Sup Forums NO!

Sup Forums NO!

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Every last kike, nigger, and shitskin will pay for this

Is there a full video?

Why does she look like moot

It is literally impossible to be white and not-woke in America at this point. Particularly if you are young.

The white left are either in denial or masochistic


looks like a '70s junkie rock star
The absolute state of this world right now.

Trying to be sensitive here anons, maybe this child needs an appointment with an endocrinologist?

Calling Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine!

>that girl

She looks like the typical mestizo mongrel. Look at that fucked up skull shape.

I've seen this girl
she's messed up, tried to post a youtube dick-sucking ASMR video but it got taken down so she threw a bitchfit, and she curses like a sailor despite being 12

>withheld in germanistan

holy shit she does

did moot transitioned?

we should find her and giver her some white natsoc online pol love

Because Moot has always been a little girl.

>@whitereddit's account has been withheld in: Deutschland. Mehr erfahren
>mehr erfahren
>would you like to know more?

I agree with this intelligent cunny, fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Channel name? I wanna see the entire video

Looks Swedish.

trying to find it now, it was on /asmr/ on "the other chan"

>why does she look like moot?

A literal who?

Her Twitter is filled with racist stuff.

Goodluck having a decent career when she gets older.

Openly racist social = Kiss of Death in the corporate world.

Silly girl. Hahhaha!

The best thing for her right now is to change her ways and accept black men.

by god I hope someone upped it to another site

>still no sauce

oh, no wonder why she looks familiar.

is this her? i remember that face scrolling down infinite's asmr catalogue

what's funny is that all of this fag/tranny/white-guilt shit is actually rich white people bitching about how oppressed they are which in turn is meant to undermine the black claim to historical oppression.

now white guilt can be a disorder so being rich and white is actually a form of race based oppression. awesome.

= jewish trap
>quick grab his sheets before they get washed
>check chromosomes
>look excessive inbreeding traits
>check for jewish roots

ah yes

this is her asmr channel

not sure of her "real" channel though which is what this is from im guessing.

shes like fucking 10, god have mercy on the pedos at infinite that post this shit.

yep, that's her

Who's Moot?

there is a second channel attached to it and it seems her name is [channel name]


White self-hatred should openly be considered a mental disorder.
And start calling theses insane people out over it.

her twatter

Lukas Haas syndrome to the MAX!

it must be from one her asmr videos, since her main channel has no content



Why do you have real life cartoon people in America?

Holy shit dude. look at her twitter. Look at the youtube videos she is watching at that age!

THE KIKES HAVE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Legend has it he was a long-faced fellow that resembled a young Sigourney Weaver.

>2 fines
>1 howard


Is this what a 75% white person looks like?

I forget.
Sound familiar though.

you're right

holy shit I knew she was bad but that's stage 4 cancer


lmfao burgers on fire today

This is what the average American girl looks like

it had content. if you look at social blade you can see she deleted all like a month ago. I wonder if she got too much shit for the video in op

She really doesn't look white.

Still, sad.

Yeah, whatever you say Schlomo.

This is what the average american male looks like

my neighbors teenage daughter said she hated being white because of all the bad things white people have done.

i almost revealed my power level but instead i just let my heart wimper.

theyre winning, Sup Forums. the jewish brainwashing is infiltrating our youth.

She will think differently when it's time to marry and have kids.

>my neighbors teenage daughter
stop stalking her Jamal

>>withheld in germanistan
>>@whitereddit's account has been withheld in: Deutschland. Mehr erfahren





Where are more asmr things with young girls?


I might convert for some of that yazidi pussy.

It's too bad the attention from being on GoT is going to ruin her. She'll be like all the rest.

Moot always did like to dress up like a girl


>Little girl

An 80s porn star



fucking jews and their god damn niggers.



He was the little girl you dolt

>running on empty--food review!

Race traitor, sell her to the niggers.
