Algebra shouldn't be a required class because it's the #1 thing keeping non-White people from getting a job, says chancellor of California community college system
Algebra shouldn't be a required class because it's the #1 thing keeping non-White people from getting a job, says chancellor of California community college system
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should just get rid of it altogether. I have never used any math in my life and i make 50k a year. I never needed to find X anytime in my life.
Seriously, they need to do away with general education bullshit that 90% of people will never use.
If you're a STEM major, you shouldn't take literature. If you're not a STEM major, you shouldn't take algebra. You will NEVER use it.
This is mentality embodies just about everything wrong with modern education.
Specialization is for ants.
I've been waiting to post this
>taking algebra class in college
>by the 5th week every single nigger has dropped the class
Algebra should definitely be required in all education majors
They tried for decades to equalize test scores by bringing black students up. Now they've abandoned that like a black father and are happy to bring white students scores down instead, after all equal is equal. Enter Common Core.
I'm a data scientist / data warehousing engineer
Half of my day is writing documentation, summarizing problems and resolution strategies, clarifying requests from clients and senior management, and/or making presentations for meetings.
STEMs need lit. You're an ass.
>If you're a STEM major, you shouldn't take literature.
nigga you have no fucking clue what you are talking about
am a computer engineering major and last semester i spent 15 horus a week preparing labs and doing lab write ups. basic persuasion skills via writing is a basic necessity for any sort of higher education.
>Yeah intemediate algebra is so hard, right guys? I never have to use reason at my mcjob
Your mentality embodies everything wrong with modern education. I'm all for having generalized intellectual interests, but not at college, where you're paying thousands of dollars per credit.
College courses are worthless wastes of time, anyway. If you read two books on any subject, you'll probably learn more than you would in a typical course.
Who is this titcow
This is remedial algebra. X + 2 = 5X
If you can't pass this you are completely retarded. Basic alelgebraic equations are necessary for understanding the world.
You're retarded.
Literature does not equal writing instruction. Did I say STEM major shouldn't take a first year writing course or did I say they shouldn't take a literature course?
Clearly your reading comprehension skills could use some improvement, though, I'll admit. Maybe studying British Romantic poetry would help with that. I don't know.
You're the ass, you big dumb, silly man. *slaps you*
>Basic alelgebraic equations are necessary for understanding the world.
No, they're not. You're an idiot.
agreed coding is easy as fuck, and only getting easier. Hell, with Unity, you can make a 3d vr game withoug typing a single line of code. Just clicking and entering values in easy to understand forms, with a multitude of freely available tutorials,
coding degrees that require separate calculus (1+2) and physics (1+2) are completely pointless. Not to say you wont use calculus, but all the calculus principles you need for modern coding can be taught in one semester in a class called "math for computer science majors"
Math classes have the highest fail rate for a reason. its a scam and oversold. Student attrition in those highly repeated courses is a major profit center for universities.
If you graduate college without a basic grasp of the classics and an ability to use basic mathematical reasoning skills, your degree is worthless. they are talking about fucking intermediate algebra. this isn't like diff equations or abstract set theory or something
Just a friendly reminder that if you didn't pass algebra in high school, you probably should be gassed.
>i make 50k a year
Is that supposed to be an achievement?
lol that's not even applicable ANYWHERE
Where will I need to find blank +2 apples will equal to 5 times blank?
If you can't understand solving for X many basic concepts, such as supply and demand curves, are incomprehensible.
If you.can't solve X + 2 = 5X you shouldn't be going to college.
>his world is flipping burgers
Like they have you read anything but fucking Frankenstein and The Yellow Wallpaper, anyway.
nigger cattle don't need to understand shit
they just need to fart in mud and eat from their feed troughs.
chewing on cud, stupid fucking nigger cattle. fucking dumb niggers all in a row. America for the nigger cattle.
That's literally the entire point of a University education. If you want a one-topic education you go to a trade school. That's why the highest tier professions require you to be educated at a University before you can apply to the trade school.
Of course the vast majority of people don't need to ever do that, though, do they?
>his world is flipping burgers
No, you're the one whose world is doing that, not me.
what are you, a fucking apple scavenger or something? Basic algebra is an essential skill for a reasonably intelligent person.
so what are you going to do when you are sending out purchase orders and your boss wants you to buy as many units as possible given a certain budget? just keep guessing until you are right?
but im sure noone trusts you with money!
Basic algebra is used all the time in basic business skills, such as finding the price per unit of a given quantity and total price.
If you can't solve basic algebra you shouldn't be going to college.
Not comprehending basic mathematic equations is a demonstration of a lack of intelligence.
You might understand the world in your own special retard way, but don't pretend you're equal.
>inb4 different kinds of intelligence excuses
A single class called business English is all that's needed. Greek philosphy, history of war, etc. still don't have anything to do with this.
>The Yellow Wallpaper
kek I literally just had to read that awful shit and pretend to be impressed by how "good" it was because muh feminism.
why do you morons have to study literature to be able to write basic fucking English? are you retarded?
who the fuck is this
Who/what is this from?
Of course someone who had a job like that would have a degree in which they would learn the necessary mathematics.
I didn't say no one should study Algebra.
Goodness balls the shitty reading comprehension of some people on here.
>Me: Algebra isn't necessary for all majors.
Then I guess college shouldn't be a thing since it's harder for whites to get excepted thanks to affirmative action.
>I have never used any math in my life and i make 50k a year.
50k = 50000
Solve for k.
>Of course the vast majority of people don't need to ever do that, though, do they?
The vast majority of people have no business in college. Why should we water down college educations so ditch diggers can pass?
Fuck you guys. Algebra is the best. It is the most important thing I learned in any of my schooling and I have a BS. If you can't figure out how to apply it, then you didn't learn it.
>literally says niggers are stupid to do math
>thinks this is somehow not white supremacy
Algebra should be taught because it is a precursor to logic. Unfortunately algebra is poorly taught and logic is neglected.
>Algebra isn't necessary for all majors.
name one
Julia Benson
And you have to wait until college algebra to learn that sort of thing.
You pro-Algebra-for-everyone people are grasping at straws here.
Basic functional algebra is necessary for understanding the world. If you aren't smart enough to understand X + 2 = 4, you aren't smart enough to write a book.
I agree that most math classes are a scam, but that is only because they are too easy and cater to the lowest common denominator. The pass rate for most college math classes is significantly higher than it should be. Most math classes can be passed simply by memorizing formulas instead of understand concepts, its only when you move on to actually applying the concept you learned in math to physics do most students realize how little they actually understood and that they were only solving problems that were spoon fed to them.
>134384678 # (You)
>his world is flipping burgers
Check out this newfag.
I had a nigger show up 4 weeks in of my vector calculus class, talk the professor into enrolling him, then we never saw him again after the first test, which was the week after he signed up. I don't know what that idiot was thinking.
Well, I suppose if you want to flip burgers for a living...
>STEM major
choose one, IQlet
That's not even college algebra. Straw man arguments everywhere. seriously.
That is an underated post
because being able to write persuasively is a basic skill any semi intelligent person will have to fucking have. you cant just shit all over an academic paper or scientific journal and hope your peers will accept it. you have to be able to word smith
point is that algebra is super fucking easy and that if you cant even do that you are a low iq nigger. Employers can not give you an iq test before you apply, but if they see you cant even do algebra it gives them a good idea at where you are at.
also, asians count as white in this instance while spics don't.
I got a BBA in Finance and an MBA without ever taking any calc classes in college.
I now make 115k a year
Whoa watch out, we have a near middle class moron.
College Algebra was so fucking easy.
I got one test question wrong over the entire course.
>Julia Benson
so stargate universe lul
I just graduated this past spring and let me tell you how fucking stupid the algebra system is. It is useful for (very) basic things like X + 2 = 5X but that's about as far as it gets, and everyone knows it. At least once a week students would ask our teacher how the fuck any of this would actually help us later on in life and he never could defend anything past "youll need it later on the test" Seriously FUCK you. These are grown ass people who have devoted their entire careers to teaching children topics of which 99% of the info is utterly pointless. But hey at least they get paid shit :)
Went to college, took algebra, haven't used it sense. I work in MIS and I have a Masters degree. Literally the only time I use math is in subnetting or doing basic arithmetic.
College algebra is not difficult to anyone with a functioning brain. If you can't deal with it, you aren't smart enough for college. Basic algebra is necessary for understanding the world and is the basis for most logic.
It's about being able to converse and relate to people who may be of a higher echelon than you. Do you not want to ever get ahead? Do you want to stare people blankly in the eye when they make a basic literary reference?
As a STEM major, shouldn't you know what fucking venn diagram is?
If I said "dumbass STEM majors are saying X" does that mean I think all STEM majors are dumbasses or that some are dumbasses and they, the dumbass STEM majors, are saying such and such?
You idiot STEM majors have certainly convinced me, though, that you have awful reading comprehension skills. You all need basic classes in informal logic and critical thinking.
History classes are fun extra classes to take, though.
.... calc isn't necessary for vast majority of non stem jobs, but to just say no exposure to calc is pretty dumb imo. But reasonable minds can disagree on that. Not learning algebra is really fucking dumb. You are pretty barbarian if you can't understand algebra
you're responding to a position no one has even taken in here. congratulations on being a fucking imbecile.
>50k = 50000
>Solve for k.
50000 / 50 = 4*4*4
4*4*4 = 20
Holy Fuck.
bring back eugenics, anyone who can't pass algebra should not breed
>muh algebra
>muh symbolic logic
>muh programming job in any big city
>not important
>California school official
Makes sense
I took algebra in the 7th grade.
Face the fact that you're a mouth breather and will account for as much in the end. Hopefully for you whatever braindead major you're gunning for will allow you to eke out an existence.
Part 1) Women and Degree of Choice.
It's numbers and stuff. History shows that the only reason a man was on the Moon was because of black people.
I'm 28, and have a master's degree, and already make plenty of money. And guess what? I never use algebra.
Part 2) Women and Degree of Choice
>Youre responding to a position no one is taking
>Basic algebraic equations are not necessary for understanding the world
Great bait, you had me going for 10 minutes.
depending on the state 50k can be above average by a few 10k. i'm guessing you're from an urban shithole that costs a fortune to live in. move out to the counties, it's 10x better at least. you can get a 2.5k sqft home for around 80k where i live.
You don't know what middle class is or what his living situation is. If he's single, lives in Detroit and makes 50k he's upper middle class. If he lives in Silicon Valley and has a family of 4 he's basically at the poverty level making 50k. I don't know why people on Sup Forums don't seem to get this. You're "so smart" but yet don't realize that cost of living varies widely.
In a radio interview he said that interpretation "was the furthest thing from the truth", and talked about "alternate paths to math (.. something)". He never gave any examples of those alternate paths though.
>literature = writing reports
You fucking retards, jesus christ
If you have $30, and gas costs $3 a gallon, tell me how many gallons you can buy...if you can answer this, you know algebra. you might not be aware that you do, but you do.
Like I can't think of a day I haven't used algebra y'all retarded af.
Yeah, here in ohio 50k is not bad. If your spouse also works then you are solidly middle class.
>haven't used it sense
You've got 2nd grade spelling skills you lying illiterate shitter.
>like nonstem degrees actually mean anything anymore
Dude I'm history major and earning a JD part time. Non stem graduate degrees are jokes. JD is probably the only non stem degree that you can even argue the rigor of but even then there's a lot of fucking dumb law students, even at top law schools
wtf, why are american schools so retarded?
I am a STEM major (Information Systems). I don't use math, and I took 2 or 3 math classes total none of which were calculus. Algebra and Math for Computing.
>African-Americans over-represented among low-paying college majors
>More African-Americans are going to college than ever before. But according to new research from the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University, African-American college students are more likely to pursue majors that lead to low-paying jobs, setting up many for future debt and underemployment.
>African-Americans make up only a small percentage of some of the highest-paying of majors, including those in STEM and business. They’re only 8 percent of engineering, 7 percent of mathematics and 5 percent of computer science majors. Worse, Carnevale said even those who do major in high-paying fields, typically choose the lowest paying major within them. For example, the majority of black women in STEM typically study biology, the lowest-paying of the science discipline. Among engineers, most black men study civil engineering, the lowest-paying in that sector.
>African-American college students tend to have majors in public service which are also some of the country’s lowest-paying. As this chart shows, African-Americans are over-represented in majors that are some of the lowest paying. Image from Center on Education and the Workforce
You're lying to yourself, not me.
>At least once a week students would ask our teacher how the fuck any of this would actually help us
You shouldn't put any merit to what some random group-think highschooler says about anything unless you're also an idiot yourself, which is sounds like you are.
You don't need algebra per se, but being able to turn a situation around in your head and see it from different angles (which I think algebra needs, too, and may help build skill for) - /is/. At least for any kind of thinking job.
You said:
>College algebra is not difficult to anyone with a functioning brain. If you can't deal with it, you aren't smart enough for college.
Of course I never said Algebra shouldn't be required of everyone because it is difficult. Rather, I said it shouldn't be required for everyone because it is unnecessary for many majors.
All right.
I'm really tired of responding to stupid STEM majors with 0 reading comprehension or critical thinking skills. Seriously, what is the point if you can't even comprehend what I'm saying?
>me: College Algebra is pointless for many majors, because they will stop using it after they finish the class
>you idiots:
blah, blah
Geez. Fucking idiots.
Community college. A lot of people attend them to get their gen eds finished on the cheap before going to a state school.
It could be interpreted either way in general conversational English(most likely mine). Since we're on an anonymous Canadian message board, perhaps you should be more clear, faggot.
Also, there are very few dumbass STEM majors, rarer than hen's teeth.
Did you know that the IQ for mental retardation was lowered? Yes it really was!
By no other than Civil Rights activists AND in California, just like the gentlemen OP described.
Yeah, I don't know how I missed that. My brain is fried. If you think that people who have advanced degrees have great spelling I've got news for you. I've worked with Engineers and Attorneys who write like shit.
>taking algebra class in college
Wow, so you with your 90 IQ are smarter than the niggers with 85 IQs.
Algebra is a high school subject.
>implying someone actually will look at the price per gallon when filling up
>car have less than a 10 gallon tank
>doesn't fucking matter
And Apps like this exist anyways. Why do you need to learn Algebra ANYMORE? when you can just download apps like Photomath and it SOLVES everything.
Most of the time your education is just something to show hiring managers you can problem solve. Even if you will never use algebra for a certain position the people doing the hiring will see you can complete high school level math and might not be legally retarded