When did academia become another word for propaganda?
When did academia become another word for propaganda?
Since always
Since (((Them)))
This is a professor from Evergreen state college btw
Affirmative action at work
She's right, though. It's time to ship those niggers back.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I don't get it, I'm not white but what mess is she talking about?
Does she actually think every white person is united?
Post the uncensored version. Can't spread this, people will just assume it's fake.
I entirely support Sup Forums gassing this bitch.
This is what life-failures tell themselves at night.
It was always kinda the case a bit hidden a bit weird and all... but i dont think it was ever this blatant in non dictatorships. This is new
i dont know why there is the sudden urge of doing it as quickly as possible to the point its soo blatant even fox news picks up on it...
unbelievable. affirmative action is absolute cancer
Post unedited or a source
We can't spread this
Im not a jew so i don't need indocrination. So fuck off with your shaming bullshit you kike
isn't this the nigger-turnip responsible for brainwashing and radicalizing the Evergreen students and fucking up the basic function of the campus?
The professor who was the target of all this venom was on the Joe Rogan podcast, and he talked about Evergreen. It's a really unique school in the sense that teachers have their students full time, and are able to structure their own curriculum and basically teach the same group of kids for 10-15 hours a week for an entire year. They have basically total authority over what the teach and how they do it. For some, it's great, but you need to be a special kind of educator/person to handle all that power.
If you're not that special kind of educator, it's basically indoctrination camp for leftist jackasses. Case in point, the teacher in the OP.
That is a braindead idea
She definitely would not like it if white people started to fix this mess like she's asking
That was a Jew that jewed his students too hard and got blown on by his own corruption for being white. It turns out that sometimes you can't just switch between white and Jew when it's convenient for you.
I don’t envy women like that. I bet she isn’t even amiable enough to have actual black friends and any guy she tries to mate with quickly gets overwhelmed by her checking his “male privilege” and runs away. Oh and she also must be one of those who think all men are pervs because her recent encounters are dominated by Tinder methheads with bbw fetish.
"Cultural Marxism" doesn't exist you dipshits.
I go to UW Seattle. Only really had a problem with the Asian American ethnic studies class I took because mandatory diversity credits. Professor dodged around questions I asked regarding Chinese and rampant cheating, and Chinese students lacking critical thinking, etc.
>Ancestors enslave and sell each other to Whites
>Eventually leads to a system where Blacks are disadvantaged
>"This is solely the fault of Whites"
I'd hesitate to call anyone from a shit institution like Evergreen a member of academia.
Sounds more like a social anthropology question.
Well the class was interdisciplinary. Her answers were
>cheating is everywhere!
>Chinese invented so many things!
why is it ok for her to talk like that
>invented so many things
Like what?
They invented some cool shit a long time ago. Every time I'm in a class and the teacher asks a Chinese international robot to think critically, they just freeze.
What exactly is there to learn in a class like that? Just general mongol fighting, a period of utter technological stagnation and a century of getting steamrolled by their neighbors is what.
How about no, Nigger. You will pay us reparations for welfare, crime, and pretty much everything you've taken from us. All niggers owe white people money, but since they don't have any or can't make any, we should just make them slaves again. We need to bring back slavery.
Give me a good reason why commies shouldn't be shot to death in the streets? You're burning down private property and acting like animals.
>cool shit a long time ago
Right. so the shit was so cool, that a) you cannot even remember it now and b) no one gives them credit for it because it was later rediscovered by other peoples.
Nah, issues that Asian Americans face today. Most interesting part of the class was stereotypes. Stereotypes like being a perpetual foreigner, being weak betas, being a model minority, and so on.
Sounds like they are encouraging white genocide as whites are world minority...
No need to be so hostile. I don't want to list everything, but the big ones are paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing.
>state college
Honestly the fact that these educators are so retarded is a good thing. They will ensure that the morons being pumped through the system won't every actually be smart enough to achieve anything other than street violence.
The Chinese will kill us all my dude
>and acting like animals.
That would be Trump supporters.
Sorry pal. It’s just that I’m in China myself right now and e.g. I’m totally unimpressed by food. But everyone else (Chinese people) keep shilling how they love Chinese food all the time. Looks like a lot of this stuff is make-believe…
Whoa whoa, so you're saying Chinese people LIKE Chinese food? Get the president on the line.. I'm not a fan of Chinese food either, everyone knows Korean is the best.
Uh yeah ok faggot. Niggers spics and dumb cuck bernoe supporters have been the ones acting like animals. Rioting, looting, burning private property. Youre a complete braindead idiot. But youre a commie so why am i surprised
But they actively despise all other types of food. Which just doesn’t make sense to me.
Why are the names always blacked out?
Is this considered doxing on Sup Forums?
Eh? McDonald's and KFC aren't huge there?
You guys do realize that most educated blacks would laugh her straight to the poor house right?
She is an educator so she is supposed to be educated. That is the problem.
fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo fuck white ppo
shit like this makes me wanna start lynching
i only wish i couldve been there to drive a bike through yelling NIGGGGERR
Since (((commies))) infiltrated them.
>fixing this mess that whiteness has made
Serious question. Literally what have black people ever contributed to the world?
the nba
The fuck? This isn't grade 1 where a teacher can sufficiently teach all subjects.
When the kikes took it over.
If it's going to be black education for black students, shouldn't it be called Everclear induced state college?
>a system where Blacks are disadvantaged
Compared to what? Do you think they would be better off if their ancestors had been left in Africa rather than brought to America?
That is not really for you to decide.
They only drink malt liquor and Hennessey
no, it's true. at least since the Enlightenment when Voltaire went around bashing the church and writing his perverted little poems.
Because Nazis are bunch of punk bitches and get curbed stomped by commies on the regular
Fuck... Disgusting
Olympia reporting in.
Despite being vastly outnumbered, Nazis killed way more communists. It's just that the Soviet Union didn't care much about its population, and so could afford to throw enough men into the fire until the situation was won. Considering communists aren't human, it doesn't surprise me the Soviets were soulless enough to just watch millions of their men die until they got the result they wanted.
is olympia as bad as the evergreen college campus?
Still lost because they knew that their ideology was a hunk of shit. Thus glorious communism succeeded where others quit
No, it is an actual university professor
Here she is swearing at her colleagues (she's still employed I believe)
Here's her bio
Evergreen is a state school and gets public funding
jesus, them clicking instead of clapping is so cringe.
Please russia, destroy our nation
Yes, I'm sure vulgarity and threats will help build those bridges.
What is it with radical leftists and their fucking hair. I've yet to meet a single fucking one with a normal person's hairstyle.
Is it for the attention?
Funny considering that pol pot as a young student joined some other students to learn about marxism and how that ended everyone knows.
>T Future stabbing victim
Not really, USSR didn't industrialize until the 1930s while Germany had a huge head start (decades) in industrializing and a few years' head start in militarizing.
Also, don't forget Germany sneak attacked Russia (they had a neutrality treaty) with a much better equipped and trained army, and that the USSR purged almost all their generals in 1939 for internal political and stability reasons
Obviously, a surprise attack against a leaderless army would result in heavy casualties on the receiving end.
they need to show the world how unique they are.
Judging from the size of these ladies, I have a feeling they're going to be safe from any forced breeding programs the government might institute.
She looks like a 2 dollar crack whore
that thing could not look any more like an actual clown if it tried
This school needs to be cut the fuck off. Is this located in a ghetto or something? Wtf its baffling
>hard work
Pick one.
I wouldn't even fuck her for free.
I'm so thirsty I'd still fuck her tits.
>It's time to fix your mess.
What mess is she talking about?? Should we not have let the niggers go free? I guess it's time to start wiping them out...
goddamn i hate blacks. if the mexicans would eliminate the blacks it would be a big help.