And says that she sees people on Twitter and the internet saying the want to "kill, rape, and torture" white people.
Progressives are torturing this young girl and all other white youth.
I'm severely pissed.
And says that she sees people on Twitter and the internet saying the want to "kill, rape, and torture" white people.
Progressives are torturing this young girl and all other white youth.
I'm severely pissed.
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh great, we have another faggot cuck who's going to be spamming this same fucking thread everyday
you shutup its very important
"their pissed"
what do you want us to do about it can we patreaon wheres your htat always helps
mayb mkae a youtube channel and include your kids eating poop with diapers and baby bottles ill click it
what the fuck are you on about
Well gosh, did you tell her father?
This is the kind of shit that is just going to redpill the coming Generation Z by way of experience. They will be so sick of being vilified for being white that they are likely to bring the change that is deeply needed right now.
>when you forget the link
That's what you get for slavery and just being all-around assholes. First you take us from Africa and make our existence miserable and then you complain about muh white genocide because a couple of words hurt your feelings. How fucking pathetic. Good riddance, no one will miss you once you've been wiped from existence.
1/10 bait
so shit
Jews took you from Africa, you dumb nigger.
Hitler 2: Pussy Edition?
That edit is impressive on a technical level alone
>hurr durr I can't refute anything he said so I'll just call it bait
Ashkenazi Jews are European, therefore White, dumbass.
>Progressives are torturing this young girl and all other white youth
exactly as (((they))) planned
See I forgot the link
she hates being white because she's told she's a racist.
black people hate being black because of a perceived inferiority by white people.
wow which could be worse suffering?!?!?!
Divergent by Veronica (((Roth))) and The Diary of (((Anne Frank))) are the books she talks about having to read for her classes
way to go jews, get em while they're young
Fuck the niggers they have contributed nothing but crime and high amounts of stds.
To me she looks like Adolph Hitlers long lost daughter
you're only proving my point
Worse suffering is probably forcing niggers to live in society and telling white people they are equal to the blacks, we should let them live in the jungle where they thrive, having 21 babies and only 14 of them die before the age of 9, there they can monkey around for 120,000 years until they evolve into humans and invent fire
yea and you should close the barn door before the cows leave. hindsight is 20/20. now what?
What's important now is where is the ASMR blowjob video she made???
>Jews are European, therefore White
The Jew has taught you well.
Aaaaaaaaaand there goes another child off to become either a suicide victim or a white identitarian.
They is right. Fuck them.
-t Faggot cuck spamming blacked threads every day
I was just coincidentally looking for her ASMR channel. What is her name again?
>coincidentally looking
asmr tranquility you pedo
I want to share this, but it'd ruin my career if I shared something from 'white reddit'. Does anyone here have the original source of the vid this girl uploaded?
Wut. When did jews become white again?
Ethnically they could be termed white or caucasian, but they are culturally and religiously Jewish which means they have had to adopt the Jewish identity. They are also made intermarry with Jews and to interbreed to the point that most of them still high precentages of Jewish DNA and belong to a Jewish cult. They world is more complicated than you'd expect, but what do you know you're just a nigger who see everything in black and white. Lol.
Ignore BLM posts
cool! I watched some of her videos in the past and liked them. She's a good asmrtist, but not the best.
(I'm not a pedo)
Ashkenazi are on average 47% European. So they're just turbo-mutts. But would you consider someone 53% black, "white"? I don't think so m80. Jews are not white, they're Semitic mutts.
Let them continue, they are just making more future National Socialists.
I only like Ephemeral Rift and occasionally 3-4 of asmr massage's videos
Imagine getting a running start and drop kicking that lardass
Ephemeral Rift is cool, but you don't like pretty girls chewing gum right in your ear?
Looks like the propaganda of the jew is working
It's not a perceived inferiority if it's a fact, they're just inferior
I know a kid who jumped out of his window (killing himself in the process) because he didn't want to be castrated. His mom found a support group for others with the same story.
There are cult programmers at work behind the insane left. They have to be exposed.
This. At this point I do not care what happens to any other group if it means improving the conditions of my own. Whites own this world by right of force and we will keep it with force if necessary.
emotions dont equal facts. you believing so doesnt make it so.
I actually understand why you would feel this way, I would if i were white. But do you really have to destroy every other race and not just the individuals that are putting our country through this? Would it not be better to just try to save the legacy that western civ has been pioneering for all of humanity?
okay what are you going to do about it?
KYS fag
why was he going to be castrated?
and why were there others?
Why would she hate herself? She should hate the shit that hates her. Non-whites are shit. They should be exterminated. Problem solved.
You're being played, enjoy the BTFO you've bought into.
why can't people just learn not to piss off whitey? it's not like they're unaware of what's going to happen if they do.
sage for talking about some video without linking to it in OP
I don't know or care if you linked later in the thread, I'm not going to look, it's too late to redeem yourself
Commit suicide
I'm probably not the one to answer that.
Heres your (you)
Where are the parents ??? Why is a child on the internet ????? I say let her do it , because if she lives she'll become just like the people that shit on her on twitter.
no moral or value judgement implied or intended. just making an observation based on previous history.
I don't know what the trigger will be, but someday soon these BLM types and their SJW partners are going to get a good refresher on why you don't piss off whitey.
I love being Albanian because I'm white but people treat me like a brownie(nicely and with respect). It really means something when blacks let me say nigga even though behind their backs I call them niggers
I'm talking about when I'm out of the country, of course, Albania doesn't have liberals and zezaks
she learns fast
but then again we werent in school when it was this bad
Ya, im going to make sure my daughter learns that anyone that tells her that shit makes them racist and not her
>demorats living in a revers psy-op bullshit reality
as an armenian with dark hair/eyes but with pale skin, yes. i literally cannot offend anyone. Whites think im white (especially when i talk), brownies see my hair/slightly non-white skin tone and are cool with it, and blacks think im chill/nonthreatening. I like cant offend anyone if i want, which is great for racial joke telling.
youre actually in the worst position, shitskins all see you as white, whites all see you as shit skin
im a balkanite too and the same shit happens to me here, all my life ive been attacked for being white in california but i come on pol and im attacked for being NOT white
I mostly relate, I get the occasional white person that thinks I'm a Turk though. Still though, feels great right?
shahah best sprudo in a long time. saved. I'm making a Sup Forums image folder at work just for this, if they find it ill be fired. But I will not be denied this meme.
I guess I'm fortunate that that doesn't happen to me, through experience whites have seen me as whites and shitskins have seen me as shitskins. Although desu I think your situation sounds more probable than mine for the average South European
well you faggots are to blame for everyone hating white people.
absolutely user. I've gotten russian, carribean, middle eastern, egyptian, south american, literally everything. Most hispanic people try to speak to me in spanish.
fuck turks. but im somewhat programmed to say that
Lol enjoy your aids
I fetishize the fuck out of white people.
i don't like talking to them because they are rarely insightful. i pretend to listen.
i just love fucking them. their pink holes and pink mouths. blondes are awesome and gingers are the BEST.
i don't fuck whites that have brown our brown eyes. those are the shit tier. also whites with curly hair is a huge turn off.
its awesome because whites have so much white guilt that they'll end up servicing me more than i them.
i live in a 20% white city so my entire life ive lived with 80% shit skins and they all gave me so much shit for being a whiteboi. ive even gotten jumped by 5 spics one time for being the only white kid in my neighborhood and they stole my bike
but ive never had a problem in real life with whites seeing me as white, well fuck, I can pass as a native englishman. just saying on Sup Forums they say "balkans arent white"
Another soldier to the cause.
You know, that reminds me of when I was in Toronto with my family and the Somalis gave my cousin a bit of trouble because she looked like a Christian. I forget exactly what happened, it wasn't anything big
i wonder if growing up in this city turned me into a fucking insane racist or was that my balkan parents
when you live around subhuman mexican and nigger filth you cant help but hate them with a passion
>caring about what spics and niggers think of white people
The alternative is belonging to a race that can't achieve anything on its own, will never solve its own problems and is dependent on the people it attacks for stability and any kind of advancement.
Not great options. But one of those is better. Be happy you're white. Stop exposing yourself to least until the day of Zyklon comes.
>Looked like a Christian
The fuck does that mean?
Without Islamic religious headwear
Of course...
Felt good growing up in an Australia were these were our pop culture icons.
We'll be reading about her suicide soon thanks to this going viral.
Fucking Jews hate whites so damn much. They're literally setting fire to the world just to watch us burn.
Oh my goodness... Poor white people!
You think its only just started?
I'm white and grew up around non whites in the 90s. Not a week went by where they weren't being racist little faggots and trying to stir up trouble with the white kids.
Its only now getting noticeable because there numbers are swelling and white kids are literally a minority to them unless their parents have them in expensive private schools.
The more non whites there are the worse its going to be for white kids.
That's what makes my blood boil about the boomers and gen xers pushing all this guilt on young white people. They aren't going to have to live in the "utopia" they think they are creating.
Its a utopia for shit skins who cant build civilizations. Its hell for white people whos ancestors built the civilization they are usurping.
There is so much going on in this photo...what the fuck
Get lynched
>Stage 3: Bargaining
Keep working through it, shitskin. The die's been cast so just keep on trudging toward acceptance that uncomfortable truth. You are owed everything boomeranging back at you. The nerve of you all, rejecting a 60 year long olive branch from the most warlike people to ever walk the earth. 16 years of kindness in the face of terror and rioting. We even gave the world a fucking nigger president. Yet here we are.
Fucking morons.
Two ways this turnout. Coalburner or one of the rare females running the camp.
Related to this thread, generation Z is going to awesome and save us.
>shit posting on fb a few days ago
>make a post about not being able to enjoy ww2 movies since being red pilled
>little cutie 15 year old messages me asking what I mean by this
>educate her on Hitler, national socialism, the holocaust, the Jews , literally everything.
>she absolutely hates commies now and fears white genocide
I hope she has a good life.
she'll get red pilled
>generation Z is going to awesome and save us
Oh, look. It's this shit again.
Why do idiots refuse to accept that gen z containing more conservative people than previous generations doesn't mean that they are even 50%+1 conservative let alone majority conservative.
*overwhelmingly conservative