Post your favorite anti-ancap memes.
Minarchist here, just wanted to say i love these memes
>implying ancaps are authoritarian
did you fall for some dumb meem
>that flag
>calling anyone else retarded
An-Com is literally a mental illness.
>implying ancaps aren't all over Pinochet's dick
Pic related
>having opinions
>not freedom or liberty
hey asshole
is this way
>The best case scenario for your future
how do taxes work in a "communist"-anarchist country? why would anyone pay taxes if a government isnt forcing them at gunpoint
>I call myself an ancap, so that makes it true
Even more proof that leftist aren't funny
god you try so hard
No taxes required once profit (theft of the surplus value of labor) is abolished.
these are fucking awful jesus. ancaps are retarded but you are wrose.
>Oh nooooooo!
so you're saying ppl will just steal from each other until everyone has an equal amount of shit? yeaaaa that will work
also, at the end they claim they are in support of authoritarianism
that isn't anarcho-capitalism
how do you enforce abolishment of profit
and I'm struggling to comprehend how growing food and selling it is stealing from myself
>If someone changed their mind they never believed to begin with
Hi protestant Christianity.
Meh, it's just an incomplete ideology. The most obvious flaw is "how would you stop hostile outsiders coming in and taking over." Hans-Hermann Hoppe's ideas, plus Pinochet style physical removal of Communists and other undesirables, would probably be an improvement over the gay neoliberal status quo we have now.
Nope. I'm saying capitalism, i.e. the theft of the fruits of others' labor, will be abolished, along with the state apparatus that protects said theft.
It isn't. If you want to do things entirely independently - grow your own food for yourself - you're free to do it, just as you were in Revolutionary Spain. You're just not free to then expect the benefits of collective labor you refused to participate in.
>Post your favorite anti-ancap memes.
I'll take ancaps over you any day, you kike-sucking commie faggot piece of shit.
"Oh I'm an anarchist. I just happen to support the same things as communists in 100% of instances."
but who will stop me
>neoliberal status quo
is dying. Barely on life support at this point. Neoliberalism has finally caved on its self and the future will soon be up for grabs.
>muh class consciousness guise!
>I'm not just greedy & useless, promise!
but who will stop me
srry forgot to click post #
are you mentally incapacitated
why are you making ancap memes about people who are authoritarians but were ancaps at a different point in their life
>uhh guys imma make a meme
>but uh this guy says this but he was that so ill mix it up and conflate the two groups so that they look like hypocritical retards
I love it when someone proposes an economic/political system that depends entirely on everyone getting along and not being vicious violent dominating assholes.
>If there's no police then who will stop a gang from killing me and taking my shit?
>Random people from the community will get together and risk their lives to protect you for no gain of their own of course. And this will happen everywhere all the time
To be fair the opposite applies as well. Communists add in all disease deaths to their list of capitalist murders because North Korea and China are completely disease free.
You won't really have a chance to even try. All means of production will be collectively owned and operated. They won't need you to deliver paychecks, because currency is gone, too. They just need the means to make what they need.
As far as you trying to take control, which is an act of aggression, that's why I believe in arming the proletariat.
>All means of production will be collectively owned and operated.
this is organized how?
>muh human nature
I'll gladly renounce my anarcho-communism the second you prove, scientifically, empirically, the human beings will be "vicious violent dominating assholes" when hierarchies are abolished.
Various theories. Kropotkin's is my preference. But the simple answer is: however the proles want, of course.
>famine hits
>no wide spread profit mongering to bring in extra food
Sounds like a bad idea, I mean America litteraly runs on truckers and without profit no one is going to do that horrible job. Let along pipe lining. 12 hour days stuck in 400+ degree heat 7 days a week 365 days a year just so people can get oil.
All forms of anarchism are retarded and only come from a misunderstanding of power.
That's a strawman. Ancap/voluntarist arguments aren't based on any absurd assumptions about how people act. Police don't protect you now - virtually all violence and theft that occurs isn't stopped and is only sought to be punished after the fact. Police prevent NOTHING.
Hierarchies can never be abolished, because people are not equal.
Lol cuz capitalism has been so good at preventing famine, right?
Before you even answer, refer to this previously posted meme
>without profit no one is going to do that horrible job
You do not know what profit is, then. I'll bet anything truckers would be quite happy to stop sharing the money that is rightfully theirs with the fat slobs who sit in air-conditioned offices all day "owning" shit instead of working.
As a security guard who regularly sees cops busting niggers before they can get away with theft, your perspective of reality is a rather hilarious fantasy.
Yo dude not cool.
What do you mean I can't sell my children?
The legal system prevents me from taking shit from stores. So yes the government stops theft at the very least alot of the time.
Actually yes, plaes like Venice made shit loads stopping people from starving. And what do you think would happen in a few years if food stopped being shipped into New York City because no one wants to drive for 20 hours straight cause no profit?
>All means of production will be collectively owned and operated
that doesnt just include factories you know. the literal fucking ground is a means of producing food. the us gov cant stop ppl from growing weed in their back yard, so you think "the collective" could stop me from starting a farm.
>As far as you trying to take control
offering someone food (in place of money) in return for them pulling weeds from my garden is 'taking control'? they are welcome to turn down the offer, so how is it aggression?
>arming the proletariat
which i would currently be considered apart of so I would be able to shoot back
If by "people are not equal", you mean "some people can jump super high or lift real heavy shit or do insane math problems in their head and others can't", then I agree. As does every left-winger ever. If you mean "some people should be controlled by force and/or killed and/or exploited for profit", nope.
I'll bite.
>voluntaryism, the basis for ancap, wherein all interactions should be voluntary, is a radical fedora-tier ideology because I want to micromanage the populus with shitty regulations that create and favor the very corporations that I claim are the beneficiaries of said ideology where competition is not stifled by regulations.
How are you going to stop people from being stronger or smarter then others? Those are hierarchies as well. Hell just look at middle school if you what to see what happens when there is no focred hierarchies, people make their own. Are you going to shoot people who do that? Will electing a leader of a project be a punishable offence? That would grind a tn of things to a halt, including all team sports.
>Lol cuz capitalism has been so good at preventing famine, right?
Yes? Just because niggers breed like animals doesn't mean the green revolution never happened and famine hasn't been eliminated from pretty much all human (non-nigger) areas of the earth.
I bet you worked on this for more than an hour. Not even a little funny.
>Heh! Heh! An Caps sure are retarded huh? LOL!
>They think an economic system can solve all of humanity's problems!
>of course my decentralized collectivist economic system is, logically, the solution to everyone's problems
I feel like anarcho communism only exists because communists want to pretend their ideology could set them free.
i wish they had a minarchism flag :/
Are you gonna seriously pretend there hasn't been mass famines in capitalist socities repeatedly? In which case just Google it.
>still doesn't know what profit is
Profit=stolen labor. The bigger question is how much *better* people would work if they got paid what they earned rather than the leftovers their boss allows them.
It takes a real idiot to look at the breadth of power abuse in history and make the claim that people don't try to gain dominance over others at pretty much every opportunity, especially when it's the necessary precursor to your revolution.
No, it's based on crime statistics.
Your anecdotal shit means nothing compared to the logistical fact that cops aren't and can't be everywhere and respond to everything.
>The legal system prevents me
What nonsense is this?
People with muscles and guns prevent you, or they don't.
Why don't you tell us all how words on paper magically mind control you and prevent you from doing aggressive and violent things because you're a nigger.
>some people should be controlled by force and/or killed and/or exploited for profit"
Is-ought gap, nigger. Look it up. I'm saying they will. "Should" doesn't come into it. It is impossible to stop them, since they are superior.
Nice job moving the goalposts from "Cops do NOTHING" to "Well, cops can't do everything..."
most people don't commit small crimes like speeding because of the FEAR of being stopped by police, they know police wont stop them from speeding immediately, but the consequences aren't worth the risks.
How can you steal labor? When I sell my labor to someone, I sell it for a price I agree to, or else I don't sell it at all. That's necessarily true unless someone's threatening me.
Tell us how many times you've been threatened to sell your time and energy.
Ignoring the first point, which is that capitalism brings food into famained areas. YOu cant stop famines, they are forces of nature, but you want to take out the government, which could invest ino stopping it however unlikely that is, and take away the only incentive to do so. Humanitarian aid wont do shit when people dont have left over money to hand out.
No, if its just a small amount of people that wont stop me, its the huge force standing be hind it. If all I had to do was go to another town walk into a store and get out alive to win then thats great. but the link between all that which is the legal system stops that from happening.
You shoulda read all the memes:
This response was pre-memed:
Some try to gain dominance over others, some don't; most, I suspect, do a little of both. What's your point? That it therefore follows we should have a political system which rewards this aspect of human nature (that's capitalism) rather than one which discourages it?
> fat slobs who sit in air-conditioned offices all day "owning" shit instead of working
pls legit try to start your OWN business pretty please, i want to see how you can make money by not working
I wish I was threatened with a paycheck more often, it'd sure be nice to be forced to share in the profit of somebody else's business.
Who the fuck is going to defend the claim that cops are inanimate vegetables? You can flirt with absurd readings of colloquiallisms all you want you brainless fuckwad - it won't detract from the brute fact that police are just people with guns threatening others should they not comply with some arbitrary shit - which is something anyone can do - and that they fail in upwards of 99% of cases to prevent anything and only operate as fucking responders.
>Police prevent NOTHING.
Thats what people are arguing about, that stupid phrase right there. You were arguing that there was nothing cops prevent and all the do is clean up afterwards.
>not anarchism
welp, that's enough internet for the night.
How do I sign up for Anarcho-Primitivism?
What? I can't extract coherency from what you just wrote. Can you articulate yourself better than whatever that was?
"The legal system" is not a thing. The only thing that might do anything about you are people with muscles and guns - and they usually don't and simply respond after the fact.
haha what, do I need to point you at the total of human history? any time hierarchical systems collapse another one comes up immediately. And people often get murdered during those times.
You can not abolish hierarchies. Who would abolish the hierarchy? How can you enforce the ban without a hierarchy? It is literally beyond our capacity unless you have some kind of mind control device.
So you're a complete Social Darwinist and determinist then, in which point there's no debating you whatsoever. For you, whoever wins deserved to win.
Cool, have a good day.
>I agree to
Because the alternative is what?
>unless someone's threatening me
Boss-man doesn't have to threaten you explicitly, he already knows what you know: do the work and let him (or some other employer) rob you, or be destitute. That is and has always been the clever, insidious heart of capitalism: the implicit threat of poverty.
i dont want ppl to be "controlled by force and/or killed and/or exploited for profit" either BUT voluntarily working for someone in exchange for money is not exploitation and i should know, i legit make $7.25/hr. I'm happy making that much because i know I sure as hell could not do better on my own fruits of my labor.
Administration of justice is part of the legal system you inarticulate fuckstick.
The reasoning behind that one is very simple
so, not at all?
What is fucking hyperbole?
Virtually all of cop work is responsive in nature.
Any police agency will tell you that's mostly what happens. The only regular active shit they do is act in the role of road pirates, looting people who drive and have a bad headlight.
>in an ancap society
Next you're going to say we'll have roads.
better then your retarded ass, ancapism would work better then retards running around and shouting and stealing shit, atleast we would have better economic systems instead of dude government lets shoot wacisssts and sshietttt.
This is the absurd thing about your dipshit philosophy - you unironically feel entitled to other people's property and believe that if they don't accommodate your wants that they're magically oppressing you because you don't like alternatives to selling goods or services to other people.
>all cop work is responsive in nature
Well what do you expect? That they read peoples minds and mess people before they commit the crime? That doesnt mean they dont stop things from happening just because they exist. Thats like saying the US army hasnt stopped any invasion since 1821. Their mere presence is a deterrent.
I don't know how Anarcho commies can justify their own ideology to themselves
>Yeah bro there's a ruling body that distributes all resources effectively
>Except there's no rulers and we just kinda like give free stuff to each other.
Or you can make enough money to where you no longer need to answer to the boss man, which is only peacefully possible through capitalism. Turning your neighbors into your boss doesn't remove external compulsion from labor.
accurate af
>major shareholders of major corps are the same as some fool who naively started up a hole-in-the-wall bar
Nope. And regardless, even working owners (who hold such a small amount of wealth in modern capitalism that they're barely worth talking about) are *still* the authority over the value created by their employees. That authority is illegitimate.
Marx agreed that this had been the history of civilization. He articulated it as this:
>"All heretofore existing history is the history of class struggle."
Only abolishing class can end the history of hierarchy. Which is why he, you know... endorsed abolishing class his whole life.
>Read books
>not by lolbertarians
>by Marx himself
how antifas get state funding really