The Nazis were SUPERIOR to the world

5 hyenas can kill a lion, it doesn't make the hyenas into lions. Alone, each opponent was a failure, a natural inferior. A world of inferiors ganged up to remove the pinnacle of evolution from this world. All the degeneracy we live under now is the result of the sub-humans winning, and inheriting the world. Is there any hope to reverse the damage, or is it too late?

Remember hitler's words
>the entire world is against us, but that's alright, it wouldn't be fair otherwise

the truth is, if they were superior they wouldn't have fucked up.

it still a big lose, a lack of strategic aims

Not this meme again. Most of the Red army deaths contributing to these statistics was in the POW camps. The real combat death ratio was closer to 1 German to 1.3 Soviet soldier. The Soviets had disgusting casualties in the first 2 years but made up for it in the last part of the war.

Hitler never said this

The Nazis lost because they were retarded. Hitler killed the German momentum with several very stupid decisions against the advice of EVERY one of his military generals.

Intentionally going to war against 20 midgets when you are strong enough to fight 10 doesn't make you superior to the midgets, it makes you inferior to them because you were stupid enough to take on a fight you couldn't win.

>they fucked up
lol, feel like you "won" something?

history remember us, identitarian nationalism is a bad strategy

I still don't understand why we decided to ally with the commies and fight the Nazis instead of vice versa.


If they succeeded to kill the lion it means that they aren't failures. Face it Nazifag Germany fucked up the eternal Jew is your king now bend the knee and bend to his will.

>The Nazis lost because they were retarded
No, they lost because you were race traitors, who were addicted to sucking nigger dicks, and you wanted your daughters to fuck niggers. Pretty obvious that's what you wanted.

no, that would be inverse error on your part. read a book.

No they lost because they failed to plan successfully they are now the eternal Jew's playthings. Their daughters whores for the Jews as they should be.

if the germans would have an equal birth rate than the negroes or chineses, they would win, but its not the case

>Blaming America for Germany losing the war

They would have lost either way. We just sped it up m8

>read a book
Recommend any? A leftypol rea
ding list, perhaps?


>No they lost because they failed to plan successfully
No, they lost because the rest of their race had what Camus called "slave mentality", and loved taking circumcised cocks up their diseased boipuccis, just like you do today.

>american education
only americans think that, your propaganda isn't that effective outside

Keep crying whiteboi you live in the Jew's favorite nation and you dare talk? You are his slave in every sense of the word. America has long been blacked now it is Germany's turn.

Ahahah i added the bottom of that pic
Never thought I would see someone post it.

Neither did Henry Ford or Charles Lindbergh.

something is happening to the white bitches they dont produce enough children, is their fault, the most virtuous ability of women is defective in western society. We must realize this truth