Holy shit. Old guy BTFO Toronto. Is there ANY government that had demonstrated that it is capable of handling its finances?
Holy shit. Old guy BTFO Toronto...
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free labor + cost difference between concrete and wood
what a shitty thread
Enjoy being sued if anyone even gets a splinter.
national socialism
also 550 is alot for what he even made, the materials are maybe 150 for those stringers and timber
the city will probably tear them down, can't have citizens showing them up and stopping the bribe train
even if they had to replace the steps every year it'd be 100 years before they came close to spending 65k dollars.
I do construction work for the state, You have no idea how awful they are at spending, I've seen an easy job that is easily worth $10,000 dollars escalated and blow up to be about $100,000 final cost and still the product was only worth $10,000 dollars.
The state is god awful with money i witness it on a daily basis
free labor + cost difference = 164450 dollars? fuck just build it with wood then, and if the labor really is that expensive no wonder your jobs are being taken by illegals ffs.
It's pretty funny. He hired a homeless guy and they did it together in a day.
Assblasted city workers are saying it's an unsafe structure and want to rip it down.
>Be Old dude
>Wait 80 years for city to build some god damn stairs t your local park
>Finally they start looking for contractors
>Higher a homeless man to build your stairs instead
>Problem solved
>City catches wind of this
>They're mad because you proved government is an expensive useless mess
>Fine you for building on city property without a permit
>Rip out the steps you built
>Force you to pay for the work it took to rip out the steps you built
>Still no stairs to your local park
>mexican tries math
Bureaucracy 101
>>They're mad because you proved government is full to the brim with graft & corruption
Union corruption
plain and simple.
our governments are all useless, they no longer serve their purpose and in most cases actually work against the people.
They need to be removed.
Holy shit, i'd probably do them for $50 or so
>someone falls down Steps
>they sue city for millions because steps dont meet regulation
Nice reddit opinion though
Lol no. 6500 for concrete, labor, rails and all the benefits that 4 days of labor should cost.
The colonial governments were extremely efficient in some instances. An apartheid like state is lucrative for obvious reasons, and has been the norm in many countries. From what I understand Russia actually functioned this way for quite some time, with Nordic leaders ruling over the Slavic population. My history is a bit fuzzy though.
In general a government will expand indefinitely because an institution, once created, will not allow it's own destruction. So your best case scenario is a newly formed government, which is created by men from a developed civilization, and is ruling over a people that are wholly dominated. They don't have to be ethnically distinct but that obviously makes it simpler.
This might not be the best for the actual people but it will be very efficient
Perhaps material costs are uber cheap in Russia. 550 seems spot on with the number of steps and labor, if he hired a homeless guy. Granted i dont believe those steps are built to code, they'd need a second rail, but it would be like another 100 or so to add that on after the fact.
>city puts a sign on the stairs that says "privately built steps, you at own risk".
wow so hard.
>Make steps riser 7in by tread of 11in
>Place guard rails at 42 inches
Regulations met
>Be democrat
>Spend 4million dollars on an electrical contract for a local school
>Electrical contract laughs because state fucked up so badly on the cost they spend 3million more dollars then they needed because they weren't careful with the free money they get through taxation
Img is me laughing every time I do contract work for the state and they load me up with money because they cant do anything right.
There are steps all over placed where people aren't sued. Obviously there are no current ways to get to said parks so we're not even taking handicap accessibility into it. Even with handicap accessibility and a huge ramp to go with it, mad of concrete, you're looking at maybe 13k cost total, markup adding another 2 maybe 3k.
Permitting is probably a bitch, but given its for a public resource it probably wouldn't be too bad.
>>cost of sign $64,450+ citys tip
>implying modding the steps to meet regulations costs an additional 65k
While I agree regulations need to met so the city/builder can cover their ass, its still a disgusting waste of money.
>well if he didnt do what he did, he could have done it right!
Are you ironically redditposting?
I can go chop some god tier trees here in Manchuria for free, indeed. It's certainly cheaper.
That's because they buy insurance on even the fucking screws in case some fucker gets hurt and decides that the city or one of the treasury drones is liable. Then they insurance the final product on top of everything else.
Plus, the people are retard desk jockeys that don't haggle, get fucked 5 ways from Sunday by alpha business people, and only buy from trendy and "reputable" service providers like Geek Squad that charge 5x the market price.
geek squad do make the best staircases
I'm serious. Instead of calling an electrical/alarm company to wire the ethernet and coax in the walls, they called over fucking Geek Squad.
I was floored.
>Letting Geek Squad near anything, ever.
Lel you are lucky to have a building still.
Please dude, I sit in the meetings with the town representatives (clerks) twice a week because they want to throw more shekels at me for shit THEY fucked up! I fucking love it!
>School I'm working on is 3 weeks out from completion
>Everything they want done is done
>Building is Completely built and ready to be occupied
>Town representatives come in THREE FUCKING WEEKS FROM OPENING
>Tell me they want the place rebuilt to add in a few bullshit things they just decided they want
>State throws shekels at me constantly
>I warn them its going to cost a fuck load
>I warn them ahead of time
>They still dont care or listen
>State double the project cost because they are so incompetent
>Be me user
>Laugh my ass off
>Collect fuck loads of money
>Be you
>Defend this ridiculous shit
They paid $5,000 to hang a consumer 30" television on the wall because they wanted evidence of "professional installation" in case it ever fell on anybody.
>for an install
>free labor + cost difference between concrete and wood
and? the point is government sucks at what it does and private citizens can do it better, this story illustrates that perfectly.
well in one way i respect you. you've taken the money all of us pay in taxes, including yourself, and when the government wastes it, you've positioned yourself so that you get all your money back, plus shitloads more. very smart.
The price was 65,000 to 150,000.
You realize the 65,000 Canadia pesos represented 64,450 pesos of graft.
somebody falls down hill, sues city because no steps
Governments time is up. They know it we know it. All we have to do it put more info in the public eye. Like film documentaries. 2020 the start of no government
>Geek Squad
somebody's scratching somebody else's back, that's why
government never hires the best; they always hire their friends
So this is the highly skilled labor I can't do because I didn't go to college.
I'm just going to neck myself because I've literally had to take down and put back up a tv a shop I used to work at before and I was like 10 cents above minimum wage.
>all that mental gymnastics for a clear cut case of corruption
In my country, an A4 AMD PC worth $200 pesos was bloated to $1000 in the budget while a desk worth $100 was bloated to $500 in the budget. You just have no idea the amount of corruption is in the government. This was a city budget for my department too to boot.
I know, But 100% of the time i try to warn them ahead of schedule about future problems they are going to have and i warn them that if they procrastinate on them its going to cost them double in the future to fix.
What do they do
Thats why i laugh my balls off when retards defend them and say "the state is good with money"
people had already fallen down that hill multiple times & already requested/complained/whatever for city to do something. city just said "lol we'll get to it sometime" and effectively went back to playing candy crush on their phones
Not saying that 80% of budget "deficits" isn't caused by corrupt people who don't give a fuck.
Saying that a lot of people here a fucking retarded and won't go beyond what the assigned role printed on the piece of paper that their college gave to them.
>$5k to set up a fucking TV
Haah waaw. I thought it was laughable when Best Buy offered to install my wifi router for $300. They must go all out when it comes to business transactions.
>the state is good with money
only the cultural marxist infiltrators and other paid shills say those kinds of things; average citizens all know that government just wastes money.
when it comes to "professional services", especially the technical kind that Joe DumbConsumer thinks must be a lot of geek mumbo-jumbo, i think that paying more money gives Joe DumbConsumer this weird magical aura of "having done the right thing" by "letting the professionals take care of it"....and the more money paid, the better, generally speaking.
>that much for a sub 3' tv
The laughter stops here.
a home theater system? fine, $5k. A fucking Vizio and some cheap wallmount plus installation is $500, tops. Probably with a cheap Bluray player thrown in.
Most people in government don't even try to haggle because THEY ARE IN on it. They get a cut of the pie hence they purposely bloat the budget. They do this with legal hocus pocus of course by explaining that since this is loaned from an institution, they have to factor in "interest" into the budget. Oftentimes, the institution loaning to the government are govt employees themselves or those in positions of power like your local councilor.
Like I said, corruption. You just have no idea how the game is played. Governments stopped being for the people a long time ago when democracies replaced monarchies. At least with monarchies, if the govt was corrupt, the ruling class didnt have to pretend that the money they took to the coffers was for the king/ruler. Now they bloat the budget and pocket the massive extras and people just eat it up when your local government claims it's for the people.
Nope, not 100% of the time. Sometimes they are just fucking stupid.
a mexican would have done it for $50
>Sometimes they are just fucking stupid
maybe 2% or 3% of the time. the rest of the time it's all about the corruption/nepotism/backscratching baby
>corrupt people doing hocus pocus is stupid
Keep telling yourself that. If Island People with an average IQ of 87 can come up with intricate details that complex in order to steal money, just think of the intricate plans these corrupt white bois can come up. You're just not thinking outside the box and being street smart about it. A small portion of stupid people not knowing what they're doing is miniscule in government. Most of time, bloated budgets are simply due to corruption. No other explanation needed to be honest.
> civil suits
> in canada
lmao my aunt was just murdered by a rich guy like 2 weeks ago and it's not even worthwhile to sue the guy or any of the people who fucked up along the way to make it possible.
civil suits pay pretty much nothing in Canada unless you can prove lost wages
>the State is spending wisely when it pays half the price of a fucking HOUSE for eight steps
>mfw statist logic
>most people do X
>that means that every single dude also does X
Nice to know that this new hire in some backwards nook of some government department is making deals with random people a Best Buy and shitty California based firms that he's actually never met before. This lowly hire must know fucking everybody in the state.
No faggot, believe it or not, some people actually buy the Apple iCare.
>government is corrupt
>no, it's just faggot nobody at desk A that gets to call all the shots
Here is how I know you have no clue how government works. The fag nobody on desk A that only encodes and got his job due to political appointments and favors don't call the shots, the city council and mayor does. Desk jockeys do jack shit in the government. Even department heads can't do anything without city bigwigs' approval (mayors, councilors, business partners of mayors, etc.).
You must be a government shill if you vehemently deny corruption doesn't exist on the level I described. The fact that you just ascribe the majority of these bloated budgets due to stupidity of Mr. Nobody at Desk Jockey A is laughable.
I do commercial work in construction.
It's 10-15k to do those stairs with concrete and metal rails anchored to the concrete.
3k for excavation with a dump truck and mini excavator
3-6k for the concrete
3-5k for the rails
Job is small enough that an engineer is not needed.
excavation and concrete poured in 1 day.
let it set for a week, drill anchors install rails.
>t. Govt shill
its terrible when their big whig shows up.
spend a couple hours the day before tidying up the jobsite just for them to walk around in dress shoes and say shit they know nothing about.
start up/show up cost is a bitch.
now if they wanted to do a fuckton of stairs in the park, the cost per step would be a shitload lower.
>phillapino can only think in absolutes
Learn English you subhuman piece of trash. I was talking about one dude and you bring this shit up about how every single fucker behaves. I'm not talking about the status quo, I'm talking about the less common phenomena of retards who pay Geek Squad's public ticket asking price of $5,000 dollars to hand a fucking television and the guy legitimately has no ties at all to Best Buy or any other trendy company he hires because he's a fucking idoit mouth-breathing poor nobody who probably get's cucked by his wife.
Just like you.
yeah because that looks good, signs everywhere saying "this might kill you and its not our fault btw don't violate the NAP or we will cruise missile your house"
>autistic white boi cant think outside the box
It doesn't surprise me why many of you fall for Nigerian Prince scams. Many of you might have high IQs but damn are you socially ineptand autistic.
No ramp for wheelchairs or mobility scooters?
Um, sorry sweety. But you fucked up.
It's a fucking set of stairs you retarded faggot. If you can't walk down a fucking flight of stairs without killing yourself then you shouldn't be allowed to live
That's the thing about department heads, they are only there to justify why their department deserves to exist and justify their budgets to the bigwigs. Seen this many times in my stint as a govt employee in city hall.
>each step not painted different color of the rainbow
>not a side just for people of color to create a safespace
it doesnt meet canadian building codes, it will be decommission shortly after the protest tomorrow
>metal rails
legit; toronto probably wanted to put in concrete with fancy curved rails painted in pretty child-friendly colors, no-slip grips on every stair that are weatherproof and designed to last 5,000 years (also in child-friendly colors), a sideramp for those on wheelchairs (even if nobody on wheelchairs ever used this route through the park before), and signposts or plaques to "celebrate" the pillars of the community who supposedly donated to the damn thing....complete with braille translation for the visually impaired (even if they can't find the fucking braille text with their fingers in the first place).
see, the reason why this whole shitshow is a poster child for government inefficiency is because toronto wants to implement a $65,000 solution for what is truly just a $550 problem.
What the fuck are you trying to say? I'm calling bullshit because your "lmao my aunt was just murdered" haha, so funny she is dead! What a monstrous cunt you must be if this isn't a troll post.
>falling for the construction jew
both stairs AND ramps are ableist; maybe they should just put in a fucking conveyor belt like in the jetsons
For some degree of fairness, the city can't just build stairs.
They have to put it up for bidding to the construction industry. They need to complete 5 or 6 studies on the suggested designs. Conduct meetings and hearings.
All at the demand of special interest groups like the construction industry and environmental groups.
>They need to complete 5 or 6 studies on the suggested designs
It's fucking stairs man. What do you need 6 studies for it?
>tfw another $60,000 to pay for jiyza
I heard its a shortcut so I would assume ADA(Canadian equivalent laws) exist on the paths in the park.
Usually as slope cannot exceed 2% except in special situations in US laws I am used to.
>Hillary says speech will cost $100.000, man gives it for $50.
It's called corruption, kiddo.
This is my sentiment entirely. At a certain point there are basic life skills you need to have merit in society otherwise we are carrying the retard far beyond what is natural. I propose the gom jabbar.
>it only kills what isn't human
Have you guys bought anything on Amazon recently? Look up a listing for RAM, a graphics card or even a video game, and look at the listing.
I was floored when I started to notice that on every fucking listing. No, AmaCuck, I dont want to pay some Paco to come in and stick my graphics card into the slot on my computer for an extra hundo plus.
what said is the city likely employs construction maintenance workers who could do the job or public-private companies. These companies/departments are moronic in their inefficiencies.
Talked to a supervisor from hometown that does watermain. We also do watermain. He says in their 40 week they work about 20 hours.
When shit actually needs to get done or its too hard they call us.
The fuck do they mean not up to safety standards?! Like, what, they want to take 2 months to dig and put in cement? Like literally fucking what.
>why do you need 6 studies for it
The same reason the US government spent $60,000 on a hammer and $40,000 on a toilet seat, its money laundering.
Want to hear something better? My dad works at the EPA lab here in Michigan, they bought a brand new ferrari one year for ONE DOLLAR.
So they could smash it into a wall.
>"b-b-but y-you sh-sh-should let the p-professionals install it! W-What if s-s-something goes wrong??"
no, 3 months
Wtf? Sounds like Russia. Thiefs in government always stole most of budget and then build cheap shit or ask for more till build cheap shit.
Check this asshole's new clothes.
That's why America never won a war.
why hwere are those stairs at?
im gonna go slide down them and sue
russian build strong steps not flimsy step
can he get me a job?
>Is there ANY government that had demonstrated that it is capable of handling its finances?
This is a really good question.
Anyone know if there are any current cities/states/countries that actually handle their finances well?
ahahaha, bait too obvious but at least you hooked a few people
> he doesnt deal with tragedy with humor
it's not funny that she's dead, it's comical that there is literally no recourse towards the guy in terms of financial penalties. Doesn't even have to cover funeral costs for his victim. That followed by someone implying that in Canada you can file a heavy lawsuit for someone getting a minor injury on stairs when even violently murdering someone doesn't set you up to be sued is the funny part. Not that someone was killed.
If you aren't aware of the thin line between tragedy and comedy, I think you're the one with the problem, not me. That or you have problems with reading comprehension, but regardless it's still a you problem.
Want a ramp? Roll down the fucking hill.
when kept within meems niggers
Nah, hes been there for like 45 years and they wont even let him get a desk job even though he not that long ago had a triple bypass surgery and recently got diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Also they are trying to screw him out of his medical retirement. And he has been blown up, ran over, got electrocuted and lost partial hearing during their "experiments". He has bled for that place, and they just want to brush him away like they did with all of the old guard there, hes one of the last holdouts who even knows what hes doing there (which isnt much. Shit, they had a car engine that ran on water 20 years ago, but it was never meant to get out to the general public for obvious reasons.)
And he has said that for SURE EPA is on its way out, the writings been on the wall from way before Trump even got elected, EPA is some of the "fat" that needs to get cut off from the bloat that is our current government.
hong kong
well i wish him luck in not getting screwed then