pay denbts
Pay denbts
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Honestly as a black person I just wish that debt payed back is to be treated like a fellow American.
Remove the niggers though.
>can't spell debts
found the nigger
You first
We let you niggers live with us instead of just shipping all you niggerfaggots back to the dark continent. Consider our debts payed.
(((Stein))) Jews owned a massively disproportionate amount of slaves. Make Jews pay.
>Being this new.
Are you a hard working individual that contribuytes to society if so I don't see the problem.
Maybe we might keep you around when the Forth Reich rises and and we start deporting all the spics niggers and faggots
>found the summerfag
lurk more
I am and I honestly don't like the idea of National Socialism. Sign me up when you start deporting Bubba too.
Americans - if this is ever even SUGGESTED, please tell me that you will march on D.C., as heavily armed as possible.
Please make this assurance to me. I must know that you will not stand for such lunacy.
Too bad all the people who owned slaves are dead so they can't pay.
You first mr. Stein
>Our nation was built on cotton
what if the niggers didn't come here until after 1865? and what if the niggers owned slaves themselves? also what about the white indentured servants who were treated worse than the nigger slaves? and what about the jews who comprised 50% of slave owners?
jesus, why did i vote for her?
never trust a kike, especially one in politics.
such an pleasant gilfy vibe... who knew she was just another one of (((them)))
I can smell you from here, jigaboo.
Don't worry I have no beef with blackies that at least put some effort to be productive members of society. I take issue with all the welfare Maggots. When the day of the rope comes when we hang all these fucking kike bankers and traitors to western civilization. All these fat fucking welfare leeches will know what it mean to put in a hard days work.
>Consider our debts payed.
I am pretty sure that quite a few white people died to free the slaves. If you don't like it here, leave. We are even. We give you every advantage possible.
t:Great great grand father was mulatto.
Her picking a literal black militant as her running mate wasn't a red flag to you?
>We let you niggers live with us instead of just shipping all you niggerfaggots back to the dark continent. Consider our debts payed.
Wrong you just didn't want to foot the bill same as now.
>Jews owned a massively disproportionate amount of slaves. Make Jews pay.
Jews ARE white.
I don't know what's worse. Niggers, or Trannies.
>Accuses someone of being a newfag
>Has (((Le Reddit MayMay Flag)))
I mean, we already do massively in terms of welfare transfer payments, but no whites would would never accept an outright confiscation of it
Well that makes sense.
Seriously, how can anyone take Jill stein seriously? She is a meme tier politician.
>implying that money wouldn't be taken from the middle class and frivolously spent on jew products such as liquor, overpriced gold jewelry and junk food
>Accuses someone of being a newfag
Mad about being called out? You keep doing noob things in your posts that make you glow with the light of plebbit.
Jews are Semites.
>Take the delta life expectancy of nigs today vs homeland
>Multiply by the delta in living standard they have here vs homeland.
>Settle the debt.
When do us whites get our checks from them and why is it so much money?
Im Irish my people where enslaved by Jews.
Gimme reperations.
also this
A politician for what? Harvard University?
Welfare was not created for black people. All races are on welfare. You DO know the year welfare was created right? Of course not if you did you wouldn't of made this idiotic comment.
He's got my vote!
how many generations would this last, how much money for each person, how would they find that value, how many black ancestors to get money? is it judged only on skin color, such that a nigerian immigrant gets it but not brittany venti, or is it based on blood quanta, which is racist as fuck btw?
does affirmative action and all that bs end after "the debt" is paid?
or will this last forever+all the bullshit as in Canada?
>that flag
you're both faggots
No it wasn't. The United States was not built on the backs of enslaved niggers. It was built by white people with high ideals and high aspirations.
>Wrong you just didn't want to foot the bill same as now.
We gave them liberia and what have the niggers done with it.
The problem with white people is we are infinitely kind. We need to learn to start hating again.
Do you smell my commanding scent of Bearglove?
>Putting the civic nationalism into national socialism.
Contradictory but I like it.
What about a nigger tranny?
Everyone was once a slave brah.
How much money has America given to Africa as aid? How much welfare have the feral jigs picked up over the years? What race other than whites has fought and bled to abolish slavery?
truth and we still all are now to the loominarty
>We gave them liberia and what have the niggers done with it.
It was doing ok until the 1980s happened and everything went to shit.
Fuck that cunt and any gibsmedats that demand reparations
That debt was paid with the lives of 600,000 fathers brothers and sons
>Jews ARE white.
That's objectively not true
Umm no sweetie, it was built on innovation and freedom.
Jill is totally right. Just pay the reparations and send those poor enslaved souls back to the land of their forefathers.
Good. So when can I expect my check Jill (((Stein)))? Should I stand by my mailbox?
Doesnt she owe libtards like 6 million dollars for promising a recount, collecting donations and then doing nothing?
Shes like mini-(((sanders)))
You GAVE Africans a place in Africa? Oh how gracious and merciful you are.
How much money have niggers collectively received from welfare and other gibs over the last couple decades?
Yeah we are slaves to the Federal Reserve. Sitting her hoping Trump will have it audited or someone in congress would have the balls to push in legislation.
Did I hurt you feelings Bubba? Don't you have your first cousin waiting for you to give her butthole a good licking?
You know Civic nationalist have a point at an individual level race doesn't matter what matters is do you have the values and want to propagate the values of the host country. Whites culture is far superior to anything to dindu's have in africa and we should cherish those who will uphold white chirstian culture and tradition no matter the race. I know plenty of black people who do contribute something to our society and should remain apart of it. But I also see the need to remove the niggers the spics and the welfare leeches even the white ones.
>How much money has America given to Africa as aid?
Here's the difference, the africans are actually grateful for US aid. Because unlike blacks in the US, the ones in africa have had to deal with REAL hardship. Blacks here never had to deal with famine, or or genocide, or any of that shit. Even the poorest blacks in this country are better off than a giant chunk of africa, and that's why the ones in africa are grateful for any tiny amount of help they get.
i'll pay it with lead.. generously applied to the back of nigger skulls.
>the niggers still dont know their reparations were being part of the greatest nation in the history of humanity which until the libs started shipping brown people in by the tens of millions belonged exclusively to white and black people
really makes you think
What is denbts? I hope this is a typo
>as a black
Ring that bell, shout for joy, White man's day is here
When left alone and without the supervision of white masters the pure blooded african negro will rebvert back to a savage animalist state. IMO they are a complete seperate species of hominid and should be treated as such
>who knew she was just another one of (((them)))
Quite literally everyone on Sup Forums,and right from the start.
I'm all for slavery reparations, as long as the package includes being repatriated to western Africa.
couldn't agree more
we must offer our aryan white women to the humble negro as reparations
it is the only option
the niggers in africa are the same as the niggers in america. We just subsidize their shitty behavior
I live in and around military property all my life. I learned from a young age that the culture and society that this nation is founded upon is the best out there. I've learned what real patriotism is and breathed it on a daily basis. People tend to confuse patriotism and nationalism a lot these days. Seeing as its now consider taboo to love ones nation but don't realize that you can love a nation and hate what it does and try to fix that issue.
For the best approach it would literally be what Trump is doing, preferably in a less shit way. The decreases of welfare and crack down on crime/illegals will improve this great country.
>White man's day is here
No you mean woman because they tend to be the best from what I've experience so far lol.
> everything is made from cotton and tobacco
also 300 thousand white men died in the war that freed you niggers
Send them back.
Good thing no one cares about your opinion.
Fuck, you really talk like a plebbitor/Tumblrina.
Daily reminder blacks are more inbred than whites, but you wouldn't know it because you get all your I go from ebic memes and know-nothing comedians.
From a medium size city in the west btw.
>our nation
she's a jew refugee spawn, only WASP belong to the American nation. The rest just live in the America country
this shalom sandnigger is out of her fucking mind kill her family pls
Certainly, we can give reparations to every man, woman, and child who was a slave.
>pay denbts
Do you understand the difference between the intention of a law, and the actual outcome of said law?
I will pay if two conditions are met.
You prove your ancestors came before 1865 and were enslaved.
You prove my ancestors came before 1865 as well.
Being black does NOT mean your great great grandpa was a slave.
Most of the USA is descendants of the immigrant boom in late 1800s and earlier 1900s
I work at fucking walmart and nothing enrages me more than seeing a fucking obese white trash cunt on welfare. I swear we outtah make soap outtah these far pigs.
>also 300 thousand white men died in the war that freed you niggers
Who told you to do that? The war wasn't over slavery. At least that's what white people love to say.
>pay denbts
Pay up Ms. STEIN for the Jew slave trade
go back to school
>Pay up Ms. STEIN for the Jew slave trade
Fair enough. Let's have reparations but only from the party who actually fought to keep slaves.
It'll be fun watching niggers be masters over democrats for once instead of it being the other way around.
Nice actually shit post.
I know that feel, mainly so from the fact fat people I've talk to now feel offended that I woken and actually got back into being fit.
Lol why resent yourself for becoming successful? Never be sorry for conquering other countries. I'm thankful for those whiteys for bringing civilizations.
>Pay up Ms. STEIN for the Jew slave trade
>implying anyone here cares about the opinion of a nigger or a nigger apologist
>watching niggers be masters over democrats
they're already there
jew slavery
But you are a nigger.
Civil war
Affirmative Action
do we have to repay the debts? Can't we just ship them back to Africa? What's the return policy on niggers?
Hah these Jews are hilarious - she robs all the Bernie cucks (many who were probably Afro or pro-Afro) POST-ELECTION with promises of a recount then rakes in a cool 10 mil... and then talks about paying the debt back HAHAH goddamn that is fucking brazen
>capital B for blacks
I hate these people.