What does Sup Forums think about Richard Spencer? Is he controlled opposition?

What does Sup Forums think about Richard Spencer? Is he controlled opposition?

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"richard spencer"/order/asc/


Anyone who doesn't think he works for the FBI is the biggest fucking Jew possible.

as far as I can tell, yes

>What does Sup Forums think about Richard Spencer? Is he controlled opposition?

If Spencer is controlled opposition, why do SJWs hate him so much?

Spencer is the real thing.

Who hear joined PHALANX? Dropped several grand on it, got to go to a few conferences in the VIP section.

Why do you think that?
I don't think he is, I just think he's literally a dork who is absolutely retarded when it comes to playing the media. He could've had five times the following by now if he knew how to use the media in a way similar to Trump's, for example, or any other big alt-right name. But he's too much of a fucking LARPing faggot to do that.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Stop fucking discussing people. People are flawed and weak. Ideas stand the test of time and are unassociated with any specific weak person unless goddamned raging cocksucking fagriders like you keep desperately trying to associate the two.

I don't even think he's controp, he's just a fucking idiot who (((they))) realize they can keep around to make fringe right-wing politics look absurd. He has nothing to say other than MUH WHITE ETHNOSTATE and seems content on being a professional edgelord on Twitter.He's like the other side of the Milo coin, and it would do any right-winger good to completely disavow him; only Nazi larpers would disagree.

What the fuck do you think the FBI does? Has a mailing list of their undercover agents?

I honestly don't care anymore. Anyone who start getting followers and publicity are excommunicated by Sup Forums. Every time.

He's literally related to Barbara Bush. He is the purest definition of controlled opposition

This guy can kill himself for all I care

There's generally a reason for that. Show me one """alt-right""" e-celeb who isn't a mindless stooge more obsessed with pandering to their followers than discussing politics.

Because antifas are trying to kill literally ANY right personality.
Do you think this is Sup Forums?


Divide and conquer is their only weapon.

>everyone that disagrees with me is a shill/antifa

The cynical side of me says yes. I think his content is great though. I guess you win again ZOG.

No. I trust Anglin and Enoch on this. Spencer is legitimate, he's just too soft on some issues. People sniveling about controlled opposition are uniformly either paranoid people who don't understand how movements work, or /leftypol/ D&C agents.

Spencer is useful. I want him to continue doing what he is doing and anyone who disagrees is frankly an imbecile. A bunch of low-IQ retards like Cernovich and even Ramzpaul were talking about how this guy flipping a heil hitler was going to "destroy Trump."

Six months later, we know that that was factually incorrect. Factually incorrect. Not a matter of opinion--it is factual that nothing he did hurt us, period. The people who whined about it were simply, objectively wrong. As usual, I was right.

Stop infighting. A diversity of tactics and messages is good.

Guess Im a jew then. Hes CIA.

Yes, of course they are.
Sup Forums has never given a single fuck about Spencer, he's a nobody.
Yet, 2 months ago, out of nowhere, that forced meme appeared and people calling him "Dickie Spencie" some feminized Ned Flanders-tier thing that absolutely no one in Sup Forums would come up with.

Who but antifas would be so angry at that dude out of absolutely nowhere?

Maybe because that guy holds good points and makes good arguements?

What exactly is wrong with his ideas though? The only thing wrong with him to me is that he sucks at debate and is too repetitive.


Sup Forums loves you, Lauren. /ourgirl/ forever.

Reminder not to respond to Nazi or Kek flag larpers

It's not a matter of 'disagreement'. These kinds of threads exist solely to accuse him of being a government agent. What is there to agree or disagree with? It's pure divide and conquer FUD spreading.

Focus on his ideas (many of which I don't agree with, by the way) and what he says, not some bullshit you're making up in your head.


yes, and on top of that his head is fucking deformed. what's up with that, yo?

I dislike Spencer but I'm not sure if he's necessarily controlled opposition. I'm just simply not a fan of his Nazbol leanings, Zionist praise, or Duginist attitudes.

Because pol is a bunch of disorganized degenerate nazi hippies. That's the truth

This, I really dont see a reason to shy away from the word alt right, it portrays Sup Forums perfectly. Spencer presents our ideas in an intellectual manner which is easy for normies to digest. Divide and conquer shills need to stop being so puritanical about their meme ideologies, they never helped us half as much as spencer has.

Jesus christ... what the fuck is wrong with him. Is that real?

agreed with you 100%
Spencer is /ourguy/ and anyone that disagrees is a divide and conquer shill

I really like these meme photos of him.

And here's the shills!

pol will never hate anyone but ((them)) and niggers and lefties .

no exceptions. the ppl who make these threads are shills

I'm not sure but he sure likes to do AMA's on discord servers owned by furries

it a real thing.rare disease

I don't care if you think I'm a shill, these stupid edits make me laugh.

And of course, there's always the guy asking whether the obvious photoshop is real.
When will the guy saying "hey guys, those are photoshops, this is the real one" while posting a photoshop appear?
It's pretty sad how you have a set in stone structure for these threads.

Spencer is a RUSSIAN agent born in 1986 in Tsernobyl, which explains why he was borned deformed.

No. At worst he's just an idiot with twitter, he can't summarize for shit, and with debates. He does some pretty decent speeches and articles.

Remember goy, anyone standing up for your interests is a FBI plant. NEVER leave your online forum/imageboard to advocate for your own interests, ALWAYS attack people who do.


Of course he's a dumb mexican.
Go pack up the nachos, Pablo Jose, you need to build the wall.

No shit dumbass.

>Remember goy, anyone standing up for your interests is a FBI plant. NEVER leave your online forum/imageboard to advocate for your own interests, ALWAYS attack people who do.
It's pretty funny, because a few days ago in one of these anti-Spencer shill threads, one guy was literally attacking and calling a redditor anyone who claimed the right going mainstream was a good thing and that everyone doing real life stuff was a jew.

tovarisk, russian tRUMPbot!

Hopefully its not life threatening.

Obvious fake...

What did he mean by this?

People like Duke and Spencer aren't controlled opposition, they're just attention-seeking retards who insist on popping out of the woodwork and fucking things up for everyone every time ethnocentrism makes the slightest bit of actual progress.


Daily reminder that all e-celeb threads are divide and conquer shills.

Never punch right.

Don't worry, they've been going at it for 2 months and even by spamming they still haven't achieved a thing.
The power of the forced memes, seems like these people have never stepped on Sup Forums

>Six months later, we know that that was factually incorrect. Factually incorrect. Not a matter of opinion--it is factual that nothing he did hurt us, period.
What came of that? Trump disavowed the alt-right in an off-handed statement (it was something like "You people are really obsessed with this aren't you, ok I disavow") and Spencer got some name recognition, anything else? Because I think that's literally it, nothing negative happened.

Yeah hes controlled opposition

The day after trump was elected he was pushed hard on Sup Forums but i searched the archives and there were only 2 mentions of him between 6 months before the election and the election

Look another psyop thread

>d & c shill detected

I agree with this more or less. But if he's going to continue being soft on these key issues and continue to pay lip service to his "base", then he should be prepared to step aside and let someone stronger take his place.

There's a limit to what controlled opposition can do.

This leaderless resistance thing is tricky to counter. The enemy are also dealing with a subculture of people who have an UNUSUALLY individualistic streak, and will not be easily tricked or manipulated.
A lot of right wingers also, if you notice, fight with each other for fun. Fighting is a game for them. It's in their nature to fight.
They aren't going to just sign up for some little club.

Truth is, we need only push in the same direction.

Organisations will pop up, and we will support them or destroy them depending on their performance.

Look at how quickly people were turning on Trump when it looked like he was about to go NWO.
Then he started delivering.
So long as he delivers, he doesn't get torn up.

Same goes for spencer, if this guy is the real deal, we support him because we support our own. As soon as he goes vampire, we start going van helsing.

It's really that simple.

This is the future.

The only leader we need is a metaphyiscal one. An idea, an objective. Our actions relative to that objective is what defines our sincerity.

Remember this.

If /pol says this is /ourguy, then i hope every single dickloving cucksuckr of you gets gyno.. And you call yourselves men, fucking shame

Yeah, and then everyone forgot about him.
And suddenly, two months ago, someone started spamming all those shops and repeating over and over again posts like this
Swede, did you forget to set up the camera?
You don't want to miss your xvideos revenue from the vids you make of your friend Ahmed Ibn-La Ahad fucking your girlfriend.

Having no leaders is perfect.
Look at all the desperate shills trying to kill Spencer's reputation.
Now, imagine if Spencer actually mattered, but he doesn't.
No one does, you can't kill any leaders, there's none of them.
It's so good seeing the left not being able to adapt.

Spencer's the strawman the left's been looking for.

>Having no leaders is perfect.
Stop thinking of them as leaders.

This is a good post.

Definitely /notourguy/


The hourly shill thread, you kikes are scared of him.

They are not, they have never been, and the right doesn't need any of them.
Look at all the mad as fuck antifas in this thread, they actually think they'll achieve anything by doing character assassination on this literally who that was only relevant 8 months ago.
While everyone keeps getting redpilled, the left will be too busy making shops of right ecelebs.
It's so perfect.


He just has a weird face

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"richard spencer"/order/asc/


Wow, you made a huge try at not typing the same clonic post like our sandnigger mexican friend over here and his "tsernobyl"

And this is interesting, same filename, but different flags, so you are either using a proxy, or your discord group has uploaded all these pics to a gallery and you all download from them to spam them.
Very very interesting, let's see where that filename gets us to.

Can you tell me what's wrong about pointing out deliberate antifa photoshop?

Oh wow, a new one, good job, my frenchie friend, and thanks for providing me with another filename, it will eventually lead to the gallery where you upload all these pics, and thus, to your discord group.
Poor leftypol.

Whatever you think about Spencer, he is still preferable to the Milo/Posobiec/The_Donald crowd.

dont even know what that is

No, he's just really dumb. Most of his critics are though.

I am Ahmed, and pussy & money rains on me. Life has never been better. And funny thing is i dont do shit, except posting on /pol. Sometimes i act white and sometimes you kno, i do whatever i want, heh, your time will come tho.. for every european there are 10 ahmeds, dont worry my friend

Is this a shop? Looks like he might have gynecomastia.

So what's this "new right" thing and why is there so much stuff about how the alt-right/alt lite are jews/conmtrolled opposition sounds a bit jewy to me.


You have no what you're up against


A bunch of 12 year old obese cuckolds?

Its not and yes he does, probably due to lacking testo and having too much estrogen. I bet he can squeeze out some milk from those tits too

Some of the shops are quite good. You should embrace them.

Obese? Don't be silly, leftypol are commies. They're skeletons.

You don't want to start this bro

piece of shit

No they are not, they are one of the laziest forced memes i've ever seen.
Then again, I don't expect the left to be capable of humor.
I mean, they always rely on the same stuff
>spam them
>pretend you don't see they are obviously shops
>ask "lol wtf is wrong with the head" over and over again

It's the saddest and most weak attempt at shilling i've ever seen.

Shut up, canuck.

is no one going to point out that he hangs out with Mike Enoch? are we forgetting that whole debacle?

that TRS is even in operation still blows my mind.

He actually lives down the street from me; he moved into the ultra-lefty old town Alexandria, VA. I personally don't care for him, but his presence has pissed off all of his neighbors, which makes me a happy boy.

Because SJWs are useful idiots, not part of (((their))) plans.

all political extremists are useful idiots

You mean the guy who married a kike before he was redpilled?
What about it?

she participated in TRS. she was aware of the entire operation.
