Discussion of news, events, political issues, and other topics related to the Nordic countries.
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Hello my fellow nordic bros. 1/35rd Danish on my mom's side.
So are you going to post any news, events or political issues we can talk about? Dumb Sw*de
Anyone have that nordic'd version of the world map?
It looked pretty nice and I like the idea of the 7 billion majority mudskin population getting replaced by nordic purebloods.
uma delicia
yes there is Little rock in America, a few outposts in Antartica and strangly many nords in south america
Im of course talking about nords putting their own flag there
why not us though?
Why would Bolivia be in the Nordic discussion?
Nordic reporting in
Sieg Heil
Ok here's some news for you all
>HafThor Julius Björnsson wins strongest man in the world competition
>Sweden beats Canada and wins the world hockey cup
>Anders Breivik takes a case of mistreatment to court of human rights
>Trolls Penis to be Re-erected in Norway
>Verdunn Jesus is bigger than Norways coalition politics
>Pack of Golden Schakals has emigrated to Denmark
>''Swedish'' Begger arrested in Danmark
>Blasphemy is no longer illegal in Denmark
>Russian Chinese military Excersice is ongoing in the baltic sea
>Swedish Military crisis meeting over leaked IT from the department of Transportation
>Worlds biggest nuclear submarrine (Russian) In danish waters
How come so many of you nerds try this desperately to fit in?
can i be nordic?
no punishment for arson attack - mudskins in Germany may do whatever they want . spread this link !! spread the photo of the (((judge))) Meier-Göring :
Your island is not in the north m8
Skyrim is for the Nords. Not for smelly Dark Elves from Morrowind. You could learn a thing or two.
Hello my Nordbros. What do you guys think of the Nordfront/ Nordic resistance movement? are they legit? are they any good? are they making headways in Scandinavian politics?
Hail victory
who here /greatsword/
I am using this currently to unlock my ancestor's berserker power.
No, but that's a rare flag to say the least
When you sound like this your on the right tracj
Finland belongs with it's Slavic brothers, we are all mongoloid so why not.
East Karelia hasn't been Finnic for thousand years.
Fucking Muscovites ruin everything good
Which nordic country is least cucked and why is it finland
When can we bomb Sweden?
Any day you want bud.
Fuck off, disgusting germanigger.
Why is it always the Danes feeling the need to be edgy?
No one likes your country. You are embarrassing.
I unironically hate swedes more than I hate niggers, you people are fucking deplorable and I wish death on every single one of you
kek still buthurt over us taking scania? fucking kek
I don't even know what that is but if it belongs to Denmark they should just storm in, rape your women, and take it back.
Is this because "we" oppressed you for couple of hundred years?
Sorry, Sverker
Post the real one, faggot
>Be swedes
>Declare war on the danes
>Fuck It's winter
>Gustav gets a brilliant idea
>Hey lets just fucking march on the ice kek
>Does it
>Danes overwhelmy rekt
>wew lad
disgusting subhumans, just seeing your piss-colored flag makes me fucking sick. I'm glad that you're being raped to death by africans.
>Having the mindset of an inbred African.
Danes, the niggers of the north
You're bragging that you beat an invading army in which you won because they fucked up ... ? Are you waiting for the Muslims to try and walk on ice?
should scotland become independent and join the nordic council?
>be sweden
>win a war out of pure luck because the fucking sea froze over
>acquire skånelandene
>realize that you can't integrate these people
>chimp out and try to genocide the population
>despite all your efforts skåne is still not quite swedish so you fill your country with niggers and arabs
>literally destroy your own country just to be rid of danes
Swedes are the most disgusting, scheming and untrustworthy subhumans in Europe, you are fucking scum and I would sooner trust a G*rman than a swede.
Mamma og Pappa krangler!
kek fucking burger I'll have you know we marched on that damn ice and your the ones getting blacked you fucking mongrel fucking 56% white have fun with your daughters getting beaned while the best you can fucking get is a jewish puppet kek
I'll have you know we will be the most rightwing country in europe for the 2018 elections
Wouldn't that jeopardize the security of the isles? I'm surprised you guys don't assert a claim over Ireland. If I was Churchill I'd have done it during WW2 while things were up in the air.
kek thats the fucking jews bringing in the muslims becouse they all fled here becouse you fuckers all fell within 6 fucking hours of german invasion kek
We're not being EXTERMINATED you fool. The white population % is going down, but the white population numbers are staying strong. Your numbers are declining, and your women are intermixing with straight out of africa boons and muslims. Your children will have beards and they will read the Qu'ran.
kek no i'll have you know we are 80% white and those fucking muslims are all segregated into fucking ghettos where they will all be rounded up for deportations
while you faggots only have one fucking white state and the beaners never keeps getting in
il have you know fucking texas will be majority mexican in a few years kek
fucking american mongrel pigs
I think I'm actually speaking to an Arab. You don't write like an educated Nordic person would.
>tfw celtic nordic purebreed, most ancient European warrior genes
We surrendered because the Germans were going to bomb the shit out of Copenhagen to occupy the country, even if it meant killing thousands of innocents because that is what subhuman germans do, just like stinky swedes.
>literally the jews of the north
>blames jews for their own fuckups
dumb swede, get genocided soon please
kek fucking burger resorts to grammitcal error calling
I'll have you know your fucking average iq is lower than ours you fucking retard
Kek get used to making more excuses for surrender you fucking crypto french
Thanks Aussiebro. Faggots not recognizing Scania should kill themselves.
nice try
Hallo Norsk brodre
>denmark is invaded by germaniggers despite being neutral
>be outnumbered by millions of troops of a country 30 times larger than denmark
>make the rational decision to surrender to avoid bloodshed of civilians
>works out in the end because the germans think we're übermensch
Yes, totally comparable to the dumb french who had the same military power of germany, yet due to their inferior, tiny frog brains they couldn't foresee the germans literally walking around their "impenetrable fortress"
kek keep comparing yourself to the fucking french
hello my nordic brothers :^)
>No skåne
Come on now
Nice job Aussie bror
I'll have you know the french are led by danes kek
>one off
Sooooooo close
Why you guys all got the same flags?
Marriage with major chrisitan powers in the Medditeranean made us christians Unlike popular varg opinion we werent christianized, were made ourselves christians
Being the first nations in Europe, we all copied our own flag seeing our close relations
We all shared a very common history and despite our Dansk and Svensk cousins occasionally having a scuffle or 5 we rather like each other as neighbors.
What? More like 60 years. And they still have alot of finnic blood
>what are copycats
Don't bother, Sven just want to keep the discussion away from how they dealt with the vermacht
Sorry ausbro. Sven doesn't have an aussie princess so he tends to forget about you.
We are not nordic.
kek we fucking aligned with the Wehrmact you dumb shit
You are now bitch
1. Iceland
2. Finland
3. Denmark
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
4. Norway
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
5. Sweden
Scotland is nordic.
Scandinavia needs to merge. They be a fairly important country if they did.
How is the official muslim holiday coming along?
>this meme again
It wouldn't work out, there's too much bad blood between us.
This guy slaps your Nordic gf's ass. What do you do?
He's handsome.
Tell him that she's actually female and watch the faggot crumble in self-loathing
He apologises for the mixup and then slaps your Nordic ass. What do you do
Fuck off Shlomo.
feel flattered ofcourse.
The old Nordic open borders policy and free trade agreements are being destroyed by EU's wide open borders with the 3rd world policy.
But if this wasn't the case and we could return to the North that still existed in my childhood, they'd be welcome to join
Rape him. I'm a big guy - almost 6'9.
In no fucking way is Danmark above Norge.
It goes like this
1. Norge
2. Iceland
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
3. Danmark
4. Finngolia
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~
4. Sverige
>this shit again
Nah, Sverige would just ruckus all again
I mean, Iceland Norge Danmark together maybe, but we leave Sverige out of it.
kek i'll have you know sweden has been the dominant power in scandinavia you fucking idiot Your all fucking vassal states to us
Sweden>Everyone else
Smack your head against doorframes often?
Oh yeah, you're the real dominant power now aren't you?
what percentage of swedish posters do you believe hide behind non-geographic flags
whatever happens in scandinavia is due to us you fucking retard we brough them in and now its defined in scandinavia you fucking retard
I'll have you know your a fucking colony of our colony you fucking retard
0 because swedes are arrogant fucking faggots with no manners and can't see that that their shit-tier country is a country among all other nordic countries
Yes, yes they are. All that looking for the fountain of youth in South America was a mistake.
It was in Sweden all along, and if that don't give you power, what will?
Sorry, forgot text was in Swedish
>so you think that when my dad went to Sweden he became a child again?
what stop crying you fucking cucksAnd daily reminder little girl taht your country isnt even fucking white anymore
Say all of that it Svenska please because I didn't get any of that in English.
Kek thanks for this Danebror
The US? Ok? I can just move back to Norge at any point bdays for my dual citizenship.
Since when are baltic states part of Nordic?
Fucking vassal state and a crying cuck have fun when the oil runs out