I'm coming for your taxes, Donald.
I'm coming for your taxes, Donald
Other urls found in this thread:
didn't the IRS scrounge through all his shit already?
Better not Trump apparently knows voodoo and will give you severe health problems and maybe even death.
He's a lot like the Clintons except he effects people's bodies instead of making them suicidal and accident prone.
>didn't the IRS scrounge through all his shit already?
Yes but the left is running out of new reasons to hate Trump so they are back to his taxes.
i just find the arrogance astounding. they don't give a fuck about looking not partisan. the counsel is stacked with DNC donors.
Sessions really fucked up recusing himself.
they are going to find some little mistake and blow it up for 2020. just like what happened with Romney.
>they are going to find some little mistake
Like laundering russian mob money with fake condo deals?
Are you ok with this being the state of politics in this country? Should the investigation end if they find there was no collusion between Trump and "the Russians" during the 2016 election? Or should the investigation aim to pull any dirt from any time and use it as a political hit? Is this really the sign of a healthy republic?
Striving for a healthy republic is the furthest thing from the liberal agenda
Yes, but this is a witch hunt, so actual crimes don't matter.
I guarantee you, if you pick any particular person at random, they have at some point in time, broke the law.
Trump is guaranteed to have broken the law, some way, somehow. Mueller is trying to find it, and once he's got that unpaid parking ticket from 2003 or that citation for jaywalking in 2006; that's it. Trump's finished.
The democrats will begin a motion to impeach Trump, and the cuckservatives/deep state republicans will jump on board.
They're not looking for genuine lawbreaking. They're looking for excuses to remove Trump from power and get the deep state back in control of the executive branch. DESU it's surprising to me that so many of you retards still don't get it. You still think Mueller is looking for Russian collusion and nothing else.
No honey, mueller is looking for literally anything, ANYTHING, he can get to nail Trump to the wall.
However small it might be, the democrats will just get the media to make a mountain out of that molehill anyways - just look at the setup meeting between Trump jr and that russian lawyer. Total nothingburger but the media harped on it for the better part of two weeks. The media STILL has 20% of the US population literally eating out of their hands and completely wrapped around their fingers, ready to start bloodshed like good little communists at a moment's notice.
They got Bill on a technical perjury after trying to get him for a blowjob after they couldn't get him for the whitewater shit. The same bullshit will happen with Trump.
He looks....familiar
Look, it's pretty clear that there is no longer any rule of law in the US.
If Trump goes down and you guys don't start seccessionist movements immediately; put a fork in'er the US is done and finished.
Because after Trump is gone, these people will realize they've now got defacto dictatorship in all-but-name. There won't be anyone opposing them politically. There won't be any military coups. Their only danger will be from The People and that is IT.
The constitution will be ripped up. Supreme court justices will spontaneously suicide themselves. The internet will be shut down and replaced. Every congressman that opposed them will die. The world will be lucky if it doesn't see a nuclear war within the following 10 years.
I think the most important thing to remember about it all though, is that Jeff Sessions had the power to prevent it. Had the power to finally choke out and destroy the deep state, and didn't.
Jeff motherfucking Sessions, the destroyer of western civilization all because he decided to recuse himself from overseeing an obvious witch hunt investigation.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions Mr. Sessions. Enjoy the trip.
the irs just checks to make sure the income is properly reported so they can tax it. they don't care where it comes from. same thing with drug dealers.
>this gibberish
Based deep state Mueller is a vietnam vet whilee Drumpf recieved 5 deferments and was too pussy to fight
I don't know about all that, but it'll definitely empower all of the crooks and liars in DC. They're doing everything they can to get it back to the way it was when they could choose and groom the people they want in power.
Exactly, and unlike with Bill, the Republicans will not protect Trump. They will go through with spurious impeachment hearings in a second and install Pence as they have wanted all along. After that, goodbye America.
And it is a joke to think that the emasculated American male who knows nothing of history or politics will take up arms. They don't need to worry about grabbing guns. Americans are deballed. They will never use them in a million years.
What's that got to do with anything? This is why people laugh at you.
Trump is nowhere near as rich as hr claims thus the panic when Meuller started getting in.his financials.
Deutsche bank is turning over records which prob show Donny is heavily leveraged and in severe debt
He really isn't. Enjoy the theater. It's all scripted.
What a servile creature, doing the bidding if his masters. Trump is in a war and he better realize it
CNN used Trump Russia Collusion
It's not very effective.
Stalin's advisor Beria had a saying for this: show me the man and I'll find you the crime
You really think so? I know Trump has come out on top countless times now when it seemed assured he would be destroyed, but really? If he is able to turn this in his favor then it is more than genius. It would mean the man is under divine protection.
not taxes but money laundering
>Sessions, the destroyer of western civilization all because he decided to recuse himself from overseeing an obvious witch hunt investigation
Sad. It's time for Sessions to resign. He handed complete control of the Justice Department back to the democrats. Back to fucking Obama and the Clintons. If Sessions doesn't have the balls to take back control and purge Mueller, then Sessions needs to quit and make room for someone that will.
Yeah, but he probably has to look a second time just so it looks like a full investigation. Hes been at it for months now and found absolutley fuck all, hes gotta at least tell Congress Dems that he looked everywhere when he goes to them empty-handed.
fucking repulsive.
This investigation will fall flat.
I promise.
Over the last 20 years, Trump has received more than $4 billion in loan commitments and potential bond offerings from the German lender, despite suing the company in 2008 when he fell behind on payments on the $640 million loan he was given to build Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago. Incredibly, in order to avoid paying the $40 million he had personally guaranteed, Trump and his lawyer argued that “Deutsche Bank is one of the banks primarily responsible for the economic dysfunction we are currently facing”—i.e. the global financial crisis—and therefore it should pay him $3 billion in damages under the extraordinary event clause in his contract. Naturally, the bank countersued, calling the real-estate developer’s claim “classic Trump.” In the end, after threatening to take his name off the building if he wasn’t granted more time to pay, the bank gave Trump extra time; when he did pay the money he owed to the firm’s real-estate lending division, it was with another loan he got from Deutsche’s wealth-management unit. Trump subsequently moved his business from the real estate group to the private wealth management group, where, according to the Times, “executives were more willing to deal with him.” One of those executives was Rosemary Vrablic, who has helped finance three Trump properties over the last six years, lending $300 million in the process
Sessions is in over his head. He is too old and too ossified in the old ways to have a chance at executing this war successfully. The problem is, it will be very hard to replace him at this point and get rid of Mueller successfully.
So what? Not illegal.
Apart from the Trumps and Kushners, Deutsche Bank also has deep ties to Russia. In addition to settling allegations earlier this year that it allowed $10 billion to be laundered out of Eastern Europe, Deutsche Bank had a “cooperation agreement” with Vnesheconombank, a Russian state-owned development bank that is the target of U.S. economic sanctions. Vnesheconombank, for those who need a refresher, was the bank whose chief executive, Sergey Gorkov, Jared Kushner forgot to mention meeting in December. Oh, and there’s also this:
. . . in May, federal prosecutors settled a case with a Cyprus investment vehicle owned by a Russian businessman with close family connections to the Kremlin. The firm, Prevezon Holdings, was represented by Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who was among the people who met during the presidential campaign with Donald Trump Jr. about Hillary Clinton. Federal prosecutors in the United States claimed Prevezon, which admitted no wrongdoing, laundered the proceeds of an alleged Russian tax fraud through real estate. Prevezon and its partner relied in part on $90 million in financing from a big European financial institution, court records show. It was Deutsche Bank.
Are you seriously trying to paint a picture that
he somehow is the equivalent of Hillary's
financial cries?
It's almost scary how hard you are trying.
Nothing is going to come of this investigation
Believing that, is naive at best.
I'm not counting him out yet, but how?
-It seems obvious that Mueller is in bed with the Clintons.
-He appears to be expanding the investigation to find anything possible that might damage Trump. No man is that clean.
Again I'm not counting him out yet, but do you have any theory on what angle Trump could possibly be playing here?
Rosenstein gave him the right to prosecute any perjury and obstruction as well. That's what I would focus on if I were Mueller and I wanted to get rid of Trump. All he needs is to get Trump to lie about something and he'll hit him with perjury and get him impeached.
Trump needs to stop relying on shit to 'fall flat' and start getting on the fucking offensive.
He's been a punching bag for the democrats, republicans, and media since even before his inauguration. Half the people attacking him right now should already be in jail cells if not hanging from fucking nooses.
The more time Trump spends on the back foot, the more time his enemies have to figure out how to take him down. They have the initiative, they set the tempo of this battle. Trump and the whitehouse keep reacting to them and that needed to reverse 6 fucking months ago.
Basic clausewitz/subutai/rommel/temujin/sun tzu:
YOU set the tempo. YOU set the engagement. YOU fight on YOUR terms. Defense isn't defense, it's subterfuge and misdirection so your enemy makes a mistake that you can commit on to rapidly and violently kill him. Once you have the tempo, you never let it up, you never give quarter.
If trump lacks the resources for a big fight, then he needs to draw out and overpower the enemy with a local firepower advantage, and keep doing that until the bulk of the enemy is weak and he can go in for the kill.
So far all I have seen Trump do is shitpost on twitter while his allies stab him in the back and the democrats inch the noose closer to his neck by the day.
>Trump gets money from German bank
>German bank in league with Russians (says someone familiar with their thinking)
>Trump colluded with Russia
Even if they find no crime by Trump what do you think those Dem. lawyers are going to do with all that personal, financial, and business dirt they learned about Trump? They're 100% going to leak to the media. Them being in the counsel is enough for the NYT and WaPo to print the story.
>it appears obvious that mueller is in bed with the clintons
lmao user compare the objective evidence you actually have that mueller is in bed with the clintons and tell me thats MORE evidence than Trump being in bed with the russians.
He's playing the game. Mueller is not a threat.
Do you think our government wants the shit storm that will erupt if he was impeached, when the three biggest terrorists groups, have been our three branches of government?
You are talking about Trump's loans. Our government has provided weapons to 'ISI$'
How soon we forget.
Slick willy is masturbating thinking about the raping sissy trump is about to get.
Trump warned about not getting into his finances. Muller took a dump on Trump's dare and just did that and subpoena Deutsche bank.
Shit's about to get real.
shut up fag your tits are probably bigger than your mothers
you'd be correct if trump wasnt shoulders-deep in (((the tribe)))
Why didn't you archive?
Again so what?
A huge international bank that Trump secured loans from has engaged in illegal activity? Is Trump supposed to be liable for doing business with Morgan Chase, or Bank of America, or Goldman Sachs if it is found that those banks did something shady once with the Russians? Trump Jr. met with a rep of a Russian owned firm once, that was suspected but never convicted of a crime?
You have written an elaborate story, don't see how this implicates Trump though at all.
If you think Mueller just started investigating his financials yesterday, you're an idiot. NYT most likely caught wind of the story and asked Trump the question.
And your government also surreptitiously threatened the entirety of congress with weaponized anthrax from a US bioweapons facility just prior to voting on the patriot act. Nobody went to jail for that. One bioweapons researcher did (((commit suicide))) though.
With the amount of control the deep state has over congress et al, I can't see any other outcome that isn't them going "hahaha fuck you, The People, go ahead and TRY to stop us."
And fuck off. Little commie cock breath with nothing intelligent to contribute.
There are a few folks inside who would like to stop the deep state, and are actively trying to stop a few things.
Yes, the plebs are toe jam, unless they get serious
If he digs deep enough he'll find the Russian funding for his building projects and dealings with Italian mafia in NYC/New Jersey.
If I did deep enough in your financial records, I bet I find that your Capital One credit card is tied to a Mexican drug cartel....
You see how stupid this sounds?
Trump has to nip this in the bud. Sessions must go.
Do you think Trump will be forced to sell Barron to his russian overlords to repay his debts once his name and business crashes and burns?
Putin likes dem children
I'm still giving sessions the benefit of the doubt.
If he hasn't done anything by the 30th, I want him gone and someone with some balls put in his place.
I don't know what the best course of action for Trump would be, but sitting back and getting sucker punched over and over isn't the way to do it. Beginning his own investigations against his enemies the way they've got one against him would be a good start, and likely go a whole shitton further and faster - putting his enemies on the defensive AND start stripping them of their own assets/connections so their own punches at Trump get weaker as time goes on.
Having two or three other AG's on the sidelines ready to go after the first one gets knocked off would be a good idea, and all of them need to have a deathwish.
I can only imagine how different things would be right now if Sessions didn't recuse himself, and/or the NYPD went public with the emails they found rather than cucking themselves to the FBI/deep state and letting - what four, five? - of their officers get (((suicided)))
Yes I think our government wants the shit storm of impeachment. I think they want him removed by any means possible. How will impeaching Trump cause the crimes of the establishment to be exposed?
trump jr already admitted to genuine lawbreaking, and trump is already guilty of obstruction of justice from firing comey.
everyone knows and acknowledges that the trumps have already committed crimes. mueller is just looking for additional criminal activity to ensure we the people get convictions on these traitors.
I don't even know how if the plebs are capable of getting serious. The media does a good job at keeping everyone in a 1000 yard stare, engaged just enough to become outraged at the next big puffed up story.
Please go back to your libtard redditbox
I agree that he needs to be on the offensive, but he needs people to execute his offense. It appears that now he has no trustworthy fighters to deploy.
John Miller could leak everything.
the american people want trump at the end of a rope for the crimes he committed
get the fuck off of our website, go back to r/the_donald where you belong trumpdditor
Muellers job isn't to find anything, because there is nothing.
If there was something it would have come out. The NSA / CIA have ALL of Trumps emails. ALL of the campaigns emails. If there was any collusion some WaPo / NYT journalist would already be digging for it.
The most concrete evidence they had was the Russian Lawyer meeting which turned out to be a DNC honeypot.
So what is Mueller to do? Keep the investigation rolling. Hire more lawyers. Expand the investigation. Forever. Investigate Trumps business dealings. Investigate Trumps associates business meetings.
You know that one Russian guy that Trump shook hands with at a wedding 20 years ago? Investigate him too.
Drag it out forever. That's the only plan.
They can't come out and say Trump didn't do anything wrong. That would destroy the Democrat base. But they can't find anything, because there isn't anything.
So just gotta keep slogging along on the path to nowhere that takes forever.
Trump should just come out and set a deadline for the investigation, and accuse Mueller of using taxpayer money to enrich himself and all the friends he hired.
trump jr admitted that he solicited information from the russian government about clinton, which is a violation of campaign finance law. trump jr even posted his own email conversations proving this is true.
>The American people
>go back to r/the_donald
I can smell you shills from a mile away. You're so bad at this shit.
1. Increase food prices
2. Cut power
People get violent once their creature comforts are removed.
People replace government once the former government can no longer supply services better than the people themselves can.
amen lock that family up
they are making democracy a joke
trumpshilsl are not allowed to post here or to live in our country. get the fuck off of our website and out of the united states.
Cite the law. Show me the exact statute.
You don't want to try to make me.
>If there was something it would have come out.
Say who?
That's meme magic
We literally had a thread wishing it to happen
I guess
When you find nothing that is evidence for the election campaign collusion between Trump and Russia,
You go straight into 2008-2013 of a private citizen who likely sold a house to a Russian.
This is a witchhunt
No they don't. You're a programmed nutcase. A marionette on the end of some strings, jerked around by the mainstream media. Too genuinely stupid to figure out when you're being played.
The people who've been fucking the US over for the past few decades are the ones presently trying to get rid of Trump. If you could unplug from the zog machine for a few minutes you might wake up and realize in horror the absolute monstrosity you've been helping to protect.
If the Dems were worried about dirt Trump has on them, why are they going after him so hard? You may be right that he has dirt, but if so and they know about it, enough to discourage impeachment, why hasn't Hillary crawled back into the hole she came from yet? Seems they have been pretty aggressive thus far.
>trying this hard
Honestly they'll find hundreds of dealings with every country
Russia just being one of the 100s and they'll never report that that's what he does for a living
Like how we have photos of him speaking to everyone at that dinner table but they made sure to say he only spoke to putin
>(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.
This is where Jr. fucked up. If he had been given anything it's entirely possible he'd be in jail right now. As is, the best argument anyone can say is that he didn't actually get what he wanted.
Honestly, if he has dirt, it's on more than the Dems. If he drops dirt, it's going to crash DC. He's going to MAGA the easy way or the hard way.
True. Good point on the NSA/CIA. It's just so hard to believe that they have not been able to find anything with all those resources. Is there another billionaire alive this clean?
Trump is so fucked. Even these shills know it. The damage control is off the charts
Politicians only care about how things look to the public. You really think Clinton would go hide even if she knew Trump had dirt on her? Fuck no.
A foreign power, Saudi Arabia, literally donated to hillarys campaign
Ukraine interfered in the election to help Clinton. Documented fact that nobody talks about.
Russian lawyer trump jr contacted is linked to the firm the dnc hired to produce the infamous trump dossier.
So if Don Jr committed treason then so did Hillary and co ten times over
Lol crickets
you are a weak, pathetic, traitorous shill. you don't stand a chance against a patriot, let alone the united states of america. you are already crying in this thread just from me pointing out your weakness.
i'm a patriot. trump and his family are criminals. no american wants trump in the white house, or anywhere else other than at the end of a rope.
Best post in a decade
There was no contribution. You're saying because he thought maybe there'd be dirt, but wasn't, this counts as a contribution?
You're no patriot, you're a traitor.
You don't even realize you are.
B-but hillary!
top kek
Your mother for one
>literally a man appointed to lead a witch hunt
>deity of the left and SJW.
Seems familiar.
Holy shit man, don't cut yourself. You're too stupid to see the hornets nest you're poking. I hope this country can heal, but it's going to be in spite of weirdos like you.
Speaking of which, why aren't any of you American cucks rallying people to protest Mueller?
You know it's a goddamn witch hunt, so why the fuck are you letting it continue instead of demanding his resignation and organizing protests against him?
Or does a fucking canadian have to do this shit for you?
>according to don jr, he did nothing wrong
I wonder they lied about this meeting so many times? It was just about adoptions! Remember that?
the absolute liberal chimpout is amazing, they wake up every day this mad
>A foreign power, Saudi Arabia, literally donated to hillarys campaign
No they didn't and your link doesn't have proof.
>Ukraine interfered in the election to help Clinton. Documented fact that nobody talks about.
They weren't in direct contact with the campaign, just the DNC and even then it wasn't the government. Pretty sure the girl giving the information is an American citizen too which pretty firmly puts it in opposition research territory.
>Russian lawyer trump jr contacted is linked to the firm the dnc hired to produce the infamous trump dossier.
Irrelevant if it's even true.
>So if Don Jr committed treason then so did Hillary and co ten times over
You've got a point there.