Did Milo just eternally BTFO Sup Forums?

The attached image is an excerpt from Milo's new book "Dangerous." Is Milo woke on the JQ?


Milo Yiannopoulos

I know. He's just not the dangerous faggot he used to be.

Does the quote change your mind in any way?

this really crumbles my crackers.

why the whiteout portion

It had nothing to do with the following paragraph and would've created confusion when reading.



No, I've always like him. I just think that he fell in to the leftist trap and let his brand get destroyed. A year ago there would be 10 threads about this in the catalog.

For a minute it did feel like everything was falling apart but I think he's about to come back bigger than ever.

>jews are in top postions because they earned it, goy, not through nepotism

you trying to jew me again?

Faggot has no comprehension of cronyism/nepotism. Jews aren't hired based on performance.

Gotta give credit where it's due though, at least he's willing to even acknowledge it exists. 99% of alt-lite pussies couldn't do the same.

The Jew is going into hiding culturally.

be ready for
>based jew
>bibi /ourguy/?
>industrious jews

These are the new slide threads.

If it does it does. I don't know.

>Is Milo woke on the JQ?
Absolutely not, he equates Jews being horrifically over-represented in media and finance as just "We perform well in those industries!"

The deep nepotism, cronyism, and tribalism they apply to any society/industry/community they infect is the single most damning thing about them. To handwave it away as just being "good" at something is ridiculous. Being jewish is being part of a mob. The italian mob has mostly failed in the US where the jewish mob has taken over entire industries if not the entire US government.

No, he's not "woke." In fact, the little faggot is sleeping quiet soundly with his kike head resting on an AIDs covered pillow.

Fair enough. At least he doesn't deny it though like your average Jew would

>about to come back bigger than ever
you're thinking of Codie Cigar

Love the carefully redacted portion by OP that didn't fit his narrative. Next time, try not obfuscating information when shilling your own book.

Milo, (OP), enjoy the BBC kiddo, 51% of Africans (american) between the ages of 15-35 have HPV. What's it feel like to get herpes on your ass-hole?

Milo is a Jew who thinks it's ok to diddle kids.

MFW I'll never go back in time to being a child and let Milo and "Father Michael"...whoever that is...both have their way with me.

oh my

This. "we're just really smart and successful, goy!" doesn't actually explain the massive over-representation that we see.

It's because of nepotism and a ruthless, amoral drive to weasel and scrape your way to the top at any cost.

i hope all of you redditors haven't forgotten that he's an admitted pedophile

Wan't to know what Jewish supremacy in the USA is? Look no further.

>Is Milo woke on the JQ?
are you retarded?

HPV is genital warts, not herpes user.


Death to the jew

Death to their niggers

Death to their whores and sluts

The part I "redacted," as I already explained, has absolutely nothing to do with the point of the post. Here it is, fucktard.