Mixed race people are worse than jews when it coes to pushing racism, white,genocide, open borders etc. Probably because they envy us and lack a sense of identity (which leads them to cultural marxism)
Mixed race people are the worst
>cuck pinwheel flag shit head shit posting about race mixing
lmao. fuck off and huff cyanide, you stupid piece of shit. sage. no bump. kill yourself just as fast as you can, asshole.
Love wins. Fat chic gets blacked.
If you want a real good chuckle check out /r/hapas. the fucking Asian inferiority butthurt is off the charts
How much do you weigh OP? Just wondering.
Honestly the problem is western society. Girls are intolerable these days. They want to scream for equality until it's time to pay for anything or have any sort of responsibility in the relationship. Then it's "Muh chivalry".
Yeah me and my Asian gf might not produce Aryan babies but at least I don't have to worry about her fucking Tyrone while demanding I pay for her meals/abortions/night out
>libtardian telling someone else to kill themselves
Oh man the memes write themselves.
sounds like r/asianmasculinity
something about Americanized Asians and being hella insecure
It's because they grow up in the USA or UK thinking China or Japan or SK are going to be these paradises of culture waiting to be freed from western tyranny and imperialism.
Then they show up in their "homeland" and realize, "Wait a fucking minute, they crave western culture. They like white guys and Starbucks. The fuck?"
185 and im 6"3" pure aryan unlike u, u fucking mongrel
nice strawman btw
Blame society because u cant deal with your own flaws.. nice!
like no fucking joke, its their own insecurity, they want us gone because our existence serves to remind them of their inferiority... look up the kalergi plan, it wasnt made by a jew, it was made by a hapa
Holy shit the autism levels are off the chart there, it makes /r9k/ look good by comparison
I'd fuck a white whale for that sweet white genes.
>niggers 1-2 generations removed from the bush be like: "OOGA BOOGA!!! MUH DIK GOTS 2 GETS A HOLE!! MUUUHHHH DICK NIGGA! Bix NOOD!
>Grotesque Blobs of fatty Cancer with Vaginas which abstactly resemble white and/or mexican women say: "I'll let ANYONE dick me down!! Oh look!!! A retarded bush-nigger!!! 'yoo-hooo!!' hey thar mr 2-[ac!! is it true wat they says about y'all black fellers?!?!"
[racemixing intensifies]
THE ABOVE SCENARIO... is how 99% of all BM-W(H)F scenarios go... unlike the shit kikes shill with their constant "blacked" threads and porn... shit almost never happens that a white chick above 6 goes with a nigger UNLESS he is a multi-millionaire rapper, sports star or actor. Then it's about the $$$.
It's really fucking funny seeing all these kies posting their race-mixing threads under "NAzi" or White NAtionalist flags now... hilarious.
The common argument from people that are pro interracial is "genetic diversity" affecting intelligence, mental health, etc.
What they don't seem to mention is the fact that you can have genetic diversity within European races. Believe it or not but there is great diversity in Europe.
These retards seem to think that when they bring this up it automatically refers to breeding with niggers. Breeding with niggers in my opinion is far worse than having a potentially small gene pool because niggers have some of the worst traits.
Every single person I've met that was half black was borderline retarded and ended up either smoking pot in moms basement at 30 years old or got put in jail.
lol what?
dude i agree.... white women almost exclusively go for white men, my point is that mixed race individuals are a threat to us because they are jealous of us and hate the fact they arent pure
>Huffington Post will never write a fluff piece about your fetish
>Huffington Post will never call pictures you jerk off to "bold"
The point is that mixed race people want us white peole gone more than the kikes do
pic unrelated
Yeah but using that flag almost guarantees you're an unemployed friendless virgin. I can imagine you're akward skinny, not handsome according to most girls and you probably have a creepy lack of humanity in your eyes. You think you're smart because you're more aware of current events but really it's because other people have better things to do with their time because of friends and hobbies.
Well what the fuck do you think is going to happen when you take somebody from European lineage and mix them with a fucking African? You're basically making children that are retards. Quite honestly I dont think these people know any better because they had a mental deficiency from the start.
>pic related
Is it really love or is it fat fetish?
I'm mixed race European and middle eastern. I prefer it because I've got a touch of exoticness that women from both worlds crave. You're delusional if you think this isn't the norm. Rarely do you ever hear girls going for blonde pale skin dudes it's always about tall dark and tanned.
I use that flag on occasion and I am none of those things.
I actually have a decent paying job, house, 2 cars, a wife.
I'm a quebecker and I don't.
That's why I want you all out of my country.
If you're not a pure laine and you don't speak french fk off.
>haha dude I get so many girls
Life isn't all about how many people you can have sex with and if that's what you believe you may be on the wrong board.
I dont personally believe middle eastern and European mixed children are as bad as African mixed children but it still does not make it okay.
That's because you're not a larping faggot. Most naziboos and confedefags on Pol are quite obviously frustrated rejects.
I got lucky a lot in my early 20's because being mixednir exotic looking is a huge advantage for attracting a lot of girls. I'm now married to a girl who is also mixed race.
feel free the take one for the team and fuck that fat piece of shit, OP.
I, for one, will let the coloreds have her
Thank you but pork is Haram.
compare OP's pic to mine and you'll see it's not just a meme: it's primarily fat girls that get blacked, not hot white girls.
>got lucky alot
with goats u stupid shitskin?
pls explain pic to me. It looks like it says there is no difference between the group average and those who prefer their own race, in fact it is a tenth of a percent more likely for fatties to say they are whites-only.
AmI just reading it wrong?
nigs can have our landwhales.
I dont like Asians. Why is everyone on 4channel (not chan, cuz it sounds asian) into Asian shit? Im here for the bants and white empowerment and all I see is weak modern asian cartoons?? wtf? and their thick girl pics are just flabby asian females? wtf? there no Brazilian or what have you fuck is wrong with this place
I'm black/white. My wife is white. We have two kids. I would love to hear how this angers you. Humor me, bitte.
>Probably because they envy us and lack a sense of identity
Pic related is the solution
Leave us alone Asians lol unless your those witty Japanese then its ok to sometimes see you
But he wasnt saying it was good tho
He was jewish hapa, you retard
To be honest theres a market for tall tanned blonde colord eyes, and one for tall tanned (not black) dark features having guys. And very few girls like black guys but they exist but almost nobody likes short guys.
I personaly think freckles and pinkish white skin is dusgusting and exists soley for the purpose of making toasted or caramel or white skin look better
lol it doesnt anger. what im saying is that mixed race people are pathetic and envy us. deep down you know its true :) also i could give a fuck if mudsharks remove themselves from the gene pool, it only strengthens our race when they do
what is laine?
cest quoi laine?
If I was black this sort of conditioning would terrify me.
I am happy to be with a female with 9% black genes from a hundred years ago. Not more, and not more recent
How could I ever envy a fucking leaf!!??
cause im a pure breed
The democracy organism in the pic is like blowing my mind
I always knew them to be bullies but now theres a comprehensive definition there
Hapa here AMA
>Identity is based on race
I bet my 3rd testicle that you sing Alabama nigger in the shower and sieg heil in your sleep
Pure bred or not your still a leaf. Next to France the biggest nation of fucking pussies to walk the planet earth. Must be coincidence that a majority of you speak French. Pure bred lol
Gotta love that Jewish culture! Kikes are enemy #1
Let me guess, behind that flag is an anglo American roach, the least white among the white people, and curiously, the most obsessed with whiteness, and the fullest of issues (complexes) about whiteness.
In mixed countries, most people don't give a shit about you persecution delusions. Most people don't even know about "muh white genocide" bogeyman, feel animosity towards white people, or are not planing on "engaging" in or "taking part" on something like that. At least not, until an anglo American 9% (or whatever %) nigger 5.2% (or whatever %) Native American and who knows what else roach shows up dragging his low self-esteem issues and his insecurities (complexes) about whiteness with him.
No but he was married to kikes.
majority speak french.... lol what....?
im english-canadian and dna test show i have 0 percent non euro admix.. 40 british,40 scandi, 10 irish/scotland, 10 italy/greece according to ancestry dna
Or just anglo.
>talking shit about anglos...
lol bruh
jojo is pretty cool, full of masculinity, justice and tradition, set in europe and america. it ends with a granddaugther marrying a japanese guy and the grandpa is so angry he beats up a jap on the airport.
at least the 2012 one
I'm 54 percent Northern European (Ireland and England). But socialized as black. The lack of identity argument is flawed because the majority of mixed race people at this time and in our nation identify with the darker race like 90+ percent of the time.
I'm mixed race (White dad, Indian mom) and I fucking hate open borders and all this anti-white shit going on nowadays. I grew up in white America; it was good to me and I'm angry to see the culture and people under attack!
theres ten of thousands of 10/10 going black
just because the jew has pushed so hard for you, puppet.
>beautiful digits
>that feel when a culture/people are kind to you and other people want to openly attack them
Jews are a mixed race.