Do you remember 80 years ago when the Germans thought they were the good guys?
yeah, i member
Do you remember now, when the Germans thought they were the good guys?
Germans. Not even once.
Do you remember 80 years ago when the Germans thought they were the good guys?
yeah, i member
Do you remember now, when the Germans thought they were the good guys?
Germans. Not even once.
Other urls found in this thread:
I 'member
Do you remember when this board was good?
A friend of mine just recently visited Germany on business.
He said he got into a conversation there with some people about the muslim problem. Their explanation to him was that Merkle & her ilk are of the era where it was pounded into their skulls from day one that they must atone for what they did during WW2. They said Merkle is actually extremely conservative but this is an ideology so ingrained in that generation it cannot be shaken.
We are still occupied by the USA you moron. You are controlling us
Were you occupied in 1890-1914?
Because during that period your country was being flooded by immigrants. Guess either you're naturally cucked or the US controlled you since back then.
They were the good guys during WW2. You cannot hide the truth.
No user, they have been suspicious from the beginning
>Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay was NATO’s first Secretary General, a position he was initially reluctant to accept. By the end of his tenure however, Ismay had become the biggest advocate for the organisation he famously said was created to “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and THE GERMANS DOWN”
That is a fact the idiots never get.
When Merkel decided to disable all nuclear plants after fukushima the energy firms that had long contracts(till 2030 I guess) sued the German government because they just pulled the contracts and that costs them tons of money. Where did they sue them? In Karlsruhe?(highest German court) nope. Washington... oops.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Don't forget Alaric!
Pretty much. Pretty sure it wasnt Merkels decision anyways, shes just a lapdog for the real EU/Globalist elite types. Dont forget shes got a good bit on DDR indoctrination in her, you can probably trigger some responses from her with the right kinda poke.
And you know, allmost all germans are still racist in their heads. But the moment these thoughts come up its like "no thats bad, ive been told that since i can think " etc pp
They really did a number on the last 2 generations of germans.
From the times of Charlemagne's empire, Visigoths, Holy Roman Empire, Prussia and German Empire till Today's Germany.
Not even, fucking once.
Youre just jealous of the success breeds on this planet.
Youre just a smelly arab rapebaby dreaming up things about the ottoman empire and actual turkish people which you are not anymore. Like 5% of modern turks have actual turkish genes.
The rest is desert mulattos of varying degrees.
god damn kikes nuke em when?
Best at killing Europeans.
Best at killing anything really. We just need 5-10 years to get back into form.
Even thought she was raised in Eastern Germany' isn't the brainwashing softer?
>Germany has never won a war
>Israel has never lost a war
DDR was just a soviet experiment for brainwashing and cutting off the balls of any german with some pride. They were just trying to prepare the takeover of the ddr. they wanted it as a full member of the soviet union. west germany too.
Allies and Soviets basically just tried to get 2 german nations to fight each other.
heres your (you)
and you've elected some commie DDR cunt as your leader for the past decade so who won that
Franco-Prussian War was won by Germany.
The selfloathing level just hit 9000
My number 1 rule is to never trust a bosch
Just like the cold war, the (((Soviets)))) won :^)
And btw, if you knew how Merkel was 10 years ago you wouldnt say that. The turn she did in 2015 was mind boggling.
every fucking liberal/whatever snowflake fucking hated her guts before that. She was extremly against immigration and shit like that.
Something/someone triggered her and then all this happened. And shes still the only on in the political circle that is worth anything when it comes to internation affairs and money matters.
Unless we get someone like Kohl or Schröder back, Merkel is the only option.
(Merkel was Kohls prodigee btw)
I dont know what happened to the merkel but man its fucked.
And didnt you have a half muslim nigger president for a few years?
Id wish the videotapes would be released.
Theres like 8 hours of footage from the whole case that the two guys filmed themselves. Must be like some real life Hannibal shit.
Why so mad? Is your gf mirin that krautboi? Don't be shy, I'm sure he'll fuck her good if you say bitte bitte.
Here for you, Derrick, the main dish
Fuck off communist rat, we will kill you kike lovers in the streets.
>cutting off balls of any germa-
case in point pic related
GDR men were totally eunuchs.
Yes they had to endure Marxism but Western Germany was the part that got their balls cut off.
Just compare the Boomer generations of both sides! Western Boomers are total cucks. Ex-GDR Boomers are at least half uncucked, brought down Socialism in 1989 and now are the center of patriotic resistance in the east of FRG.
Kek, DDR boomers are nothing but degenerate FKK love and peace hippies man. Same with west german ones but dude seriously, the worst hippies came ALWAYS out of the DDR.
>Germans. Not even once.
Pretty much.
The complete fuck ups of the 20th century and now the 21st century.
Constantly trying to "change" Europe to their liking and they fuck up EVERYTIME.
The Germans wont even get rid of Merkel. Its going to take another horrific war to get rid of her government.
but the canadians have always been around
I've never claimed any good about my ancestry.
But, you guys went from might to shite.
>Merkel turned in 2015
She turned in 2010, right after her "multiculti failed" lament.
She received the "Europa Preis" award issued by none other than the Couldenhove-Kalergi Foundation - check link related.
From that moment she completely turned around.
Germany is the world's greatest country. Just look at our outstanding economics while the rest of Europe is too stupid to get their youth unemployment under control. Why is the Euro beneficial to us and detrimental to them? Because we have the inherent ability to make things happen, ambition, longing for the touch of greatness, a drive to something greater than ourselves and true pride. We're not satisfied with the pig-like existence the rest of mankind seems to have settled on. We can make the world better, we can make it more German. It's sad that other countries will never feel this way.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>FKK ... Freikörperkultur
All the liberal stuff in GDR was always put into a cultural context. It never derailed into complete degeneracy. GDR, being socialist, had many cross sections with elements from NatSoc.
Who do you think marches at Pegida since winter of 2014?
I can't even come up with an excuse for Merkel. Just fucking finish us this time.
Same with you buddy.
Its some sad shit, this state that most of the world is in these days. But hey, we got gangbanged by any big global player in 2 world wars and were still here. I think thats something.
Oh true, I forgot they gave her the Kalergi Foundation price. thanks for the reminder.
Hm, made me think there.
But im pretty sure the soviets just cared for that mindset in germans, they couldve used it to their advantage.
I remember when /new/ was deleted and there was 4ch*n (still wordfiltered) and Sup Forums was full of political shitposting.
I was a commie back then I have to confess.
This and only this.
Europe will only know peace if we completely destroy germany and German ancestry. Ever castle, every book, ever tiny piece of German culture must be eradicated if Europe ever wants more then a century of peace
Said the guy who is basically a germanic.
Austria/Germany and the Swiss should unite under Swiss rulership. That would be great. And the only time europe will know true peace is when theres no people living there anymore.
Humanity and industrial progress are a sickness.
I'm a child of GDR.
Yes, they pumped our brain full with Marxism.
Yes they swung the Auschwitz-Club hard.
But somehow they never questioned our identity as Germans.
In pre 1990 FRG though, from 1960s on, with the return of the formerly exiled Frankfurt School, the mist of degeneracy and Kikery fell over the West of Germany.
Man, I live in one of the "Luther Cities". ATM we'are drowning in westgerman and american christian tourists. It's like a white-wave of welcommed visitors who are mindboggled that there still is some last stand of implicit whiteness in this country. Although the shitskins are starting to concentrate in the usual urban spots and trouble is following 5 steps behind them.
t. newfag
canadians were alright before 2015
Im all for an alp union, but germany can fuck off. The alp union would be austria, Switzerland and bavaria.
And the Swiss are not Germans, never were.
Thats what you like to think but our ancestry is tightly knit together buddy. dont deny it.
And that union would need the west and north of germany because of acess to the ocean and industry.
But hey Ill move to switzerland next year anyways, my uncle bought land there and needs someone to tend to the animals and shit and i just lost gf and job. So nothing holds me here anymore. (Im just gonna start growing weed somewhere in the mountains and live a hermit life with a few goats and a donkey)
>We can make the world better
>responsible for two world wars
What did he mean by this?
>germany responsible for ww1
>germany soley responsible for ww2
jesus christ, that education.
What are you even talking about? We are more French then German, cause at least napoleon conquered us and reformed our government. Germany, for the last 500 years, has been nothing but a place we want a wall in between us and them.
Stop perpetuating this fantasy that we are anything like you.
He would rather be french than german.
Ok thats it. switzerland can fuck off.
>He would rather be french than german.
Not want to be, are. But lets be real, want to too. Fuck germany, fuck your "staatshörigkeit". Who in their right mind would ever want to be German?
They are good and honest workers but they simply are not leaders. Their flaw is that they strife for power and influence even though they can't handle it. It's almost a mental illness. Good people with one heavy weighing flaw. But that flaw is enough for me to agree with you, so sad.
Nobody ever does anything because
>hur durr im evil
Germany was once a mother fucking amazing country! And their continued production of not only manufactured industrial equipment/parts/gear ; they also continue to birth some of the worlds greatest minds ... #meinkamphisreal
It's pretty much true. A lot of her generation are fully aware that shit is going wrong and also understand who is responsible for it, but when it comes to drawing the consequences it's like they hit a mental wall and become incapable of putting that knowledge into action.
>But the moment these thoughts come up its like "no thats bad, ive been told that since i can think " etc pp
Best example for that would be the Wahl-O-Mat. Every fucking time an election is coming up it's the same
>people answer the questions truthfully
>end up with some nationalist party at the top of the recommendations
>reaction is either "haha, that's silly, I'll vote SPD instead" or "oh wow, I really need to monitor my thoughts more carefully"
All according to our zionist plans...
What's wrong with you? We do exactly the opposite of 80 years ago. Instead of kiling minorities, we invite them to flee from war and death. No matter the race or religion. And now we are evil again? Well, maybe you are now at the status we were 80 years ago.
Do you even know how the Wahl-O-Mat works?
The parties send in their answers, they are not realistic they just put that what most people would say.
Take a hike, kike
The parties send in answers that fit the ideology they are supposedly representing. Yet every time people end with with conservative or nationalist parties (at least on paper) at the top of their list they immediately discard that result as either false or take it as a warning that they need to change their behavior.
You never see anyone going
>Hm, I sure end up with a lot of nationalistic parties at the top every time, maybe I don't actually agree with the other ideologies as much as I thought?
Merkel must hang for treason for crimes against not only the ethnic German people, but for crimes against all of Europe
if only you calmed the fuck down for 1 or 2 decades, that'll be great.
>When Merkel decided to disable all nuclear plants after fukushima
You mean after you decided to get on muh Russia bandwagon? When will you and kikes just annihilate each other already? Oh, that's right, we are the ones guaranteeing both of yours security, you goddamn cocksuckers
Both you and russia are just kike puppets dont you realise that?
Its easy control over most of the world for them, it came out of germany, moved to russia and then moved on to the US.
Youre completly entangled in that, like most of us.
Dont exclude yourself just because you made a meme worthy orange president.
You seem to have accidentally. misspelled Judaism with Germany..
>it came out of germany
I mean, it CREATED Germany for that specific purpose. But hey, at least you admit to being caught in their net, too.
>But hey, at least you admit to being caught in their net, too.
Can't fix a problem if you are unwilling to even recognize it, can you?
That can be said about america, the only thing is thay they think they still the good guys
First we take (((Manhattan))), then we take Berlin, as (((they))) used to sing:
Buddy Germans realised that so fucking early, before anyone else. Thats why we got beaten on so hard and for so long. But the strenght of the german people is a force to behold. They nearly thought they lost in ww2 and now they are starting to be really cocky.
Every night I pray to god that some nation actually wakes like up like we did before ww2 and does it right (unlike us)
Then why the fuck do you buy Russian gas? I still need to be convinced about the whole "Jews tried to sell us nuclear power" thing
Because it's cheap and Germany has a large chemical industry?
Gas is used as resource too, not just as fuel.
Apart from that, nuclear power plants are rather non-flexible in their output, you use them for the base load. Gas plants are highly flexible and can be used to cover peak loads.
The two are used for pretty different things.
Because Germany and its identity was killed after ww2 in west germany. DDR had some left because the soviets wanted them proud and in fighting spirit if the cold war ever got hot.
I cant speak for the reasons of our politicans to side with the eternal slav. It all started with Schröder and his giant GazProm deal which he still gets a shitload of money out of now that hes retired.
Cant answer that, a question for you, why does the US keep shipping out opium from afghanistan in fucking tons into the us east coast? your country is actively killing off thousands of people with an abundance of heroin. Its fucking sick. And it doesnte ven target blacks only like crack did back then.
It just completly fucks over whole areas.
Do I remember 80 years ago when Germans where the good guys and now when they are the bad guys? Yes.
Do I remember 80 years ago when Americans were the bad guys and now when they are ten times worse? Even more so.
>a question for you, why does the US keep shipping out opium from afghanistan in fucking tons into the us east coast? your country is actively killing off thousands of people with an abundance of heroin.
That's actually pretty easy to answer, it's been discussed on plebbit recently.
>One of the cornerstones of Purdue's marketing plan was the use of sophisticated marketing data to influence physicians’ prescribing. Drug companies compile prescriber profiles on individual physicians—detailing the prescribing patterns of physicians nationwide—in an effort to influence doctors’ prescribing habits. Through these profiles, a drug company can identify the highest and lowest prescribers of particular drugs in a single zip code, county, state, or the entire country.21 One of the critical foundations of Purdue's marketing plan for OxyContin was to target the physicians who were the highest prescribers for opioids across the country.1,12–17,22 The resulting database would help identify physicians with large numbers of chronic-pain patients. Unfortunately, this same database would also identify which physicians were simply the most frequent prescribers of opioids and, in some cases, the least discriminate prescribers.
>A lucrative bonus system encouraged sales representatives to increase sales of OxyContin in their territories, resulting in a large number of visits to physicians with high rates of opioid prescriptions, as well as a multifaceted information campaign aimed at them. In 2001, in addition to the average sales representative's annual salary of $55 000, annual bonuses averaged $71 500, with a range of $15 000 to nearly $240 000. Purdue paid $40 million in sales incentive bonuses to its sales representatives that year.
CEO's last name is (((Landau))), of course
Ok, that's pretty reasonable, but why buy it from fucking Russia, of all places? Hell, we even made a decent deal to Poland, and they are poorfags compared to Germoney. Of course, (((Kushner))) was probably the one who actually made it work out that way...
But they were the good guys 80 years ago
we remember , we will never forget
Made me tear up
IN fairness the first time they were the good guys, now they are Illuminati shills like the rest of our countries
Bump for an honest discussion
You wont remember jack shit shlomo
But we will smile for the scope faggot
What if Hitler really didn't want to exterminate the Jews but the holocaust actually did happen and only because of communist infiltrators into the Nazi Regime who caused it against Hitler's wishe?
the holocaust is bullshit mate I prove it conclusively in my book
Dissecting the Holocaust - Edited by Germar Rudolf
The Chemistry of Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers: A Crime-Scene Investigation -
Germar Rudolf
The Giant with Feet of Clay: Raul Hilberg and His Standard Work on the 'Holocaust' - Jürgen Graf
Concentration Camp Stutthof: its History and Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy - Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno
Concentration Camp Majdanek: A Historical and Technical Study - Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno
The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure - Don Heddesheimer
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry - Arthur R. Butz
Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? - Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf
Belzec: in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History - Carlo Mattogno
Special Treatment in Auschwitz: Origin and Meaning of a Term - Carlo Mattogno
Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz: Black Propaganda versus History - Carlo Mattogno
Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich - Ingrid Weckert
The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz: Organization, Responsibilities, Activities - Carlo
Auschwitz: Plain Facts - A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac - Edited by Germar Rudolf
Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross Examined - Germar Rudolf
The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition - Fred A. Leuchter, Robert Faurisson, Germar Rudolf
Auschwitz: Open Air Incinerations - Carlo Mattogno
Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies, and Prejudices on the Holocaust - Germar Rudolf, Carlo Mattogno
Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality - Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues, Carlo Mattogno
Auschwitz: The First Gassing, Rumor and Reality - Carlo Mattogno
Auschwitz: Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings - Carlo Mattogno
The Real Case for Auschwitz: Robert van Pelt's Evidence from the Irving Trial Critically Reviewed - Carlo Mattogno
Chelmno: A German Camp in History and Propaganda - Carlo Mattogno
The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz: A Technical and Historical Study - Carlo Mattogno, Franco Deana
Inside the Gas Chambers: The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography - Carlo Mattogno
The Gas Vans: A Critical Investigation - Santiago Alvarez
Air Photo Evidence: World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed - John Clive Ball
The "Extermination Camps" of "Aktion Reinhardt": An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious "Evidence," Deceptions and Flawed
Argumentation of the "Holocaust Controversies" Bloggers - Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues
The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry - Walter N. Sanning
Holocaust High Priest: Elie Wiesel, Night, the Memory Cult, and the Rise of Revisionism - Warren B. Routledge
Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality - Nicholas Kollerstrom
Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides - Thomas Dalton
Healthcare in Auschwitz: Medical Care and Special Treatment of Registered Inmates - Carlo Mattogno
Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions - Carlo Mattogno
Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth - Dean Irebodd
Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil - Dean Irebodd
Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions - Germar Rudolf
David Cole in Auschwitz - David Cole
Holocaust, Hate Speech and Were the Germans so Stupid? - Anthony Lawson
Nazi Shrunken Heads - Dean Irebodd
One-Third of the Holocaust - Dean Irebodd
Questioning the Holocaust - Eric Hunt
The Chemistry of Auschwitz: Buna Rubber, Zyklon B, Prussian Blue and the Gas Chambers - Germar Rudolf
The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure - Germar Rudolf
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax - Eric Hunt
The Last Days of the Big Lie - Eric Hunt
Second Revised Edition
The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt: Part One - Germar Rudolf
Second Edition
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth - Eric Hunt
The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax - Eric Hunt
Everything kikes say is a lie, they are the literal dredges if humanity
If you keep a large group of people in an enclosed room for 20 minutes while pumping toxic fumes inside, they will die.
Zyklon B Tested on Humans
The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax - Eric Hunt
Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? - Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf
>Top revisionists in the world cannot explain what happened in the Reinhard camps.
David Irving and the "Aktion Reinhardt Camps"
The "Extermination Camps" of "Aktion Reinhardt": An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious "Evidence," Deceptions and Flawed
Argumentation of the "Holocaust Controversies" Bloggers - Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues
Aktion 1005
We'll then.