Yaaaaaaas queen slay!
*sips tea*
*Sips nignog blood*
I hope I don't get AIDS.
Not much of an accomplishment when the standards are lowered for niggers and they get free college for having a monkey hide.
Consider my action affirmed!
>be most educated nog
>still can't figure out how to feed a child
And the least educated First Lady in American history has the largest net worth of any first lady in History.
No one dislikes Michele. In fact, we'd all be happier if all black people were like her.
The first and very likely the last one.
>Multiple academic degrees
>Go down in history only for being the wife of a president while being black.
she's also the only first lady you can easily go online and get nudes of yet (((conservative))) seem not to give a fuck about degeneracy now
and for stunting the growth of grade schoolers with inedible nutri-slop
I don't think blacks realize that affirmative action on college acceptance means that they only get in and only pass because they are black. They are often a fraction of white performance.
Ex, I had to quit a doctoral program because no money and undergrad student loans started kicking in for payment. Meanwhile balcks that just get into grad school hundreds of points below me on GRE, are sitting around getting 25k a year for being a nigger that isn't retarded.
End black fellowships for 1000 GREs
Michelle Obama destroyed school lunch programs
Define "slay" you fucking nigger
>leftists hate the female form
Not very progressive there goy
>most educated first lady
>can't figure out lunch
I mean it's really easy when you're a nigger and everything is given to you.
Imagine how much better it would of been if the person with the proper intelligence was given that opportunity instead of some nappy headed nigga bitch.
And still the most accomplished thing she did was marry a man and be a housewife
and the left isn't celebrating it as "muh empowerment", funny how that works.
>She majored in sociology and minored in African American studies
To be fair she was able to actually apply those subsidized degrees to bring out pic related in society
i thought it was Maxine Waters, heh
>most educated FL
>spent millions of dollars on her posse whenever she traveled
Good thing that intelligence was used effectively to mitigate costs
And she couldn't even manage a school lunch program.
Sage in all fields.
But Hillary is just as educated, and went to a better law school than Michelle.
What differncd does it make? 1st lady is just a trophy wife position. Ur just suppose to get dresses and stuff
ummmmmm hillary clinton has a better law degree and actually did something with her education. I hate both these bitches but facts are facts
lol Princeton
the college that literally only looks for blacks and mixed mutts to admit for the sake of being diverse, rather than looking for kids who are actually qualified or deserving
Hillary was the most educated and succesful first lady. Try again nigger.
>hurr durr it's okay if we're hypocritical because someone else was hypocritical too
Conservashits really have zero standards.
And yet she still failed the bar exam where most people can pass. What does that tell you?
>Have an Ivy League degree
>Can't figure out how to make a balanced lunch
>someone points out conservatives being hypocrites
>they point out how they're also a hypocrite
wow way to deflect guys, you're just a bunch of idiots.
Sounds like a better president than Barack, but why did they support him and not her? Were they all sexist?
Lol, look up her thesis paper. It's a bunch of fuck whitey and gimme mo money.
Because of muh-diversity, you can never be sure that a non-white's 'accomplishments' are legitimate. The leftists really shot themselves in the foot handing out passes based on identity rather than merit.
Third post best post.
Isn't she a tranny?
I would get two as well if they gave them out for fucking free, meanwhile whitey has to pay for it.
What, an uppity tranny? Hell no.
So how much do we know about her college life? We don't know shit about Obama's after all since he was an Affirmative Action push.
Look up her results on the bar exam.
She FAILED. Meanwhile white kids who went to random unknown state law schools passed by the thousands.
How so?
Please point me in the right direction.
This is Michelle Obama's legacy.
wtf i love mtv now!
>15 and pregnant episode in my hometown
Dont forget her being white
>*sips tea*
>Most educated first lady is a black woman
>Is a black woman
I read this stupid nigger's thesis for Princeton. She graduated through affirmative action if anyone ever did. She doesn't have REAL degrees. She just has "degrees."