48 years ago, your country became irrelevant
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Sending the first man to space seems a bigger achievement
Moonlanding was a hoax, show me proof it happened :D
Use a telescope.
You can bounce a laser off the reflectors they left there.
I met Neil Armstrong at JPL before he died and promised me he walked there.
Creating the first working airplane seems like an even bigger achievement.
WOoooOO YEAH MURICA.You had a nazi german build your entire space program so you could send people to the moon to .... what exactly ? Plant a flag , which i might add is now white.The moon is now french burgerboy Your economy is down the drain , marxists , jews, faggots are rampant ,BUT he you got to the moon
It was a step along the way.
Apollo 8 was a really big deal.
First craft to leave earth orbit.
Because we faked space? Okay.
Lol fuck off everyone knows its fake, a telescope wont prove shit.
>inb4 the flag is too small to see with a telescope
>inb4 only Nasa hubble mubble telescope can see it.
etc etc. Fuck off murrica. Your country and its history is full of shit even you dont know whats true and not. I feel bad for murricans. The only real thing they have is obesity.
Yeah he did? Why didnt he swear while putting his hand on the bible? The reflectors you say, while the moon is already reflective. Lol its fucking sad, you love a nation thats full of lies and bullshit. Americans are the most retarded humans.
>Loving a nation.
>Dont know why.
Lol fuck off scum
Atleast a true patriot
Nigger no one's been to space they faked that shit. No one would survive the Van Allen radiation belt, the film CERTAINLY wouldn't have made it. NASA is a scam, they've been caught lying about global warming, you don't think they'd lie about this?
Wtf, is this your white pride? pff.. Guess thats why your full of cucks. Even the whites are acting like niggers over there but yet you guys rant about how great ur false nation is.. Jesus
Birthed frail in tears and dying frailer in fear and all bound to this miserable rock. That's your limit...the rest is all lies masquerading as patriotic folklore. Fuck off lunartards.
That was why the US was first on the moon The Soviets appeared to be "winning", so they had to do something...
Thanks.. Furthermore, no one has been to space at all, because you simply can't get there. Moonlanding was a Disney creation, and most of you americans ate it like your women eating black semen..
The Soviets and US were in it together, it was and still is a part of a much bigger plan. You guys have no idea
Be jealous more. Go ahead. That's it. Tthhaaattssss iiitttt
>hurr the moon totally exists guise
>it's not a hologram honest (((Neil Nosenberg Armstrong))) told me so
fucking pathetic, this place has turned into absolute bluepill reddit cancer
Man bows trembling to his new god...the government.
Interesting. Please explain your theory.
I just told you illiterati.
Your b8 almost got me Mohammed
nice bait
he's just jealous
Eventually, if they get it through
You destroyed the apogee of self-actualising society at the behest of your Jew puppet masters.
Your rambings are retarded, who's house did you break into ahmed so you can shitpost on Sup Forums?
52 years ago, your country became non-white
today, your country is a joke. or it would be funny
if you weren't busy murdering everyone and starting wars all around the world
Joke's on you, fatso. My country was never relevant.
>it would be funny if you weren't busy murdering everyone and starting wars all around the world
>Nazi flag
The moon landing is pretty cool
yeah ok go and salute your MCMOON(tm) just don't walk in front of the projector or people will think satan is coming for us out of space. fucking shills
dont argue with europeans they're insane
amerikike detected
Im fully aware ameribro however its fun to read the things they come up with
Briefly, politics, the left, the right, media, etc etc is all just a show. Steady and slowly they are setting up the global government. But we are so stupid we dont see it, instead we are busy with what Trump ate for breakfast, how putin is based, how merkel is a whore, and all the refugees etc, its like they are making all the people of the world gather in one place eh?
And we see where its going, chaos will break loose, civil war etc everyone is gonna be killing eachother, and just like ww2, (zionist)murrica will come when the war is over, when the people are exhausted and fucked up etc, then the murricas will strike and build the global government, cuz no one will be able to stop them, nor have have the strength to fight back. Easy win for pussy murrica u kno
Weimerika....the oily fluorescent spoiling over pallid grey of a rotting corpse.
How many shekels do ((they)) pay you per post mohammed?
Reminder that a moon this big with a earth this small isn't possible. Mooncucks btfo
I've got your nose!
They threw out an old couple to the streers so that i could get an apartment to live in. These Swedes are so nice! No but seriously, i like Putin, but he is also controlled. They cant have all their puppets go full sjw, they need some mixture. Putin is exactly that. But this goes way back to before Putin. Ww2 never ended bruh
No one cares about a bunch of dead commies and muslims.
....reeking of gefilte, body odour and sister lust.
>nazi larping faggot calls me a kike
>Hides behind flag
I bet you have never had a job, weigh 400lbs, and (quite literally) cant move yourself from your chair due to the pure lard that has replaced you musclea (i truly feel bad for your chair)
Absolutely disgusting
Reminder that the moon and mars are american soil.
the exact same as (((NASA)))s budget since its publicity shell went up in the 60s i.e. nothing. I was too kind to call you a shill, you probably actually believe space exists. Americans are cattle.
What are you even on about
The saddest thought of all is when you realize Western society was more capable, intelligent and advanced than it is today. You just don't notice the decline in progress when you have a screen in your face 24/7 with some flashy graphics.
Fake and gay. You never landed on the moon.
Here is an independent Swede that tracked Apollo 17.
Reminder that America is THE engine that drives White Genocide in Europe
Ah i see they dont pay you much since you gotta keep pumping out replies thx mohammed
Yes, the fact that it never happened but that the americans ,until this day, after 50years, still defends it, thats cool! And fuckin stuped
Literally anything you can see is reflective, you stupid nigger.
It’s funny that we forgot the technology used to go to the moon immediately after the last voyage. We just simply forgot! We lost all the information and know how. All the people mysteriously forgot everything. Really makes you think.
Americans force the Judaization and Negroification of Europe
You do realise EVERYTHING is reflective thats how your able to see things at all
>you musclea
Ha ahahahahaha! Stupid fucking kike.
americans are "bottom feeders", genetically speaking
if its a hologram, how can i see it with a fucking telescope in my back yard. you mean to tell me they can make the moon with a hologram.. but 3d moves are complete bullshit.. get serious.
reminder that the flat earth shit is a cia pysop.
we didn't
too expensive
>putting a flag on a dead rock
Wow big shit. If only you had spent that money on a border wall instead of wasting it on vanity projects.
a typical american family
Woag i made one spelling mistake even tho a is right next to s, i guess that does truly mean im a kike, yup i admit, you got me there user who's flag i dont care enough about to remember the name of i actually am a kike
So we still know how we did it? I thought the ”technology was lost”.
They're easily tricked into believing in the "moon" because they're so used to seeing gigantic bodies of useless inert mass
Literally -THE- country who can't talk to anyone about anything. Fuck off and enjoy being rammed by a sandnigger.
Even the dog is obese
T. Muslim hiding his country's flag and insulting a better nation than his own, which never went to the moon.
Yes... who the fuck told you the tech is lost
american "women"
It's impossible to fake, Muhammed. Literally every technologically advanced country on the planet, Soviets included, tracked the process on radar. There are tons of third party accounts. Japan even mapped out the moon's terrain and found that the terrain in the photos taken by the USA during the landing exactly matched the terrain they mapped out, even showing the terrain displaced by the landing. It happened and you have nothing to refute it.
Stop hiding behind your LARP flag and maybe, just maybe, someone MIGHT take you slighty serious
Have you seen the quality of graduates? The inteligence during that time frame, far exceeds that in which we have today. nazi scientists developed some crazy shit, area 51 developed some crazy shit.
every 6 months technology doubles.. i feel this is no longer occurring. kids can't even do basic math. fuck the intel i9 is a joke.
american 'television'
Dude, you ARE the controlled opposition. Do you really think that they would fuck up every nation with degeneracy and NOT think of the ones who hates degeneracy? Did you think they was going to let the right grow without their control and supervision? Sure you can meme this and that but thats exactly what they want. Do you really think that the tensions between left and right are getting worse just because? Yall have been larping too much, you have forgotten to see whats in front of you.. The sjws are blinden by human rights, whilst you are blinded by muh pure aryan genetics ditdat.. They got you guys exactly where they want.. You really think they would be that stupid.. Dude these zionists have been starting wars since 1600s. They have hidden knowledge, especially on how to control the masses.. Just look at the "age of enlightment". There was no fucking enlightment, only pure brainwash.. Be smart, use that brain of yours..
Fake flag = no opinion
What happened with Sweden? month ago Swedish posters were top tier fags and now they are based as Fuck.
Is this USA hate thread?
when is this flag shit going away.. this gook is letting faggots troll.. intentionally. this place has really gone to shit.
Perhaps I am an American, who is angry at what his country is becoming
Swedish muslim education
T. My country never went to the moon, in shame, I'll hide my flag
Only that one chick is attractive.
Apparently you know more about me than i do because i give one fuck less about aryan dna and shit like that, im just here to read the arguing going on and maybe post a couple replies, try again Ahmed
>tfw no emu's for hundreds of thousands of miles
Take your LARP flag off boyo and prove who you are, my bets say leaf or poo in the loo
We removed the capability to make highly specialized rocket machinery and our shitty government is too broke to rebuild