Is racemixing between european countries acceptable?

What do you think?

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your passport isn't a fucking race retard

if serbia counts as a european country, no

America is the face of racemixing. You don't want to be America, do you user?

Considering how Europeans denounce Americans as being non-white, apparently not.


jesus god I love pretty eyes and a cute face.

I wouldnt care if she had tits smaller then mine and less ass then taylor swift with a face like that

it's the ones with the cute faces that suck the most black dick

All race mixing is degenerate, American "whites" should be banned from europe

All europeans are "race mixed" by your standars you stupid bong cunt. It's all europeans have been doing for at least the past 2500 years

personally i think it should go by eye color
brown can mix with brown and green
green can mix with green/brown/blue
blue can mix with blue and green.

What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?


Ironically, we're actually the masterrace.

Sup Forums is just retarded when it comes to genetics, i've got a dark-haired, brown-eyed uncle whose children are natural blond with blue eyes. you know why? because he's white

So green eyes confirmed for master dicking race.

Satan has spoken.

I approve as a green eyed man, I get all the pussy.


And the majority of the mongrels must die because of it. One-drop rule applies to all.

I guess I don't really care but I'm not the right person to ask since I'm german, irish, and slavic or some shit. hell I don't really care about racemixing in general as long as its not with niggers



have you seen americans? they have no special features, just bland whitness

>mommy has blue eyes
>daddy has green eyes
>i have brown eyes

What happened?

Finns and Estonians and Northern Latvians can mix. The rest are degenerate non-whites so it don't matter.

>wiping out green eyes

away with you, satan

How about you drop this whole race meme and adopt a more precise approach to selecting good genes.

Like going out, meeting some girls and deciding based your interactions with them who has the better genes rather than through vague and untrue conjectures such as "X race is entirely subhuman".


my sisters eyes are blue

men are more likely to have brown eyes/hair than girls

I'm not taking advice from you dude

Its not a good idea. I've got a friend who is Irish/German, half the time he's drunk but without the social talent, and half the time he's trying to be ordnung but without the motivation. Disaster. Theres also a half Greek/Russian, - better but essentially dissolute small time gangster.

>Euronigger education
I refer you to this post, faggot:
>Euroniggers will still try to claim this isn't white

Fucken die

wow thats retarded if you want to have more blue eyed europeans it should be

blue should mix with everyone because chances are if blue + brown =green or brown, if brown eyed baby , then brown eyed must proceeds to mix with blue (by force). diluting the brown eyed genes in 3 generations

brown eyed people have to mix with green or blue until brown eyes are almost extinct because of the double recessive blue or green genes.

but if you want to just keep certain phenotypes for each country then there should be no racemixing or phenotype mixing not even within same country


Because even if you take a highly talented African and get him to have kids, those kids are just as likely to turn out as dumb nigger gangbangers as the rest of their tribe. Monkey.
For humans breeding at normal rates it'd take thousands of years at the minimum to work out an improvement in the average person's demeanor and intellect. Or you could just take the handful of tribes that aren't abject failures at everything they attempt and choke the rest out.

Pre-1965 America is proof of concept.

your dad got cucked. or both your parents have a parent with brown eyes

Native White?

Yeah. Its like white hispanic.

Nice, I guess this proves Irish are niggers then

That's Ben Affleck

> those kids are just as likely to turn out as dumb nigger gangbangers as the rest of their tribe.

I don't think genetics work that way.

Whites born in the US.
This was a time when the US was extremely racist and self-protective of it's white population though. Unlike today.

Could you tell me if the newborns in the US are more or less than 50% white?

Just curious.


All race mixing is fine imo
But your talking about remaining ayrian I'd assume so avoid all the Mediterranean's and the Irish


Eh, is say keep the white mixing on this side of the Atlantic. Europe has too many different cultures to preserve.

Personally i won't ever do it, the purity of my bloodline is something my family prides itself upon really hard. But as for everyone else i honestly see nothing wrong with it, you wanna do it be my fucking guest i dont give a shit. Same with regular race mixing with niggers and asians, again, really hard for me to give a shit

Is this science?¿

Why isn't overweight it's own percent?

Fuck I wish I was a Euro when the ethnocontinent is established
Well good luck buds, euro ancestry not enough to save me this time

>European countries

I never claimed America was white, faggot. I know better than you it isn't. I still hold that white Americans are far whiter and superior than any Europeans, and nothing you posted disproves that.

Much better than race-mixing involving completely different species (ie: whites + non-whites.)

Burger doesn't see the difference between Norge and Sverige and Danmark and Island.
Or Germany and Austria.
Or Spain and Portugal.
Or even within Spain, Catalan and Aragon and Castille.

>American "whites" should be banned from europe
thanks for at least considering untainted DNA limie fuck. can't wait to see you fight your own battles with zero assistance from American "Whites"; but, if you're nice we''ll let you have all of our niggers

No it's actually 5.2%, paddy.

I mean, I could go back to Norge and take a few months to completely settle back in, but I don't think I'd do that to my wife.

No, fuck off. We're not colonials. Avoid.

of course not, Romanian gene purity must be preserved :)


It's too late for whites to have any division or hierarchy within the race. If anything nordics are at the bottom now and completely feminized. The old rules don't apply.

We need to keep the anglo phenotype strong in my area you can tell who is french and who is anglo just by looks most times

It's still the same concept, a culture clash. A burger like you wouldn't get it.

Yes, Kalergi was a genius and a visionary


They'd have brown eyes then, brown is a dominant trait. His dad got cucked.

No, it's because he mixed with someone whiter than him, faggot. Every time I see an Albanian or Bosnian post I wish I was a Serb in the early 90's

>burger just simply cannot read

No, because we both know that you spaniards wouldnt even touch your women. You would run straight to northern europe.

His wife is Albanian


Since you're too retarded to understand
I'll break it down for you one last time...

>No, because we both know that you spaniards wouldnt even touch your women.


I can't count the number of white couples I've encountered or known in European cities that were from too different nations. The only sibling of my German ex who has yet reproduced is married to a Polish guy. My friend is married to a German woman. His German friend has married a (white non-Gypsy) Bulgarian woman. I constantly hear this discussion of preserving the uniqueness of each different European nationality, but my anecdotal perception is that this ship has long sailed.Cross-national marriage in Europe is insanely common. So whether it's "acceptable" or not is kind of moot. It's happening.

Yes, in moderate amounts for genetic diversity within a given ethnic population. Interbreeding should never reach a point where ethnic uniqueness is eradicated though.

Spanish women for the most part tend to be really good looking. I would say even better looking than portuguese women but spaniards are known for craving submissive northern pussy.

Additionally, European nationalities themselves are already synthetic entities. "Germany" itself was a proto-EU, which fused together different regions of speakers of mutually unintelligible German dialects. A Saxon marrying a Bavarian at the time was in principle the same as a German marrying a French person. Okay, they were more closely related, but they still regarded themselves as different peoples.

Damn son you really don't get it.
Are a Frenchman and a Finnishman the same?
No, they are not. Burgers here really don't get it apparently.

Goddamn I hate the times we live in.

damn son are you really that jewish?
please change your flag back to your ethnostate rabbi

Source on OP's pic?

>every single county in Jew York of all places is 90%+ white

Jesus you are actually that retarded. Shit, you must be a Califag or a Jew Yorker to be that stupid.

Proof of a much larger conspiracy.

White Europeans settle North America effectively erase native populations.

Roman Catholics and Jews oh shit not again!!!! We cant let this happen ever again.

Let us introduce you to the slave they're great and work hard and only cost 20 shekels.

Damn they aren't mixing fast enough, we need to mass migrate there and control the agenda

The rest is history.

your mother must've got


Uh bud check again. There's 1

Most racists are in the South, and most non-whites are in the South. Really makes me think.

Oh shit you're right. Still though
>New York City was 80%+ white

No, the Iberian race must be kept pure

>american education

Americans born there. In 1910 this would mean they were of primarily anglo or Scots-Irish heritage (with various admixture from Irish, German, Dutch, and French stock depending on the region).


>"spanish" on the picture wearing a Portuguese helmet
every time

>we're all totally equal, genetics aren't real, ignore the facts, end racism, end hate!
this is you

this, i don't trust american posters, they're just an israel proxy

There's no magic border of mixing, so it's either okay to mix with non whites and other Europeans or not okay to mix with non whites and other Europeans. Sup Forums is pretty tossed up on the issue

>a race
this is you

Still bretty gud