Name one difference between the two other than "no niggers".
Sup Forums fell for the "NATSOC ISN'T MARXIST SOCIALISM" meme
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Source on that qoute and maybe I'll consider it.
NSDAP was nationalist and hated jewish influence
CCCP was internationalist and was theorized, revolutionized AND RUN by jews
What else do you need to be told?
>spoon feed me and maybe I'll consider it
>the only thing different between these two economic systems is entirely not economic
Helicopter soon.
Two sides of a meatgrinder (holocaust is a very funny word to use when you think about it) meant to remove the primary cultural threats to the formation of Israel and the EU.
I'd helicopter Adolf personally if given the chance.
Sup Forums also likes to post another quote where Hitler said that he totally wasn't a socialist. That quote also had no source.
In reality he definitely was pretty socialist and that's the root of his movement but following the Night of the Long Knives he took a turn right (a bit) and focused more on the "national" part of his ideology.
>tfw the nazis forcibly take your business because goring was an autist
> Didn't ban private property
> Actually privatized numerous industries
You know, the literal opposite of what communism would do. It's elementary shit that you would know if you weren't a retarded ignorant nigger trying to remain ignorant and thinking that you were better off for it.
>the literal opposite of what communism
I never said communism you dumb ape
burden of proof?
Youll hang too scum. Tread lightly.
Everything else like the type of goods produced, quantity, redistribution, prices was still in the hands of the government. Also of course the guy nominally in charge had to be loyal to the party as well. Nothing outside of the state. Typical collectivism.
It's funny how pol supports butler. Because butler would've killed them all because he didn't allow retards to live.
Do you know what Marxist socialism is?
Do you actually have proof of that? If so, then you're basically admitting that libertarian economic policy is either inferior to Keynesian policy or that Keynesian policy can work very well.
That quote is by Georg Strasser not our Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.... he was executed by the NSDAP in the "night of long knives" for saying shit like this
NatSoc has private property, people have money, people can own and operate business.
None of this exists under Marxian Communism.
You're a complete retard.
He's right. That doesn't mean you "deserve" another's things. He is making a point that exploiting the weak to serve the powerful is just as bad as the state knocking down the successful and giving to the deadbeats.
Have fun AnCap faggot. It's funny how much you'll defend capitalism because you love your """freedom""" so much
The difference is that we are against huge corporations owning the whole nation and all of its currency. That's fucking ridiculous. Unlike commies, we are pro private property and put small businesses first. We also recognize individuality and the importance of science and mathematics. The NSDAP made huge advancements in rocket and computer technology. It's also a movement that allows freedom of religion as long as it doesn't interfere with the greater good.
Why do you feel the need to defend your kike overlords and currency that's not worth the paper it's printed on?
I never said that nazi economy was good. It was what can be called as war economy ("Guns not Butter"). Not very stable and good for any country but of course their situation wasn't normal as they were planning a war of expansion. It was mostly Goering's fault. On the opposite site there was Hjalmar Schacht who wasn't part of the crowd and he urged Hitler to reduce military spending. He's credited with some successes but there's only so much he could do.
>two thousand and seventeen
>still thinking that unchecked capitalism is a good thing
fuck off, retard. Natsoc is a third position, it's not left or right. It's economically centrist.
That's the one.
>We also recognize individuality
I wouldnt say that, exactly. Individuality is 2nd, maybe 3rd in importance, after nation (race) and family
That was Strasser who said that you fucking retard. But then again what else could I expect from someone who bases their ideology off the of (((Rothbard))).
neck yourself faggot
>implying "Marxist" socialism is real socialism
>war economy
1935: 8%
1936: 13%
1937: 13%
1938: 17%
1939: 23%
1940: 38%
1941: 47%
1942: 55%
1943: 61%
Chronic capitalism, wolf power structure based on achievements in favor of the state rather than solid party ranking based on pseudo intellectualism and politics.
They don't expect to equality, in fact they want to improve the better and reduce the lower of society.
The quote is from one of the Strasser brothers why do you kikes always lie?
You fail to realize that everyone is an individual, and that all individuals make up the nation. Serving the national socialist state is serving your own interests as an individual. Did you read the attached image?
That's the percentage of GDP just so you know.
Natsoc doesn't believe in global proletariat revolution, "end of history" in communism, communal property, or democracy.
And anti-capitalism was originally a right wing and traditional position. Before Jews invented capitalism, europe was run on just price theory, guilds (organized labor), opposition to advertisement or profit seeking, etc.
Yes I am aware pretty funny that only 20 percent of the gdp was spent on war in a 'war economy'
>meant to remove the primary cultural threats to the formation of Israel and the EU.
What are these primary cultural threats?
>privatize nearly everything
Now compare it to Britain and the US which spent around the same and at the times even more. Soviet Union is out of the equation.
Individuality has to be measured in equal part to the collective. Society isn't comprised of totally unaffiliated individuals who have no vested interest in each other's successes. Nor is society a completely unified organism.
A father as a man is an individual, but within family he belongs to a collective. We have to recognize both of these things and the implications that arise.
Nation is basically the furthest extension from family. We all belong to this hierarchy, and smaller hierarchies within it, but we can only function in this capacity if we're allowed a degree of individuality.
Communists will just sperg out about the greater good of everyone, completely ignoring the individual.
Libertarians will just sperg out about the sacred freedom of the individual, completely ignoring the rest of society.
>Before Jews invented capitalism, europe was run on just price theory, guilds (organized labor), opposition to advertisement or profit seeking, etc.
Exactly but mouth breathing anclap retards probably don't know that.
I skimmed it at first, I will admit, but after reading it I understand what you mean by "individuality"
I agree with what you and Hiter said, I just hate the form of individualism spewed by our secular society (pic related)
That's a large amount for peacetime. They had twice the percentage of the UK until 1939 when the war started. Then they were retarded and let it increase a lot slower compared to other countries who were going into full mobilization mode until Speer came around.
In 1936 Hitler put Goering in charge of the Four Year Plan and moved Germany away from the free market. The means of production weren't nationalized but everything else around it was as I already said. It fails just like all others.
Any form of this sacred "individualism" will lead to that eventually. If material things are put above racial soul, culture and civilisation you are left with decline.
Because germany had an actually decent economy, as proof just look at the eastern European countries, all are still recovering from communism under the USSR, the same USSR germany almose defeated with virtually no help, does that sound like a communist country to you?
The NSDAP also allowed you to have private property and respected much of your rights as an individual.
After we had laid down our arms, in November 1918, a policy was
adopted which, as far as man could foretell, was bound to lead gradually to
our complete subjugation."
-"Mein Kampf" Stalag translation page 754
Screenshotted, thank you user
National socialism allows for private property and free enterprise, for one; for two NatSoc is pro-family, pro-traditionalism, protectionist, moralist and advocates class collaboration. For three it's nationalist rather than internationalist.
>muh nazism is marxism meme
fuck off crowder, the night of long knives happened for a reason.
Yes they shouldn't have employed men in a time of economic distress and you are comparing a country which went through economic collapse to a functioning country obviously a few percentage differences is expected
Kraft durch Freude was a part of the German Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF), the national German labour organization at that time. Set up as a tool to promote the advantages of National Socialism to the people, it soon became the world's largest tourism operator of the 1930s
It was quite successful up until the outbreak of World War II. By 1934, over two million Germans had participated on a KdF trip; by 1939 the reported numbers lay around 25 million people.
Maybe I should put it better. III Reich was never about free market economy and even the so-called private ownership came with a huge asterisk but Hitler was no economist. Some people around him like Goebbels were definitely left leaning while moderates like Schacht and Von Papen were sided.
>goods produced, quantity, redistribution, prices was still in the hands of the government
You'd prefer those things to be in the hands of a cabal of unaccountable extra-governmental private interests who end up controlling the state as well as the markets?
>III Reich was never about free market economy and even the so-called private ownership came with a huge asterisk but Hitler was no economist
Are you all actually retarded? Germany was a free market country with private property please read a book and like I said until you remove the economical curtain on your eyes you will be serving foreign interests.
Nice fake quote.
Actual origins of it:
1926 pamphlet called Thoughts about the Tasks of the Future, a Nazi Party member called Gregor Strasser wrote it.
This book covers it, and other facets of the Nazi ideology around 1933.
Archived from Google Books.
I don't care about 'left' leaning and 'right' leaning they are all buzz words
>I just hate the form of individualism spewed by our secular society (pic related)
This is the so called rugged individualism(fuck you I do what I want, its none of your business) that is pervasive in the modern world. It is simply the death of social accountability.
AnCaps argue all the time that its okay for someone to be morbidly obese, or a drug addict, because their action as an individual isn't directly harming anyone else. Thats the type of perverse individualism we have rampant here. The issue is that the actions of one person ripple across society. We are all connected in this, culture and society are not merely a tapestry in the background of daily life, they are things that we live, daily life is participation in these.
One morbidly obese man sets a precedent for another, and another, and another, until there is total absolution of group. Trends grow from small numbers, and trends absolutely do impact all of society.
>You as a Fascist stand for the small trader against the chain-store; for the peasant against the usurer; for the nation, great or small, against the super-state; for personal business against Big Business; for the craftsman against the Machine; for the creator against the middleman; for all that prospers by individual effort and creative toil, against all that prospers in the abstract air of High Finance or of the theoretic ballyhoo of Internationalism.
t. Wyndham Lewis
Nationalisation of railways, military production etc. is all a good thing do you want your national security to be put in the hands of private individuals and not the state?
Thanks, man.
Raised the debt by 300% in 1935. Deficit, spending, no wonder Keynes praised them.
Now that's just degeneracy.
Putting material things above people is called being a selfish prick.
>for the craftsman against the Machine
Especially this. Everything is cookie cutter chinkshit now. I miss the days when I could buy a pair of shoes and have them last more than a year. I miss when just a couple of years ago I could buy computers that wouldn't bend in half or explode. Quality over quantity and low price.
I want ISPs to be nationalized because the only service provider within 20 miles of me is Brighthouse and they suck.
Let's outsource our national security to China and Israel, what could go wrong?
What you said is the breakdown of Herd Mentality. If one does it, then more will follow. The more people that join, the faster it will grow. Look at the Faggot Revolution across the West these past few years. Do you recall the number of transfaggots that we have today 10 years ago? Even 5?
No, and that's because it's become socially acceptable to do so. We know it's a hoax, it's not natural at all, but because a few people came up with it and it's supported by the (((media))), then more are following suit
That's why I am cautious about indiviudalism, or at least the rugged individualism that you have stated. Because it always leads to social corruption, look at Rome! Rome was in major decline, not because of it's economy, but because of it's drunken citizens doing what they wanted because there were no consequences for their actions as they had no morals.
Definetly. Jewgle and Kikebook should be the first to go.
Debt to whom faggot I am surprised people still make the debt argument
"No Jews"
You have a point.
All the product of globalism. My oven from East Germany (yes i know) was probably 25 years old when it stopped working properly. Compare that to all the chinese and korean shit.
>no niggers
I mean, residency only and no marrying our women policy but the national socialist African states that never came to be due to Germany losing would have had the same policy towards outsiders
Desu senpai
Hi /leftypol/
This is the sort of thing we see when a society no longer cares for duty and responsibility. People are so disconnected from one another that they feel no sense of belonging to something greater than themselves. That in itself is an incredibly insidious thing. Thats the sort of mindset that argues in defense of degeneracy in the name of individual freedom. If you don't genuinely care for your neighbor why care about them self sabotaging? If you don't have any sense of community why care if people down the road are overdosing on opioids?
Fascist and NatSoc viewpoints don't accept these things. Our ideology is concerned with promoting the best outcomes for our people, and that keeps society moral and functioning.
This is exactly why I'm no longer a Libertarian (amongst other reasons obviously). Responsibility, Fellowship, and Honor (oh Lord, especially honor) cannot and will not survive in a secular-individual first society.
I've been using Startpage/Startmail on a Libreboot laptop with Fedora Linux for close to 6 years now. I haven't used Facebook since 2011. I'm absolutely done with corporatism shitting all over me.
>My oven from East Germany (yes i know)
Medium kek.
So, you are saying that time machines aren't necessary for time travel, in your own mind? Or that once a prevalent force against an opposing party that doesn't exist anymore was important and that that logic still applies to today, even without the two previous parties mentioned being extant in contemporary society?
To silence critics to the regime, in order to propose that, after all is said and done, Hitler and his party would instate every whim in Mein Kampf as if it were preliminary fact? Huh. Bet a secret police is good for stifling dissent if those whims aren't followed through entirely.
>libertarians imagine some Orwell society
Not surprised.
Sure, I implicitly trust secret police death squads.
I was a Lolbert myself when I was in my early 20s. I was big into politics coming out of high school, and I got into a young Republicans party. I first really learned about ol Ron Paul in maybe the 2004 election cycle, and I supported him in the 2008 election where I registered as a Libertarian.
Attending Libertarian meetings it always stood out to me exactly what kind of people were there beside me. It wasn't conservatives, it was various Left leaning people with other political affiliations like the Green party. Things got really bad in 2012 with the political climate continually shifting and it became clear to me that I couldn't ever truly identify with these people.
Hey, you want a functioning society, you can't have a fifth column of socially lefty faggots ruining the minds of the populace, you can scoff all you want but lolberal democracy is why we have this much of a problem in our society with degeneracy, low birth rates, and dindus run amok in the first place.
>muh degeneracy
>muh dindus
>muh white genocide
Can you stick to the point? We're talking about National Socialism being a collectivist wank-fest, over something that could have evolved into a Manchurian Candidate stricken overlord scenario, where you and your grandma would have to kowtow to a guy with a mustache who eventually failed in taking over Europe, which was his only visible pursuit, past talk. Or else be arrested. Fuck that. You want to be cucked, politically? You want to be cucked individually? That's pathetic.
Yeah and you're missing the point that collectivism insofar as it pertains to nationalism and tribal identity is the only functional form of society. If it's not abundantly clear to you by now that your precious multi-cultural rainbow coalition of muh freedoms is a bunch of back biting retards that can't manage a functioning nation you have no place discussing politics with adults.
>other than "no niggers"
not needed
Kek, black plague gets. Gotta love em.
They shouldn't be managing a nation, BRO. Did I say that they should? No. I think they should be left to drown in their own sputum, if that's their choice. In political office, we shouldn't have these kinds of people. No shit, sherlock.
And how do you propose to stop them from gaining power if you cannot actively search them out and put them to death?
I simply don't believe in putting people to death on account of the public's laziness.
Poisoning the well: The thread.
you have very few options, you can either eliminate the welfare state to prevent them arriving on your shores in the first place, politically disenfranchise women who overwhelmingly vote for such policies, or you can eliminate the problem in a more direct manner.
Beautiful thread here. Actually learned some things. The big problem is that once Obama got into office, all the little Natsoc governments everywhere were just sucked into the globalist left like they were never anything but. Hitler is dead. I mean, no matter how you look at it - he was killed in the name of Freedom by communists and capitalists in a joint frenzy. He lost his propaganda war, and that's what counts. Natsoc keeps losing that same propaganda war over and over and over again. How does that get changed?
Right now it's just bouncing back and forth. Women have it great under a Democrat leader. Everything is handed to them, they just sit back and enjoy. If I was a woman, I would vote Democrat.
So you see the problem with women being given political autonomy, you cannot have a functioning society when the majority of it's voter's entire interest is based on emotional thinking and the endless quest for gibes me dats.
Not really. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
I'd opt for the non-lazy option of obliterating the welfare state, and targeting women, not by death squads, but with educational tools, to assist them in political sense.
Yes, but why not have death squads for commies if you can have them, I mean this is a no brainer. Fuck I would love that job.
Id rather have gulags
Communism VS Fascism
strong central bank owned by Jews (namely the Rothchilds)
Jews hold most white collar positions of privilege
everyone is equal (as slaves under Jewish hegemony)
antisemitism is outlawed
authoritarian rule
Barter System between nations no central bank
The best for the Job gets the Job (except Jews of course)
Everyone is equal under the state to flourish
Semites are outlawed
authoritarian rule
Take private property (aka the means of production, or factories)
from the individuals that own them and give them to "the state"
(a small number of people in positions of privilege filled through nepotism)
turning the entire country into private property owned by them with the people still
working in factories they don't own and now will never have an opportunity
to own making less than they did before with a lower standard of living. Or
to make it simple basically a return to feudal serfdom only the lords will
now all be Jews instead of natives that basically consider the gentiles livestock
Why though, if you let them live people might think you have some sort of borderline tolerance for it, also, are you going nazbol on me?
Also, the implication that the average woman is capable of political sense, and will not just elect the next person to offer to reinstate welfare is frankly retarded, and ignores everything we know about female behavioral patterns from science. It is the height of folly to mistake a woman for a responsible member of society.
Commies? You mean those mustached losers who couldn't even bat a fly out of the air? Who is concerned with them? Commies are adverse to globalism too, are they not? It's the globalists that are fucking over our interests, not commies. Commies are basically, harmless, until they have enough support for a "revolution", and I don't see that happening with the loads of egregious retards being lambasted 24/7 by both sides of the political fence, for being un-patriotic, boorish, losers, with a chip on each individual shoulder. Even I don't want individuals like that, but if they are merely an annoying nuisance, I don't care. They can be annoying. They won't gain enough of a following to be a threat. I mean, the closest thing to a commie (other than a tried and true one) is the common SJW; and these people aren't a threat- not at least without being directed. They are a symptom, not the disease. The disease is globalist influence. International trade would work fine and dandy if those purveyors of evil ($ grubbers) didn't blockade everything and everyone who wanted to make their own living doing whatever they want. I don't like hierarchies. The higher rungs of aristocracy always keep the lower rungs down, and it's always by design. Fuck that.
If they needed welfare to begin with, the state has failed.
if by adverse to globalism you mean, masturbate to it constantly because it means endless diversity, then yes. as for my concern with them, it is that they will continue to be a larger and larger problem until they are dealt with, people are unhappy with the current system whether you acknowledge that or not, and given no viable alternative other than communism it is inevitable that in the fullness of time they will have their way. At least we can agree that the disease is globalism, but if you were to take the model of a disease, communists are it's infectious cysts, prone to spreading it's message and infecting the innocent, they must be excised and cleansed to prevent continued predation.
Women never needed welfare, consider what you know of women, they tend to be empathetic, see themselves as kind, and act on maternal instinct, even when they are a retarded bitch these things underpin their morality, men know that logic, reason, sacrifice, and violence are what keep the engines of our societies running. Women, understand none of that, other than that those poor people over there are suffering.