20 years ago, disorders like autism and Asperger's were rarely diagnosed. Now, it seems like every kid is diagnosed with it.
Is it really because we know more about these disorders or is it something more nefarious?
20 years ago, disorders like autism and Asperger's were rarely diagnosed. Now, it seems like every kid is diagnosed with it.
Is it really because we know more about these disorders or is it something more nefarious?
More information overload
More older women having kids, often with older men. More overweight women. Worse diets. Autism starts with inflammation in the womb and all of those things increase it.
It's a craze. Just like ADHD.
It's something more nefarious, but you already know that.
moving on....
It's because of the memes
I think it is a concoction of many reasons..
Both older men and women creating children with their older sperm and eggs.
Mothers on prescription medication
Processed foods filled with nasty chemicals.
Tap water consumption
Toxic metals being sprayed into our air by chemtrails
>something more nefarious?
we finally figured out that women's eggs go bad as they get older, but big business interests and academics don't want to admit that they fucked over tens of millions of women
so it's sort of like the food pyramid, but much worse
I think it's just a bunch of single moms aka cunts overreacting every time their dumbass kid does something dumb. Doctors and therapists play along and milk the cunts for nothing, least thats what I'd do. Nothing wrong with kids except the way they're raised, and by raised I mean not at all with lazy ass modern mothers.
Who is this spermatozoon baboon
and you forgot the biggest single factor.
it's a secret
It's because kids are no longer properly socialized (especially at pre-kindergarden age). They get plopped down not only with the TV, but they are NOW also given a tablet. No proper social skills because they never learn to COPE with social interaction; only the screen. This is why they are 'mute' etc..
If you remember that story of the haircutter lying on the floor to cut the 'autists' hair (who was using a fucking tablet) pandering to the degenerate behavior, then this will make more sense.
It's because our definitions have changed. If you don't think that's possible, just look at how our medically accepted definition of "woman" has changed.
there was a study done on this, idr but the results pointed to that diagnoses were just becoming more accurate
You're just as bad as faggot nigger kikes trying to indoctrinate children.
this, absolutely this. you haven't seen shit until you've encountered a "non-verbal, extremely autistic, extremely violent" child that instantly becomes normal once you take them away from their parents.
20 years ago, disorders like homosexuality and gender dysphoria were rarely diagnosed. Now, it seems like every kid is diagnosed with it.
Is it really because we know more about these disorders or is it something more nefarious?
Overstimulation from technology (cell phones, tv, vidya)
The actual medical definition of autism is prefering fiction to reality, I shit you not. Life is more terrible for every year, and we're calling it autism and hoping drugs can fix it instead of just making the world less shit.
Remind that Autism is the prototypical European trait, and is a sign of high Neanderthal admixture.
t. Varg.
It's because autism is an optimistic diagnosis for a child that would have otherwise in the past been simply labeled as "retarded." You know, maybe he's a drooling idiot that can't stop touching himself, but maybe he can still become disturbingly good at playing the piano. You give the customer what they want.
Also what's the story you mentioned?
it used to be we just labeled everyone as stupid, or retarded, now psychologist want to label everything and get published for discovering something nuanced about something
jews poisoned the water
The assburgers is a myth. Autism is something severe like those human calculators that can barely cross the road.
Many of the diagnosis made by doctors are heavily influenced by pharma lobbyists. If they can get more people into medication they get paid. Even more so in america.
>instead of just making the world less shit.
That doesn't make any money though, user.
>1 post by this id
I don't watch Varg and I agree with this. 2/3 of Jews have schizophrenia, and that's a solid fact.
Neanderthals are thought to have an average IQ of 160. Take a look at their migration route. There's a reason Chinese are known as the Jewish Asians to all other Asians.
t. Asian Texan
Korean Carolinian here, can confirm
and the food, and the medicine, and the education and the media.
Nah, I don't think so.
Myself, all my family and childhood friends all were vaccinated, not one issue ever known with those shots. It is believed by many in the medical community that babies start showing signs of autism, 0-3 years old, which coincidently, is the time babies are most vaccinated.
kids back then were just considered weird and eventually grew out of it because the circumstances demanded social interaction. nothing's really changed.
How do you know you don't have issues?, doctors never attribute illness to vaccination but to something else.
Amish don't get autism, no vaccines see.
Unvcaccinated kids are much healthier than vaccinated
people are being poisoned to death
then faggots like come along and try to make it seem normal
Oh and recent outbreaks of disease supposedly protected against by vaccination have occurred in vaccinated people.
See Harvard mumps outbreak
Why do you still trust the medical Jew?
Former teacher.
They'll diagnose a kid as autistic/Asperger's if they just lack the social intuition to not be a fucktard. Sometimes the kid just has to be told "Hey don't say or do shit like X." That would even help the autistic kids. Instead we get retards that will scream and generally be a pain in the ass , and nobody will do anything to correct their behavior or teach them coping skills because they just use the excuse "Oh they're autistic." Guess what else? Then they get put on an individual education plan that makes it a huge pain in the ass for the teacher to fail them. Welcome to why education is failing and why we have much more "EC" than we used to.
>cram four different disorders all under one vague umbrella
>anyone who can get awkward at all around people can be diagnosed
everyone has autism
>when doctors get millions to push drugs
i wonder what changed
aspie here
Society used to have strict social rules and conventions that aspies could memorise.
those are gone, society is zomg randomz, which fucks with aspies.
>eggs go back but business and academics.. wont admit they fucked over women
they need to go back to teh good days of at 13 girls stop going to school and get pregnant and have kids
only some girls go to high school
guys go to high school, or not. and sit and get a girl pregnant
you know. then they work at fixing cars the rest of their life or a farm and then people who can do smart shit go to school. or wait
Everyone is on the spectrum desu. We're just getting better at diagnosis. For example, I have a small amount of autism.
Oh, and I was never vaccinated because my parents are fucking hippies.
Trips warrant a response.
Aspergers is a made-up diagnosis for social retards. Legit autism is real. Spergs and autists need to be fucking exterminated. Being around them is intolerable. They're a drain on society, like niggers.
yea shutup jew
Vaccinations are not the cure-all, but extra protection.
Millions get flu shots every year, and still get the flu. Ive always believed that vaccinations were a form of Eugenics, really.
I said i was autistic not psychopathic.
Spotted the asshole who will treat his kids like garbage until they become spergs.
Twenty years ago, women generally had their children before age 35.
we didnt care if you where dead
I have seen the medical studies that claim unvaccinated children are healthier, but then again TB (tuberculosis) made a comeback in recent years when Obama allowed all those central American children enter the US unvaccinated.
What are you 8 years old? If not your a fucking retard.
>Millions get flu shots every year, and still get the flu
so protective
See Harvard mumps outbreak again please.
This. Used to be we called them crazy. Now we have more specific diagnosis to categorize them all.
>Work at hospital
>Medic in the ER
>Army post, so there are a lot of Army wives with hordes of kids
>Lady comes in with her horde
>Three kids, one still in a stroller, none over the age of 10
>She checks all fucking three in
>Youngest one has an ear ache (she thinks)
>Other two have coughs
>She takes them to the waiting room, sits down, then pulls 3 fucking tablets out of her bag and hands each kid one
>The youngest was 2 and had his own fucking kiddy tablet
>They all sit entranced by the tablets while mom taps away on her phone
>Talk to doctor after they leave
>She just wanted more antibiotics
It has something to do with aliens modifying fetuses to have autism because autists are able to learn how to maneuver through wormholes more intuitively than either the aliens or regular humans.
You Vietnamese?
>Is it really because we know more about these disorders or is it something more nefarious?
We have a serious epidemic of Semitism.
DING DING. Over 30 mothers have an exponentially higher risk of having children with ASD or other delays.
I'd like to snuggle on her tummy in between bouts of aggressive sex.
TFW Mom was 21 and Dad was 20 when they had me. I'm fucking PRIME Sup Forumsros.
fluoride in the water
Thanks for good info. Amish don't get sick.
What is autism? It's a persistant failure to learn social norms and develop fluency in the language of archetypes (the visions that everyone has in their mind of what exactly is "normal"). It's a developmental delay in the area of social knowledge.
I know because I used to fit the criteria for aspergers, and reflecting back, it all had to do with a lack of interaction with other kids and the absence of social role models. I had no "archetypal library" in my head so to speak and so social interactions were all strange and anxiety provoking. This changed when I reached college and found a social group that took me in and mentored me
We can only expect to see more and more diagnoses as technology interferes with the normal process of social learning in young children. I'd say it's equivalent to the environmental issues of the early 20th century, like lead poisoning, only instead of a physical pollutant, it's a mental/societal one.
That's autistic as fuck. Stop talking and keep your retardation on /x/
What's it called when you internally have a poor time taking social cues, so you develop an external facing emulation layer with very learned ability to sense cues.. wtf is wrong with me?
I did a quick skim of the story, and again...to expect any medicine to be a 100% protector of a disease like TB, mumps or polio is only a set up for a let-down.
It is also seen as a great possibility that close dorm living conditions are a big risk for the mumps to spread as they did at Harvard.
Hahahaha commie shit!
What is she saying?
I think you're just actively learning social signals, but you haven't been able to internalize the lessons yet. Most of the time you'll be able to internalize them eventually with enough practice, but I guess some will always be external since we were supposed to learn them as young kids.
Way more assortative mating. Highest rates of autism are in silicon valley, where engineers marry other engineer-types.
Autism is basically a dysfunction that arises with extreme male-type brains. You mate logical systematic women with even more logical systematic men, you get lots of autistic children.
Well also I am sure there are a lot of kids getting prescribed shit they dont need. Kid with too much energy, better give him meds.
eh i'm 38 so this is pretty much my life now. it takes a lot of extra energy to interact with people. i come home tired as shit from work... or on my days off I isolate myself and stay up for 48 hours straight no worries.
fucking normies.
this is honestly fascinating
what do you mean?
OP I don't care what kind of burgers she has, I want me some of dat
why do so many gooks live in the carolinas?
Most of them go to Duke
Before there was no internet or less means of escaping social interaction.
Before, autistic people either learned to deal with it or became recluses. Recluses definitely existed before and were looked down on or were seen as ecentric for two reasons: either they were recluse so no one knew or cared about them or they were famous due to intelligence (see Tesla) and still considered a member of society.
Now we have a bunch of people who do not learn social skills becuase they do not need to until it's too late. These people are not autistic or have aspergers. These people would not have shown up before unless their family was rich.
So now we have real austists and aspergers and fake austists and asepergers. Before there was no need of a name, now there is because there are so many people.
Ill get right on that Goldstein
You're a psychopath.
Or just a normal human being chill out.
If you have to understand social cues "consciously" rather than automatically understanding them subconsciously, you are probably autistic.
It's honestly an advantage if you learn how to adapt to the condition properly. Normies have an inbuilt limit to their social abilities that's determined in childhood. Aspies can override their programming and continue to add new skills.
You can sell people drugs, books, parenting equipment etc.
Up that. Thanks for the info
You're right.
You know what they called it back then? Satanic possession.
Do you think the recent surge of exorcisms in Europe are a coincidence, with the flood of immigrants?
genetic load is my theory
this user is right. I'm sure it is highly correlated with later age of female birth. Especially since it is more prevalent among highly educated women, who usually wait until their 30s to have kids.
Wonder about this too. Use to be ADD or ADHD was the buzz diagnosis, now it's Autism Spectrum.
I think in some cases it's legit, but I suspect big pharma benefits from over diagnosing.
desu I would be ok with working on cars the rest of my life
people have been autistic forever. A lot of it got beaten out of you.
Government checks.
You hit the nail on the coffin user
just better diagnosis
we no longer have wars and conscription to cull them off
there's no more child labor either, so no sticking little johnny in the mine where his autism is irrelevant, the only real plan for kids is to throw them in a highly social setting like school all the way until their mid 20's
so naturally more problems are going to pop up, instead of just following instructions and doing the job you're *given*, you're now expected to grasp and flow with the nuances of intense socialization in a post secondary setting and employment networking