!!!!!
kill yourself you degenerate
No don't, If i see you there with a kekistani flag, We will have problems.
Im bringing a kekistani flag im a amateur mna fighter
You won't do anything nerd
Fuck off
Only antifa hates the kekistan flag
Cool I live in Alston and have a glass beer bottle. And have no issues throwing you into an anti-fa crowd.
I found the kike
Unless your bringing a nazi flag your probally a civic nationalist faggot
What flag you bringimg a rainbow one?
Im bringing a u.s. flag and a kekistan flag.
Well see hahah See you at the commons you fucking cringy faggot.
Your probally a antifa pretending to be alt-right
We dont need you cuck-knight types crying about your mixed race children
Tell me what you will be wearing coward
I found the gay spartan or cuck knight
Will you be fine if i bring a confederate flag or a nazi flag instead of a kekistan.
What flags do you support?
I will be bringing my fist for antifa
I might beat up a few antifa females and trannys for the lulz if they cross on our side.
Look for the 6'3' 230 Pound power lifter, with a Disconnected undercut (blonde hair) Probably be wearing a work shirt, regular jeans, and work boots.
I've always wanted to smash the face of some keyboard warrior.
based, praise kek
nothing at all will be accomplished what are you even doing
Ok. I will be carrying the kekistan flag and will be wearing a red helmet
Are you a antifa pretending to be alt righwhy dont you man up and beat up north shore antifa spokesman anthony burnham
Cool, Can't wait.
Pic of fat north shore antifa member
Id rather smash the face in of some fucking cringey anne frank looking keyboard warrior than anti-fa.
You wont do shit nigga
Do you like confederate flags will you man up and beat up communist nigger taizon ?
Is this you?
Kek flag, Red helmet,
What else will you be wearing? Wouldnt be suprised if your from some yuppy shithole like brookline or wayland
He is a antifa probally communist antifa nigger taizon
I don't have an outfitted planned. May carry an american flag as a cape
Wear your Sunday best you fucking Neanderthals
went to the first one... lots of kek faggots and burger americans on one side, t-shirt ninjas on the other. biggest larp sesh in boston this year i reckon.
if anyone was hoping to see mr. hyde at this one, he isn't going fyi
kek flag is a total trigger. do yourself a favor and don't team up with a bunch of fat ass LARP'rs who get winded putting quarters into the twinkie machine. that flag is the embodiment of all they hate (or think they hate) second only to Swastika
i'll be doing pepe face paint and blowjobs
Seriously just dress nicely
>antifa doxing themselves
what a time to be alive another commie going to get the book thrown at him for being anti-america can't wait for the rally
Megatron is already in Boston.whether we finally deploy it is yet to be determined. Once deployed there is no recall that can be done safely.
have mercy one your souls those who cross it.
You really believe that liberals hate the kekistani flag? None of them even know what it is. It has no message behind it to literally 99% of people. Just carry an American flag. Also dress nicely or at least like a normal person. The goal of this should be to make the right look like average Americans defending their free speech from crazed communist ninjas. No need to overthink it.
The ultimate expression of fighting the meta war is not the kekistani flag or something out of the ordinary, it's appearing as normal as you possibly can, with better intentions than the opposition.
This poster is a shill
you look totally diff w/out the make up user
if user is truly mma; then the only reason to bring a kek flag is to "defend" against AntiFa faggots. you missed a lot of video footage on YT of exactly triggered lefties calling the kek flag rayyciss. it's effing hilarious to hear them project onto a non existent frog legend dogma literally pulled from the asses of Sup Forums
Kekistanis can be useful in a singular context to my view, but they can be useful. It is the total ridiculousness of their stance towards protesting that gives them an edge on optics over Antifa, they are so ridiculous that their very presence anywhere is satirical, like a massive pack of clowns, and that is not an insult. Why does that matter? If Antifa is seen beating up evil Nazis in full costume, or attacking a bunch of overtly racist biker types, they can be heralded as heroes to at least a few people. But with the case of the Kekistani, they cannot look like heroes, because Kekistanis can't be taken seriously as enemies. Kekistanis are the enemies the left cannot attack without hurting themselves, like a memetic cactus. The best thing Kekistanis can possibly do is show up at Antifa rallies as a sort of satirical opposition. Bring silly string, water balloons, frog masks, and put on an utter show of being the most annoying and harmless enemies that anyone could possibly imagine. It would make the Antifa look like they are literally fighting against an army of people that are obviously just fucking with overly serious Anti-Fascists for the sake of fucking with them. That is the context in which Kekistanis are the most powerful, making the enemy look like they are fighting against a gigantic swarm of harmless, fun internet memes.
The problem is that the opposite possibility is that Kekistanis show up to Right-wing rallies, acting as satire to their own ideals by blending with the crowd of more serious political protesters. Its quite a fascinating expression of memetics in reality. If you want to go to a rally as the safe option of a Kekistani, that's just fine, but recognize that the value of the Kekistani is in acting as a ridiculous enemy to the left, not as an ally to the right.
>Libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, Trump supporters
Not going very far right are they. I wonder if they'll attack natsoc's who show up and use their free speech.
imagine being the type of person to write all this
Imagine being the type of person to use an ancom flag.
can't wait to here religious fanatics absolutely losing their shit when a Kekestani says, 'my religion is older than yours, and the proof lies in Egyptian hieroglyph showing a person at a computer using data to socially and culturally alter junk DNA' JUST EFFING LEL
weak bantz Aus
Bump because Trixie's nudes save lives
Every group needs a battalion of useful idiots that cause the enemy to exist their arsenal. Fodder if you will. They're ours.
i hope antifa beats the shit out of the kekistanis
You bring up the next issue with Kekistanis, which is that they do not really stand for anything but satire. Not religion or race, a constitution or a country. Since there is no actual underlying ideology to the Kekistanis other than Kek and Lulz, they lack the ability to defend anything. Like a virus Kekistanis must have a host to attack through the weapon of satire. If someone takes something seriously, they must attack it, including the right-wing ideology they think they defend. If someone serious came out to speak, like a Jared Taylor for instance, the Kekistanis would stick out like a sore thumb. Not only would their presence be damaging to the speaker, but to any speaker that aligns themselves with the Kekistanis, just like they instantly harm anyone that acknowledges them as an enemy. They are like a court jester, so long as the jester makes jokes against the enemy, he is safe from ridicule from the right, but as soon as he runs out of material on the left, he will continue to do the only thing he can, make jokes. Only now he has no material but his own allies.
The only way to control the Kekistanis is to keep them focused on the left as a source of material for satire. Otherwise they turn on us, in which case the only way to beat them is to not take them seriously, so they get bored and find another target.
Could feed a 3rd world country. Milk and meat
>Only now he has no material but his own allies.
exactly like Christianity, Judaism and Islam; except different.
Kekistans undermine our movement IMHO.
Good, go for it. Glory to kekistan
fuck the shills. Praise Kek!