Why haven't you relocated here yet, Sup Forums?
The American Redoubt
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Because northern Nevada is better.
Nevada is owned 80% by the feds.
>tfw CO
>tfw my state used to be 90% white just two decades ago
We got buried in transplants and I'm still too reluctant to leave.
The day gets closer and closer though.
>increasingly becoming more mexican
>government owns most of the land
>no legal weed
rightful canadian land
I think Wyoming is the best state. If they kick the leftists out of Jackson Hole then it will be redder than Oklahoma.
I'm in the same boat. On one hand the state is beautiful and I lived here my whole life, but on the other hand, it's been getting flooded with spics and commies from Cali to the point where it's not even Colorado anymore. I loathe going down to Denver nowadays which sucks because it was really nice ten years ago
I really want to trade dixie for wyoming, too many niggers down here and it isnt getting any better...
>tfw transplant to CO
I'm going to be voting red, for keeping TABOR, and muh guns, but my wife is Asian.
i used to live in idaho
and yeah....it's based.
I don't smoke enough meth. I simply wouldn't fit in.
Stay the fuck out.
We're full
> OP asks us to move close to Yellowstone.
Nice try, jew.
Is your wife also into guns?
literally nothing to do in those areas. it's quite depressing.
Montana is fucking awesome. I want to move there so badly.
I just fear it will become the next meme state like Colorado and Oregon.
I'm coming there with all my guns.
>increasingly more mexican
but if enough of us settle there we can overpower them
>government owns most of the land
if enough of us are there and refuse to comply with them any longer, they can choose to nuke us or let us secede. watch the Jeff Deist speech I linked in >mormons
mormons are anti-degeneracy, stocked up with 1 year of supplies if things go south, and are birthing many white children. what's the problem with them?
>no legal weed
if drugs are so important to you then you're probably not the kind of person we want here anyway.
Too cold for me
But I like to visit
From what I hear from the few guys I know up there, it already is.
nice bait
Fuck off we're full
How's that? I figured Missoula might be relatively cucked with college students, DUDENATURELMAO types, and other leftists.
>I need to constantly be entertained by urban amenities
You need to expunge that materialistic, consumerist attitude from your soul
Which is why we need more Sup Forums minded people up there to overpower them
Jeff Deist is the man
Baldwin's pretty based too, voted from him in '08
ex career and kids, else I would without batting an eye. Why'd I have to stick my duck in crazy?
Convince them to move with you and get a new job.
If your state was nuked by our own government, it probably isn't a good state.
Idaho and Montana are cool. There's nothing in Eastern Oregon or Wyoming
If enough of us are up there they can't pull another ruby ridge:
Any thoughts on Spokane?
stay out of montana
No asians allowed, you are not welcome here
>Why haven't you relocated here yet, Sup Forums?
I live in western Washington. I'm staying here to help clean up when the shit hits the fan.
Super Volcano
>mfw whites get exiled to the least hospitable parts of the country
Its boring up here.
The internet is slow as fuck and the nearest walmart is 2 hours away.
The only thing to do is drink.
can't say I've been
m8 if that thing goes off the whole country is toast anyway
plenty of time for reading, sports, viola practice, bible study, target practice, wilderness outings, etc.
Play runescape
Stay the fuck out you unamerican fucks, you're worse than the spics. At least they want to become American.
Missoula is really the only bad part, but the majority even in town is still just decent folks trying to get by. Even places just outside the city are out of a fucking picture book. Best state hands down.
no they dont they dont even learn english, companies just cater to them by putting spanish on all the food labels
>all the white nationalist go away when Yellowstone erupts
The Midwestern Reich seems like a better idea, as the Northwest is slowly becoming more spic'd.
at the very least you'd have to cut out detroit, chicago and any other big cities
>Thinking the only spot in the country full of untouched mountains, lakes, rivers, and forest south of Alaska is inhospitable
>Not the desert that is the entire southern United States
I've been looking into moving out west. What towns would you recommend?
Because it's the killzone for the Yellowstone supervolcano.
I'm a White in Arizona looking for a change of scenery up and around Montana/Idaho/Wyoming. How's the job situation up there? I hear there are a lot of young people moving away from those states, making it an employee's market there.
I'm assuming, at least, that it's better than here, where I have to fight against Mexicans willing to be paid under the table just to keep my job.
I figure that it's better to be immediately BTFO by Yellowstone than have to survive roving death gangs of niggers and spics, intense food shortages, and lung cancer caused by the ash. Just like it'd be better to be immediately BTFO by an atom bomb than suffer the radiation poisoning and 3rd degree burns outside of its immediate radius of destruction.
Missoula, Moscow ID, and a few towns throughout Placer County, CA might be worth digging into. Reno and Elko, NV are super cheap but so fucking ugly that it really isn't worth laying roots down. I haven't lived too many other places worth mentioning other than that, though.
I'm a spic and I can confirm, I however have rejected my culture. Still, I gotta wake up each day and remember I'm Mexican.
Am I still gonna get introduced to the rope?
I'm coming bby just gotta tie up some loose ends
Someone give me uncut raw redpill on Boise please
Why is Idaho so small, Sup Forums?
Don't need much land when the potato mines go down, deep into the earth beneath Idaho.
>t. Idahoanon
Most populous city in the state, so it's probably a safe bet that it's liberal.
Typically you're not supposed to live near your mines.
Who said I did? I drive 45 min one way (60-70mph) to get to the mine.
yellowstone caldera =\
and Cleveland, St. Louis... no thanks.
That is the dream location but unfortunately is undesirable because of Yellowstone. Best state would be West Virginia as it's out of the major blast zones, and voted red moreso than any other state in the election.
Can I buy an acre of land in Wyoming and build a hobo shack and a shitter without the gubmant getting upset?
Spic here with a white woman who has my baby
We are moving to Idaho in August
Fuck California