I am proud of being gay.
You can not steal my PRIDE. You can't beat me.
I will be always what I am.
I am proud of being gay.
You can not steal my PRIDE. You can't beat me.
I will be always what I am.
As long as you aren't a Commie I don't give a flying fuck.
If you're a Commies you'll be treated like all the other traitorous flesh-bags.
Reveal your true flag
Shut up. No one cares about you choices. Why do you need attention?
>mfw i'm snuggled up on the couch with my big football bf who is watching game of thrones reruns while i shitpost RIGHT NOW and we're going to workout after and then probably have sex and you can't do a n y t h i n g to stop it
He's not quite as cute as pic related, but he's close.
homosexualism transcends race, age, class
it is the ultimate group of unity humans have.
we support you
You again? You teach your ESL students that too?
Nobody gives a fuck. Just don't be an idiot commie.
I don't want to steal your "PRIDE" I want you to shut ut and be a normal human being and not prance around the the streets dressed as a gimp. Can you do that?
What is this, a meme?
Or did you identify an user.
Stop shitposting, English teacher.
Sup Forums is not anti-gay. Sup Forums is anti-feminism and pro-white-nationalism.
Did the anime turn you gay?
If you're so proud of it, send a selfie of yourself getting sodomised to your mother. Make HER proud.
I am proud of being white.
You can not steal my PRIDE. You can't beat me.
I will be always what I am.
A faggot Jap. You know what needs to be done of you.
why be who you are? why not end it all sooner.
Why gettin fucked in ass make you proud of yourself? I'm not baiting, not judging, im honestly curious. Never understood this.
because it makes me what I am. It is a part of me
Good. Being gay is redpilled.
Litteraly nobody cares if your gay tho, homophobia stems from you guys being flasy with parades and shit, just keep it to yourself
then, why don't you admit gay marriage?
There is a narrative that homosexuals are caught up in a great struggle and that merely existing in the face of this struggle is an achievement worthy of pride. And sure, once upon a time this was the case - in many places in the world it still is the case. If someone in Pakistan has the stones to openly participate in a gay relationship then damn right, that's a courageous decision that they should be proud of, even if it's one that's probably going to get them hurt. But the Western world isn't Pakistan.
Gays do still face some issued in the Western world but I wouldn't call them any more severe than anyone else's. We all have our crosses to bear: gay, straight, ponyfucker. "Proud" gays here are like the trophy hunters who go to Africa to shoot lions in canned hunts. They are riding on the coat-tails of past glories by men who actually faced real struggle and didn't get driven to a blind in an air-conditioned SUV direct from their hotel.
Out-and-proud gays do it for asspats from their faggot friends. That's the answer.
It's legal to marry your father in the USA though, they admit it you silly faggot.