How the fuck is communism supposed to work?

How the fuck is communism supposed to work?

I understand the basic thought, that workers/people are supposed to communally own their means of production and produce things for themselves, but how the fuck do you implement that? Every instance of communism was basically just people producing items at a state owned factory at gunpoint hoping it was enough to stave off famine, the people don't own it and everything belonged to the state military junta. The state junta tries to pretend it's an embodiment of the will of the people when it's obviously not the case("People's Democratic Republic of Korea") and questioning that gets you executed. The basic concept of Marxism is simply impossible to implement, yet there has been over a century of thought and experimentation with it, why? How the fuck is it supposed to be implemented, and what would prevent any implementation from corrupting in the way others have?

>How the fuck is communism supposed to work?
You don't.

The burger prepares to post something clever. He slams his fat fingers into the keyboard, squinting at the letters because 50 chins block his FOV.

He begins furiously typing, the keys rattle with each press. But he cannot make any legible sense because thoughts of McDonald's, his sister's vagina and 9/11 (nevar 4get) keep popping into his head. He manages to string a few nonsensical words together, he hits post. Suddenly, his heart begins to fill with pride at the American education system. They taught him to finish a sentence.

He stands up, knocking over a gallon of diet coke, and raises his hand to his man boobs. Soft trumpets play in the background as he whispers "Murica!" with teary eyes.

Tragically his heart gives way to such undue stress of standing up. He tumbles to the ground with a loud splat, struggling to breath. The life slowly leaves his beady eyes...

And this is the story of a proud, red white and blue Murican! Dog bless USA.

Marxism has a hidden purpose, it isn't supposed to work. Just transfer a nations wealth to a corrupt international clique that has very very evil intentions.

Isn't that the same endgame of Jewish controlled capitalism?


Weren't these two ideologies thought up by the same race of people?

Capitalism has generally been around since the dawn of civilization, but the corporatist mercantalism you're referring to is also a Jewish creation I believe.

leafs are not all this cringy

Communism is a pipe dream that will never work correctly (unless, I believe, AI is in control of the system as all humans are corruptible, but that's a whole other rabbit hole).

It removes the consequences of failure. Without the fear of going out of business, producers simply are not going to be as efficient and/or striving to produce the best product for the least. As we can see with governmental costs, the responsibilities seem to be placed on nobody because taxes are a vague source of money.

Also, people inherently want to get the most resources for the least effort. The goal of nearly all life forms on this planet has been, since the inception of life, to gain the most calories for the least effort. When there is little to no consequence of overspending, the system will be milked by millions of until it fails.

A man who lived through the Soviet Union once said "We pretended to work, and they pretended to pay us". The USSR was, by far, the peak of communist power, and it failed miserably.

Fact is that pure capitalism follows the laws that have governed this universe since the big bang: yin and yang, push and pull, what goes up must come down. The laws of supply and demand will always win in the end because they follow the natural order of things.

Mercantilism isn't jewish

The pursuit of communism has been the most devastating thing to happen to humanity. A death toll greater than colonialism, slavery and Nazism combined.

Pure capitalism has, in a form, been around since the beginning of time: supply and demand = yin and yang.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. -Isaac Newton

it doesn't

Next question.

That's because most developed animals have an in-built imperative to obtain and defend property. A bear will defend its den even though it has no concept of what a den is, or what defence is. A dog will bite you if you try to take its bone. Even a year-old child will seek out a toy, and be upset if you take it away, despite the fact that it is not even self-aware yet.

Capital is property, like anything else. The communist distinction between private and personal property is arbitrary nonsense specifically created for the purpose of the ideology. Since the pursuit and defense of property is a natural phenomenon among the human species, so must capitalism be inherent in the species as well. As we've seen throughout history, deviations from this natural state always fail.

It's not, outside of small communes.


a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities.
synonyms: collective, cooperative, communal settlement, kibbutz
"she lives in a commune"

Why do you think it's called COMMUN-ism?

How do you fags get everything wrong?

Property is private in communism.
Profit is not. If a factory produces profit that belongs to everyone and not only the capitalist.

I swear if i didnt have home work and soccer practice Id educate you children.

>Property is private in communism.
Burger education.

Some stories i remember my grandfather used to tell:
>Everything was buyable only with a voucher, that means every household had at least 5 irons, but no food or sanitary products.
>Vouchers were distributed for every family member for example a kilogram of bread for every adult and 700grams for children every 2 weeks. No more, no less.
>My grandfather had a friend who painted a room in his house with paper money, because he earned much more money than he could spend because he had already spent all of his vouchers. He used to joke about throwing money in the fireplace, since it had no value for him

I have more stories if anyone is interested

With computers and automation that is gonna be easy

t. Systems analyst and programmer.

communism works, but on small scales.
Take the nuclear family of 1 father, 1 mother and children, it is communist because resources are pooled, the parents work for the family as a unit, but the children still contribute by going to school, doing chores etc.
the idea of communism is to bring this arrangement up to the state level, which is why natsoc is better than communism in every way

More stories please, lad.


>Free markets always win

>At the root of free markets lies property rights

>The first rule of nature is self-preservation

That would be seizing the profit of production, which is just economic socialism. Communism is about seizing the means of production, which is stealing private property from those who own and make profit from it.

The factory now belongs to the public.
Houses once for rent now belongs to the public.
Joe's pick up truck now belongs to the public.
Glorious Communism.

The only way that would work is if automated factories were owned, so to speak, by a benevolent AI. How that AI would allocate scarce resources is unclear, however. So you'll still run into the same problem as regular communism. Capitalism offers an elegant solution to this, and scarcity will never disappear so even in post scarcity fantasy utopias there will still be private ownership of some capital or another.

imagine if we produced exactly the same amount of resources we do now except theyre distributed evenly.
now think of all the assumptions you had to make to imagine that.
>people who used to earn much more are expected to be exactly as productive now that they earn less
>the most productive members of society will somehow be as productive as they used to be now that theyve been stripped of resources to allocate
>getting paid for nothing is somehow not an incentive to not work
>there is an absolutist government to control all this because without it nobody in their right mind would want to live in this system
>everybody is equally productive and therefore overall productive capability doesnt go down when you take the means of production from previously productive members of society and give them to previously unproductive members of society

>Grandpa used to tell how he the only way to get contraband alcohol over the country border was to bribe the customs officer. So since money was useless, everyone gave the customs officer a bottle of vodka. At the end of the day when the employer of the customs officer come to inspect if he has taken any bribes, naturally, he sees a minimum of 50 liters of vodka. So the employer takes half of it, and nobody goes to jail.
>In USSR times every man that did not get into medical school or STEM had to go into army - get shipped 2 thousand kilometers to a post in the middle of nowhere for 3 years. Every morning they had to dig a hole, and in the evening they had to fill it up again. That happened every day. If you did not smoke for whatever reason, you did not get any rest, which translated into everyone who came back from the army was a heavy smoker.
>In USSR you did not have to pay almost any taxes for the house you lived in, but if you had another house, you had to pay around 250% for its value every year. So when my grandmother got pregnant, my grandparents could not marry, because then they would have to live in the same house, and they could afford to pay taxes for the other house.

It doesnt cause the smart people leave and the top politicans steal.
It could work with perfect robot humans with concept of individuality like a fucking ant hill..
Communists dont understand humans.

>>In USSR you did not have to pay almost any taxes for the house you lived in, but if you had another house, you had to pay around 250% for its value every year. So when my grandmother got pregnant, my grandparents could not marry, because then they would have to live in the same house, and they could afford to pay taxes for the other house.

My grandma went to USSR once (a vacation trip organized by the local church) and she told me she entered in a shoes shop and want to try some shoes but the store "owner" didnt even bother to care at her, he simply said "do whatever you want" while keep sitting on a chair reading a newspaper. Tour guide explained my grandma that the "owner" of the store wasnt really the owner because everything is property of the State in USSR. So the "owner" simply got a salary from his work at the shoes shop. Basically the number of shoes he manage to sell (or not sell) did not increase or decrease this salary so why even bother? Actually i'm surprised a retarded system like this worked for that long and there are still today some dumbs around who dream of implementing it in the modern society.

Communism can only work in an industrialization period where workers are oppressed by bad working conditions and low wages. You know the chimney kids that would be used to clean chimney?
Communism was born to help people like that. Its not an ideology made for modern world.

> How the fuck is communism supposed to work?

By the fear of the gun.

I don't understand pic related. The Chinks gave Native Americans communism?

People still bought and sold things in the USSR. The black market was huge, because the open market was so shitty. Capitalism was still happening within their own country no matter how hard they tried.

Communism literally relies on the fact that the average labourer is a stupid, entitled piece of shit.

Lazy, entitled wagecucks always want more money and communism offers an excuse to extort more money from people that deserve it. Fancy words and pseudoscience all designed to carefully obscure the central message which is 'redistribute the means of production', or simply 'steal from the rich'.

Every now and then you see retarded image macros on Normiebook or 9gag saying a teacher makes only 1/100000 of a soccer player's weekly wage, and you see thousands of people chiming in with their outrage at this injustice. That's how retarded and entitled the average normie is. They think they work 'harder' at their McJob than a fortune 500 ceo so the system is rigged and shit.

typo. Could not afford
there were "living houses" (were a single person or a family lives) and property (if you had a second flat or a house, where you dont live, you had to pay enormous taxes or give it up for free).
The thing was when they got married they are considered as a single entity and they would have to give up one of their homes to the communists. They never married but lived together and rented out my grandfathers apartment.

Capitalism is a few centuries old.

Well so has "pure communism", in fact even before "pure capitalism". But the "pure" only means overly simplified and just because people wanted to buy things 2000 years ago and because they wanted to share them even before, doesn't mean capitalism and communism existed for thousands of years

>but how the fuck do you implement that?
You start with a BFTO collapsing economy like Russia had when the Tzar sent all the horses and peasants from the provinces to fight his wars and only the women were left to run the farms. The resulting famine convinces people to kill the boyars and j̶e̶w̶ kulaks, and take over their shit.
