Hi Sup Forums.
I want to have a discussion about ACA/Obamacare. Pros? Cons? Is it feasible to repeal without accidentally sliding into a single payer system?
I'd love to hear thoughts.
Hi Sup Forums.
I want to have a discussion about ACA/Obamacare. Pros? Cons? Is it feasible to repeal without accidentally sliding into a single payer system?
I'd love to hear thoughts.
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All you ever need to know is that resources are not and will never be free.
Mandatory coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Minimal essential coverage means that routine services for unhealthy fucks and women are being subsidized by mostly young men.
No interstate competition.
Premiums are ridiculously expensive even for high deductible/minimal coverage plans.
> Is it feasible to repeal without accidentally sliding into a single payer system?
Yes. I know the neocucks wanted it to appear that way, but deregulation and encouragement of interstate competition will drive costs down. Also, stop forcing men to pay for plans that cover maternity and other women's services.
20 million is a lot of new insured people who may be unable to switch right away though. that's a big hit out of their wallets. they're gonna want a replacement fast and dems will push hard for single payer
>Mandatory coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Only if you're a weak-gened faggot riddled with sickness. Otherwise put it this in the con column.
Pre existing coverage
I am forced to pay for something that the government thinks is in my best interest. When I can't afford it, I get fined.
It's the demon spawn of Obama and the Nancy Pelosi Democrats
Their plan is fucking crumbling to the ground.
>Mandatory coverage for pre-existing conditions.
You get this through your employers heatlhcare too. The idea that pre-existing conditions were never covered before the ACA is a myth.
Are you saying that healthcare should be left up to employers? what about those who aren't employed? Like first reply said, nothing is free...someone pays when that hobo smashes his head on the sidewalk. You can thank the 1986 EMTALA act for that.
I bet that most of them wouldn't bother with insurance if they weren't forced to purchase it. The money they would save by not paying a monthly premium would be significant enough to pay for routine services with money left to spare. Maybe we should just admit that insurance was never intended to pay for routine shit and go back to offering cheap indemnity plans.
I don't think insurance companies should deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. I do think they should be able to charge a hell of a lot more for covering those people.
This is somewhat true. Before the ACA, insurers could jack up the price if you had a preexisting. Now by law, they cant
>what about those who aren't employed?
Get a fucking job leech.
What if I'm sitting on stocks?
If you got healthcare through your employer (like 90% of Americans already do), then you wouldn't have to pay extra for having a pre-existing condition, because of the package deal the insurer works out with the employer.
obamacare was designed to slide us in to "single payer" which is lefty code for socialist medicine
every line of obamacare was carefully crafted to transform insurance companies into de-facto federal agencies with guaranteed profits, impenetrable legal protections when they fuck up and immense power to control the medical system
that was the plan when the insurance companies wrote obamacare's initial drafts
too bad obongo outsmarted them, and created a syystem designed to crash and burn, taking the insurance companies down with it, so washington (and by extension, the leftist marxist democrat party) would have to "solve the crisis" by socializing the medical system and creating a new entitlement that will drive the US further down the marxist primrose path.
if you read the bill you could see it from the first pages.
the insurance companies thought they were too clever by half, and obongo convinced them to toss him into the briar patch.
the sinister machinations of the insurance companies and their lobbyists was no match for the animal cunning of bwana obama
>What if I'm sitting on stocks?
Get. A. Job.
They could still hike the prices at any time, they could kick you off the plan at any time. I'm not disagreeing with you, but those possibilities existed before the ACA. Which is one of the only things I partially agree with
You obviously have no idea how to make money
> You get this through your employers heatlhcare too. The idea that pre-existing conditions were never covered before the ACA is a myth.
... said the faggot who never tried to get medical insurance for himself, even through an employer sponsored group program
if you get a new job, and you already have a condition, your new employee sponsored coverage NEVER covered your existing condition you moron.
only conditions diagnosed AFTER the initial insurance health screening were covered
every insurance plan i ever had went to great lengths to explain that they were denying coverage for my high school football injuries. any new conditions would be covered, but not the existing ones, which was why the pre-existing conditions clause was so popular and remains untouchable even now when the obamacare system is teetering on the edge of the abyss, and threatens to drag the entire medical insurance system over with it
>being unemployed sitting on stocks and not working at a stock brokerage
Right...Do you also rely on the interest in your savings account to keep you afloat?
Bitch I've worked at two major corporate companies and I guarantee that's bullshit.
>muh highschool football injuries
How full of shit are you?
> law says they cant jack up rates for pre-existing conditions
> insurers jack up rates for everyone to cover this new liability and expense
insurers are not charities, if you lay more liabilities on them than they can handle while still turning a profit, they stop issuing policies, which is why in several states there is only ONE insurance company in the govt "exchanges", and in some areas there will soon be zero insurance companies writing policies for obongocare
> makes outrageous claims that can never be verified
> "major corporate companies"
> implies nobody ever got injured in high school football
> implies such injuries would be covered by an insurance plan signed decades after the injury
> implies insurance companies are breathlessly eager to write me a policy that will have to cover knee replacement surgery every few years for the next 30+ years before i qualify for medicare and they can fob me off on the federal plan
you really have no idea what youre talking about.
before the pre-existing conditions clause (the only good thing in obamacare) if you had ANY coondition that was diagnosed before you signed the policy it was NEVER covered
even those who had a genetic pre-disposition or family history of cancer had much higher rates because the chances they would get cancer were higher (even if it was only a few %) this was such a big deal, several states passed laws prohibiting insurance companies from requiring genetic testing for cancer markers or accessing any genetic test results which were done for a non-diagnostic purpose (like your 23&me results for example)
youre a dolt who knows nothing of this issue.
before the aca, if you had a kid born with a health condition, the condition was considered "pre-existing" and thus not covered, even though the policy was in force long before the kid was even conceived.
too many shitposters who know nothing, but have ignorant opinions to share.
so sad... many such cases
This is exactly what I believe will happen and is why I created the thread.
I feel that it is almost inevitable as there is already momentum thru Bernie and his supporters who will surely transform the dem party further into unsustainable socialist agenda garbage