>joins youtube several months ago
>cute as fuck holy shit
>90k subs
>red-pilled as fuck. making ton of edgy vids with pretty spicy meme flair for plebbitors
>actually talking about nignog IQ
>takes down all her videos but 1
>no one talking about this
wtf is going on?
i know most of you don't care about this e-celeb shit, but wtf happened here?
Joins youtube several months ago
Who's the cock sleeve?
Maybe jewtube took down the vids?
I'm gonna need the whole gestalt enchilada here.
Probably the same thing that happened daddy o five channel, its always a shame when such great youtubers close their accounts.
Youtube and whole enchilada in the original post
>not ugly girl says not dumb shit and gets views
There are so many amazing male YouTubers struggling to get 5 digits of views that I can't not think this is gynocentrism.
It pisses me off whenever I some cute girl who's had baby's first redpill have twice as many subscribers as someone like Millennial Woes or AmRen
The Jew remove the vids?
I read something about her taking em down cause she wants to start her channel over again but making more edgy shit this time. She talked about how anti-sjw tier videos aren't enough for her anymore and she wants to talk about race and shit.
Rage is based and a top tier waifu, boys
She looks like a female Styx, so i am instantly revolted.
Think we can safely assume it was her own decision. I'm also very curious to know if the JQ rumours are true as she's been showing signs of (((knowing))) more than once already.
clearly a jewish plant to push race realism, I for one wont fall for their tricks and am becoming a multiculturalist liberal
fuck off eceleb cancer
It was an NSA sting operation.
"Cute" stereotypically nerdy girl says typical Sup Forums talking points word for word. "Mysteriously" ends up being shilled everywhere and blowing up in popularity. Gets a bunch of followers. Will end up recanting it all and claiming it was a mistake.
90000 people are now put on a list for extra monitoring.
It's the cycle over and over again.
She got shoahed she lives in Switzerland.
She says better stuff most other male youtubers and her reach is wide enough to cause massive asspain.
I think you can't see the bigger picture here. ((They)) are becoming furious because it isn't just men saying this shit, now women too have joined the conversation. It's much for them to ignore a girl that has 'betrayed' them. Plus they cannot lump her into the ugly virgin category. Personally I think that she is doing a good job shifting the overton window. Definitely a gateway redpill in the truest sense.
When has this ever happened?
The NSA is probably already watching everyone who even visits Sup Forums
>beating your children
>great content
Wtf man?
Dirty bitch is just another Commie kike like Evalion. Don't trust them.
I see you're new here.
I think she was saying that he doesn't want to be associated with the "skeptics" community (cucks) and removed them for that reason
OR... Jewtube removed her vids for """"""""hate speech""""""""
She won't be able to keep her channel for more than a couple videos.
YouTube already took down her Race & IQ video...
They'll just ban her.
You're retarded.
This is so retarded I can't believe anyone would actually believe this.
I did it because YT was threatening to ban my channel.
kek the reddit spacing and everything. Have an upboat!
Some Nigger threatened to rape and murder her.
Controlled opposition and false flagging is what America is best at.
I think I have most of them. I'm not sure if my dl program stopped working.
Some Jew threatened to sue her for some Civil Rights violation.
Wtf kind of tag is that anyway? its cringey.
All womynz is evil so of course it's real, broooooo
I thought this too but She COULD be an SJW trying to get full names of people on youtube, but who cares?
What is the endgame... :(
she looks like a cutie three point one four and she should be my jee-eff
What's your number?
e-celebs are cancer, but I took delight in this shitshow. Apparently she's part of that "skeptic community" bullshit, and when she made a video on race realism, she basically caused the skeptics to all lose their shit and tear each other apart over it, because someone finally mustered the courage to say "the emperor has no clothes".
Haven't paid attention since that happened. A remember a bunch of these skeptic fags said they were going to "go after" white nationalism and take us down or some shit. Not seeing that pan out, unless circlejerking in 3 hour skype chats about how le radically centrist you are counts.
Shills hate her because they can't come up with anything against her.
The only thing they can do is call her a jew and a coalburner randomly.
Also, she said she wanted to make a new structure and start all over again with the videos.
She wanted the first one to be about JQ.
No, precisely she said she wanted to distance herself from the skeptic community and called them "a bunch of cucks"
YouTube is not the place to have those conversations. It's not an open forum. She's also a basic bitch who counter signaled the god emperor so she's already dead. Don't get attached.
The only one I can think of was Evalion
Add Steven Franssen and Reactionary Expat to the list for males who are better than any females and deserve more.
hmm... Kek whispers... Are... are you really Her? Prove it with timestamped nudes pls.
marketability is the hardest redpill to swallow
Perhaps the truth about her was that she racemixed with some nigger who then threaten to release her nudes and videos if she did not take them down. This explains why she is redpilled. Women can't simply be redpilled by normal means.
Evalion is the reason why I'm here. The mods banned everyone on 8 chan who took her side.
A lot of people talk about race on YouTube. She can do it.
Sex sells, welcome to capitalism.
As I said here
people will randomly throw the same "she's a kike" and "she's a coalburner" accusations randomly.
Millennial woes is shut though, I'm thinking more like dapperton or wizard of a cause or whatever. Sargons pet unpopular YouTuber is pretty shit too, vee literally can't make arguments without fallacies and when he's "woke redpilling" it's just an obvious one that isn't even presented well.
Yes, because marketability is bullshit and anti meritocratic.
Why doesn't male sex sell? Stop being hungry.
Right, but she was mingling with them, and it caused them to all lose their shit and commit sudoku over this.
>claim to be le rational scientific voice of reason
>deny obvious truths backed by mountains of data by using the most hackneyed denialist arguments possible
I'm just sad I haven't seen more skeptics go after her/us on this. The more they try attacking us, the better. But I guess they realized that they can't win that argument, so now they're all going back to just conveniently ignoring the elephant in the room.
>Why doesn't male sex sell?
Because girls don't get horny as easily as men.
She was supposedly an SJW. Some fag here was posting pics from an old tumblr he refused to reveal to us but honestly some of the pics of the girl he was posting didn't even look similar. I can believe it, though. She seems sort of weird and unhinged. She might be "right", but I find it suspicious that a girl is being this bold and forthcoming about race realism and white nationalism, even exposing her real identity and face to the internet hordes who will undoubtedly dox and threaten her. She's either surprisingly brave and stupid or completely unaware of what she's doing and just riding a wave she feels like riding right now.
>I'm just sad I haven't seen more skeptics go after her/us on this. The more they try attacking us, the better. But I guess they realized that they can't win that argument, so now they're all going back to just conveniently ignoring the elephant in the room.
I have the feeling that she will come back even harder. The skeptic community will eventually be dispersed since beating feminism over the head has become a tired schtick. Hell even nakedape has had a few videos where he's testing the waters on the fringe subjects concerning race realism.
She did say in one of the vids that she used to be a SJW, and that she threw it all when she started doing actual research.
She said she got rid of her old videos because she doesn't want to associate with skeptics anymore. She instead wants to make redpill videos.
There are guys out there making very well thought out content who get basically no views or traction at all. But then you have thots who just quickly read an article they saw on someone else's blog and regurgitate the main jist of it in front of a camera. Because they're a young attractive girl, they instantly become e-famous, despite putting in the bare-minimum amount of effort.
It's completely backwards from how things should be. It used to be the case that everyone knew not to take women's opinions seriously on matters like this. But now, we literally prop up women's opinions because they're women. It's so counter-intuitive it hurts. And I suppose I'm guilty of this as well (here I am talking about her) but goddamn it's frustrating.
...if true
keep it up
but appealing to normies to convert them
Flag doesn't check out.
>She seems sort of weird and unhinged.
I'm telling you, she is a coalburner. How do you go from SJW to redpilled? Simple, get fucked by a nigger in both literal meanings.
e-celebs are cancer
This is one reason I feel superior for being gay.
you're not superior, you will likely be afflicted with horrible diseases that are entirely deserved.
>virgin shit
They do, just over different things.
>She did say in one of the vids that she used to be a SJW, and that she threw it all when she started doing actual research.
That's BS. She stopped being SJW because she got dicked by a Chad nationalist.
It's a play off her old username on bandcamp or something.
>How do you go from SJW to redpilled?
This doesn't make sense to you because you are a man, and you're using the mindset of a man. Women's brains fundamentally work differently. Women are far less ideological, introspective, and rational on average. Their thoughts and beliefs are developed more on those around them, the zeitgeist, which way the wind is blowing, etc. This is one of the main reasons why our ancestors knew not to bother listening to women when it comes to ideology/politics/etc.
The point I'm making is that it's relatively common for women to do a complete 180 on things like this. That's not exceptional at all. Especially if a girl dates a new guy, because women typically just adopt whatever the ideas of their boyfriend/husband, for example.
Yup, this checks out. Enjoy your GRIDS meds while they last; Day of the Bog will come soon enough for you.
Yes, but not in the way you think, in the vid she said that her boyfriend was a gigantic faggot, he was SJW, but he had literally no idea of how to defend his arguments, and that's when she started doing research and accidentally drowned in redpills.
Sure but it's not going to be some edgy redpilled conversation. It's going to be some light hatefacts and "isn't this interesting" followed by some "imagine my shock" and some "of cooooooourse!".
Wow so edgy. Glad you redid your channel to bring us that very important message.
I never understood that people thought she was cute
She looks fine depending on the angle.
Fuckin e-celeb shit non stop
exactly, lauren and faith are much cuter
>didn't notice his flag
=I didn't even know this, but it confirmed exactly what I predicted here
Women are mostly all the same. I don't hate them for being what they are, but it's important to understand that they are NOT men and we should not treat them like men or hold them to the expectations of men. However, it also means we shouldn't listen to women on these matters.
I'd get that. Youtube atheists are a Tumblr tier echo chamber. I mean that almost literally because they all reference the same facts, respond to the same videos, use the same figures of speech (punching down, low hanging fruit, etc) and quote each other without any cognizance that they're doing it.
No I'll take it the extra step. They are literally an echo chamber.
To be fair, if you do more than that you get banned pretty fast. It doesn't make sense to criticize people for not going full "gas the kikes" on youtube, when it will only end up with a ban. Better to do mildly redpilling stuff and stick around than to be banned after your first video.
Nah. Would have happened already back before I became a lot more responsible and aware. Gay diseases are more a function of youthful stupidity + young male sex drive compounded together + drugs + living around low IQ races who've had sex with other gays who then all coalesce to create a petri dish of disease. Simply being a white male homo in his late twenties on Sup Forums already makes me pretty safe. Maybe even less likely to contract disease than the average straight college guy.
anecdotally, i'm a 6'3" 200lbs muscle man w/o bitch tits
i used to be in Occupy and a tiny bit SJW (was fucking a feminist professor pretty hard) before coming here.
dunno if you can attribute women getting red-pilled to intuition or if it's like the rest of us: just having a taste of intoxicating logic after being surrounded by SJW faggots for so long
Yup. Stuff like this is what causes the cracks to form though. I don't give a fuck what happens to these AIDS-riddled faggots, but I do care that they act as gate-keepers to thousands of bluepilled normalfags, and it's my hope that the more retarded they're demonstrated to be, the more of their viewers will end up moving along the path of the redpill.
I can't imagine why people find listening to some jackasses on google hangouts circlejerk each other for 3 hours a day appealing at all. I saw clips of when they tried to "debunk" the Race-IQ link, and it was downright laughable.
none of that changes the fact that you engage in inherently dysfunctional behavior.
you stick your dick where it does not belong, into a den of bacteria, and you naturally reap the consequences.
there is a reason why AIDS is a gay disease. why gays are bringing back syphilis.
She was already on the mild path though. Why change course? She could have grown into a female Moly if her crypto game was strong enough but now she's destined to end up shilling for shekels as a sideshow of some alt right site.
>nose ring
We are. It's the same with Tor. We set it up as 'anti-establishment / anti-gov' honeypot op. Unbelievable how successful these projects have been for intel and blackmail leverage. We use some data from corps to raise cash for field ops. It's all out there just for the taking and so many tards just keep giving. Lol
If that is cute, I must date super models
All I know is that she'd be doing herself a favor losing the fucking problem glasses.
>The point I'm making is that it's relatively common for women to do a complete 180 on things like this.
Which was exactly my point. For all we know, she could've been a coalburner who did a 180 just because she is a woman.
>I'm telling you, she is a coalburner
Reminder that shills think their most effective technique against us is D&C on ecelebs
Believe what you want but the statistics you've compiled to back up your prejudices ironically don't account for race or IQ or age despite these things being considered for every other imaginable thing on pol. It's entirely possible to be a homo and not be at significant risk of many things if you're white and not an idiot or drug addict.
i fully understand the connection between race and these things.
1 in 2 gay black men get AIDS, for example.
1 in 2 straight black men don't get AIDS.
that is not an indictment of blacks, it is first and foremost an indictment of gays.
>Reminder that shills think their most effective technique against us is D&C on ecelebs
Reminder to you that you're a fucking leaf and how about you fuck off?
She tried to ride the "lol memes" train and when she got called out on it by her peers for the IQ vid with circlejerking statistics she backed out like a bitch and pulled a "its just a joke bro" Why the fuck anyone would continue to watch this cringefest is beyond me user but I'm guessing you must be one of those people.
I agree with the leaf so why don't you make like one and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY THREAD?
>>cute as fuck
Is this a meme or am I missing something?
If she isn't Jewish i'll eat my dog.
Bitch is a rotten anti christian athetist. Christianity built europe. A white nationalist must be christian. The first red pill you must take is that jesus christ is your lord and savior
And gay people who 1: aren't promiscuous and 2: don't have sex with blacks (or people who've had sex with blacks) are at what risk exactly? Oh right you have no clue and just like to spout lazy generalizations.
god damn the lol memes are cringy af t b h desu
It's been re uploaded already. All she has to do is make videos. Her channel may get Shoah'd but all her videos will stay on YouTube, albeit unorganized.
i did it because i am actually jewish and it was all a prank
haha trolled :P